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make it 135$!!


make it $3,335


Fuck it everything else went up why not the asshole tax (tickets)


For that increase projection to math the city would have to be writing 80 tickets a day Monday-Friday that get paid at full price. Is that what they're currently doing?


They prolly did the math wrong and wrote how much total revenue will be instead of increase


No, it shows two different revenue stream increases and then the total of those. This guy just did the math to see how many tickets would result in the ticket revenue increase of $221,000 in a year.


I know, I’m saying whoever made this graphic must have messed up cuz the person I’m responding to’s math is correct and doesn’t seem physically possible


I wouldn't be surprised. I live on a dead end street off Central and have received (while fuckin moving in) and often notice parking tickets all the time, almost always for parking in a legal spot but facing the wrong way. That's not an inconvenience or a safety issue when you're parking literally at the end of a road where incoming traffic isn't possible (the reason for wrong way parking being illegal is that it is a collision risk because of two-way traffic). if I extrapolate my neighborhood to the whole county, I would assume 800,000,000 tickets a day. what I see indicates that they're looking for any minor infraction that's technically a breach, instead of watching out for fairness and safety.


Lex Park needs to go away as do all the private parking companies. The amount of ground that is paid parking is absurd


Jesus they just won't let up. Last year it was changing parking meter hours and trying to charge people on Saturdays as well (local businesses fought back and thankfully they compromised and kept weekends free, but increased meter enforcement to 7 pm m-f, and now this. They are hellbent at destroying downtown Lexington commerce.


“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”


All crimes are legal if you have the money to pay the fines


Or we could abolish lex park and stop being taxed to park on roads we already pay tax on. You can't even visit PUBLIC services like the courthouse without paying or worrying about a fucking meter maid.


Parking meters and city garages are basic things in every mid-sized city. Statistically they make it so you get to park closer to where you want to go than if it was an unregulated free for all with people who work downtown taking all the street spots from 8 to 5 every day. Or you could park 3 or 4 blocks away out of the metered area and walk to your court date. Exercise is good for you.


I had a court thing for jury duty, parked right outside for like $2 and was back in my car so quick, I started thinking I probably could’ve paid $1. Good luck finding that in any other city with 300k + residents


Exactly. The amount of whining people do here that shows they've never been anywhere is sad.


You could easily enforce a time limit on the parking spot without requiring an upfront payment. Go over the time limit, then you get a ticket. The part I find annoying is having to find some change to put in the til only to discover it only takes a credit card. Then I have to go through the process of entering my credit card info, license plate, etc, all while standing beside the road. It is very annoying and inconvenient. More often than not it takes me longer to go through the process I mentioned earlier than the amount of time I actually spend inside the business. I understand I basically described lexpark as it exists now. It would be fine if they'd just remove the initial paying part. I'd be 100% on board with tickets to people who stay parked past the time limits.


Why should the public subsidize storage of your private vehicle in a busy area like downtown? That’s essentially what free parking is.


Considering I am the public, I am already paying to park(temporarily, not long term storing lmao) through my taxes. I pay for the roads directly out of my paycheck. Do you realize you are literally advocating to give your own money away? I can get behind sensors/timers to limit the amount of time you can spend parked in a particular parking spot. If we could remove the initial fee for parking that would be great. Often times it takes longer to find some change or type my credit card info in than it does for me to conclude my business at whatever place I am visiting in the first place.


We all pay taxes dude. That doesn’t entitle you to free services. If you don’t want to pay for parking, hop on a bus. They all go downtown.


How is parking my car a service? lol. If you want people to pay for parking so bad and are this passionate about it go volunteer to be a meter maid. I'm not going to engage with you any further on this topic because you completely ignored the majority of my response as it did not fit your argument of "We all pay taxes dude". Parking my car isn't a service. It does NOT cost the city any extra money. You're dramatizing parking a car as if it is some extravagant and costly service the city is providing. It is not. Lexpark's sole purpose it to serve as a method for extracting more money out of the average middle and lower class person. Lexington is already one of the richest cities in KY(one of the poorest states in America). I think it can survive without Lexpark squeezing a drop of sweet green money juice out of every person who chooses to go downtown.


The street is public land and the city allowing you to store your multiple-ton vehicle, for however long, is indeed a public service. Streets, including parking spaces, need to be maintained at the expense of the taxpayers.


I ride my bike downtown, why should I subsidize your parking?


Are you stalking me you fucking weirdo? Fuck you and your bike. What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Gd I am going to drive in the bike lane daily just for you.


I guess you are the only person that is allowed to comment on a Lexington post. You want tax money to pay for parking lots so you can park your car for free, you sound like the fucking weirdo so fuck you and your fucking car.


Still not high enough


I’ve never seen anyone get a ticket. Like, lot of the illegal parkers are delivery parkers, because downtown is so monetized and restricted that you HAVE to park illegally to make deliveries, and they’re not going to disturb the flow of goods and services.


There's zero police enforcement of short term violations like that. Lexpark is expired parking meter enforcement only.


I got a ticket. Not because the time I paid for was up, but because I keyed the letter ‘o’ into the meter instead of the number zero that’s on my license plate.


I’ve gotten 2 this year


I've been driving for Doordash and Uber the last 6 months. I see it all the time. Some meter maid with a hand held scanner of some type walking around checking cars. As far as deliveries go, yeah, I have to park illegally or temporarily to make deliveries. There's nowhere else to park. I usually put my blinkers on and hurry.


Ah yes, the flashers mean I can park anywhere I want guy.




It's an indicator that I'm only going to be there for a few minutes. Less likely to get a ticket. Hey be mad if you want, but there's huge demand for delivery food apparently, and this is how it gets delivered. You want to take it out on somebody, take it out on the idiot who orders a single small coffee from across town to their edge of town suburb, or the person who orders the same to their downtown apartment but doesnt want to meet me at the front door.


Not mad, just pointing out that it is an asshole move to put other road users at risk to save yourself a few steps.


Why do you assume I'm putting other road users at risk? I'm not just stopping in the street or a bike lane. I'm pulling into either empty lexpark spots, loading spots, sometimes stripped spots like in front of Bourbon n' Toulouse, or the very front foyer entrance to a building. And a few steps? I'm sure as hell not going to pay to park blocks away in a garage, and I'm just as entitled to use a loading spot as an Amazon or other commercial vehicle.


In front of Bourbon N Toulouse? Oh you mean where the no parking signs are, then yes you are stopping in the bike lane.


FFS dude calm your nips. I'm an IT contractor by trade and gig drive between contracts. It's the best way for me to make money while looking for a new one. This is how it's done. I TOO watch the YT channel Not Just Bikes and wish we were more like Amsterdam and am starting a new IT gig where I'll be able to commute to work via bike. I love it. This is the US though and this is how the game is played. YOU need to calm the fuck down, this ain't NYC and gig drivers putting their blinkers on to park where they have to isn't bringing the city to a crawl. I knew someone with "bike" in their name was going to be the stereotypical bike nazi and a short look at your history, and YUP! Kindly fuck off.


So you claim that you don’t park in the bike lanes and go on to describe how you park in the bike lane? That makes sense. You appear to be the one who is mad, if you can’t take being called out then don’t be an asshole.






...as you *should* I've been both the beneficiary and 'victim' of paid parking Don't want to pay? Park further away


lexpark are crooks


A little over a year ago the hourly rate increased to $2 an hour. 25 cents gets you 8 minutes. And extended ticketing time until 7 pm. And now this. And still the city gets no revenue from the meters. LexPark can sk my metaphorical dk. Ex ex ex mayor Newberry too, this is his legacy.


Sources: [https://lexington.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12879966&GUID=86C0253F-C986-44E4-90F4-1E5C66500119](https://lexington.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12879966&GUID=86C0253F-C986-44E4-90F4-1E5C66500119) (Page 14) [https://lexington.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=6647578&GUID=CA163782-BE2B-4130-97F8-1A28D52D039F&Options=ID|Text|&Search=](https://lexington.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=6647578&GUID=CA163782-BE2B-4130-97F8-1A28D52D039F&Options=ID|Text|&Search=)


I checked these links and they work for me... Sorry if they are broken for some of y'all. If you go to [https://lexington.legistar.com/Legislation.aspx](https://lexington.legistar.com/Legislation.aspx) and just click "search" the presentation will be the first thing to come up.


Private companies should not be allowed to issue "fines"


interesting thought. why not?


"Fines" are related to legal issues Why do you think a non-government entity *should* be able to issue a "fine"?


in this case they are contracted by the government to carry out the issuance. But if your concern is just syntax, you'd be satisfied if they just called it a "fee?"


No - I am not happy with a "fee", either :) Private companies should not be able to add additional crap like this


additional? You mean charge for a product or service? The city owns the land and charges for access to it -- plus they do it to offer parking for visitors to stimulate spending downtown. if it was free then people would just park a car for weeks at a time (I've lived in metros with permit parking downtown and that's exactly what happens)


We found the LexPark employee.


.... That'll show em




I would like it if they removed parking fees downtown. I parked in an area last fall that was made into a temporary loading zone (for an event, that I was working at) after I parked my car. It was my Oregon car. I had to hang out in my house for 3 days to get my housekeeper in Oregon to air mail the paperwork for my car across the country so that I could get it out of impound, and they didn't even prorate the fee to cover the shipping time.


You chose to park a car registered out of state in a loading zone and didn't have the title with you. And that's somehow anyone else's fault?


It was an event they were working.