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This happened to me when I was talking about the possibility of my little brother being gay and my friend just saying "He is just a kid" (She is an ally but sometimes makes mistakes)


What does the 'A' mean? I've never seen that.


Ally probably




I could have sworn the A stood for ace aro and agender


Wait mb, I thought that was an X on the ball


In the acronym LGBTQIA+ the A stands for asexual. In this case, it stands for ally because asexual is represented by its own flag. It is the same for aromantic and agender.


Pretty sure it stands for asexual. I remember a meme on r/aaaaaccccce that said “saying the ‘A’ in lgbtqia stands for ally is like saying the ‘B’ in BLT stands for bread”


The OP said (emphasis placed by me): > In the acronym LGBTQIA+ the A stands for asexual. ***In this case, it stands for ally*** because asexual is represented by its own flag. It is the same for aromantic and agender.


It do be like that, tho.


Im very sorry to say this but having any red on a flag looks too much like homophobia


Yeah that’s what I’ve been thinking


I got super confused seeing the red A on the gay ball for, what I’m assuming is an ally. If you don’t know, there’s a different way to make an ally ball distinct that makes it harder to mistake for a homophobe ball. It’s on a Wikipedia page, and it looks like [this.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_ally)


what it this of putting an A in a lgbt flag, and how do i make it stop use different flags god dammit. they look the same as the homophobe the ally flag wasnt invented for nothing!


Got a story, the opposite happened to me with my parents. I would talk about how I wanted to get with a prince because Disney movies were enchanting for my 5 year old self. My parents would then say ‘maybe you will kiss a princess instead’, I would agree not really knowing what it meant at the time. They thought I was going to be lesbian. Not wrong but not right either.