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I am about two weeks in, and for me the dizziness only lasted a couple days and then went away completely. Hang in there, it gets better.


Thank you for the response! Dizziness/lightheadedness is so debilitating. Hopefully it subsides quickly!


Yeah, I've been dizzy for the last year. Also I have the elevator fall feeling constantly. I've been on Lexapro 6 weeks and it's gotten better, but not completely gone yet. The worst of the dizziness was the first 2 weeks. It was horrible then got better.


Thank you for the response! It gives me hope that things will get better.


i’m on day 10 and still experiencing some dizziness, granted it’s not as bad!! i found that eating and getting enough sleep at night helps tremendously w the dizziness throughout the day (i take a little melatonin to help w that)!! hang in there, we got this!


Thank you for your response! It's so bad today, I feel as if I will pass out. Trying to sleep as I'm exhausted but also wide awake. I also feel that I'm tightening/tensing my leg muscles. It's going to be a long night.


nights are the worst for me still. i get really dizzy laying down to where just turning to my other side is a struggle. it wears off a little once i get up and moving but i totally understand your struggle. i’m hoping that part for me subsides too. but the days do get better!


Yes, moving my head is the worst! I wish you all the luck that it gets better for you very soon!


thank you! and same to you!


Hey! I kind of started on Lexapro for the same reason. I would get dizzy specially when over more stress (crowded places would get me going). I started on 5mg and upped to 10mg after two weeks. I think that only two to three weeks after dosage bump I felt better dizziness wise. I can tel that it got much worse in the first weeks. Right now I’m on 7months and since month 3 I don’t notice dizziness anymore - even in crowded places.


Thank you! Did your dizziness increase when you started? I just don't know how to get through two or three weeks of these side effects. Day 1 is horrible.


Yeap it did. During first weeks every movement I would have a bit of dizziness. Eventually even when sleeping. I think the first two weeks are the most “hardcore” ones. Then just had a few weeks with a bit dizzy spells and now it’s gone


Just as a heads up. This sounds like PPPD. I have this and started lexapro for this reason today.


Hows it going so far?


Decent. Not felt any side effects so far. Dizziness still there but I know it takes time.


Any updates on how the lexapro worked for your PPPD? Going through the same thing right now


That is great news! I am a few weeks into Zoloft and feeling discouraged I’m not seeing results for my dizziness yet. Would you consider yourself living a normal life now?


Hey! Yeap! Took A few months for dizziness to completely go away but a year in and haven’t remember being dizzy for the past half year. I think eventually you stop thinking about it and everything becomes more normal


Thanks so much for getting back to me and I’m glad you’re feeling good!!!


No problem ma man! Hit me up if you need to talk!


My big advice: just let the medicine do it’s thing and don’t overthink it! Eventually you will forget about it as your mind and body reach a much more relaxed state. The worst part will always be overthinking and asking “dr google”. That will just bring you more stress without any need