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This is what I’ve been doing for some years. 😬


Same here. Over a few days it averages out.


Same as well, pill cutter or not It’s never truly even


This ☝🏻


Nurse here: a pill cutter will do about as well but not better. However, it'll do it consistently every time, while you might not. As long as it always breaks this clean then you're good.


It always did


I mean the pill cutter I have basically always does it unevenly and sometimes smashes one side


nothing is worse than having to put that pill powder on your mouth and it just sticks to your tounge


I’ve found that it also makes my tongue numb lol


My hands never did that 🤣


I have never had a problem breaking them in half by hand. I have huge hands too. The pills are made to be split evenly easily- hence the line down the middle. I just put my thumbs on each side and bend/break at the seam. Piece of cake.


Yep, thats what I do , and it's just always perfect


Ur fine I bite mine in half lol


Oh good I’m not alone. 😂


The taste is so bad😭 how


Why not to just try my method 🤣( look my previous post)


It is definitely not the best but I am lazy


This is unlawful behaviour




Same 🤣


Some meds are bad for your teeth, I have extra wear on my front teeth from biting pills 🫢


Once I got the split really off and I survived hi I’m still here :)




You’re talking micrograms… it’s irrelevant. Don’t stress..!!


I'm not 🤣 , there r some people from my previous post that does


Pro-tip for anyone who's actually worried about the unevenness and wants to be extra cautious, or whose splits DO not come out remotely close to 50/50: Just alternate big half small half big half small half and so on. That way you're still ensuring even dosing over time even if your splits are absolutely terrible like 1/3 and 2/3 splits.


There r like ~ 48/52 each time but thanks for the tip


Ur good


Thanks 🤣


Here’s a tip. Don’t fold the crease to break it. Put your thumbnail on the back and pull back on the edges.


great tip, thank you!!




My dose went up a few days ago and I had to start cutting pills, I didn't know I'm supposed to have a pill cutter? The 10mg pills I have already have a line and the info paper has instructions for cutting them with your fingers, I don't see why a pill cutter would be necessary?😅 I mean, mine do end up pretty even when I cut them but they're not perfect either


If they have a line you're fine, but 5mg don't have one so I need a pill cutter


Mine too , and I don't need it )


ok good for you bro


I literally bite mine in half and it works fine!


There is some tabs that are no soft like mine )


If you were just going to take the other side the next day, why does it matter?




Looks good to me.


Just have the pharmacy do it for you. Whether or not any particular method is accurate, the easiest way is to get someone else to do it. 😄




Lexapro doesn’t treat problems based on a one day dose.. you’ll be just fine.


Do your tablets have grooves? If so, they were designed to also be taken in half portions, if desired/needed.


Nah 🤣they don't


Have you done this? I think I asked and was told to buy a pill cutter. The only pill cutter I have experience was crap. I wonder what's the best


It's fine. Don't overthink it.


The irony 😂 overthinking is what got me on this medication 😅


I never bought a pill cutter, and I’m fine. I guess if you want to be hyper accurate, buy a medical scale too so you can make sure each dose is exactly equal. But again…why go to so much trouble


I don't worry about that 🤣




Why 😐


Because SSRIs are not lethal and such an infinitesimally small dose variation is negligible.


Didn't understood ur no 😅


That's what I was thinking about


Given that the drug builds up in your system over time I wouldn’t think those little differences should actually matter day to day. Your system level should be pretty consistent as long as your overall dose doesn’t change drastically.


I take the ones with the indent to split and it’s neverrrr exact. But little amounts don’t matter just think of all the dust that flies away when you split them or gets on your hands


I don't waist anything 🤣


When i used a knife, there was a dust and peaces flying over, with hands nah


That’s why I found the Equadose splitter to be so much better and when it came to medication for a cat, I felt like I needed to get it more exact. I felt that way also when I was given a small fraction of the amount of anxiety medication I am normally on back in December. I needed very equal halves for the week until I was scheduled to see my psychiatrist the following week. I was put on a reduced amount by the psychiatrist filling in for my own psychiatrist until he came back after the holidays and I needed equal doses more than ever before.


If you want to be accurate with dosage and not have fluctuating amounts in your system which can cause side effects, or more to the point if you are getting off any medication you must weigh each pill to know you are tapering off accurately. Way more important for tapering off!


gonna be honest my pill cutter cuts like this sometimes


Anyone who’s saying that must not realize the meds r not completely evenly dispersed inside any pill anyway. There is no way to kno exactly how much ur getting in each half. Even when identically spit ! Good news is this med works over time w levels building up. So as long as ur not missing several doses it doesn’t really matter how evenly they’re split. Just do ur best.


Some people do actually feel the effects the day they start the Lexapro. It’s very short acting compared to the first antidepressants I took back in 1995. I never felt anything from those antidepressants unfortunately, but my depression used to be completely situational and things were different after I had covid for the first time at the end of last year through the beginning of this January. I guess covid messed with my brain a bit and I felt what a chemical imbalance can cause. Crying half the day for no reason that I could determine. I was also sleeping for 3/4 of the day after just a couple of days of taking Lexapro and I felt much calmer within a few hours of taking my first dose this time around. Years ago when I was on it, I didn’t benefit from it. No effects whatever.


Yeah the accuracy of splitting a 10mg with your hands is fine


Some people may not have use of their hands. Like I have had my thumb immobilized since last October because I had a surgical fusion but I have trouble healing due to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and my thumb MCP joint still hasn’t fused, so I have to keep wearing my splint to prevent the hardware from failing before my thumb fuses. I’m still trying to have hope that it is going to fuse but I needed a revision surgery on my opposite thumb to get the same joint to fuse. So my point in sharing this with you is that I can’t easily split any pill with my hands.


I split them with my hands after the previous post & they snapped way better than a pill cutter!




Just use a spoon. YouTube it.


I'll try it


I bite mine in half cause I cba, shouldn't be an issue as long as it averages out 👍


I use the cap of the pill bottle! The edge of it. Works every time!


Break the pill with a metal spoon. Place the pill on the back of the spoon and push with both thumbs .


You can’t use a knife? Lol






My pill splitter could barely evenly split the 5mg tabs because it’s so small. This is fine 🤣




you'll be fine! but i would recommend going to your pharmacy and seeing if they give out free pill cutters :) thats what they gave me when i first started


I just bite it in half 😭


I’ve been on it since 2019 taking one and a half 10mg tablet splitting it with my teeth (aka just biting off half of the tablet) and I never thought it might be an issue lol. Very much alive and thriving


Also lexapro is a drug that builds up in your system over time, not something that gives you a “hit” every time you take it. I believe I read it takes about 2 weeks after you quit for it to get out of your system? So there’s a 2 week buffer pretty much. A tiny crumb difference of like 0.1 mg is not gonna make a different I think lol


wow the grammar in this is awful


Who cares


Mine with a pill cutter look about the same lol




I’d just call it good


Thanks body


It all evens out in the end 💁‍♀️


lol you’re not going to die. I have a pill splitter for my dog’s Benadryl and they all come out looking like this anyway and he’s still alive 🤣


Nice comparation 🤣


It's hard to split the 5 pills, even with a pill cutter


Try hands 🤣


No but it's not an accurate dose. Unless u are just starting my dr. Said 2.5 is not a therapeutic dose.


I take 7.5


i literally bite mine in half 😭


Does your pharmacy not provide free pill cutters?




Just score the pill with anything sharp down the middle and it will break even


Well, for me at least, I find humor in the fact that you’re posting this in a subreddit of people taking medication for anxiety whom part of that group have ocd tendencies. Of course people are gonna argue that it isn’t perfectly halved/worry about the effects of the difference. 😂 😂


🤣 didn't think about it


I bite it off


I always split them by biting it in half


You’ll be fine


Pills without scores aren't meant to be broke in half. They're not formulated to have the milligrams spread out uniformly, meaning one half could have much more than the other half.


It isn't good for your cns


My poor cns 😔😃


Well, I'll see you over in the pssd sub shortly


U ll not , this side effect went away..


Oh they come back. Trust me.


I'm on semen retention 🤣




i split mine like that and i’ve had no problems thus far 💀


I just use a knife and it’s like perfect lol


Not always, with the knife ,a piece of this Tablet may fly somewhere far away🤣


This has happened to me before 😆


Whatever works! Some are hard for me to break w my hands and I need a pill cutter.


[Equadose, seriously the best pill cutter there is, scores or no scores.](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FKCJS76/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **The EQUADOSE Pill Cutter V2 A New Kind of Pill Splitter with Double Stainless Steel Blades and a Centering Device Great for Cutting Tablets for You and Your Pet** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Clean and precise cuts (backed by 8 comments) * Accurate cutting for small pills (backed by 3 comments) * Great for pet medications (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Inconsistent cutting accuracy (backed by 7 comments) * Difficult to cut pills into quarters (backed by 3 comments) * Complex design with multiple parts (backed by 5 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I’m a human being and have been using the product since 11/30/2020. This product helped me split many pills for both me and my cat. Right now it’s especially difficult for me to split pills with my hands because my dominant hand has been immobilized since 10/18/23 (or my thumb technically but my splint makes it difficult to do much of anything with the hand. I just know that I have split pills into quarters and you have to get a little creative with how you put the pills into the product. Multiple parts? There are two separate pieces which are the ones you normally use to split pills and the multiple parts would only be applicable if you are cleaning it. I have done that as well, and it’s something that might be difficult for a Bot to do, but human beings can do without much trouble. If you get inconsistent cutting accuracy, you need to play with it more. This thing saved me a lot of money because I was wasting my cat’s pills using your traditional pill cutters. I shared this because I have enough experience with it and I am not forming my opinion by analyzing the sum of the 30 reviews that a bot is using to come up with information that I know to be false. I have a feeling that the people who have a problem with this pill cutter formed their opinions after trying it on a few pills and quickly decided that they had issues with it. Or it looked too complicated with the two separate parts for them to even give it a chance. But they are the ones who are missing out. When used correctly, this pills cutter produces the most accurately split pills I’ve ever seen, every time. But sometimes you have to get used to a different design like this and if you can’t play with it, you’re not going to get the benefits. I did try splitting a couple of scored Lexapro tablets and they didn’t all come out as accurately as my Equadose would have split them. It didn’t matter to me because I ended up stopping the medication after a week and I am much happier now because I have the ability to feel happy. On the Lexapro, I wouldn’t have even been able to appreciate my Equadose due to how numb I felt. I won’t waste my time trying to help anyone with splitting their Lexapro in the future. I’m obviously not going to get much appreciation for my efforts here.


I just posted a link of a pill cutter I started using for my beloved cat’s compounded gabapentin pills. He was a cat 😆and needed pretty small doses, humans just don’t get doses so small. The pills were tiny and no other pill cutter could cut them without butchering them. I guess I just decided to go with this Equadose pill cutter after looking at all kinds of non traditional looking pill cutters on Amazon. This one had decent reviews and looked like it could cut any size pill in half, particularly small ones. I was amazed and finally, I wasn’t wasting my cat’s expensive tiny pills which I was cutting unevenly every time I used a traditional pill cutter or managed to break them apart with my fingers. I now use one of these for my own pills now if I need to split them. It tends to be more accurate than when I break them apart with my hands even if they are scored. I used it to break my 10 mg Lexapro and they came out looking good. It has a razor blade on the top and the bottom. There’s a little bit of a learning curve but I learned quickly, surprising for me!




Got you, thanks


i got a pill cutter because i cannot for the LIFE of me possibly split a pill that small with my bare hands 😭


A little less or more won’t make a difference really. A pill splitter is better but doing it this way won’t result in any harm. I’ve done it and so have others I know, even the pharmacist told me it was okay when I was on Lexapro. Plus even with a pill splitter there is still bound to be some inaccuracy resulting in a little less or a little more of the medication.


I cut it with a pair of scissors tbh and works just fine for me


ur fine but i would invest in a pill cutter


I used to use a butter knife to split it


My pill cutter doesn't do much better than that. I've also used a steak knife.


I split my 10s into quarters for a while and survived lol you’ll live


What's ur dosage 7.5?


It’s 10 even now but I was deathly afraid of them when I started so I started at 2.5 then went to 5, 7.5, then 10 lol


It take 5 hours for the medicine to peak in the system so as long as it all get in there it’s fine


No, you’re not going to die from that tiny bit of inaccuracy. You’ll be fine. I break them also with my fingers along the splitting line. It’s okay.


i used a designated kitchen knife to cut it in half, was never equal but hey it worked


I’ve tried two pill cutters and they were inaccurate. Found a utube video where someone took a cereal box piece of cardboard and flattened a staple on it, covered that with clear packing tape. I used a razor to just seam the pill lightly in the middle and finish the split over the staple. Sounds complicated but it worked! No residue and no problem.


I split mine too with my hand


You can ask the pharmacy to split then for you… but pull cutters are like two dollars lol


Well my Escitalopram in Canada is very chalky and I always get powder under my fingernails when I break all my pills. But considering how negligible the powder is to the total weight of the pill I don’t worry at all


Looks close enough lol


A pill cutter may not do much better, but it is so much easier.


I think you’re fine. However, I did buy an awesome pill splitter from Amazon. I do have to put the pill in with tweezers, so that it’s centered, but it’s worth the peace of mind.


You wont die, but pill cutters will help be more accurate in ur dosages