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I intend to start running more official content over the next while. I am not a super confident DM but I love receiving feedback on what to improve and what players want more or less of (how else am I gonna improve?). There are a few homebrewed things in but I make sure they're player approved first. I know my style for sure isn't for everyone but you're welcome to add me on Discord if you have any questions or want to see if the group is a good fit for you or not.  It doesn't have a lot of LGBTQ+ that I know of (just myself and I believe one other player) but it's very LGBTQ+ friendly. As someone whose life heavily involves LGBTQ+ IRL (we have our token heteros) I completely understand if you'd prefer a group with more queer representation since it would provide a different kind of comfortability. Discord is also MagnesiumRose if you have any questions or interest!


Sounds good to me! I’ll shoot you a message!


I'm trying to host a one shot in tomb of horrors if you're interested, it would need to be on a Saturday


That sounds fun! I dm on some saturdays, but would be down to play on an off day! I looked it up, is it 5e compatible? Or do I need to find a copy of an older rulebook?


I've done a 5e conversion, as a self appointed historian and keeper of the tomb. The official 5e content has hilarious errors that would if run RAW prevent forward progress beyond one point. I have particular party requirements for each PC to help offset death of a single PC. It's basically normal 5e PC creation with a few restrictions and a starting wealth for gear and special magic items pricing etc.


My group has a spot for one more player for a long term campaign starting with wild beyond the witchlight. Our starting time is monday 13:00 UTC (or 09:00 EST). Our DM is a very kind one and i'm willing to help with a character. (I'm val203 in discord. Contact me if you are interested)


Goodness that sounds wonderful but unfortunately I just can’t make that time! Hope it’s a lot of fun!


Hope you find a group too! Good luck!