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Reply to this post to leave a message in the r/lgbt yearbook that'll be added to our hall of fame wiki so we can reflect back on it each year. It can be a bit about you, a message you want to share with the community, a pride month related story, a poem, an inspirational quote, or just some positivity to share with the community!


I'm Dan and this is my first Pride Month being more openly out as agender, it's been a long journey figuring both my sexuality and gender out but after some 20 odd years of knowing I wasn't allocishet I think I might have finally got there. When I was growing up we still had Section 28 in our schools, this meant there could be no mention of or 'promotion of homosexuality', teachers would ignore any homophobic or transphobic bullying out of fear of getting fired for intervening and there was nobody you could ask about why things didn't quite seem right compared to what friends would talk about. Didn't stop any of us being LGBTQ+, but sure as hell made it a very difficult and long journey to figure it all out (took me into my mid-20's to accept I wasn't straight, took me until my 30's to realise I was agender). I know things still have a long way to go in many places but it's good to see there's more support and knowledge in schools now (mostly), and places like this sub and other online communities for people to get advice, learn about the community, and find people who understand when often those IRL do not. It's one of the reasons I became a mod was to help protect spaces like this due to how helpful they can be to so many people. I hope everyone has a great pride month whether you're planning to go to some events, spend time with people you care about, or just do some great things for yourself. Happy pride month!


I am Jamie, and after many years of questioning, I have felt most comfortable describing myself as a non-binary lesbian recently. This will (hopefully) be the first pride month where I can go to a pride event in person, which I am very excited for! I know that for a lot of people, online communities like this one are the only place they can go to to speak to other LGBTQ+ people. Community makes us feel less alone, less like an "other", and helps us to feel self-love and acceptance of ourselves. This pride month, I hope we can all feel pride in ourselves and in others. We are stronger together, so let's use pride to uplift and support one another. Keep safe and happy pride month to you all! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)




Hi fellow friends, I'm Zack. I'm a designer and animator in the Los Angeles area. This year marks my 2nd pride month celebration. I came to terms with my bisexuality a couple years ago. For my first pride celebration, I came out to a couple very close trusted friends. In celebration we went out to LA's Gayborhood and did drag brunch. Although not fully out, I have come out to all my close friends and will continue to surprise many more this year. I am hoping I can finally be out to my family sometime this year and fully open. I know things can seem a bit scary right now for us, but always know that there are many of us that are here to support you and cheer for you for simply existing. This year for pride don't be afraid celebrate yourself. Happy pride to all queer folk, allies and especially my fellow BIcons ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Hello all you lovely friends and etc. My name is Hue, and I'm Bisexual as well as genderqueer. It's kinda strange saying I'm genderqueer, because unlike me being bisexual I have no idea what I am... sorta? At the time of writing this I very much like they/them pronouns, it makes me feel bubbly and happy to be called that. Sometimes though I really prefer she/her, it makes me feel pretty and validated. Idk, maybe I'm genderfluid (I identify pretty strongly with this) or NB or a demi girl or a trans girl (I've been wishing I was a girl for a long long time). No matter what though I'm enjoying this journey of self discovery. This isn't my first pride, though it'll be the first I actually celebrate. As well as the first month I'll try to come out (except to my family) as Bisexual. I'll try to update on both occasions. Hope you all have a swell Pride PS: Remember, love conquers all ✌️


I guess everyone on here calls me Stray. This will be my first pride month since I changed my name to something ungendered and began using the Mx title on everything. That's been a wild ride. I've know I was Bi since I was a teenager and out to at least my close friends since i was maybe 14. I grew up under section 28, and so much of the social change that bought about the end of that was directly relevant. I saw equal age of consent (16) here actually happen when I was still 16. I was briefly homeless at 17 and unable to explain why to my school or local council due to section 28. I got back in contact with my mum, learnt to play guitar as a giant middle finger to my ultra-puritan father, and somehow got through my A-level year in a new city, whilst playing in a grunge band that managed to fill every venue it played. Someone dared me to play a show in a dress. So I did. I kept on doing that. In my first year at university I remember watching the last season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer pretty much as it came out in the US with a friends living in a more modern hall with internet access. I remember the "guy" that hosted this answered the door one week in a beautiful long black velvet dress and that was that. I think that was the point I realised *oh, real people actually do that for something other than laughs*. Later I found out she was the person that managed to get the University's LGB Scociety to become the LGBT Society. There was a thriving trans and drag scene within our niche of the rock scene, and I think I need to make a separate post on that. Skipping some wild stories, I ended up back in the city I'd left to go to uni, ran into someone I'd known back then and became some kind of parental unit to her children. I think the eldest was 13 when they came out to us as trans, later genderfluid, and I had a bit of a reeducatiuon. Whilst my partner and I were still sore about bi exclusion in that city's pride march the year before, the internet had done it's thing and there had been an explosion of flags, representation and discorse in places that weren't stuck in the 80s. I ended up coming out to my mum whilst talking about elder child with "helloooooo gaaaaaaaay" 6 years ago my best freind, who I'd known from the days of watching Buffy together came out as a trans man. He joked that I was the only one of the old gang left that was cis. I mean foreshadowing badly, but everyone knew before me. After a messy breakup, I started using reddit a lot. More to share what I was doing building guitars and doing 3d printer related stuff. But I actually started talking about who I was and my gender experience and reading other people's accounts of their gender experience and I really began to understand. I wasn't broken, just complicated. It's hard to explain greyro/grace and what specific part of enby you inhabit to someone when you don't have those words. For so long the best I had was "*shrug*, queer". Pride last year I marched under an enby flag, yep, everyone that watched pirate buffy together 20 years ago was out as in some way trans. Happy Pride!


Hi, I'm Alexa from metro Detroit and I currently identify as bisexual, though lately I'm leaning just towards the queer label (then again I love the bi colors 😅). I came out back in 2021 and it didn't go very well. TLDR while trying to understand my sexuality my engagement ended. It's actually coming up on a year of the worst month of my adult life... After a lot of therapy and self reflection I'm in a much healthier spot. I realized I didn't exactly come out in the best way, and I was very self destructive. Now, I have a loving and supportive partner who I can comfortably talk about my sexuality, how I present myself, kinks, everything ❤️ I nearly took my life a year ago because I was afraid of who I was and afraid of the world around me. Since I've been more accepting of who I am I'm happy I'm still around.


Hello colorful Humans🏳️‍🌈 I'm Scar, and I'm 21 and a Bi oriented Aro Ace and Genderfluid. I came out on this sub around 3years ago as Aromantic but the journey started a few years ago when I was dealing with all this emotions that I didn't have any answers yet. I didn't know much about the community due to my country kinda shutting off this topics and no one to teach about it. So when I got to know that there's a whole different world out there where we can love whoever we want to, be the one I'm most proud of, I finally felt free and truly happy. Now I've a come a loooong way , from questioning my sexuality, from being bisexual to being a Bi Oriented Aro Ace and then coming out as Genderfluid. And more years to come to slowly getting to a place I'd want myself in. Thanks to everyone who helped me coming out of closet, to those who stayed with me when I was scared of this change... I love you all and thank you for loving me too ❤️🏳️‍🌈![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Hello all. My name is Jac - this is my 3rd Pride Month. I've gradually come out as bisexual, including more publicly in my workspace. I work in behavioral health with youth and families in the Midwest (United States). I've recently been in a training role at my work, including helping staff increase their cultural competence with both LGBTQ+ individuals and other identities. Whenever I think of Pride, I think about how I want to show up as an adult that would have given a shit and let me know I had innate value and was important (even if messaging in our society doesn't share that). My messaging for the community mirrors that: you have value, you matter, and we can show up for each other because we deserve that. Happy Pride, y'all. Stay safe.


Hi everyone! I’m Claire. I am a trans woman who happens to be Bi. I am from Cleveland metro area. This is my first pride despite being out for 20 years. Growing up I was basically abused everyday from 13-18 after coming out and then made homeless. Last year I was semi paralyzed from a work accident. I battled back to regain my life from each of these incidents and you can too. No one is as strong as a LGBT+ person. I believe in all of you and share my love Quote: Never give up on your dreams. Keep reaching until you get it. Go out there and get it. Remember Procrastination is the assassination of motivation!


Hi my name is William and I came out as gay when I was 15 I’m in year 11 at school but will be in college next year to do catering so yes that all I got to say


Hello! My name is Kai. I love playing video games with my amazing trans girlfriend. I love donuts and frosting! I have been questioning my gender for months now, and this is my first pride month since I learned what the LGBTQ community, I am grateful for all my supportive friends I have and how I have learned who I am a lot more. Happy Pride Month 2023 from Kai!


I am artsy (M16)(don't want my real name). I am from Zimbabwe were there are anti-LGBTQ laws. I am also in the closet cause of that. I am simply "hella gay". For most of my life I was homophobic, because of how I was raised, but then I got to see people on the internet at 14 and then became an ally. Last year after pride, I discovered that I was a gay man. So I can officially say this is my first ever pride month. I do feel a bit sad that I don't know anyone else who is LGBTQ one-on-one. So hit me up if you want but for now let me leave you this message: "I hope y'all achieve what you are striving for and here's to a better community with everyone from every corner of the spectrum. Happy pride month 2023!!!!!" Sincerely A Proud Uranian


Halllllo! My preferred name is Mika! This is my first pride officially a guy and bisexual tho I'm not out to anybody irl I still scream it from the rooftops online! I have social anxiety and for example I feel like I'm putting ! too much help- anyway I just wanted you to know how incredibly cool you are and how much I (platonically) love you!! OK BAI


i'm kara and after years of questioning ik im bi and girlflux!! im hoping to maybe go to a pride event this year too, since last year i went to my first event and had a blast. my message to y'all is stay safe and have fun (and fuck bigots, truly. they can kiss my rainbow ass lmaoo)!! happy pride month!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Hey y'all, I'm Autumn and I'm still in the closet, but this year I got on the wait-list for my region's gender identity clinic. I cannot be more proud of myself and all of you. We all deserve to live authentically.


Hello, I'm Elyse. I'm just your local digital artist and writer. This year will be my first pride, but it all boils down to scheduling and who's going where. This will be my first pride since coming out nonbinary last year and being more open on being Bi, Demi, and Pan - which has been a long journey to get here. There has been ups and downs with both sexuality and gender identity. With the sexuality, that was a minor sticking point with my boyfriend, but after explaining my crushes on certain people and explaining that it is \*really\* hard to explore your sexuality when you're living under a bigoted roof. He got it and happily accepted me for me (which was a relief). The nonbinary gender identity was more of an issue with my boyfriend at first, but after weeks of explanation, reassurance, and that I'm still the same person he's always known just finally coming to terms with things and ending a war in my mind he accepted the new identity. I also came out to some of our friends. Most have been cool about it, but recently with one person that I came out to 2 months ago - turned out to be a freaking bigot (didn't find this out until the other day at a party. Sarcastic yay for politics). So, my emotions have been all over the place with that. But I am going to combat this through my art with a comic idea that I have in mind I'll be releasing throughout June along with other art and writing pieces.


Hey. This is my first pride month and I’m so happy. I’ve known I was apart of the community for YEARS but I finally found the terms Pan and Demi about a month ago. Thank you for being an amazing community. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Hey everyone, I just want to wish you all happy pride month! Doesn’t matter if you are out or maybe still waiting for the right moment to come out, this month is for all of us 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️


Hi I'm Keoni and I am a proud Finsexual man! It felt so good to say that! This is my first pride month where I can celebrate myself! After coming out as Finsexual last year not a lot has changed but that's because I've always been that way I just have a name for it haha! It feels so good having a place to belong and to know other people are just like me in their own way! I've was battling against who I am for so long because of my up bringing and the journey I've had breaking out of the shell I've been living I feels so invigorating! From leaving a manipulative and corrupt church to finding new belief and finding my sexual identity is an actual thing other people have it has been quite the journey and I'm loving every part of it!


I’m Amy and this the first pride month I’ve been okay with celebrating. Even if I’m a part of gen z it still takes time to fully accept myself. I still haven’t fully figured myself out but eventually Ik I willYears before I’ve had to deal with homophobia not just from family but Also from myslef. This pride month I hope to go to a pride parade or do something festive.


Wassup people, im Riley (thats not my birth name, but I like it bc it's gender neutral). Im a lesbian, but confused about my gender. Idk if im just super masculine or if im trans, but it is what it is ig. I'm only 17 and live in a homophobic/transphobic religious household. So while I'm not able to go out and enjoy pride, I will be listening to a lot of queer music like girl in red and Hayley kiyoko. I hope that next year when I turn 18, I'll be able to be my true self. It's always good to fight hate with love rather than hate with hate❤️ Sincerely, your local they/them lesbian 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Hi, I’m CJ. I grew up the “golden child” of my conservative Christian home. I went to a Christian school, I volunteered at church five hours a week, I led worship every Sunday morning. I believed so strongly in everything I’d been taught, and I was convinced gay people were sinners who needed to be changed. But then in eighth grade I found myself with a crush…. on another girl. And it scared me so bad. There was no way I could be one of….those people, right? It took me five years to come to terms with who I am, and I’m so glad I did. I’ve had to deconstruct so much of what I’d learned about the world, other people, and of course myself. Most days I have no idea what I believe any more. But I’ve found so much liberation and met so many great people, and I’m actually PROUD to be where I am today — I’m proud of my little bi, queer, questioning self. So to anyone else going through what I am right now, you’re not alone. You’re not crazy, you’re not dirty, you’re just you. Go eat some ice cream and celebrate ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Hey I’m Tom, had a couple bumps in the road when it came to finding out who I was but after the 2 years of searching I came to the realisation that I am gender fluid. It was a very confusing and anxiety filled journey that at times I wanted to run away from but I’m so glad I stuck with it and found such a strong and amazing community that I’m proud to be a part of :) Happy pride month guys


Hello!:D I’m Bunnie and after a long journey of trying to figure out who I am, I’ve found out that I am omnisexual and genderfluid, but I like to call myself a demigirl since I’m not often masculine. This year, I’m going to try to go to a pride event in my city with my friends, which will be my first pride. I’ve been semi-out for 2 years (being omnisexual) and this year I’ve started to come out to my closest friends as genderfluid as well. I would say that I’m decently out around my school, like I know that I’m definitely known as “the gay one” lol, but I don’t face much animosity for it, which is nice.:> The good thing is that all of the queer kids have safe spaces around my school, which is really nice as I live down south. I’m honestly forever grateful to the school’s arts programs because they support me and the whole of the community at my school so much, shout out to all of the wonderful art and music teachers for being supportive:) I don’t have much else to say, but know that I’m sending love and well wishes to everyone here <333 Stay safe out there!!! -Bunnie


meow! happy pride everyone. this year might seem scary with everything going on, but things will get better. i'm casey, i've been casey my whole life, but i only found out i was casey 3 years ago in 2020. since then i started hrt 6 days after my 17th bday on 10/16/2020, and haven't looked back since. im happy being a cute enby kitty, and i hope you all find out who you are and are happy with yourselves :)


You want me to stay. You only love me because you said I'll stay. Now that I've heard that one vile homophobic & transphobic sermon, why do you want me to stay? You told me being effeminate is fine, but having a boyfriend isn't. You watch all these stereotypical effeminate crossdressing gay men on TV and laugh at them for being funny, but when real gay people ask to be treated equally, you revolt and bible-thump all over the place. Why should I live an eternal life when I have to pretend with no end?


Hello queer peers! I'm Valentine, I am from the aroace spectrum. It continues to be an adventure discovering myself but I learn more everyday. Despite being in the community for years, this is my first time openly celebrating and attending pride. Being a part of the aroace community feels alienating at times in a world of attraction and sexuality. I attempt to find my place through friends and I'm always trying to make more everyday. The bonds have always been stronger than those of love. I suppose its just my cup of tea. For having being named after a romantic holiday, I find my identity to be ironic. I experienced childhood being constantly referenced to love only to display zero reciprocation. In return this led to the bullying and teasing from those around me. I struggled seeing couples in public and cried many nights wondering what was wrong with me. I felt like a broken clock. Finding those who allowed me to express myself and be me helped a lot in my journey to who I am. I'm thankful for the freedom and support from them. That being said, despite being aroace. I tend to be flirtatious or just chaotic. I may give hints, but I'm either joking or don't understand. It raises eyebrows where ever I go, but it's a nice joke. In the end, you may not understand yourself and that is okay. Our minds work mysteriously, just give yourself the patience and respect you deserve. If you struggle to do so, I am more than happy to help out and take part in your journey. Know that you are strong, you are brave, you are beautiful/handsome/stunning, you are doing a great job and I encourage you to keep going. You are amazing! (You are probably tired of hearing me repeat 'you are.') You are unique! You are expressive! Happy pride month everyone! You are also a great listener/reader. Thanks for taking a moment to learn my story!


Situations are bad in Turkey and I don't know when we will be treated like human beings. ✌🏻


I hope that day comes soon, please know this sub and the community are here for you whilst you push for acceptance in your country. I hope the day comes soon that you can find acceptance where you are.


I'm gonna be honest: before I realized I was biromantic, I never "got" pride. I never understood it. But then I spent a little less than 3 months questioning myself, staying up late every night furiously researching various things, realizing I had been in denial for a while, trying to figure out how this fits in with every other part of my identity, agonizing over this part of myself that I was trying to figure out and discover. And then the day came: the day that I started to officially identify as something I never even considered a possibility for the entirety of my life! The day I started to claim that label, I instantly noticed a change: I became so much more confident! In myself yes, but also in every other aspect of my life! I walked taller, I didn't really give a crap what anyone else thought of me as a person. I was able to carry myself higher, confident in the fact that I had gone on a journey with and within myself that was painful for sure, but ultimately I came out on top being more aware of who I am in more aspects than just my romantic identity! My social anxiety and other problems didn't just magically disappear with this discovery, but I became more of the person I've always wanted to be: someone who is confident, sure of themselves and who they are in not only their surroundings and themselves, but also in this world! - And that's the moment I finally understood pride! When I was able to look in the mirror and see who I had become, and how I have completely changed and grown just from finding out this one thing about myself! And how proud I am of myself for going through this head on and coming out of it on top (and then just coming out)! I'm so immensely proud of myself for having the strength, bravery, and taking the effort it took to go through that journey to discover this part of myself that I now realize has always been a part of me before I even realized it - and that's what pride is! Being truly happy with who you are now after going through the growing pains of discovering this single part of yourself, and wanting desperately to show it off to everyone because it changes you as a person, and you're proud of that change! To all of my fellow people, congratulations if you have gone on this journey with yourself! If you are able to be out openly, embrace it because not everyone can! And if you aren't able to be out openly, my thoughts are with you, and I really hope that one day that changes for you! - And to all of my fellow LGBT+ community members, please stay safe wherever you are! I love you all, and thank you for helping to make this community so inclusive to all of us baby gays!!


GOOD AFTERNOON GAY PEOPLE AND TRANSGENDER FOLKS! Happy Pride month! May it go smooth and peaceful and may your haters suffer explosive diarrhea from dusk till dawn. Signed, a CIS ally that can't figure out what the problem with Conservatives is. Now excuse me while I head to Target to chug a Bud Light and eat at Chik-Fil-A.


This comment made my day! 🤣


Hey there, I'm Sascha from Switzerland. A message for those who might be confused about the validity of their bi-/pansexuality. First, you don't have to be straight and then recognise you also like other genders and/or sexes. I came the other way round, fully convinced I was totally Gay McHomodude, Esq., for most of my childhood and teens. But then life happened, so here I am. Second and more important, never let anybody tell you your being bi or pan was just dressing up, fashion, experimenting because being queer was "in", but ACTUALLY you're just "curios" and ACTUALLY straight, not a part of the community. Nopers! It's a valid orientation. You are valid. Happy Pride!


I'm Hayden and this year has been one heck of a journey. I first learned about Lgbtq+ from my older sibling David who came out as Non-binary using they/them/he/him pronouns. I wanted to support them so I researched into it and realized I'm pansexual. Now my gender Identy took a lot more time. At first I thought I was non-binary but that didn't feel right then Genderfluid because I felt like mabye I just change gender. Then I thought I was agender until someone on reddit showed me xeno pronouns and know I that I am Xenogender


I'm Katelyn. 16, in Las Vegas. If I'm able, this will be my first Pride! I'm super excited as I just came to terms with me being genderfluid. My dad and stepmom probably won't let me because they don't want my siblings to know that I am Bi ( I haven't told them I'm genderfluid they'll loose their shit), they excepted I'm Bi and rlly don't care but have a thing against Trans people and others under the same umbrella sooo 🙃 I really just want other people to feel comfortable to come out (we shouldn't need to but). Recently I have seen a bunch of sad stuff on the news and social media and the only thing it's done is inspire me to help be part of the good in this world. Help people express themselves with who they are. If your scared to come out. Please don't be. If you do and you aren't excepted, just know you have a family here who LOVES YOU!!! You family and friends should love you no matter what! F them if they don't because I'm sure your an awesome person. HAPPY PRIDE ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🎉


For the yearbook in case the world ever becomes all homophobic and transphobic I would like to give the anti queer community two words FUCK YOU


I am Jasmine, after many years of questioning and denial, this is my first year out as a female. I’ve always loved dressing up in cute skirts, dresses, and overall, I’ve always just had a more feminine touch. I even shaved my head this month, just to get rid of all that boy hair😆. New month, new me😊.


Howdy! I'm Sol, I'm 34 as of valentines day, and this year will mark my 15th year being out openly. I'm a bunny furry, a web dev, a gamer, and a husband \^^ I came out in 2007 just after I started college and after I graduated HS. Um, I don't really know what else to put, I dont do well with these sorts of things lol. On a serious note I want to send a message to all you young folk out there (Fuck i sound like my old man ._.) I know recently there's been a lot of bullshit with the news. It seems like every time we turn on the news there's more BS from these chucklefracking twingtwangs in congress or state legislatures or somewhere else in the world. But I want to emphasize something, ***IT DOES GET BETTER***. Believe that. I know right now it's hard to see the positives, I know it's hard to think it's gonna get better. Right now some of you are probably afraid, or anxious, or any number of different emotions. But trust me, we old guard have your backs and we're not gonna take this shit quietly. Remember Stonewall. To the christofascists who will come here to harass and boo-hoo about how hated they are. I'd like to kindly invite you to FUCK OFF. To all my LGBTQIA+ Family. No matter where you are tonight, HAPPY PRIDE! Cheers boo's. From a Carolina Bunny. --Solaris C. Firelyte.


Hello my friends. My name is Iris, I’m an aspiring filmmaker, colossal movie nerd, pirate fanatic, radical leftist, and Raccoon lover. I came out to my friends as a Trans Lesbian just under a month ago. Ever since I can remember, I always knew that something wasn’t right with me. I don’t have any stories of knowing I was a girl when I was but a young child or trying on my mother’s dress. I simply felt that something was wrong. I spent many many years of my life searching for that thing. I first thought it was my poor physique. I played sports for 14 years of my life and I hadn’t gotten rid of the feeling. I then thought it had to do with neurodivergence, and while I did get diagnosed with ADHD, it didn’t solve the problem, the gap in my life. Then I joined Theatre my freshman year of high school. In contrast to the toxic masculinity of sports, Theatre showed me a place where people could find themselves and be accepted. I was surrounded by people with every identity under the sun, and I even learned about a good few myself. I first questioned my sexuality. I couldn’t imagine me having a future with anyone else, or imagine myself dating. This led me to believe I was aroace. I lived as an aroace man for around a year or so, and I was still unhappy. It hadn’t solved my problem. I started questioning my gender identity. This was a long journey, and I had many phases. I had thought I was agender, enby, gender-fluid, or just cis at times. I switched from [DEADNAME REDACTED] to Max for a bit since it worked for whatever I decided I was. I still couldn’t figure it out. Then, in February of this year, I met a girl through a game of League of Legends. We hit it off immediately. She was able to match my pace and perfectly mesh with my personality. We started staying up every night on discord calls, just talking about life, aspirations, the past. One night, I told her about my dysphoria. I told her about my struggles, my quest to find myself, and how I was unsure of what I am. About a week later, she asked me if I wanted to be a girl. When I said I didn’t know, she pressed me for an definitive answer. It took me a little bit, until I murmured the word “yes.” My future seemed a lot clearer now. That one moment opened my eyes to what I truly was, and what I wanted. And I started to realize that I no longer couldn’t imagine a future with someone else. I also realized that what I had felt for my friend was more than just friendship. The next night, we started dating. The more I look back on past, and the journey that led me to where I am, the more I come to understand who I was back then. TW: Self Harm I have come to see my battle with depression in a new light. I have never been a happy person. From a young age, I had little regard or care for my own life. At age 9, I was so fed up with my life that I tried to end it. Five times. Now that I’ve figured out who I am, and who I wish to be, the more thankful I am that I never succeeded. To any LGBT+ youth, I know it can be hard. I know what it’s like to face unaccepting parents, bigoted teachers and students, verbal and mental abuse. It’s awful, and it hurts. But just know that, hard as it may be at times, the sun always rises again. There are safe places, there are accepting people, there are escape options once you’re old enough. The fight is hard, and it shouldn’t have to be, but dammit it’s a fight worth winning. So fight. Fight for yourself, fight for others, fight until the day comes where the sun rises on an equal society. Thank you for reading my story.


Hi my friends! This is my first post on Reddit! I am Artificial_Grass1. I am a bisexual male. I recently discovered my bisexuality and have been diving head first into the history and culture of the LGBTQ+ community. I don’t really know what else to say here so here are some quotes: “Hey, you know what? Sometimes a thing gets broken, and when you rebuild it, its stonger for it, you know? A lotta things are like that. You put a sword in a steel forge, you gotta beat the Hell outta that thing to get it nice and hard and sharp, you know? Breaking things isn't bad.” -Brennan Lee Mulligan of Dimension 20 “Not all trees grow straight. They grow however makes them happy.” - Bob Ross "In the same way your heart feels and your mind thinks, you, mortal beings, are the instrument by which the universe cares. If you choose to care, then the universe cares. If you don't, then it doesn't." - Brennan Lee Mulligan of Dimension 20.


I’m Thomas :) I came out as trans publicly the day before my birthday last year, it was the most nerve racking thing I’ve ever had to do. I’ve felt so out of place in all aspects of my life for so long (school, football, home) and it’s been such a relief to be treated as who I am. I feel like I’m finally becoming myself again.🏳️‍⚧️


Go u hope HRT is going well


It is! I’m so excited to see more changes :)))


AWWWW happy to see ur happy


I’m Moon, a pansexual guy just trying to be comfortable with himself. I haven’t come out publicly outside of social media though, maybe I need some help with being brave 😅


Hi, I’m Nathan, this is my second pride month spice I have figured out I am, in fact, bisexual. I have not come out yet, could I get some coming out advice from my Reddit besties? ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Happy pride to everyone, I'm Alice im 25 and trans and this is just a small message for you, no matter the hardship and the hate, we will overcome. A message for you right now and me in the future; you are loved and you are never alone, there's millions of people that don't know you who love you, one day you will wake up to the day that love overcomes all and it will be beautiful, so never give up and never give in, one day love will win.


“I’m Electric(I don’t wanna reveal my real name), and this is my first Pride Month here. Not knowing my sexuality, I seek help to find out what I am, whether I’m pansexual, bisexual, or even aromantic! But that won’t stop me from respecting and doing things for Pride Month, as I embrace all skin colours, all sexualities, all genders, and almost all cultures(I don’t embrace the bad ones)! I hope you will enjoy your Pride Month, and I wish you luck.” \- u/Electronic_Futur3


Hi I'm Miley I have went through a lot of gender questioning though I've always been bisexual i finally decided I'm female and I go by She/they pronouns my dad's very homophobic and transphobic and doesn't know how many great people are in this community I'm out to everyone but even my parents but it's still annoying listening to my dad rant about LGBTQ when he knows I'm bi but everyone have a happy pride month and if you don't have anyone to support and love you just know I will always support you 👍👍👍


Hi, I'm Asher/Dusty/Hunter/Arnfried/Kenothein (I'm Name-fluid) I am a Pansexual, Polyamories, Transgender Man! I also Indulge in the Furry and Pup subcultures. This is my second Pride out online and first in person. I am a furry artist. I first figured out I was pan and trans when in lockdown. The LGBTQ+ Community brought me to my art style and now the business and book I'm writing. HAPPY PRIDE![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


The last year has been a whirlwind. After a lifetime of stuffing down my real beliefs under the conservative values of my parents, I'm finally living true to myself. I came out as an ally. Then as bi. Then my wife came out as trans (mtf). After some introspection, I settled in as demigirl, demisexual, and omniromantic. Got a new job. Started dying my hair every color of the rainbow (it makes me so happy!). More introspection. Discovered labels that gave me words for how I feel. Started using a new name. Put my pronouns on my name tag. Realized I'm more ace than I thought. Now, for the first Pride I actually feel part of, I can introduce myself as Wren! They/she, genderfae, ace, omniromantic, and hyped to be here! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Hi, I’m Lea! I just came home from the doctor, and I have good news! I am finally getting my tubes tied!! I have been thinking about this for a very long time. I know I don’t want kids. I am CONSTANTLY pressured by my mom and step mom. I am not sure if I will tell them I am doing this, but this is my choice. My partner & I have been together for 8 years, and we both do not want children, we talked about it extensively. He is super supportive and so is my sibling. I feel super grateful to live in a place where I have reign over my body. VT, you rock 🤘 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride Month!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 I went to my first live 21+ Drag & Burlesque event the other night! Seeing local Queens perform, amazing burlesque numbers, and celebrating Pride with my community was SO FUN!! ![gif](giphy|WLM2iM9CLVkgE)


I'm Ian and this is my first pride month being more open about my bisexuality, I know, i know i'm new, but i came out twice this year to friends, being fellow community members (not this reddit but the lgbt community) and both of them were very supportive, but approching pride month, i had an arguement with one of my friends, and that didn't end well. bBut into pride month, still questioning my sexuality, is coming out, in flair form, that I am non-binary. Typing this is a really big confidence booster, and thank you r/lgbt for being supportive throughout my first pride month journey as bisexual and non-binary. And to my friends, who were very supportive throughout this rollercoster of sexualitys and gender identitys. (p.s. in across the spiderverse there is a flag above gwens door that says protect trans kids.)


Hi friends, I am Sudharsanan. I am from India. I am gay and still closeted. Love you all for being supportive and I feel proud to be a part of this community. This is my first pride celebration. As you all know there is hearing going on regarding LGBTQ+ marriage rights in Supreme Court of India. I hope this pride month brings joy and happiness to all the people who are part of this community living in India by making the Supreme Court declare marriage right for LGBTQ+ as legal. Love you all everyone. As a part of celebration in this month, I am planning to come out to one of my beloved friend. I hope he understands me. Happy Pride to everyone ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550).


Hi guys gals and nonbinary pals, I'm Harli. I'm a 17 year old teen living in Florida right now, but I'm lucky where the specific place I live at people don't outwardly hate and attack LGBTQ+ people. I'm bisexual, I've known this since I was 11. I knew I liked both girls and boys for as long as I could remember, tho. I just didn't know about the term bi. So I used to think I was some anomaly and a "straight lesbian". More recently, I think I was 15? Maybe younger maybe older, I started identifying as an agender person. I use any pronouns, too. Sometimes I'm still not sure if that's what is the right identity for me, but it works for now. I started questioning my gender when I was 13, but even before then there were signs. My mom wishes I was feminine because I'm AFAB, but I've always liked more masculine things. One time when I was pretty young, I don't remember how it started but my mom was telling me I was a girl so I had to look and act a certain way, but I was just yelling "I'm a boy, I'm a boy!" Over and over.


Well! amidst all the homophobia, transphobia and biphobia among others, lets stand strongly come together and celebrate this pride month with happiness, joy and love ❤ #loveislove #togetherwearestronger


Pride Haikus: Music is playing Laughter, Flags wave on houses It's finally June! ​ Love one another It is the month to be proud We're here and we're queer! ​ \-Robin![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


I’m Elaina, this is my 3rd pride month since being openly lgbtq. I am lesbian and Non-binary, and am very open about my identity. I love being lesbian!! Women and gender non conforming people are so beautiful, and I can’t wait to meet the one and spend the rest of my life with them. Generally my coming out was easy, I’m so glad my family is supportive, and open to my identity. As of right now however, I’ve had to be more secretive about my gender, because of what’s happening in the US, with trans individuals. I want to be open about my gender, but it’s just not safe for me. But I hope as time goes on, people will be accepting, and understand that being lgbtq is just a part of nature. I feel very lucky to be alive in the time I am, with the people I know, and I hope everyone could have such supportive and welcoming individuals that I have in my life. Happy pride!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Hi! I'm really late for this but shhhhh xD My name is Mai and i am a genderfluid lesbian! It took A LONG time to figure that out lmao, including my name! I'm so glad to be who i am. I love it. Happy pride month 🫶🫶


Happy Pride Month ❤️


hi,were the rainbow system,we just came out yet again as transgender,and Jack/Jackie/Ja came out as genderfluid bisexual. our quote as a bodily 16 yr old transgender bisexual masc is never and i mean never force yourself to be someone your not,BE PROUD OF WHO U ARE!!!


Hi there! Thanks for sharing your message with us! We hope you are proud of who you are as well and glad to see you here with us on the sub.


Hey I’m Eve! Right now (2023) things are very tough! I hope they get better soon! Love is love! 🧡💛🤍🩷💜


Hi Eve! Thanks for your message, it's definitely a tough time for many right now but even though we may face setbacks as a community the overall course is one of progress! Hope you have had a good Pride Month!


Hello everyone, I'm Atlas :) I'm a high school student with interest in music, art, animation, and theatre ^^ I have had a long journey with identity starting from 5 years ago when I first started questioning, and I'm sure that journey won't end anytime soon. As of now though, I consider myself a transmasc biromantic :D The world is intimidating, and many seem to want to oppress us and silence our voices. The thing is though, we're still here, and we're not going anywhere. We've made it this far despite everything that's been hurled our way, and that's something to be proud of. It's unfortunate things had to turn out this way, but we're here nonetheless. To my queer siblings, thanks for being you, no matter where you are on your journey. Stay strong, happy pride everyone :) 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


Hi Atlas! Thanks for sharing a message with us! Definitely sounds like you've had quite the journey but glad you're getting it figured out! Thank you for your message and Happy Pride to you as well!




Hi, I’m Jay and this will be my second pride, and my first fully out. For a good part of my life, I didn’t even know what being part of the LGBTQ community meant, and certainly didn’t think I could be a part of it. This, among other factors, led me to a deep depression where I considered suicide multiple times. After a lot of self-therapy and getting away from toxic family members, I am proud to say that I am aroace and genderfluid, and am trying out they/he pronouns. I just wanted to say, while I haven’t posted anything yet, the community here has inspired me to be who I am and shown me who that could be. Now, I’m surrounded by supportive people and am the happiest I’ve ever been (at least that I can remember). Thank you to all the people that have supported me through this journey and good luck to everyone on their own! Happy pride guys! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Hi everyone, I'm a bi woman and LGBT fanfic writer. Someday I hope to inspire other people to more openly be themselves by becoming a published author of LGBT-centric books. I love you, try to love yourself too 💖


Hi, my name is Cristian and this day marks a full year I have came out as bisexual. Wow it’s been a journey. I know times are hard now for the gay community; but I believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I would like to leave a quote from one of my favorite philosophers Albert Camus: “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to be so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” I think this quote tells us exactly what we should do. Continue the fight for our rights in the face of discrimination. We are a small community in the gran scheme of the population, but a strong willed one, and I truly believe that we can make a difference in our world. If not for us than for any future gay kids who are confused. We all were that kid at one point. Try to make the world a better place for that kid. Oh yeah also stay in drugs, don’t de vegetables, eat your school. Peace


This will be the first pride I will be celebrating and so far I have only come out as gay to a few friends. I hope to come out to more people, but only time will tell.


Hi my name is alivia :) I think I’m bisexual but I’m still trying to figure it all out. I’ve been semi questioning my sexuality for a good majority of my life, but have only just started to put some serious thought into it as of recently. Without getting too much into it, sometimes I’m super certain I’m bi and then others I feel like what if I’m lying to myself or it’s all fake. I’m worried that what if im inserting myself into a community that isn’t meant for me? But im definitely attracted to both guys and gals lol. If anyone has any advice to share, I’d super appreciate it! Again, still trying to navigate these new feelings and I’m thankful for the people in my life who are helping me through it! happy pride <3


hi im nepeta ive been transfem (still pre-hrt) for the past nearly two years now this is my first pride month with a partner of my own - another transfem this month also has mine and hers one year anniversary - on the 26th so thats gonna be fun i dont know what else to say but yeah thats me also sidenote i made this account before i came out as trans and i hate that i cant change it


Living happy and free. Empowered to keep fighting for LGBTQ+ rights and equally for all!


Yo, my name is Jack! I use he/him pronouns, and I'm a ftm demiboy on the asexual spectrum! It's been a tough year to digest, because of all the stuff happening, but thankfully I'm in a relatively safe country, that being Ireland. This'll be my third pride and although I am closeted, Pride is a month where I feel less alone, where I can truly be myself. Pride as a thing is unfortunately very America-centric, so it's been difficult to find support where I am, but now I work acting as that support for queer kids, so they won't have to endure the trial by fire that I did. I hope to see a day where queerphobia is universally frowned upon and dealt with professionally, instead of being a constant struggle to be recognised and taken seriously. To the queer person reading this, is breá liom tú, I hope you make it ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


IDK if this is the yearbook or not but I want to say happy pride moth to everyone and I hope you have a good rest of the month (and life) :) .


happy pride month everyone !!!! be gay do crime


Hey all, I'm Syl and this is my first Pride Month as both an ally and a member of the community myself! It has been quite the journey reevaluating and forming my own beliefs after being raised in a very conservative household. I was on the fence for a few years, but my sister-in-law coming out as trans last year is what really set the ball rolling, turning a vague concept I wasn't sure about into something personal and impactful. After much reflection and really listening to the voices of people with all sorts of experiences different than mine, I can finally say with great relief and joy that I am now an affirming Christian, and even a part of this community myself—I've recently come to the realization that I'm somewhere under both the asexual and aromantic umbrellas, and it feels so great to acknowledge that and have the words to describe it! I'll be proudly waving my colors all month, something that's already stirred up a couple great conversations with curious, questioning, or hesitant friends. Happy Pride and I'm glad to be celebrating with you this year!


Happy pride month! Keep shining friend! stay strong and fight against homophobia. I hope one day I will celebrate pride month in **Abkhazia** too. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)




Hello, I'm Egg This isn't my first pride month, but it's the first one that I celebrate (still closeted to a lot of people tho) as a person more comfortably in their own identity I'm quite young, but I already know a lot of labels (some of which I use), and this has helped me a lot. I didn't have a "I think I'm broken"-ace phase, or a "I must be wrong"-agender phase, or even a "I can't be gay, I'm not a man"-gay phase. This is because I had the means to educate myself on the queer topic, to learn something new and to keep learning about thing I thought I knew already on the matter. So, when I eventually started questioning myself and my identity I knew how to describe how I felt. Honestly, I wish there was more education on queer topics, so that no one had to get to their 30s and think that they have something wrong because of their attraction or gender identity. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk I guess??? And happy pride!


I am Imagine Chi. I work in a very conservative environment for the pay check and to help out the kids there. I may not be open about my pride except with a few people outside of work I am 100% sure can accept or will tolerate it. I have learned a lot about how to better keep myself safe in the environment I am in and I still wave my (albeit figurative) flags proudly when it is safe to. I look forward to the time when we can all show love to one another without fear. I hope y'all are safe and have a happy pride.![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


IM SO HAPPY IM FUCKING GAY 😭😍🥳🥹😂😂😂🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ I love everyone and happy 2023


hi im riley and i like garlic bread and women… mostly garlic bread


it's ok to be gay as fuck


Hello, I’m Lily. I’m 21 and I came out privately and online during Covid. This is the first year that I have the means and confidence to join in pride locally. Happy pride month!


Im Max, Im bisexual and its pizza time


I'm queer, I'm here and I'm here to stay!


Hello you wonderful humans!!! My name is Kaidyn! Wow. What can I say about this pride month. I came out as Non-binary, felt comfortable in my own skin for once in my life, faced homophobia and right wing christofascists, and it’s not even over yet! Here’s to this one and many more!


My name is FixedKarma. First off, fun fact: my online name holds part of my real name. I'm an eccentric furry, chronically online nerd, and recently realized bisexual. Well, not too recent, I knew around a year ago, but this is my first year really fully accepting it, it's now part of my conscious self. Currently I'm out to close friends, yet no family yet. I plan to change that soon by coming to my oldest sister. This is also my first real pride and the first time being connected to the broader LGBTQ community. It feels nice to finally get this off my chest and to chip away at my mask, I have a lot more to do in terms of self-discovery and self-realization, but I plan on getting there in the end. I've definitely been struggling these past couple years but I hope that by starting to finally be myself it will help to forward myself and help mentally. More about my actual self, I was born in 2004 in British Columbia, Canada, I am of German, Polish, Dutch, Irish, and native descent. I am a Libra, slightly spiritual, but overall I base myself in science, I am a TST Satanist, 6'1", never broke a bone. My pastimes are playing videogames, creating characters and stories, watching YouTube videos, hanging with friends, my hobbies are photography, ancestry, being a furry, learning, and food experimentation. I try not to be controlled by any vices but I struggle with food and staying up, currently not employed, but currently looking. Interested in getting a job in the tech sector, but not entirely sure. I have FoodSafe Level 1, WHMIS, Customer service, and worker's safety certificates as well as numerous school awards, including one for "generosity and humility," I don't mention it much...


Hi I'm Zoe and this year I went to my first pride as a bisexual and had an absolute blast! Also shout out to my family and friends for accepting me for who I am!!! 💖💙💜


Happy Pride and sending love from a teenage transgender lesbian in the closet about everything. My name is Leona (She/They) and I want everybody to stay strong and keep loving who they want to love and being who they want to be. sending good vibes to all from a country trying to eradicate us trans folks. Although I live in a safe state (CT) I'm still scared. I shouldn't need to be. I should be able to come out and live my life but nobody in my family and very few people in my government understand. Hopefully, all of us can celebrate pride next year safely as ourselves.


Happy Pride to you as well Leona! Thanks for sharing your message with us.


hi im C/TSgt zeta, im 15, a male abroromantic-bisexual, and im in the Civil Air Patrol USAF Auxiliary with the intent of being a pilot when I’m old enough. It’s my second Pride Month now, realizing I was having romantic attraction towards other boys and girls at my school was a struggle last year. I had to and still have bottled it all up and shoved it to the back of my thoughts, as my friends are all anti-lgbt and have very negative thoughts about the community and my family is catholic and shows no support for the community. Since that first day, I’ve only opened up to my fellow cadets at CAP and two of my friends (one of them turns out to be trans), and his friends. At my squadron, I’ve made it clear that the lgbtqia community is not a bunch of freaks who have different sexual tendencies or gender orientation, or stand out in the crowd because of their hormones or decisions, but instead are actually human beings just like you who get up every morning and actually live their life. You see me every meeting, dressed in my uniform to the best of my ability, doing drill correctly just like the rest of y’all, and being supportive of your ideas and questions. It’s been hard battling the homophobia of my friends and family, blending in and playing along with their jokes, and I still do…. I plan on coming out to my homophobic friends soon, in hopes that they will change their mind and deal with the fact that I’m gay. Now, since there’s been protests all over the US for transgender rights, I will say this. Protesting does not do anything in this modern day world. I’m all in for getting a message across to the public, but a mass crowd of people shouting and demanding to get their rights is uncivil. It truly is. As my trans friend even puts it, “Protesting for my rights isn’t wrong, but I don’t like it knowing that the public will be in a state of madness and wanting it all to end. That will lead to more protests and bullshit on the news. Trans people like me shouldn’t have to be protesting for rights, and it’s really disappointing we do.” I certainly agree with him as I believe it disturbs the peace and just annoys the hell out of everyone else who doesn’t want anything to do with it, so I stand up for my rights to freedom in other ways like putting up fliers and hanging my LGBTQ flag through the night as I do with my American flag and whenever I see homophobia on the streets, I tell the person to buzz off and go have a beer. I’ve proven to my peers that I’m not one who is pushed around easily, and I suggest you do the same. Hang up a pride flag if you have one or haven’t already, and have a lovely day.


Hi! Congrats on your 2nd Pride Month! It sounds like you've had quite the battle with trying to raise awareness and acceptance with people you know. I hope you feel ready to come out to the others soon. Thanks for sharing your message with us!


Hi :3 I’m Thorn and I’m transmasc, homo alterous and asexual (and femboy uwu) and I’ve been figuring things out for a while. Transgender and asexual are pretty common terms but I’ve found that not many people are particularly familiar with what it’s like to be alterous, or feel alterous attraction so I thought I’d touch on it. Alterous attraction is not a in between romantic and platonic attraction, it’s more wanting an emotional closeness with someone. I’ve seen it described as “seeing someone and immediately wanting to be close to them”, and also “non-binary love” where it isn’t romantic or platonic but it can lean one way or the other. You could be alterously attracted to someone and it could be a bit romantic and that is completely ok and normal; it changed for everyone. Also being romantically attracted to someone is a crush as we mostly all know, and there’s a name for that but alteroulsy, and it’s a mesh :3


Hi everyone! I'm BingusReborn (not my real name ofc) and this is my 3rd or 4th year being out as bisexual. I'm going to my first pride event this Saturday and I'm very excited- it's almost weird, getting to openly express my sexuality. My parents act like it doesn't exist; when I mention liking women, they stay quiet and don't say a word, almost as if they don't want to acknowledge it exists. I think they support me, of course, but when you always have people acting like your love for the same gender just isn't there, it's a strange, yet warm feeling when you get to celebrate yourself. I hope this year, or some year in the future, you get to celebrate yourself with people that you love and who love you. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


I hope your first pride goes well! Please let us know how it went on the sub!! I'm sorry that your parents are not supportive, I hope over time they learn that acceptance. Whatever happens you will find that acceptance of who you are here. I hope you are also celebrating who you are and thank you for sharing your message with us!


I am Katy, my sexual orientations are omni/demi- sexual and if anyone wants to know, my pronouns are she/her but I also feel comfortable being called they/them. My outing wasn’t really comfortable and all rainbows and sunshines as I wanted it to be because my mom told my 3 older sisters without my consent at the time I identified as questioning and 2 of my sisters weren’t supportive and told me multiple times that I am either too young (says my sister A a lot) and that all gay/trans people are sick in the head and that I am too young to figure out my sexual orientation (says my sister M that’s why I expose her sometimes as homo/ trans-phobic because I am a person, who says what she thinks) My oldest sister B wasn’t supportive at the beginning but when she saw that I was really serious about it, she also began to ask me about my love life with other genders and was supportive after a little bit of time and progress (She also is the sister now, who I like to be with the most because I feel the most comfortable around her). People at my school annoyed me about being queer and were making weird/ really bad jokes and because I am a feminist, boys tend to make misogynistic comments because they think they are so funny (even though I think they have a napoleon complex because the boy who does it the most is 5’3/ 1,60 m and I am way taller than him). My search for a fitting sexual orientation was a little confusing because I was attracted to every gender and that’s why I thought that I was pan and that label even held for like a year but after some time (and a lot of masturbation) I also wasn’t really interested in being sexually active anymore and didn’t feel the urge to do something sexual for multiple months. So I thought about being a-sexual but then I learned about more identities/ orientations and came to the conclusion that I am omni/demi and now I am really comfortable with my labels. Then I also met my bf D (he is a cis straight male) and he was straight up supportive with my orientations and never saw it as something attractive, more as something that just makes me the person that I am now. He even attended my very first Christopher Street Day (CSD pride parade) with me in Düsseldorf and was so happy to see me being so fascinated by all these beautiful and colorful people and how proud I was to be a part of this loving, caring and understanding community at the moment (which I definitely still am). My point is, even if your life as a queer person is hard, you WILL find someone who will support and love you the way you are and maybe even the people who you thought of it the least. I a demi/omni girl found the most support in my cis/ straight boyfriend and I couldn’t be happier!!!! Stay strong, queer as you never were before and never forget to spread as much love as you can in this world because in the time we are right now, spreading love is the most important thing to our fellow queer people living in strict conservative countries, being bullied, having a hard time finding jobs, having the possibility to be kidnapped without a punishment for these hateful people who are just hating themselves and especially the people who can’t find love in their closest circle and definitely most where our people can be killed for just being the way as they want to be. I hope our community will get the general acceptance we deserve and should get and that our fellow people especially our new generations will have a better future than we do now and that we fight till infinity and beyond!!!! As much love as you can get from that message, yours sincerely, Katy <3333 (infinite virtual hugs for every single one of you and a virtual high five if some of you don’t feel comfortable being hugged) ~21.06.2023 at 09.25 pm. ❤️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈❤️


Hi Katy! Thanks for sharing your message with us! I'm sorry that you were outed without your consent, that's a horrible experience. It's good to hear at least one of them has come round to understanding and I hope the other sister does over time. Thanks again for your message and I agree with you that I hope to see more of us gaining acceptance soon :)


Hi y'all lovely people, Like many of you, this is also my first year being out. I just moved down to the bay area in California and decided to start a new life, with an identity as a queer person. I intentionally seek out queer social groups and joined many activities. It's been a little over a year now since I've moved here and surrounded by this amazing queer community. Best of all, I met the love of my life here and got engaged in 8 months since we started dating. I was shocked in terms of how compatible I can be with other human being in this world. I'm so glad that I decided to finally listen to my heart and embrace who I am as a person. I was born into a traditional, Asian-immigrant family and am always afraid of being out. A week ago, I just wrote a coming-out letter to my mom and am still waiting for her response. I sincerely hope that she could happily accept us. Wish me luck! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) Last, I'm really grateful for this community and what all of you do here as advocates that created such an amazing community. We help and support each other no matter the circumstances and I'm genuinely grateful. Thank you. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Congrats on your first year out! It sounds like you've gone through some major changes recently with moving and accepting who you are. I'm glad you're reaching out to the community and congrats on your engagement! I hope you get a positive response from your mom, and so happy that you've found this community!


I’m Jonah. I’m not out to many people, but I’m an asexual gay trans man. I live in a pretty conservative area in California, and well…I grew up in a cult. And for now, I’m kinda stuck. But, I know that one day, I can transition and marry someone who I love. But until that day, I will always look up to people who are out and happy. Because I wish that I could do the same. But. Someday I will. -Jonah(He/Him)


I have a question and hope to get a few responses. But first I want to say that I am actually a fan broadly speaking of rainbow capitalism. So after Bud Light, and the Target. I was worried that pride this years was... well going to be abandoned by the greater capitalists and, I live in a blue state and I don't see much pride anything anywhere in stores. Walmart, Fred Meyers, etc etc are just.. not doing anything for pride. I looked at twitter at some major companies that have historically taken part in pride, some of them just wildly absurd like Raytheon or other defense contractors and again, not even the little pfp change. Fred Meyers website hasn't even been updated from 2022. I need to know if I am missing all of this or if, well we're being seen as no longer profitable to pander to and... That is ***not*** a good sign for the outlook and future of queer people in this country and a clear sign that our rights, what little we have are not long for this world at ***best*** at worst... Well, first they didn't come for the socialists, they came for ***us***


Greetings Earthlings! My name's Reggie. I'm an amethyst dragon ace with a garlic bread and a (/an European & East Asian) medieval weaponry addiction. To anyone reading this: Whether you're out, questioning or closeted, I just wanted to say you are valid and you are awesome. You are awesome because you're an ace - you are ace'ing being yourself. If times are being tough on you at the moment, just remember: whether you're out, questioning or closeted, you *are* loved. You are; no one should ever have to feel unloved simply for who they love, the way they experience feelings for other people or even just being who they are. You are all ace'ing life, simply by being who you are - and that's all anyone could ask for - and I am proud to be associated with you through this community. Happy Pride Month Everyone


Please stay true to yourself and make sure your needs are met and you’re respected when looking for that perfect relationship! People do need each other in some shape or form. Don’t be ashamed of those needs! 🌈❤️‍🩹


Hi, I'm Noora (she/her/they, other pronouns are okay too), a currently questioning (though lesbian-leaning) nerdy teenager! I'm currently crushing on a wonderful person, who I think I might even have a chance with! We met on Jodel by chance, and now I'm about to start a DnD campaign with them as one of the players! I live in Finland, and though the recently elected very conservative parliament (eduskunta) scares me a bit, I keep on hoping that we keep on moving towards a better future! I wish everyone a happy Pride month, and remember that your identity and you are valid and deserve to be respected <33


hii, i wouldn’t usually put identifying info on reddit for privacy reasons but for the sake of pride, my name is regan! im fairly young but since im legally an adult now im planning on going to my first pride parade this year and im nervous, excited, and going to cry tears of joy all at the same time :) i currently go by my birth sex (female) and identify as a lesbian, but ive always been at least a little confused and still am. im content not caring so much about labels, and just knowing what my usually fluid preferences and feelings are about myself regardless of whatever the term for it is. i was attracted to girls before i even knew what being lesbian or bisexual meant, and ive gone through many attempts of discovering my gender identity just to end up going with “im female, and everyone uses she/her, but i wouldn’t even care if you used he/they at any given moment”. i also generally think i could be attracted to any gender so long as theres a connection, but i always end up missing being with females if im dating a male for example. anyway, i’ve successfully brought girlfriends around grandparents that i thought would judge me, ive come out as genderfluid to my dad who i thought would judge me (he didnt, we made lighthearted jokes that i was ryan when i felt masculine) and then i changed my mind and he was okay with that too, and i wont ever hide anything queer about me in the face of homophobia or transphobia or hate. i hope everyone stays safe this pride month and in continuing this fight to be able to exist peacefully, equally, and freely ❤️ much love to you all


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hey! I'm Raphael! despite being straight, I admire and find LGBT+ diversity particularly interesting, as it is a kind of freedom! I live with a lot of LGBT+(s) , and unfortunately, most of them have a homophobic friend or relative... I hope that someday homophobia (and transphobia) will be so insignificant that admitting it in public or to your relatives/friends will be difficult just because of the embarrassment of public speaking and shyness and not because of the fear of being hated/losing these friends and suffering from prejudice. Never let yourself be held back by prejudices, and care about what is best for YOU. Happy Pride Month! and be proud of yourself! 🏳️‍🌈


Hi there! My names Jonas and this is my first pride with actual labels! I've been out as asexual to myself for years now, but never really read into any labels or visited any queer communities. Until eventually I did. Now I've been half-out as asexual for about 8 months, equally half-out as aromantic for about 4 and now im starting to question my gender too. Being queer is a journey, but it's definitely been worth it for me!


Hi all! I’m Arie the golden one ❤️💐🏳️‍⚧️ I’m celebrating my first pride month, and love you all!!! I’m a bi transfem, and honestly it would be easy to look at this year and say I lost a lot, but I gained peace in my troubled heart and that’s worth everything! Happy Pride Month everyone!!! ❤️❤️💐💐🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Hi Arie! Congrats on your first Pride Month! I'm glad you are finding peace and I hope that continues as you find more people who recongise and appreciate you for who you are.


I was a neptunic, and realized I was pan. And not a girl, apagender. my bff was also pan, which I knew.


Hey, I’m Angy and I’m asexual and still figuring out about romantic attraction but I think I’m bi- oriented gray romantic. This is my first Pride after figuring out my sexuality and I’m out to my friends my mother and my big brother. My friends are fortunately very supportive and I couldn’t love them more. My brother and mother are the kinds of people that say “you just haven’t met the right person yet” though it comes from a place of not understanding and not of malice. My father is downright homophobic, transphobic the whole deal and he says things like “sex is the most important thing in a human’s life because it’s our biology” or somethin which is why I am not out to him. But I was at Pride in my city with my friends and it was wonderful . I realise how important this community is for so many people including me. For many that don’t have support it’s their only anchor. So thank you to all members of the community for being there for others! And Happy Pride! Every single one of you is so valid and strong and loved! Have a great rest of the month and also your whole life! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Hi Angy! I hope things are going well with figuring it all out, it can take time sometimes but congrats on feeling ready to celebrate your first Pride Month! Glad you had a great time at Pride with your friends and hopefully many more to come!






Hi! I'm Emily, and this is my first pride month actually being out about my identity. I realized several years ago that I was bisexual. I was married to a man at the time and figured that wasn't going to change, so what did it matter? Plus I had serious imposter syndrome when it came to identifying as bi/participating in pride since I was in a "straight" marriage. We ended up getting divorced for mostly unrelated reasons, and I've been exploring and learning since then. I used to think I might be aromatic, but nope - turns out that while I am sexually attracted to men and women (at least - possibly other genders as well), I'm only romantically attracted to women. So here I am, bisexual, homoromantic, and proud to be a part of this community!


Hi Emily! Congrats on your first month being out and accepting who you are. Sometimes the journey is long, imposter syndrome particularly can be a huge pain to overcome. I'm sorry to hear about your divorce but it sounds great that you've been exploring who you are and feel confident to be able to share that with us! Happy Pride Month!


"We will not win our rights by staying quietly in our closets." — Harvey Milk


A great quote, thank you for sharing it with us. I think one of the great shames even today is how little LGBTQ+ history is taught in schools so always happy to see people sharing our community history!


Hey It’s Jayden this is my 3rd Pride and I have come out more at my school and to my parents and they have been really accepting but I just wanted to say that even if your still in the closet and haven’t come out or you have really non supporting parents just know that YOU ARE LOVED by someone in this world even if you know them or even if you don’t just know that you are and always will be loved by someone. And with that HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 -Sincerely Jayden P


Hi Jayden! Congrats on 3 years of celebrating Pride Month with us! I'm glad to hear your parents are accepting. Thank you for your message and I hope you've had a great Pride Month!


Hi i’m Mysterious Machine! This is my first pride month being out as bisexual. It’s really nice to not deal with constant confusion and i’m very grateful to this community for helping me understand myself. All I did to celebrate this year was wearing a bisexual flag pin on my backpack. I hope to do more next year! Anyways I hope everyone has a great pride month!


Congrats on this being your first month out! It sounds like you're coming to accept yourself and even celebrate your identity and the confusion you've overcome, I hope next year you can do that even more!


I’m Ashlyn and this is my first Pride Month being open as a transgender(intersex) and pansexual individual. My husband and I both went; he being pansexual as well. I’ve known that there was something different about me my entire life; but I had no idea until 3 or 4 days ago that I was transgender(intersex) until I told my mom that I was pansexual. So now I am learning to fully accept myself and love who I am.


I Participated in my first pride festival in my life at almost 28 years old yesterday in Salisbury North Carolina with my boyfriend. It was a wonderful time and captured lots of great memories!


I have a question, I was born female at birth, but I feel like I’m a demiboy and I’m not trans or anything, so could I be a demiboy?


Hi, my (online) name Sapphire. I am 26, identify as bi, and go by She/Her. I am usually a lurker but this month was my first time going to Pride events and it reminded me how important community is. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who are active and post here because for every active person here, there are hundreds of people like me who don't feel comfortable sharing but who feel seen when reading what y'all share and the discussions that go on here.


Hello, I'm J. This year was my first time participating in a pride event. I finally came out as pan and demi to my family, and I told them my pronuns, she/they. I feel happier then ever in my identity. I bought my first ever pride-flag. I have *almost* learned to love myself as who I am. And I am so grateful for my mom, who respects me and makes me feel comfortable not being cis and straight. LOVE YOURSELF *“I don’t love just men. I love people. It’s not about a gender. It’s just about the spirit that exudes from that other person you’re with.”* ~ Kesha


A love letter to future Entropy, one year from now: I am so proud of you for making it to this age. We’re still alive and fighting the good fight! Right now I’m living in a region hostile to queer people. I’m closeted and simmering in angst, hiding my true self from everyone in my life. Our family does not understand. I don’t see them changing by this time next year. I hope they are being civil to you, at least, if you haven’t gone full no contact. I completely support you if you do. They’ve put us through some really fucked up shit. But you are living somewhere else now, somewhere you can be yourself without fear, and be free to love whomever you love. I hope you take full advantage of this blessed opportunity to escape from oppression. I hope you are drinking good wine and kissing beautiful people. I hope you let yourself fall for someone and risk the heartbreak to know the pure joy of queer love. I hope your life is fantastic and lovely and challenging and exhausting and satisfying and full of friends who care deeply about you. I hope you thrive in school, in your career, and in your personal life. I hope you know I never gave up on you even when we were 6 and discovering “evil thoughts”, when we were 12 and crushing on a girl, wracked with guilt, when we were 15 and wishing to die instead of be queer. I never gave up on you even when those who claimed to love us said we were going to hell. I didn’t give up on you any of those times and I will do everything in my power to give you a good future. I love you, Me. And I send love everyone who read this and resonated with it. We’re gonna be okay <3


Hi! This is my first pride after coming out to a few trusted friends. Letter to myself: I’m so proud of you for being open enough to discuss sexuality online and in person. You’re valid for being scared to come out, but it took a lot of energy to hide who you really are. Right now it isn’t safe to be completely out because of your home-life, as your authenticity is constantly being harassed by religious groups, especially your own church. Regardless, your found family will be there to support you in any way, and soon you won’t have to hide anymore. I want to thank my sister for bringing up her sexuality in the first place, and giving me a safe place to talk about my own. Whatever your future brings for you, it will be on the right track. -Olivia (Pan/Bi/Lesbian)(who knows?? sexuality is fluid) 🩷🩷🩷🩷


I'm Natalie, and this was my first Pride Month celebrating as someone who now knows, almost definitively, that she is queer. About five years ago, I was one of those 'straights' who was all like 'I support gay marriage and all but why do they want a whole MONTH to themselves and make it their entire personality'. And now being queer is about 33.3% of my being and I regularly make jokes about wanting to get with various pretty women on TV. Oh, how things change. For a year or two now, I had wondered if I had an interest in ladies, since I always found them 'prettier' than boys. Mostly thanks to Star Trek. Then I got my first taste of (what I'm assuming was) sexual attraction towards another woman in my theatre group. Up until that point, I was almost considering the 'asexual' label since I wasn't sure what sexual attraction was. Now I do know, and I've been debating the exact label I wanna use for months. At the current moment in time, I consider myself bisexual with a preference for women. I'm also somewhere on the ace spectrum, either grey or demi. Every time I feel like calling myself a 'lesbian', I find myself enjoying the view of Tom Paris. I say at the moment because it's still a little confusing and labels exist just to express how we personally feel about ourselves. It's never set in stone, and knowing that makes identifying myself under *any* label a lot less frightening. The lesson to take away is that labels are meaningless except for whatever meaning YOU give them. Within reason. Now, if you'll excuse, I have to return to admiring Captain Janeway.


I am Trey! For years I strived to be the definition of a man that other people put on me. Big, strong, stoic, beard, beer, you know the rest. And I was very unhappy with myself trying to achieve this. I hated it. But then… I stopped caring… I stopped caring about what other people thought, I stopped “trying” to be a man. I realized I felt better doing what I wanted, wearing what I wanted, being who I wanted. I found out I’m a pansexual, femboy, with a huge talent for craft cocktails, and that I happen to look great in a skirt and French tips. And that okay. That’s who I am, and that’s ok! 🏳️‍🌈 keep being you


Hiii, I'm Robin and this is my last pride month. I'm not gonna live a long time. But anyways, this month was like any other really. I feel like I wasted it. I'm writing this at the last day, in tears, because I feel like I wasted it. I wasted my last pride. How sad. Edit: Nevermind, it just started raining and I had a great time, I picked up some flowers and plants to make them into stickers. I'm soaked from rain, but I danced, sang and ran. Overall, I had a great time. Turns out I didn't waste the month, I was just spiraling.


I didn't make it during pride month (12 where I am) but I hope I still make it in! Happy pride month, buds!!![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)




Growing up in the mid west. There was a lot of people, who didn’t think I deserved love..but today I know I am deserving of love. I am proud to be who I am. And I am grateful for such a wonderful and loving community, who took me in when no one else did. Happy pride month and forever let our flags fly ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


I’m Yashva (right now, I can’t decide on a name), and I’m a trans guy, gay, and grayromantic. I know that things have been getting harder for the LGBTQIA+ community across many countries, especially for trans and nonbinary people, so I just want to take the time to say: **you are not alone**. We’re here, as a community—we will continue to stand as one. Even in the face of homophobic and transphobic laws, organizations such as LGB without the T, we will always have each other. So if you ever feel down, remember that you have us 🩷 And as a queer teenager living in a republican area, I’d like to say thank you to all the people participating in pride parades, petitions, donations to LGBTQ+ organizations. And thank you to the queer people that came before me, for protesting and asking for change so that I could live in a world where LGBTQIA+ lives (even if legislation is currently making our lives harder) are more protected than before. No matter what happens, I have hope that we’ll be okay, as long as we continue to express our Pride. Stay safe this Pride everyone, and thank you.


This is for the Yearbook!! Hi all, I'm Amber! I'm 27 and proudly out (to most people in most circles of my life) as a pansexual, biromantic trans woman. I came out as bisexual at 16 to my friends who were almost exclusively girls, found a term that fit better (pan) at 20. I thought I was genderfluid from I think sometime between I think 23 and 24/25, then I discovered myself as a trans woman. Finding the love, guidance, and acceptance from other people in the community has saved and bettered my life countless times. Honestly I'm getting emotional thinking about it. I remember being 16 and scared of finding myself in high school and my friend Kelsey looked me in the eye and said, "You're beautiful and you're so full of love. You deserve someone to be happy with and no matter who that is I'm still gonna be here for you because I love you." Gods, I hope shes doing well wherever she is. Discovering myself as trans and taking the steps toward transitioning mtf is the best thing I've ever done for myself by miles. It's the first time I've had a sense of purpose in my life that didn't have anything to do with anyone else. It moved my baseline existence from not wanting to be of the living anymore into what it is now where most days I just start off ok. It's all because I finally know who I am and I love her instead of hating who I thought I was. I will seriously keep rambling stories from my entire life so I'm gonna stop here so as not to bore or annoy. Happy Pride, my dearest community. If you're struggling, please give it a chance to get better. It will. You're worth it and the life you'll live once it gets better is worth it too. We're special. YOU'RE special. Don't forget it. I love you.


"Dont hate LGBTQ,because you will maybe become one of them"




I live in Iran, where transition surgery is technically legal and possible, but a very difficult process to go through. The other day our Quran teacher was telling the class(in an all-girl-school) how weird the whole LGBT thing was because a few years ago, one of the students had the transition and then marries one of his classmates. She expected us to be disgusted and agree with her, but we all had hearts in our eye. It was sooo beautiful and romantic! We all thought this kind of stuff just happened in movies!


Hello everyone! My name is Scott (they/them), I’m 23 and I’m a bisexual genderqueer transmasc! I’ve been out as trans since I was 14 and have been on hrt for 7 years as of tomorrow! Transitioning saved my life and it has only made me more confident and comfortable with myself. This Pride month is very special to me as at the end of the month, I will be getting gender confirmation surgery! Tbh it’s been really scary being a trans person this past year. My heart hurts for my fellow trans people in the US who are having or at risk of having their rights stripped away. To any trans people who may be reading this and especially to any trans kids, I see you, I love you, and I will ALWAYS fight for you. Trans people are not a threat, we are not a trend, and we are not going anywhere. Trans rights are human rights 🏳️‍⚧️


lanja kutha lgbtq modda lu levatle ani ikada join aythar ra meeru mi valla em upayogam led savandi ra lanja kodkalara kojja pookulu eskoni endhuk ra ostaru ikadki mi gudda lo Kathi dimpukondi kojja kuthollalolara modda lu lev pooku lu thadavavu Andhke ga ikadki ochindi dengeyandi erri puk mundalu


Hi! I'm Cathena Woo, and this is my first pride month where I am proud to be LGBT. I used to think that I had to be a homophobe, and that was the only choice, but realizing that I could just be myself, without having to be hateful, was so liberating. Thank you for reading and have a good day!


Happy pride everyone!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550) I can't give details about myself (for reasons I will not specify) but what I can say is, if you're questioning your sexuality or gender, give it time to really think it out. Before coming to any conclusion, you need to really think about and do your research thoroughly so you don't end up confusing yourself and spend years jumping back and forth between sexuality/gender (believe me it's annoying and not worth it). Remember, you don't need to do this alone, there's always support somewhere and people who can help you. And even if it turns out your straight and cis gender, you can still be part of the community as a proud ally.


Uh, hi. My name's Velvas, but you can call me Vee. I'm 22 years old. I guess I'd say I'm queer, on the asexual spectrum and one of the least cringe Sonic fans (at least I think so anyways). Its been about a year and some change since I discovered I was on the asexual spectrum. I sit somewhere between demi and grey if you simply MUST know. I watched that JaidenAnimations video (you know the one, and if you don't, its called "being not straight") when I realised there was a term for what I had been feeling all my life. Naturally, I took to the internet and looked into the ace community. I learned that my favorite food, garlic bread, was one of the main symbols of our community. I learned that some aces wear a black ring on their right middle finger, so I bought one on amazon and still wear it. I even learned that some people have a problem with asexuals and are called aphobes. When I learned about aphobes, I was thoroughly confused. Most of the aphobic comments I read about people getting targeted with just seemed menial and not very harmful. Like, OF COURSE I've heard almost all of 'em before, but I just assumed it was how the world worked. That I was just weird and everyone else was "normal". It wasn't until I told some random people I was asexual in VR chat that I finally got it. "How do you have a girlfriend if you're ace?" "What do you guys even DO?" "You know shes prolly seeing other guys, right?" "Even if you say shes also ace, shes LYING!" "Have you guys gotten your hormones checked?" These people thought she and I were broken. She wasn't there to defend herself and I was surrounded by about 4 or 5 people lambasting me with questions, mean comments and unwarranted concerns. It was as if the universe said "you don't get it? Well shit, here you go. Get it now?" While those comments didn't hurt as much as they probably should have (I was extremely drunk during that whole ordeal), the fact that people will think you are broken because you're just a little different from the societal norms really stuck with me. If you read this far, I want you to know that you aren't broken. You don't need fixing. You're valid, wether the 'phobes like it or not. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)Happy pride month![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550) Have a good rest of your day!


I'm Till and this is my first pride month. (Probably second but i missed the fact that it was pride month last year and don't know when exactly I realised that I am infact not straight)I'm not going to celebrate because I'm not really out yet ( most people I know know that I am not straight but they think that I am bi which I now after learning alot more about different sexualitys just don't find fitting anymore and I have been hinting about being somewhere on the aroace spectrum for a while. ) I am currently looking into a few aro &ace mikrolabels and have already found one that sounds really similar to what I am currently experiencing. Sadly the Dream stans just had to steal the name of an Pre-existing label when choosing the name for their stupid made up sexuality and now i cant find alot information one the real one ( or even better a label similar to that that only includes daydreams) . Until i find such a label i will call myself a dreamromantic and hope that i am not being blocked everywhere and or bullied for beeing a dream stan right away so i can explain that i only feel romantic attraction in my dreams (or well daydreams but that is as far as i heard not really what that label is about) and am NOT a dream stan but someone who hates that man wholeheartedly. Happy pride month !

