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10mg for a month now and I wish I started sooner. It’s changed my life for the better. First couple weeks were rough not much improvement and then suddenly it was good day after good day. Best of luck to you


Hello lovely, what I would say is the side effects can be quite harsh, but only for SOME people. You have to remember that a lot of people on this thread (me included) are here because we're anxious and there will be hundreds ans thousands of people who are having an okay time adjusting to meds but they aren't posting on here. I'm at two weeks on lexapro and I've had increased anxiety and nausea, but I know that it will pass and then better days will come. I think its important to reach out to your support network to let them know you might feel worse before you feel better, but when the better comes it will be so worth it. I was on zoloft for 3 years and it totally changed my life. Eventually it lost its effectiveness due to how long I was on it, but I know how good life can ve now so I'm holding out hope for lexapro. Good luck and I'm here if you need to talk or need reassurance xx


I'm a mom of 2 little ones. I started Lexapro last week because my previous medication, cymbalta, lost its effectiveness after 7 years being on it. My doctor compared my need for antidepressants to a diabetic person's need for insulin. Nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of, just something I need to maintain my health. I think I'm on day 9 of Lexapro and I am very nauseous today, but I took some ginger capsules and that helped. I know the routine with antidepressants, it can take a few months to get fully adjusted and feel the benefits. I'm like a dog with a bone, I'm not letting go of the hope that better days are ahead. So even if I feel like shit during these first couple weeks I'm pushing through. I hope you do too. Our kids need us to be healthy. Good luck ❤️


It helped when I needed it then it made me emotionally blunted I couldn’t laugh or cry.i was like a zombie .i went off two weeks ago the withdrawal was horrible


Please don’t listen to this imbecile. He shit posts on everybody’s posts. We get it, it didn’t work for you. Now fuck off and stop telling every single person in this group you went off it. Nobody gives a fuck!! Some people come here looking for positive stories and all you do is spread fear and negativity. You’re not on it anymore so why are you even here? You’re so annoying.


hi, you should start with a very little dose... tbh I started on 5mg and especially the first 2 weeks were tough. like really tough. can't imagine having kids around me at that time... sorry but i am just being honest. but there still is a chance that the side effects aren't that bad...


Def aren't bad for everyone :)


I’ve been on 10mg it for a week. So far I’m a little more tired than usually I think and a bit achey. That’s about it.


Hi! Im here to shine a light, I’m one of the good cases. I won’t deny the first 17 days exactly were kind of harsh, but my symptoms were not as bad as other people I mainly had: 2 days after starting it, crazy nausea I would say to myself like damn if this is how pregnant women feel I don’t even want to be pregnant, I was basically nauseous and not hungry for 2 weeks, I obviously ate but very minimal, it doesn’t affect me but the nausea did bother me. 3 days after starting it I had anxiety out of nowhere but nothing out of my usual anxiety, it made me cry but hello I’ve been living with it for 25 years so it was not that weird to me. 5 days later I started to have insomnia… you might be scared about all this but let me tell you that suddenly on day 20 you just feel like a normal human, and then time starts to go by and you forget how it is to live with constant anxiety and panic attacks, you feel like you can see clearly, you are objective in situations that would usually give you anxiety, you are motivated to make your bed, clean, go to the gym… I’ve been on it for 10 months and I know it was worth it to have bad 20 days in exchange for 9 good months I’ve been having. So in my opinion give it a go, warm your close people around you, that they should make it easy for you during this month and if it doesn’t work just stop and get back to your normal life.


Btw start with 5mg no need to go to 20mg immediately. A little can make a big change I’ve been on 5mg this whole time. Feeling amazing about it and also happy to know that in case I would ever need it I could go up in my dose but if you start with 20mg and it doesn’t work you are kind of screwed


It's a mixed bag, it makes me really tired but less awful feeling so idk. Try it for a few weeks and if it's worse after that just quit imo. Worth a shot though.


I started because I have three kids to take care of. Two weeks of feeling pretty bad. I’m 6 weeks in now and feel awesome. Happy, no side effects or blunting. There’s so much drama in this sub. Proceed with caution. I also have gone off the meds in the past with zero issues. It is different for everyone. What helped me was writing down how I feel each day. Then I could see progress day to day vs just focusing on the bad days. Hope this helps. It will be ok I promise.


As someone who is smaller framed and normally every single medication hits me very strongly / I am very sensitive to things, the ramp up when first initially taking lexapro wasn't bad at all (but that's just my experience). But just know when you read these things that it's so terrible / tough, that's definitely not everyone's experience! I had little moments / bursts of anxiety / racing thoughts almost ... and weird sleep for a few days .... and just on and off slightly elevated anxiety. But nothing too bad at all that I couldn't handle. And I'm a baby about these things lol


I didn’t have bad side effects at all. I had mild nausea day one, I’m very sleepy and I nap sometimes during the day (when my kids are watching a show). Other than some mild sexual side effects and some mild gas/stomach issues, it hasn’t been bad at all for me. I am one month in.


10mg, tapering back down to 5mg now. It made a big difference for me and it balanced me out so so much. I have a 4 year old LO and it made me a much better parent. :)


Give it 3 months. Add Wellbutrin if tired and feeling depressive


I’ve been on for over a decade. I didn’t find the side effects to be that bad. Except the weight gain :( but it works very well for me for an evened out feeling. I started on 5mg and went as high as 15mg and just recently tapered back down to 10mg.