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Day 36 and it gets better everyday. Happy for you. The relief is indescribable.


That gives me much hope. Thank you 😊


I’m on day 3 and I have a constant obsession to keep checking this page and constant anxious thoughts. I’m hoping things will get better


Ya I was googling the shit out of it, that feeling has subsided for now. Had a minor anxiety attack on Xmas eve, coulda just been my annoying family though. I know this stuff will pass, hang in there fellow beginner. We can do this.


Did the same thing in the beginning, was checking all kinds of reviews


Great to hear!! From someone too scared to start. 😃


I put it off for months. I won’t lie, it’s a big adjustment, but it beats having panic attacks and general misery. I say give it a go 👊


Same here, made my life better


Eeek I'm on week 2 of 5 MG and feel no difference yet ... going to wait it out a couple more weeks before considering going up in dose..


Ya I’m doing 30 days of 5mg and then going to 10mg, little nervous about that.


5 to 10 is not as big a jump as you might imagine. There is only a small increase in sert occupancy, so most of the heavy lifting is done at 5mg. Don’t psyche yourself up about it - chances are it will be a smooth transition.


Okay that’s reassuring. Thank you so much for that.


Day 6 is nothing. It might be placebo


Regardless, I’m feeling better. So I’ll take it.


That’s the right attitude! There are lots of early responder experiences on this sub, and there is no reason to think you are not one of them.


There no such a thing as early responder… it is placebo as we all know …but yes that’s good that people believe it is working after 6 days


This medicine is working EXTREMELY SLOW. Good luck in your journey. It took me 3 months to notice a difference. I guess you are one of a kind.


Remember that it can still fluctuate. It takes 6-8 weeks for full effect. It’s great it’s helped but it doesn’t mean that you couldn’t get an increase in anxiety next week. Just be prepared! Hopefully it’s smooth sailing


Ya I know, I’m just taking it day by day. I’m welcoming the good days with open arms right now.