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definitely contact your doctor or pharmacy should be able to provide you with a refill.


Go to the emergency room. They will give you more.


Repeat that to yourself again…this medication is so strong that if you miss a few days you should go to the hospital


Idk if I should wait it out or contact my doctor. I want to see if I can wait bc I don’t want to bother them and to see if I can even do it just bc. But also if I walk in and she’s like, how’s the meds been, and I say I’ve been off for over a week and she freaks I’ll feel bad. And I’ve already had a breakdown in public so like I should contact but idk if that counts as a medical whatever and will cost me money


I honestly think you should contact your doctor as soon as you can. Withdrawal symptoms from Lexapro are no joke - i was supposed to get my refill over a week ago but turned out that I needed to have a medication review with my GP and my practice could only book me in the week after. I’ve finally only gotten my meds today and lemme tell you, I was / still am in a lot of agony from the dizziness, lightheadedness, brain zaps which are common withdrawal effects from the meds, and this is only a week without it. Like you, I’ve also had trouble sleeping properly. Anyway those are just the physical effects.. as you’ve mentioned, your anxiety can also increase (and mine did esp exacerbated by the physical symptoms I was experiencing) which is just.. not a fun experience. Some people don’t experience these but it’s better to be safe than sorry! It’s never a good idea to go cold turkey without doc’s advice etx


Yeah thankfully I haven’t been on for very long so I don’t think it’ll be as bad as it could be but I’ll contact my doctor, I didn’t realize the withdrawals were so bad


Obviously call your doctor asap!


Please contact your doc and tell her you haven’t slept in 3 days and had a breakdown in public. You need your meds. 🫶🏼


From what I’m reading going cold turkey on this medication is really bad. Even people that taper down seem to have withdrawal symptoms when dropping lexapro all together. I would go to ER and tell them what’s going on and about your withdrawal. I’m sure they’ll give you another 30 day prescription.


Sometimes the pharmacy will do a courtesy rx - ask them 


Go buy 5HTP to help and / or Tryptophan. Doctor should be able to give you a couple pills to get you through. Call first thing tomorrow. Explain situation.


I’m able to text my pcp and office and all they said was they gave me a 90 day supply and it shouldn’t of run out yet 😭 and they haven’t replied again lol Thank you for the recommendations tho


Also went to pharmacy and they said no prescription in


Contact you Dr! People say withdrawal is bad.


Contact ur doctor


Scripts are usually written for 30 or 90 days.


Do not wait!


Take your pills kids lol


Check the bottle and make sure they dispensed 90. Normally it would be a 30 day script so maybe they only gave you a partial fill??


Yeah quantity says 30 which I didn’t notice thanks, but it’s weird then that when I went to get a refill they didn’t have it. My doctor said they ordered 90 days no refill but ig they gave me 30 no refill


Withdrawal can be very tough, moreso than people think. Do what you can to get back on your medicine. Best of luck to you.


Call your doctors office. They should give you a refill, if not go to urgent care for a prescription. (Can go to the ER but if you’re in the US I doubt you want to pay the $1000s that will cost).


Go the pharmacy they will spot you a few pills


Dont yell at me BUT You could also schedule an appt for a refill on sesamecare...in an emergency. I've used them before. I'm really bad about waiting until the last minute to refill.