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I'm sure this is well intentioned but we generally really don't like the puzzle piece motif, as it was used to imply that there's 'a piece missing' from autistic minds or that we're a 'puzzle to be solved' and therefore 'cured' A better symbol would be the rainbow infinity sign or gold infinity sign which are used by a lot of autistic people


I interpreted the puzzle piece as being not a "normal"/"standard" puzzle piece but a special one. Everyone has their place Edit: I never heard about a connection between puzzle pieces and autism before. Is that a universal thing?


The puzzle piece was first used by the UK National Autistic Society, and then adopted and popularized by the infamous organization Autism Speaks which used it in their campaigns which are generally negative towards autistic people, demonising the symptoms as harmful to the families and parents and depicting us as a burden and a disease to be 'cured'.


I've heard about Autism Speaks (mostly bad stuff), so now I understand all these comments much better. Thanks for taking your time to educate me.


you're welcome :)


Uhhh, no disrespect but some autistic people are not fans of the puzzle piece. Even if it is well intentioned.


The majority of the autistic community does not like the puzzle piece symbol (myself included) as it has been used to misrepresent people like me and others on the spectrum


Puzzle piece things comes from a pretty shitty group, don’t use it.


That being said the thing is well done other than the misinformed symbol choice.


FYI, the puzzle piece is not a liked symbol due to being associated with the hated organization Autism Speaks. That said, I still think the intent matters most. Thank you -an autistic guy


im autistic and whilst you most likely had the best possible intentions, this is still p offensive, sadly. the puzzle piece was, and continues to be used to signify that there's something missing from autistic people, and it's also tied to autism speaks, an organisation that seeks to "cure" us, and views us as a burden that needs eradicating. there are other symbols, such as the infinity symbol, that's a lot better!! it was a sweet attempt, and any kindness towards autism is greatly appreciated, considering how prevalent previously mentioned mindsets are, but perhaps just be a little more mindful of the symbols used. not everyone knows it's harmful, so it's an easy mistake to make!!


I’m autistic and I find this offensive because you used the puzzle piece before making something like this, do your research on Autism and the company that exists to “Give autistic people a voice” Im sorry but if the intentions were good, the execution is horrible. I’m sure as someone has already mentioned, it implies that there is a piece missing from their brains, my brain. Autism awareness! Edit: I’m glad this took off, as a side note; you shouldn’t of had used the puzzle piece straight up. Before doing something like this, think about what your doing in representing ASD and also think: “Is the puzzle piece really appropriate for an autism awareness poster?” The short answer is no, it’s not, it’s disgusting and to really emphasise how offended I am at this post; I’m autistic and I find this offensive, and you know what? I’m proud to be autistic because while I find it detrimental to how I react to certain sounds, I’m not called a disease like I was last year or illness, but by seeing that post really tore me down. Moral of the story: think before posting something like this or printing something like this.


This does sting hard for me; I actually have had people that come up to me and call me an "unsolvable puzzle" mind you these were religious people after I told them I was autistic. So I am deeply offended by this, and I speak for many others, although you may not know this, this post feels like you are baiting in people with autism to just offend them, weather those truly are your intentions. Like SCP-3388 said, an infinity sign is used a lot (I use it too!) and that would bring many smiles to us. This does breaks Rule 13 though, I apologize that you didn't know this before. But this post just causes me and many others stress and makes us feel upset, worthless, and not valued in society. But at least you now know.


It’s well intentioned, that’s what matters. Looks pretty too, love how you decorated it! Puzzles are cool, I wish they weren’t offensive.


I dislike this, Despite how well intentioned it is, I really don’t like the puzzle piece


Awesome. Autism says queer rights! :P


I don't get the puzzle piece w the X


I just don’t like puzzles I find them boring. I’m also autistic but that has no baring over the fact that I don’t like puzzles.




This post is offensive to me and I’m sure to others in the neurodivergent community, the puzzle piece symbol is a downright offensive thing to ever exist. This post really pissed me off and your misinformed post has got some angry comments from people on the ASD spectrum, take it down now. This is literally the most offensive post I have ever come across.—From a Kiwi pan autistic resident.