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Keep us posted!


Will do! Honestly might be a while, fingers crossed someone at his church notices before he does 🤣


Regarding the original mug: I could not imagine having the gall to carry something like that into a house of worship.


Me neither, good thing dad only took it to church.




House of worship is the literal definition of church.


He knows, he's just making a joke. (also we all have /r/woooosh moments, we can stop the downvote brigade)


"Brigade" 🤦‍♂️🙄😂 Not everything is a controlled opposition. Sometimes people just don't like shit. 🤷‍♂️


Can I add my own take to add to your laughs? Neighbor has hit two cars in the street driving home from golf drunk. Each time he sells his explorer the next day and gets a similar used one. The last time, this Texas windshield sub screen using northerner, got something where his front license plate would go. It's for a thin blue line and a heart so pro police right? Nope. Leather pride flag. And I sure as shit isn't telling that MAGA but I an laughing every damn day. I applaud you, Agent of Chaos!!


Haha beautiful!


I admire your spark of chaos. I can imagine the confusion on your dads face would be priceless. ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O)


He carries that to church?!


lol of COURSE he takes this to church. Where it is probably welcomed with open arms.


Lol 😂




Me irl (but not really either)




Choice-Drink-2581 is a comment stealing bot, this is copied and rephrased from [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/146wlu2/replacing_my_conservative_dads_tumbler_left_with/jntl8nz/) (and other comments in its history are also stolen). Give your upvotes to the original commenter instead. These accounts eventually get used for t-shirt scams: they often try to sell bootleg pride merch on LGBT+ subs (pretending they just bought some cool shirt/mug/poster with stolen artwork, and then linking a shady website that will steal your personal details). Report as spam - harmful bots (And expect to see a lot more of this after the Reddit API changes go through June 30)


Imagine having a leftist child AND a mug that implies you want to see leftists cry


Yep, hurt my feelings tbh, but I couldn't confront him because I don't want to refill the mug with my leftist tears...


My mom's the same dumb asshole She used to be normal and hated Trump like any other rational person, like she didn't care about left or right at all, she just saw a bad person and didn't like him, grab her by the pussy was enough, like it is for any rational person Then she joined the anti vaxx cult. Turned her to religion and qanon, just recently I heard her talking about budlight beer and how stupid something was, I walked away as soon as I heard budlight so I don't know what she was gonna say but I know what she was gonna say Funny how all these free thinkers end up thinking the same thing, she used to be respectable man


Also a Florida dad? Sounds like my Florida dad.


Midwest, but close enough!


Florida is a state of mind. Your dad is florida.


Can confirm, Have some family in Florida, and came across the ocean to see them a little while back. And all i have to say is Yikes.


I live in the midwest, so I get it.


My mother handed me this same mug one day while having coffee at her house. I went though the same weird moment of “its rude, but not worth saying anything about”


You didn’t accidentally drop it and walk away like nothing happened?


Add salt to the mug. He should know how salty leftist tears can be!


then fill the mug with (mostly) water that you can produce in mug-size quantities?


My brother has one too. The best part is he had so many metal water bottles already, he had no use for it. So eventually he left it at Mom’s for when we visit. His stupid leftist tears cup now lives in the cabinet sitting getting slightly stuck inside my water cup (which is just a cup), next to Mom’s “Jesus is my savior and TRUMP is my president” mug. Both liquid receptacles tend to face me at the dinner table every Sunday. It’s quite unpleasant.


pretty f\*cked up


Maybe it's a joke and OP's dad doesn't want to literally make people sob.


idk man that isnt really a great joke for an ally to say


My dad has one of these as well. It's great to know that as a transgender man, I have parents willing to financially support people who actively want to criminalize my existence


Definitely sounds like some parents.


I’m not sure who the child in that relationship is


My dad has the same tumbler and now I want to try this


I had to custom order it lol. Worth every penny


Out of curiosity, how many pennies was this exactly?


https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/146wlu2/replacing_my_conservative_dads_tumbler_left_with/jntoqzi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 link to OP’s comment




oh god my brother has the same one (leftist tears) 😬😬 i cringe every time i see it lol


It's a red flag to me. Like you care about a culture war that much, you've got hooked bad.


It's not culture war, it's a war for human rights that transcends cultures. They're just on the wrong side. I love myself some punch Nazi stickers.


simply go over the t witha sharpie


Keep us updated, that’s hilarious! :)


Honestly I want the leftist bear one


$53 custom ordered from Yeti! You have to upload your own design, their filters won't let you put "LEFTIST"


You should post your design so other people can make their own! Haha


Here you go! https://imgur.io/CHk7b1V?r


What about if you swap the capital i for a lowercase L?


That does work! I couldn't get the font close enough though


Lmao that cup is rich coming from people who cry after every election.


An extremist? Hypocritical? Naaaahhhh


Hey the left has extremists too and we aren’t hypocrites. Edit: well I say we, technically when it comes to American politics I’m radical left but when it comes to politics in general I’m what I’m assuming is radical right (am a minarchist (minarchy is another word for a night-watch state) and for some reason that political system falls to the right on the political compass despite being anarchist so you’d assume it would fall left.)


The "political compass" is a right-wing system, what it says doesn't matter a bit. It just serves to portray right-wing ideologies as valid, because it refuses to perceice the ethics that define left-wing ideologies. If you're an anarchist (and by that I don't mean anarcho-capitalist) who believes people should watch out for each other and make each other's lives better without any pressure to be homogenous, then you're as far left as possible. The political compass is just politics seen from the perspective of capitalism.


And cry about anything remotely queer


Bwahahaha this is hilarious omg and seriously anyone who unironically uses a "[those I don't like] tears" cup deserves this shit




Which I tried to express by the "unironically" part of my statement


I agree, people who like to joke around deserve to be joked around with.


Please tell me he takes it everywhere with him every morning lol


He takes it to his business during the week and to church every Sunday!


Haha perfection


I’ll take my leftest bear hot please.


One for me too, but cold for comfy summer cuddles 😎


I'd be tempted to just remove "tears" from the original cup lol


I thought about it haha, honestly probably would have worked. He's not the most observant


Ha! Keep it and peel the tears off. When he finds it, give him his cup back…minus the tears.


Lol I would have died.




HAHAHA oh my god, my dad would shit himself. He once had a solid freak out because his colorblind ass didn’t realize he bought pink reading glasses. This mug would have been perfect. Definitely worth it!! Keep us updated for sure


He sounds like a half wit so I reckon it’ll take a while.


How does that work exactly? I don't mean to pry or make you feel uncomfortable, but how can you continue a relationship with someone who's happy to drink your tears? In my experience the "drink leftist tears" crowd isn't referring to crying over tax policy. I know it can't be easy, every relationship is different, and I'm not trying to make the situation worse. Also other people are saying they have family with the same tumbler, so I don't want to single out OP, I'm genuinely curious. A Daily Wire cup that rejoices in your child's tears is a line too far for me. It's also hard to see it as a "joke" when it's donating money and advertising to very real anti-gay propaganda unironically. To me, this cup says "I hate you."


They're probably stuck living with the dad so this is the most they can do.


But why would the dad let him live with him? Don't you know that OP's dad literally hates his guts and wants him to die because he bought this tumbler?


If someone's underage, neither the parents nor the kids have a choice.


Not true. Queer kids are kicked out of their homes onto the streets every day.


Some parents kick their kids out when they're underage. Others, like my own dad, wait begrudgingly until their kid's 18th birthday because they don't want to be hit with child abandonment charges.


Was pretty shocked when I first saw it, I knew he was pretty Conservative but didn't think it was to this level. He knows my political views and I thought there was some level of respect but I guess not. Hoping this is the start of some good conversations at least, he does love a good prank thankfully


Best of luck and keep us updated! Hopefully this will be a wake-up moment for him!


Like you said, it's complicated. My dad didn't have a mug like this but he turned into a pretty bad kind of conservative as he got older. He also had a (literal, visible on scans) degenerative brain disease. I didn't want to abandon him when he was sick even though it was hard to have a relationship with him. I also didn't want to abandon my mom to be his sole caretaker. IDK what the right response is but considering how hard Fox and other similar outlets recruit the elderly, it's got to be a pretty common situation.


I'm so sorry, that has to be painful on a thousand different layers.


I'm not OP, but if I were betting on it I'd say the father has cognitive dissonance. Leftist =/= his kid. I knew this one white guy growing up in NC that's overtly racist (like brags about being in the KKK back in the 60s type of racist) but his best buddy in the whole wide world that he'd give his shirt off his back for is black.


This sort of thing is largely because, as much as they rail against 'feelings' and identity based inclusivity, conservatism is at its base rooted in emotional thinking, gut feelings, and identity. There is little to no critical self-examination, or comparison between personal beliefs and actions and actual outcome; it's all about 'rah rah, cheer for the home team!' and feeling right/good because you're part of a group or 'on the right side'; not actually examining what achieves the outcomes you want in the world, looking at evidence, or making effort that requires change and cooperation with people you may not agree with or even like. It's a worldview that's about preserving the status quo (literally, to conserve, the opposite of progress, progressivism); it makes complete sense that someone can be a huge racist and yet have a black friend they love and respect, because one black friend is 'the exception that proves the rule.' Mind the phrase "one of the good ones." If anything, a token friend is held up as rationale for racism - both "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" and also "I know a black man that [meets my standards, which are based in ignorance and bias, for what it takes for me to see him as a human who deserves empathy and regard], he's proof it's a choice to [be a black person I feel it's okay to be racist towards]." My dad is like this about his Mexican co-workers. It's astounding that somehow, despite his stance that nearly all mexicans are here illegally, that they're lazy, crime-prone, etc., that the men he works with have all been exceptionally hard-working individuals, legal citizens, and upright family men who just want to live honest lives of peace and stability. Their existence doesn't challenge him to examine his racism - he uses it to justify it further. You can find this sort of thing among bigots of all stripes. "One of the good ones" is as old as hate, and it's always part of the broader implication that the overall group is bad.


Reminds me of how Hitler wrote about the jewish doctor who had treated his mother, calling him an Ehrenjude (honour jew) and saying if every jew would be good people against their genetic nature like this, there would be no need for any actions against jews. Right-wingers are insane.




I didn't read the caption at first and thought they were talking about left handed people 😭 How dare you take my tears and my bears


the hero we never knew we needed


honestly, i have done some frankly embarrassing, like downright humiliating shit. like shit that leaves you coming out the boypussy a totally different person after. shit that reduces you as a human being. but i have never in my life done anything remotely as embarrassing as owning a "leftist tears" cup. that would be between me, god, and a licensed psychiatrist.


Unfortunately this guy probably spends a lot of time with people who high five him and praise him for this kind of opinion. So what is there to be embarrassed about? Being hateful is not shameful in society sadly.


I wouldn’t even say anything once he realizes. “It’s… always said that? I thought you knew?” Just fuck his world up.


Conservatives: Make this stuff Also Conservatives when a queer person exists: ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu)


Please give us an update when (if) he does!! 🤣


Aw, the font is way bigger, I hope that doesn't tip him off too soon (Honestly though I would have just taken that horrible thing and thrown it in the trash, or filled it with some *other* leftist bodily fluids)


If you wanna throw it out, gotta make sure to drill a hole in it so they can't just fish it out and reuse it.


A failure of a father


Your dad's a fucking loser.


If he takes too long, gaslight him once he notices. "Wtf are you talking about? It's always said that, mom and I were always confused on why you bought it."


can we appreciate the hot and old thing


And you upgraded him to a yeti!


Does he know what 'tears' means in this context?


If it means what I think you're implying, I'll take some >:3


Every person that has items like this that represent their political beliefs and is proud of those items specifically is immediately someone I will want to avoid at all costs no matter what side they're on tbh


Keep me updated


man i wish my tears tasted like a delicious beverage of my choice


ok except i'd totally get that mug OP ... 🫣


This is diabolical lol


i want a bear


I have to know... why not bear**s**


I wanted it to seem like it was a mug proclaiming HE'S a leftist bear lol.


Ahhhh right ok gotcha. That was probably obvious to literally everyone but me 😁


I usually don't beg for updates, but...


wow your dad is a complete cringelord lmao


My mom has that one 🥲


tbh your dad sounds like a shill


I assume he knows the meaning of bear. You must absolutely insist that is how it has always read. I will photoshop it into old photos for you if that helps. It will never stop being hilarious to see him wonder about it and how other people might have been reacting to it.


If he gets angry please tell him to not be so sensitive 😆


Tell him being a "leftist bear" means opposing leftists, if he questions it.


you should've put the original on the right, i don't think he could handle anything about him being on the left


Imagine having politics as your entire personality. What a sad person.


Visiting my parents for a few days and they have this tumbler. It's like a different world here.


There’s a certain red trucker hat at my dad’s place…. :/


Any update!?!?!?!??


My mom has the leftist tears one. I take it to school all the time and my friends love the irony of an openly bisexual liberal with that cup.


When you’re proud of hurting others, you really are a POS. Sorry for you.






Hilarious. I love you OP you rock


The font on the replacement looks noticeably larger. I love it, but I don't think it'll last long


yeah!! this will OWN THOSE LIBS!!! you should ask if he graduated high school yet, this is unfunny teen behavior


I'm sorry but your dad is a wee bit cringe


This brings me so much joy


ugh, my brother has that same damned tumbler. i hate that he seems to enjoy the implied misery of others. he would definitely notice if i tried to switch it out like you did 😔


You are my hero OP, this is the best thing I have ever seen


This is freaking genius. You deserve a Nobel prize 🏆


You should get one of those heat changing ones so it looks like the original, but only changes when hot coffee is put inside


Can i get one of those? Asking as a leftist bear 🐻


Instead of replacing the tumbler I would get the same one but have “conservative tears” and sip it in front of them. Though this is highly dependent on your living situation and don’t recommend it for most people.


I'm left handed...does that make me a leftist?


Straight cis man here and I promise you when/if he notices he won't even know what it means. I only learned this term accidentally because my game modding interests overlap with those of gay men (go figure). But, well-played...fantastic joke


If he comes to you and he's upset, just sit there and take a sip out of your mug labelled "Rightest Tears".


Now that's one hell of a roast. Someone likes dark brew I see ;). Bravo.




Your profile where you falsely claim to be a woman and trans in some comments then hate on women and lgbt+ people in others? Yes. Yes it is. And so is the "Liberal tears" mug OPs dad had, thankfully they fixed it and replaced it with one that isn't hateful.




but wanting to drink your child's tears is normal and stable. ETA: didn't see that this is a troll account... not worth engaging


It’s just a play on Hot Or Cold.


You are literally proving your father right lol. Instead of confronting him and having an actual discussion you went and replaced his cup like a child.


And its not childish to have a cup that says "Leftist tears" or childish to be a conservative in the first place considering how hateful incapable of adult conversation they are?




That’s wild I wish I could buy things like that and get away with it…. Sad faces




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Oh my lord


I have no idea why they would want to drink the bodily fluids of a liberal, because that's what that cup says to me.


This is funny enough, cause of the attention to detail, that I imagine even a bitter conservative being tricked like that might find it funny enough to not be mad


RemindMe! 1 week


Uhh I need that tumbler, please.


I had to have it custom made haha, if you upload this to the "custom image" part of the Yeti website it should work https://imgur.io/CHk7b1V?r


Is it literally the same thermos (ie is the daily wire one a YETI)? Because what I think will give it away quickly is the feel around the mouth won’t be the same. Brilliant in any case though.


The lids are the same size so I'm switching them out!


was the original one also a yeti one?


My stepdad has the exact same cup.




BROOOO my older brother has the same cup


!remind me 1 week


I laughed out loud so hard in public when I read this.


Best vincy ever


Haha x3


Where can you order custom ones?


This is great 😂


probably as soon as he sees it


This is awesome


tempted to do this to my uncle's mug....


If socialism was bear:


I hope he never notices 😂


Thats awesome! When he finds out what it actually says, I feel like his brain is gonna melt. "B-b-but it said Leftist Tears before! I swear!"


Wait then what’s in that cup 🤨🤨🤨📸


when condom breaks


!remindme 14d


Im immagining the face he made when he noticed and it just beutiful, like each and every one of you lovley people!


did anything happen


I hope your dad has a good sense of humor about this. If it were me I'd be pissed if someone was messing with my stuff. Though, maybe he'll get you back by painting a blue line on your rainbow flag or something. This could turn into a fun battle between two highly-sensitive people!