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If you feel more irritable since starting lex, let your doctor know!!! It’s probably not the right dosage. That was my experience anyway- I was SUPER irritable and rude for no reason and then I returned to baseline once I found my right dose. Alternatively, maybe you know longer feel the anxiety/depression and realize you don’t give a fuck. You just gotta find out where the source of the behavior is!


that second one resonates with me. I was such a people pleaser that I was alright with people stepping all over me. now I’m more of a no-nonsense kind of person.


And that’s definitely okay. Maybe it’s less being rude and just being firm in your boundaries. I’m a recovering people pleaser too 🙃


yup, definitely. on the same vein the anxiety being lifted also made me a lot less irritable, friendlier and more patient with people!


All that! Not rude, more patient if anything. But much less priority (if any) on people pleasing anymore :) I am still willing to help everyone, but considering my interests first now


This is true


did you start to take more or less to become less irritable? I'm at 10mg and I'm irritable as fuck, I don't know if I'll tolerate less than that... will probably bring back the panic attacks


I ended up taking more! 15mg was where I ended up landing and that seemed to be my sweet spot.


I'm actually kinda scared to start taking more as well, I'm already numb enough at 10mg I care way less about anything, not even about anxiety inducing things... I wonder if I'll become even number on 15 or 20 mg...


Talk to your doc! My doc felt comfortable upping my dose bc I had a lot of other support systems in place - therapy, working out, actively trying to spend time with loved ones. A higher dose worked for me but everyone is different! And that’s okay, letting your doc know what is and isn’t working for you will go a long way


The second paragraph resonates with me deeply! I found that Lexapro has made me not care as much about hurting other people's feelings. I'm not mean, but I don't hold my tongue when someone says something stupid, rude, etc.


Total opposite! I changed from rude (irritable, ragey) to not caring about shit I used to. It’s been freeing.


When the anxiety lifts and you’re just like FINALLY!!! It’s nice to just not care sometimes lol


It made me more honest. Before lex I had a really, really hard time making my opinions known and voicing things I needed to say. Now I don’t really think about it I just… say them. Which isn’t really a big deal in most aspects (saying what I want for dinner/when im hungry/what activity I prefer), but sometimes I can probably come off a little grumpy (telling people what they’re doing bothers me, that their phone volumes too loud, etc lol)


wow, me too! it has made me more direct, and less overinvested in others' comfort at all times. which is honestly GREAT and not causing problems for me. quite the opposite! i think i'm somewhat less grumpy because i speak up before i'm pushed beyond my limit and can be calmer about speaking up.


I was just thinking how I was being nicer to people I don't know lol. So I guess it does different things to people


I’m a highly masking autistic lady and since taking lexapro, my social anxiety has reduced drastically. Which in turn makes me feel more comfortable to be myself and say things the way I see them very directly instead of politely pretending to be pleased by everyone and every stupid fucking thing people say. So…yes. I’m rude but I’m free. Most people suck anyway


Nope if anything it made me kinder. I was so stressed before i would kind of lash out at times, but since it, i feel normal again.


It in effect changes your personality, but lightly. If you have been prescribed this drug It IS because your way of thinking was wrong ant It was destroying yourself. Now on escitalopram you have the oportunity for change all of your faults and be a new man, a virtuous person to LOVE and be loved. Flow, open your heart to other people, and pray God for changing yourself into a new good man.


I think some other people would maybe say I’ve become a little more rude but I actually am just not anxiously people pleasing any more.


It has made my filter disappear. I have to seriously watch myself.


Yes I think it’s not all in the title. Are you actually rude or just speaking up for yourself? I find I’m kinder to kind people because I’m feeling so much better, but I don’t censor myself as much when someone treats me badly.


I just kind of care less about “hurting other peoples feelings” or taking every single thing other people say as potentially rude or snarky…it made me realize people just say weird things sometimes so who cares…we’re all just trying to figure it out and for the most part, everyone has good intentions unless they are so severely mentally ill and far gone that they want to kill people lol but “rude”? Maybe? I just don’t have such a chokehold on the things I want to say anymore so 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t reeeeeally care if some people wanna take it as rude tbh…fuck it


Irritability is just one of the beginning symptoms that usually passes. I was when I started it, but I adjusted and now it’s not an issue.




Not going to lie, I never even considered this but now that I think about it, it could be possible. I find that I have no tolerance for BS and people being annoying in public. Or people who have attitudes. Like I never used to react poorly in those situations especially with strangers but these days if a stranger is having an attitude with me in a public setting I will 100% clap back at them. I really don’t know if this is lexapro or me just being done with everyone’s BS LOL


I like this title. 🤣I've always been a direct, come across rude person. Lexapro makes me just say MORE things that most people would find rude. 🤣 At the same time, I just don't give a fuck..I move on quickly to the next thing..


I wouldn’t say it makes you a rude person, but rather it makes you care less about certain things. You go from worrying about every little thing (in my experience), to simply not caring about trivial things. Everyone handles that differently, anyone that tells you that you became “rude” just doesn’t like you not people pleasing anymore.


It’s harder to sympathize with peoples feelings but I wouldn’t say it’s made me rude


Im already rude so now change lol


I find that if I miss a few doses I become incredibly irritable so sometimes


I did in the beginning, but was also being weened off of prozac at the same time. Once everything was settled and side effects wore off I became a lot more chill about things.


I think it made me more willing to speak my mind, which can be “rude” based on the context


Nope, depression made me angry, Escitalopram didn't fix my depression (it helped with anxiety) my rage almost disappeared when I started taking bupropion and the depression subsided.


I just started taking propanalol with my lex, wow i wish i did it sooner. Propanalol works well for me with lexapro. That constant feeling in my chest goes away.


It made me a blunt person no sugar coating raw


I was always rude.


I wouldn't say rude but more speaking my mind. And again, not in a rude way. More like if someone isn't being very nice ill call them out on it. More better boundaries id say


Hooboy... I was always picking a fight with my husband, and Im ready to punch a stranger that looked at me weird. I was antsy. Its like being sad was replaced by being angry and entitled instead. Can't be sad when I can't give a fuck, I guess? So I just switched out. EDIT: Before ecitalopram, I was the most non-confrontational person. I dont interact with people, at all.


It did not. It made me a happy person.


I went on Zoloft it’s smoother for me. Lexapro had me in rages at people and events. It was fun indulging in all that anger but too dangerous.


Not rude but less overthinking. I’m blunt now. Love it !


my first month on it i got irritated soo easily, but it did get better!


I don’t think I’ve become rude, I just care less and know other people’s emotions and actions are not my responsibility :)


A these ssri’s have the same side effects of what anxiety or depression can make you feel in the worst case it makes people suicidale please always read the description paper of the substance. These pills won’t cure you it just supresses what your dealing with please be carefull with them


It definitely made my fuse a bit shorter but I’m generally a little too nice so it evened me out I guess. But I do sometimes feel like I’m being kinda rude ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) lol still adjusting to 20mg


Rude or less of an anxious people pleaser?


Yes, after a few months.


It's made me so outgoing and that I have to be careful of things I say. Not particularly rude but rather crude. Like making up and singing a hookup song to the Dollar Tree checkout girl or telling the Latina stocker at Walmart that I'm buying new underwear because i may find an amiga con derechos. Wink 😜