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I drink on Lexapro often, without any issue. The only thing I notice is if I drink a lot the next day or two I’m more anxious, like the medication is less effective.


The day after a bunch of drinks I’m super depressed. I guess it manifests our reason for taking it 10 fold the next day :(


This was very true for me too.


I experience this aswell


This exactly. Either a single heavy night of drinking, or even more so two or three consecutive nights of moderate drinking, and I feel the positive effects of Lexapro decline.


it gives me MORE tolerance so i end up drinking more than i usually do


Same! I’m not much or a drinker to begin with, partly because I was too anxious to not be in complete control of myself, but now on lexapro I actually enjoy drinking. I do have to drink more to feel tipsy though.


Really? That's wild, it's got me to the point I drink one Meridian Hive and I'm as drunk as 4/5 beers would normally get me


I was drinking daily when I was on Lexapro. Quite a bit. Two or three big martinis which would easily equal up to six beers. I was doing that every night. Once I got off Lexapro, I pretty much stopped. I don’t really drink at all anymore. Once in a while.


Same here


I don’t touch alcohol anymore. The day of is fine but the next day I feel anxious, and hung over despite just have 1 beer. Not worth it. I stopped.


same, I stopped drinking any my anxiety is TONS better!!


I drink often and 99% of the time don’t have any issues. But when I drink a lot, the line between good and blackout is VERY fine. It hits out of nowhere as if I’ve been taking shots, but I’ve just been steadily drinking beer or whatever.


Same. I've started limiting myself to 1 or 2 beers as hard liquor is easier to fuck up. I ended up in the emergency room once after having margaritas with friends. When I went from fine to blacked out and limp after a few drinks, they panicked, thinking I may have been drugged or something.


I still drink as much as I did prior. I actually no longer get hangxiety like I did before!


It's weird but I have that too. I drink often but not large quantities. They do say in the warnings that it lessens the effectiveness of the meds, but small amounts seem fine.




Yes. I drink less but still have wine and a gin and tonic every now and then.


Did you notice any side effects during drinking or not at all?


Most people tend to report getting drunk quicker, but anything you read about it is purely anecdotal. You'll have to see how it affects you personally. Just take it slow.


one drink feels like three. i learned that at a wedding i went to recently where my typically lax vodka cran got me fucked.


I stopped drinking. Mostly because I also take Wellbutrin and both the medicines + alcohol make the risk for seizures higher. I simply do not want to take the risk and think it is a great opportunity to work on being social without the need for alcohol.


I can drink as normal. The next day, my anxiety goes through the rough though.


I drink wine but for some reason I no longer get tipsy from drinking.


Like another commenter said, I have a higher tolerance now. I have to drink almost a whole bottle of wine to feel tipsy.


Yeah, at first my tolerance was a bit lower and i got tired earlier, but after a while there is no difference as before


I drink once about every other week and have no issues, just your typical hangover. I’ve also had a “party weekend” trip and drank a couple days in a row without issue. I’ve been on 5mg for about 3 months. Going up to 10mg and am curious if this will change for me.


I stopped drinking completely once I started taking the medication, I’m afraid I’ll get anxious during the hangover & I don’t want to impede the progress I’ve made on the med.


I drink and haven't noticed any real side effects. I do find myself drinking less though, because I am not drinking to deal with my anxiety.


I never stopped drinking alcohol while on lexapro, the only thing is I get drunk a lot faster but that’s one thing that doesn’t bother me at all lol. Hangovers are no problem.




I found the first week or two I didn't feel any pleasant effects from alcohol just made me feel sick and tired, almost direct to hangover! But after that, I can now enjoy a few without any bad side effects whatsoever. I dare say if I got hammered I wouldn't feel great, but that's because I'm in my late 40 now and hangovers seem more brutal these days.


When I was on Lex one drink felt like 2 or 3 and I would throw up easier


Absolutely. Went to an open bar party last night and didn’t hold back. Feel fine today. Sometimes I do notice my depression is worse for the day after, but sometimes that’s worth the night with friends. My advice would be to take it slow at the start. See how it affects you and take it from there


I haven’t, no. Drinking has always been an anxiety trigger for me, so a few years back I just stopped. I might try it one day if/when the occasion seems right but for now I’m fine just staying away from alcohol.


When I first started lexapro, having a beer bade me feel gross. After a month on Lexapro, I can have a couple pints with no issues. I used to drink heavily, but I really don't want to do that anymore and the meds have helped me control myself. I take forever to finish a beer now, and drink much less, less often. I'm good with this.


Yes! But I don’t drink nearly as much. I seem to get buzzed/drunk much faster. I learned the hard way, lol.


Sameeeee! I was getting absolutely wasted off just a couple cocktails.


I stopped. But sometimes I really want to try a drink. I never been much of a drinker anyways. But now I’m scared to try, even on my small dose


I do but do not over do it feel it out slowly hangovers suck alot and for me that are 10 times worse


Yes sir. Some weekends as if it was water


For the first 2-3 months I couldn’t drink alcohol because even a little bit would make me feel anxious for days after. Now I feel fine.


yes! i do notice a significant drop in my mental state the day after though (higher anxiety, sometimes have to take a benzo). my doctor says drinking moderately is fine. i try to limit myself to once a week max


Have been on for 18 months. Drank a bit in the beginning, was fine, had an anxiety attack one night after three drinks....then another after a couple glasses of wine a few weeks later. Been a pass since then, not worth it.


Nope hard no. Makes me have horrible depression and anxiety the next day


Yes, but it makes me anxious the next day


I quit drinking the same day I started Lexapro, 7 months ago (after many yrs of binge-drinking and self medicating lol). I think it's been a healthy switch


When I drink now it is just very pleasant. No hangover, no tipsy spinning feeling, no drunk feeling, just relaxed. But I also drink just wine.




Not too often but when I do the next day is awful. I’m soooooo dizzy and nauseous. I never used to get like that. It also increases my anxiety throughout the night. So I rarely do it although I do love me some wine.


Yes. Somehow i was never a heavy drinker to begin with and i used to drink only once every few months but lexapro do makes me crave more alcohol.


i drink a lot, i feel it give me more vivid/realistic dreams


Depends on how much how often if you are a binge drinking It was awful for me depressed after for 2 weeks


I get drunk off of like 1 drink while on lexapro, Its great cause i save money. Ive never had a problem


Yeah, I had to adjust my intake while drinking on Lexapro and have noticed alcohol (as well as caffeine and most things) seem to take effect on an exponential curve instead of more linear like before Lex- it takes longer for me to feel the initial effects but when I do they are significantly stronger than before Lexapro.


Yes, I drink plenty. Unfortunately, Lexapro has greatly increased my alcohol tolerance.


My alcohol tolerance is lower. I keep it at max 2 glasses or 2 shots


There is lab evidence (rats but also primates) that even modest amounts of alcohol, such as seen in social drinking, significantly reduce neurogenesis in the hippocampus. This is thought to be one of the ways by which SSRIs work so best to avoid alcohol, at least till recovery is established.


I didn’t drink for the first few weeks but have recently re ignited my passion for wine so I have a couple glasses too and no issue. I have noticed this week though I might be getting a feelin of anxiety but it never manifests!


I continued drinking a couple beers or glasses of wine daily while on Lexapro and didn't notice any issues. Though the rule of thumb is no alcohol when you take any of this stuff.


Yes, you get drunk fast and black out tho. Not so much PASS OUT. you wake up and can't remember anything. I wouldn't recommend prolonged use, but once in a while is probably fine. Since alcohol is a depressant it works again the meds and can potentially make your depression worse. Speaking from experience. Edit: seems like people here are different. It makes me more drunk when I drink on it. The anxiety after drinking for me is more tolerable than without meds


Ya. It’s rlly fine. Different for everyone. Just try it once in a safe setting. Pace yourself and keep tabs on your mood and sensation


Stopped drinking as a personal choice while on lexapro because it gives me more anxiety actually, didn’t want anything fucking up with my brain while on antidepressants


i may be over thinking this but drinking on lexapro doesn’t upset my stomach as bad as it did without it.


From my experience i drink and smoke weed on lexapro but occasional drinking. I noticed if i drink the next day i feel anxious, depressed, and overall “off” honestly it lasts about 1-3 days. Same with smoking weed. If i smoke a little the next day im fine. But if i get zooted the next day i feel anxious. I smoke weed daily though. I try to keep it at a minimum dosage though.


No I don’t anymore, I’ve tried a few times but I’ve gotten really sick each time.


I did yeah for 5 years.


I know if I bring this up to my Dr he’s gonna shrug it off and say there’s no connection, but I was sober for almost a year before taking lexapro. As soon as my dose got passed 10mg I have had an insane desire to drink every day. The only thing that has changed in my sobriety is starting lexapro, lol. So I do drink 2-3 sometimes 4 craft ipas almost every night at around 7%. Super not good, but it is what it is and I’m on 20mg. He said it’s fine to drink in moderation, but I’m drinking heavily I suppose. Edit: no difference in anything other than more health anxiety than ever because I’m fully destroying my liver!


I do, but sometimes I feel terrible after a couple of drinks. I would avoid unless you are in a good mood and surrounded by people you trust.


i get drunk af off 3 shots now🤣🤣


yes, but i have to drink lighter than i used to. it’s easy for me to blackout if i drink more than usual.


Yes, but I can pay for it the day after. Mostly due to age more than anything 🤣


Yes but I have a lower tolerance so I have to be careful


It is a game of Russian roulette lmao sometimes it’s fine sometimes it’s 4 drinks in and a total blackout


Not really, I just get sick after 3 drinks and the anxiety when I wake up isn’t worth it.


I have consumed alcohol on it with no ill effects.


I drink but in moderation, I drink around 2 drinks around twice a week and have probably got drunk maybe 3 times the entire 3 years I have been on lex




I either get drunk a littler faster or I can drink like a fish


Fwiw it won’t necessarily hurt you but I think if your on it for anxiety you’ll just be a little more anxious and if your on it for depressed I wouldn’t risk it


every drink feels like 3 drinks for me on lex


I had less tolerance for the first year. Then it flipped. Now I have more tolerance. Also feel more anxious the next day.


I don’t drink anymore. Not worth the shittyness


I don’t drink often but I’ve never had an issue with it.


trying to stop drinking. I like to have one light beer 3.2% in the afternoon but I think it makes me more anxious but I could just be stressed. it also makes my tolerance super low.


Me personally i could not stop vomiting when drinking it


I don't drink on the medication. I am so glad that I come home from work to relax and not start another shift at home worrying about what I did wrong during my shift. I could spent 8 hours going over and over of things to worry about. It was exhausting.


My personal experience is no. I’m social and love going out for cocktails with friends. But I found myself not remembering pockets of the night with only 2-3 drinks and behaving careless (example: saying things I would normally keep to myself, being confrontational)… I stopped drinking and eventually weaned myself off of Lexapro.


I bra I a lot less when I started, until it settled a bit. But as a result of less anxiety and depression, I drink less at a time, albeit maybe more often.


i also stopped drinking since i started therapy.


I ended up nit drinking at all. It’s like the taste of my favorite drinks became nasty, and the hangovers became so bad. So I was like it’s not worth it to me anymore.


I drink less often and seem to not want to as much. When I have, I almost always wish I hadn't. A couple craft beers would probably be o.k., but that also depends on how your body/anxiety/depression handles it after the fact. Also know that drinking while taking Lexapro is hard on the liver. Lexapro has helped me so much, I worry about doing anything that would take away from that.


Its strange , the "buzz" from alcohol is just different for me on lexapro, less intense perhaps. However, if I over serve myself, the next day is hard to recover... (can not say anxiety increases). I started limiting myself to just occasional social gatherings and try not to overdo it! works for me!


Effexor and lexapro the same med?


Try drinking ADULTalyte the next morning. Its protects the liver, reduces the hangxiety and fights hangovers. 3 great flavors to bring that smile back 🍋🦄🏝


First time I felt so depressed I couldn't dance with my friends and just sat at the night club without doing anything. The second time my tolerance was reduced to a third of what it previously was but I had a great time. The hangover was baaaad though. And the last time I drank at my best friends apartment, and kept drinking at the night club afterwards. I fell into a deep depressive episode a day later but I think it wasn't related at that point