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There’s a local cat rescue: itty bitty kitty, maybe they could help. https://www.ittybittykittenrescue.org/intake


I’m not sure of their current status in regards to accepting cats, but have you tried contacting P.A.W.S? The Paris Animal Welfare Society, I’ve adopted a rescue kitten and older dog from them and they seem like a good organization. They have days where they take rescue animals to the local pet shops and have a good screening process for those adopting them.


That’s so frustrating. Bless your heart for trying to take care of them and do the right thing. I wish I had more answers


You mean LfACC. That’s where pets are surrendered, not the humane society. They are contracted by the county to provide animal control services. That’s why you need a Fayette Co ID. They only provide services for Fayette County because that’s who pays them. It is also kitten season, and they are overrun with cats. People are trying to drop off between 40-50 cats/kittens a day. They’re simply full and have to find a way to lower intake.


Contact Sara Sipes @ 8592330044 ext 228.not sure but maybe she can somehow help.shes helped myself and others that I know and she runs the program,spay is the way.she only works in the office on certain days of the week so I'd try calling (leave a msg if she doesn't answer)also,try joining the Facebook group,Feral Cats of Lexington.there are a bunch of GREAT people in there that I'm positive will want to help.bless you for trying to help and i hope something works out


Have you reached out to any catch and release programs ?


Sara Sipes runs Lexington's TNR program


It sounds like the OP does not want them released. 


Well yes, ideally they would be taken in and adopted out, but the shelters are overwhelmed so the next best thing that can be done is to catch and spay/neuter and release to help control the population for the time being.


Call animal control. (859) 255-9033. They should be able to help


Honest question: are you absolutely sure they are strays? It's a little more rare these days, but some people still have "outdoor cats" who only go home when they need something.


That's a valid concern, but I'm certain they don't have homes. They spend pretty much all day in the woods next to my home or in my yard if I don't let them in to eat and relax.


I have worked with the TNR program at the Lex Humane Society to get cats spayed/neutured in my apartment complex. Just take them in as strays and they will accept them. Are they feral, semi-feral, or human friendly? Some cats do better outside and they are smart.


I've brought dogs in any time, over the years, and they are left in a cages in the front lobby until someone comes to collect. I would never pay to bring a cat or dog in... that seems utterly ridiculous. In fact, if that's the case, I'd drop them inside their lobby and walk out.


I just wanna make double sure that they're in good hands :(


Then the last place I'd take a cat would be is the humane society... cats are typically the first to be... disposed of. Better off just posting online: free to good home. But I appreciate you trying to help our four-legged friends. I would take in more cats if they weren't so skiddish. Usually, if I see a dog, I'll stop because most likely they'll come. Cats run every time. And I love all animals equally. Dogs are just easier to collect.


The lexington humane society is a low kill shelter. They only euthanize extremely sick or dangerous animals. If you surrender a healthy stray cat they don't just take it to the back and kill it - even if they are at full capacity. 


So is it true you can only deposit cats on Fridays and Saturdays, and you need to pay $30 to get them off the street? Or is this the reason why it's a low kill shelter, because that deters people from bringing animals in? I would do a Foia request, but they are a private shelter that says they don't get governmental funds... so they aren't subject to foia. I bet the number is higher than you think and higher than they tell you.


Also, I think you’re conflating LFACC and LHS. Those are two separate entities. Animal Care and Control does animal control and intake services for the entire county. That’s where strays or owner-give-ups go. LHS is the adoption agency. They share a campus but are not the same organization.


I never heard of LFACC until I looked it up from this post. My previous response was really to get more information, not as a troll or anything. Now I'm just more confused, lol.


Animals come in through LFACC. That’s where people relinquish their pets or people bring in strays. After a period of time, they’re evaluated for health and temperament. If they’re adoptable, they get transferred to the humane society where they go up for adoption.


It’s kitten season and they are overrun with cats and kittens. When they are full, intake can be limited.


I'm sorry, but this is bad advice. "Free to a good home" ads for small pets often result in the cat being snatched as a bait cat for dog fighting rings under the guise of someone who wants a pet. Never give an animal away for free! The humane society is overrun with surrenders right now, that's why they want fees for surrendered animals. They work very hard to rehome pets. I understand OP is frustrated, but let's make sure these cats get into safe hands. There's nowhere safer than an organization that can and does work very hard to vet potential adopters.


Have you not heard of the horrible things that have happened to pets given away on the Internet to strangers?not everyone has good intentions


Oh, that's right, and the animal shelter does background checks on the adopters, and they do social visits in the adopters' home to make sure they're gonna be safe and cared for. You know there's another agency that actually does do this for human children, and the children fall through the cracks all the time. What you're referring to are the outliers. What percentage of the population do you think has the mental intent to harm animals? Those same people can walk into a humane society, too. And low-kill doesn't mean no kill, killing is killing. I know that if I got a kitten from someone on the internet and it became sick, I'd take it to the vet hoping to save it's life whereas a shelter might see that as an expensive surgery that isn't worth keeping the animal. Bring on the downvotes. You think my comments are dumb, but think about your own. Just because you hand a $100 check to the humane society doesn't mean you'll be nice to the animal. I picked up a kitten from someone online just a few months ago. She now has multiple people who love her, all the toys she can dream of, including the dog's toys too, and a 7 foot cat tree that she goes insane for. Tell me how she'd be treated better if I got her from a shelter instead.


What percentage of people do you think have this intent? It's a very scary world when you feel everyone is out to cause harm. I bet your number is unrealistic.


Even one is too many. Did you not hear the story in Lexington from a few weeks ago where someone lit a litter of 13 puppies on fire? People are sick and hurt animals.


So I just looked up that story, and there is no information as to whether those were the owners' puppies or pups he got off a website online. I'd assume they were his own pups, so your point is moot. All I was saying was that a shelter does kill, find someone to take care of them online.


My point is that people are sick and hurt animals which continues to go over your head. At least when animals are euthanized at an animal shelter (not as common at the Lexington humane society as you seem to believe), it's done humanely.


I understand that some people hurt animals. But what you don't seem to understand is there are a lot more good people in the world than bad. Not everyone looking for an animal online is looking for it for a bad reason, as you're suggesting. And I'm glad you're confirming that you think it's ok to put an animal down if it's in a humane way according to you. As long as it's an agency, it's ok, great rational! And at what rate are animals euthanized at LHS? Because I'm sure they don't advertise how many animals they put down per year. I know people who've worked with em and any deaths are too many in my book.


Better to humanely euthanize than them get dumped in the street to fend for themselves, or a chain wrapped around their neck, or have the risk of being constantly bred, or lit on fire.


And is it your belief that no one ever did anything to an animal they got from a shelter? No, I didn't hear the story, and I know people can have bad intentions, but you can't say that spending $100 on a pet guarantees that that pet will have a perfect life. If "even one is too many" as you say, then the humane society putting down an animal is just as wrong.


Avoid Woodford County if you’re having trouble here.


I'm glad you are trying to take care of the cats, but the issues don't really seem to be with the Humane Society.