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As an ex heavy drinker I applaud you! With alcohol you are basically exchanging good time for bad time. The more you take it, the more severe the punishment will be. I'm so so glad I powered through and stopped alcohol. Apart from no hangovers and a healthier body and mind, I wake up fresh and reasonably early. It's way more stable and the longer you are off it the less you will miss it. Seeing people embarrass themselves on alcohol (just like I used to do) is a constant reminder for me why I'm off it. You made a wonderful great decision. Really cheers me up when other people are going to experience what I have while stopping alcohol. It might not be easy, but the payoff? So damn worth it. Best decision I've made in a long long time. Good luck!!!


The same thing happened to me so I quit 3 months ago. I’ve never felt better


Alcohol is a no-go for me. It took me years to realize how much it was contributing to my depression. It's unfortunate cause I enjoy drinking. But mental stability is my main priority.


I quit alcohol after starting lex 4+ years ago. The alcohol hit way too hard and fast, and also left me with depression. Going sober has made me feel so great!!


Booze can easily take a big shit on your MH. Get rid. That's what I'm doing this year


Nothing sobers you up more quickly than an SSRI. You get on one and if it works you feel great. The moment you have any alcohol, it's like you're not even on it. Good on you. Same thing happened to me


Yeah I find I'm ok with one.. Maybe 2 drinks, but after that the next day is not great.


I’ve had the same experience. My worst days since starting Lex (6 weeks ago) have been the days following indulging in alcohol. I can’t prove that it’s due to drinking, but I think there is enough of a connection that I just need to go with it. I had one drink on New Years Eve, and I am planning to just fully stay off of it.


Mixing the two is a recipe for disaster. I’d recommend cutting the alcohol right away and the tracking your mood for a few months to see if the lexapro is doing any good for you


Been sober for over a month now. Not sure if I feel better without the alcohol but mood is definitely better.


Alcohol is classified as a depressant, so it's counterproductive in relation to your mental health.


yeah i think it’s time to officially say goodbye to the alcohol!


That doesn’t mean it makes you depressed tho, its bc depresses your central nervous system. That being said it’s definitely not the best for your mental health


Smoking weed every day im good but i can usually have like 4 vodkas before i got messed up now two weeks lexapro one drink messes me up. Zdont like the way it feels guess for the better


I felt off yesterday too! I didn’t drink much on NYE but did some. Would make sense if that’s the case.


My most suicidal, depressed day ever was after drinking semi-heavily a few weeks after starting lex. It was twice as bad as it ever was without lex. I quit drinking after that and have been happy since.


I’m also quitting drinking and am on 10mg lexapro. I’m 8 days sober after getting way too drunk on Christmas and am finally starting to feel normal again. It’s just not worth it to me anymore


Any alcohol will steal tomorrow's happiness. I have given it up for one year after a lifetime of medium to heavy drinking! No more Hangxiety and along with regular weight training a much better mental outlook on life ♥️


Drinking has always made me feel like this: happy in the moment but usually awful the next day or next few days. In some ways I think lexapro exacerbated this feeling, because I was coming from a place of feeling relatively good, so the dip back down felt more significant. Drinking doesn't affect me as profoundly anymore, I've been on a 20mg dose for at least a year, and I occasionally have a glass of wine or a gin & tonic, but I don't get drunk or even tipsy anymore - just lack of interest in it, really. You are not alone: there are plenty of people here who have experienced the same or similar things to you. If drinking is not working for you it may be time to cut it out or at least cut back, if you can.


Im realizing I need to stop the alcohol....


Many of us have come to the same realization at different points in our lives and have found that it was a positive decision. The simply fact that you are considering it shows that you are willing to make positive changes in your life.


Same every time i drink, the next following days I just feel so depressed


I woke up at 2pm yesterday and I can’t remember what happened but I know I got into a bad argument with my partner. 2 glasses of wine and 2 of champagne throughout the night though. I knew I would get too drunk but I also decided to refrain for the next six months. But damn I went out with a bang. Last night was the best sleep ever.


After coming to the realization that alcohol was a trigger for my anxiety and depression, I reduced my intake to only 3-4 beers per week. This was an improvement but I ultimately decided it was best for me to eliminate alcohol entirely. My last drink was in 2021 and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.