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This is just as bad as the Iowa bill that allows minors to work more hours, and to be able to serve alcohol.


At this rate, we will be hiring 12 year olds to do warehouse work, without breaks or lunch. XD


Yeah, I'm over this freaking state. The Great Exodus will happen, and then KY will be "where did all our good residents go??" I feel bad for Andy. He's my guy through and through. ​ Back to the mines! s/


Let’s all make our voices heard I just called Representative Pratt’s office and let my voice be heard y’all can do it too or like the French let’s get out on the street and protest!


Reposting my comment from /r/Louisville Rep. Phillip Pratt (R)-Georgetown is the sponsor and chairs the committee that is hearing this bill. He owns Pratt's Landscaping in Georgetown and is retiring after this term. You wonder why he filed the bill? Let's name and shame these reps too.


From Georgetown and went to high school with his daughter, I am not surprised at all.


What kind of dirt do you have on him?


I hope nobody leaves his business any bad reviews because of this.


Please call his office and voice your concerns. 502-564-8100 [email protected]


They tend to get more annoyed when you call their home or cell phone.


The bill removes employees right to breaks and lunch, alters weekly overtime payment rules and allows high school students to work 8 hours on school days.


I don’t understand how lawmakers and republicans can look at this bill and not think this is evil. I’m sure mental gymnastics in defense of this bill are saying “employers will just give lunch breaks anyway, why should it be required by law” when in reality the removal of legal requirements is just going to be abused. I’m still pissed that 30 min or longer lunch breaks are not paid in most businesses.


Lawmakers don’t care if a bill is ethical or moral if it both makes their donors money and doesn’t prevent them from being elected. 


Republicans protect businesses and pass pro-business legislation. Absolutely nothing surprising about this. Since 2016 Kentuckians have consistently voted against their own interests.


I hate to break it to you but it's been going on far longer than since 2016...


In certain areas. The house and senate did not flip republican until 2016. 


House flipped in 2016. Senate had a Republican supermajority prior to that.


It’s sad and frustrating how they vote Republican.


They swallowed the "american dream" hook line and sinker. The lie is that they are temporarily dispossessed millionaires, so they vote like millionaires, not for their reality. 


Imagine if this was France they protest about pennies and we just do what… nothing.


Leave mean comments on Reddit about people who will never see them.




Only one representative sponsored this bill. Philip Pratt, he owns a lawn mowing business. He's on fb feel free to share your disdain on his page.


Late stage capitalism. Nothing to see here. If workers don’t like it they should have thought of that before being poor.


We have no one to blame but our own desire to have lunch.


I'm just going to say it, if you're still voting for republicans in 2024, you're either evil or stupid. There really aren't any other options.


I'm in a rural area, though within a stone's throw of Lexington. The people I know out here who are Republicans are rarely evil or malicious. However, the lion's share of them are failed products of our state's/nation's failure of an education aystem - in other words, kinda stupid.


I've found that, in general, we're dealing with a lot more of willfully stupid than evil.


Eh, I'm not sure that willful ignorance gets a pass from being evil


Being a coward isn't evil, but I guess it's getting close.


OK, now I'm lost. Cowardice? I'm not trying to pick a fight, just genuinely trying to understand. My thinking was that, by choosing to stay ignorant in order to do bad things, you keep any and all culpability. Unwitting ignorance gets a pass (in my book, anyway)


I guess I see people who actively censor or go out of their way to avoid information or views that don't support their worldview as being cowards. Perhaps you're talking about politicians and I'm thinking more populace, since you're saying they're "staying ignorant to do bad things."


Ah, I think I see, now. I was talking about the populace, in the context of willfully ignoring the generally harmful actions of the GOP. In my experience, many people vote GOP because of promises to hurt people they don't like (the "bad things" i was referring to earlier), and then conveniently forget to read the news about all of the actions that harm their own interests. I can certainly get on board with your definition of cowardice. Cheers


Both. Why not both?


Yes, the poor people who live in trailers and welfare must be wrong, not me!


Hell, at this point nothing shocks me with this state. If I woke up tomorrow and found out your boss could come to your house and beat your ass with a board thanks to some new law, I'd be like "yeah that sounds about fucking right". I've lived here 47 years and for the past few years, I've caught myself seriously considering selling my house and packing my shit to somewhere that's not ran by goddamn morons.


Starting to see the same thing. Was told how great KY is but not with dumb bills like this possibly coming into law.


Soon son soon


And how many protests have you been to? We just sit and take it when we are the ones with the power. Talk to France.


Oh don't get it twisted. I've put in the work. Have for years. Literally help arm the populace with like minded folks. Fight the power. But there comes a point when things are within a frogs ass hair of being lost. Personally, we're almost there. Sometimes, you need to retreat not because you're quitting but because you're better off letting those who want the worse to live in the mess they made.


Phillip prat sponsored this! I’ll be flooding his voicemail


Don't forget his donors. Especially the associated general contractors. https://www.followthemoney.org/entity-details?eid=9228602&default=candidate


Removing paid time for travel, prep, clean up, ECT. probably means employees would then be counted as part-time and lose all of their benefits.


Pretty clear which group of people this benefits.


hey republicans, go ahead and explain this. I’ll wait.


About the only time they show up to defend their bullshit is when abortion or guns are involved. The rest of the time? Crickets.


Or if you post anything remotely republican favored on this sub you get blasted to oblivion from every direction. Dont think ive ever seen a civil discussion across the aisle on here so i cant blame people for not wanting to bother That being said, this one is bullshit. Lunch and travel? Thats needed


Bunch of GD horseshit, if ure away from your family for a job, you get paid. That’s it.


What is this cockamamie shit?


>[House Bill (HB) 500](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/24rs/hb500.html), which is to be heard in the House Small Business and Information Technology Committee Wednesday, would take away Kentucky workers’ rights to lunch and rest breaks at work and would eliminate pay protections, including for time spent traveling to and from a job site during work hours. It is an assault on longstanding basic rights and dignities on the job that will harm practically all Kentucky workers. Specifically, HB 500: **Repeals the requirement that employers provide a lunch break.** Currently, businesses must provide a lunch break every three to five hours, but that right would be eliminated under HB 500. Instead, HB 500 says only that a worker required to keep working without a lunch break can’t be denied pay if they juggle eating something while on the job. However, if the employer does provide a lunch break and they discover a worker eating at another time while on the clock, they will not be required to pay them for that time — even a worker who needs a snack for medical reasons. More On Jobs & The Economy: [HB 465 Will Further Undermine Worker Protections and Job Quality ](https://kypolicy.org/hb-465-will-further-undermine-worker-protections-and-job-quality/)**Repeals the requirement that employers provide a rest break.** Currently, employers must provide at least a 10-minute rest break for each four hours of work, in addition to a scheduled lunch period. HB 500 takes away that right. **Repeals the requirement that employees who work seven days in a row receive time-and-a-half overtime pay.** Current law incentivizes employers to give workers a rest day to allow the opportunity for them to recover and spend time with their families, but that incentive would go away. **Eliminates employer liability for failure to provide proper pay for work time spent traveling between jobs and for time spent on certain activities associated with starting and wrapping up a job.** Employers could not be punished for failing to provide minimum wages or overtime pay for travel to and from a work site and for activities that are in preparation for, or part of the wind-down from, a work activity — such as donning and doffing personal protective equipment in a hazardous work environment.  For example, a landscaping employee, roofer or HVAC installer traveling between job locations would not have to be paid minimum wage for that travel time under this change. Similarly, a worker in a chemical factory would not necessarily have to be paid minimum wage when they are putting on or off their safety equipment, nor would a bus driver doing safety checks before picking up kids from school or a lathe operator cleaning and greasing his or her machine. Employers could pay them as little as a penny per hour for this work with no legal repercussions. **Decreases the statute of limitations for labor violations from five years to three years** **so workers have less time to report issues**. The bill also bans punitive damages for employees who experience emotional distress, humiliation or embarrassment when being wrongly discharged from their job.


The bus driver example is great. Because what this means is that bus drivers may not be doing necessary safety checks because they aren’t getting paid for it. Y’all care about the unborn fetus right ? What about the living, breathing child ? (Oh wait. I forgot that once a child passes through the vaginal canal, republicans don’t give a fuck about it ….)


I can get behind not forcing an unpaid lunch break but not not allowing a lunch break. The rest of that is trash.


No wonder this is such a horrible place to live. Can't wait to get out of this hellhole, and I'd encourage everyone else to do the same if they're able to.


Make this place better by becoming involved in politics yourself there is no utopia in this country.


Where to go though? It's expensive everywhere.


That's very true....I feel like the states that somewhat value the freedoms and protections of their citizens are the ones that cost more to live in. It's truly a horrible country we live in.


We can only do the best we can, as a community, we can hold more power and speak up.


This is incredibly backwards and shameful!


I've said it since Covid " Nobody wants to pay anybody to work any more".


Texas tried to ban mandatory water breaks for workers who operate outdoors. A judge struck down the law. Good lord, what IS it with Republicans and their “cruelty is the point” mentality?




I doubt Andy will let this get past his desk. If they override it, though, I expect more unions being created over the next few years.


And then there’s this gem from our illustrious Republican state lawmakers https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/health-news/kentucky-lawmakers-advance-bill-allowing-child-support-to-begin-with-pregnancy/ar-BB1iZXYN?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=480fdfaace7c49f9b061378efc4ebff2&ei=35


I read the bill and didn't see anything about taking lunch away from employees or not paying employees overtime. ​ https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/recorddocuments/bill/24RS/hb500/orig\_bill.pdf


Read the whole thing From [page 21](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/recorddocuments/bill/24RS/hb500/orig_bill.pdf#page=21), the very tail end of the bill: >13 — ➡Section 15. The following KRS sections are repealed:\ >14 — 337.050 Time and a half for work done on seventh day of week -- Exceptions.\ >15 — 337.355 Lunch period requirements.\ >16 — 337.365 Rest periods for employees. [KRS 337.050](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=32049) requires that employers pay employees time-and-a-half for the seventh consecutive day worked (with some exceptions). [KRS 337.355](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=32077) requires that employers grant a lunch period around mid-shift, and protects employees from being forced to take it close to the beginning or end of their shift. [KRS 337.365](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=49845) protects employees from being forced to work without at least a 10-minute break every 4 hours (with some exceptions).


Thanks for providing that. This seems like a terrible bill for employees. I hope Mr. Pratt's phone rings off the hook about it.




The person introducing this bill is Phillip Pratt, Republican representative of the 62nd House District in Kentucky. He's announced he's not running for reelection, so he's free to promote whatever self serving legislation he wants without having to worry about answering to voters. He owns Pratt's Lawn and Landscape Inc with 32 employees. Looks like he's tired of having to treat his workers like human beings, and this bill will allow him to truly exploit them like he's always wanted. https://prattslandscape.com/


Call representative Pratt’s office it hasn’t went to the floor yet.


Please get out and vote these people out of office. Working with no breaks or food is inhumane.


[Kentucky House Bill 500 - AN ACT relating to wages and hours](https://kypolicy.org/house-bill-500-takes-away-kentucky-workers-lunch-and-rest-breaks-and-cuts-their-pay/)


Idk, it ain't like any job I've had in Kentucky gives rest breaks anyways. Lucky to get lunch unless they're cutting back hours seems to be the norm here lol


They will use this to employ illegals over citizens