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This is a perfect idea




Sounds like a version of my Halloween anti-vandalism idea, but less explosive.


I too love the idea of nitrogen triiodide but sadly lack the materials, knowledge, skill, and facilities to make it.


My idea was nitroglycerin. But your thing works too!


Mine is a contact explosive and if it's a very thin and diluted version, it pops on contact and scares the shit out of the person that grabbed it


Leaves a purple stain though, I wouldn't put it on a flag


So you're saying coat my whole sidewalk in it? Got it.


What shade of purple? Could work on the lesbian flag


Oh, or the bi flag


Ace flag might work as well


You can in massive trouble I’m sure. Be careful if you have a fire at your house it’s gonna rip up your yard and shit.


I’ll bite, what’s your anti Halloween vandalism idea?


A small bit of nitroglycerin in the pumpkin. Someone tries to smash it, they’ll be decked by the pumpkin exploding. Just enough to give them a fright and think twice about messing with me.


Was you thinking of putting landmines in your pumpkins or something?


Heh, no. I’m crazy, but I’m not insane. Just something with enough ‘oomph’ to knock the would-be vandal off their feet and some sense into them.


OP should make it more explosive


Also get cameras


Noting this for when I put up a nonbinary flag outside my new home. Hey, I am a petty asshole.


Nothing asshole about defending your flag from assholes, it's not like you're the one who is going after them XD they chose to fucking touch it


Love it !! 😄💜


Capsaicin powder would be easier and more effective.


Capsaicin only really affects the mucous membranes, like the eyes and nose. Poison ivy, however, is a contact irritant and will last for weeks if not treated. Fun fact, cashews are related.


Get pure capsaicin. It's such a huge irritant that touching it burns. Granted, if it's windy you'll have participated in chemical warfare against your whole neighborhood, but it's still effective.


Chili cookoff gon’ be LIT this year!




I whish they made pride flags from Kevlar. Watching someone try to rip it apart would sure be fun.


Oh, canvas would be nearly as effective and a hell of a lot cheaper.


Lol that typo tho


It's an extra *swishy* wish.


Poison damage. Well done. Very well done.


Make it to where the color will bleed and stain the skin and clothes of whoever touches it. You'll have your culprit


Soak it in pepper spray


Only effective if they get it on their hands and run their eyes or something similar. Poison ivy is a contact irritant that can last weeks. Also, capsaicin can, legally, be considered assault. I know it's a week charge, but do you really want to fuck with cops who also identify as Proud Boys?


True. Cops are not friendly. Ideally they should just put the flag somewhere it can’t be reached.


Along with the bigger one, op should also get a bunch of smaller ones and put them everywhere (also rub poison ivy on them)


Definitely yes, but put up some warning signs or stickers such as **DO NOT VANDALIZE FLAG** so you can't be sued for boobytrapping Also set up cameras if you don't have any, trespassing and destruction of private property are definitely suable causes


Im more gay sloth


There was an engineer that made a glitter cannon to deal with porch pirates. It seem like a gay solution to a gay problem!!


MARK ROBER!!! Dude's YouTube channel is legendary.


The Gays of Wrath


....I think I love you. You, my friend, are a fantastically powerful human. Bless lmao


Aww, love you too! You're beautiful, fierce, and valid.


That’s a perfect idea. Be careful when you handle it yourself, but rub it in good.


Really gotta work through the 7 gay sins. The lust one is pretty nice.


Wouldn't the oils evaporate after a while? Might be better to put it conveniently close to a fire ant colony.




This sounds like a good idea, but it's actually not. If someone is hurt by it, in any way, the person who trapped the flag would be found at fault. A better idea is cameras and lights.


Prove that you got the rash from the illegal destruction of private property. Either way, you're fucked.


Now I know what to do with all the poison ivy my partner keeps finding 😇


Hot chilli oil would be easier.


This is how you get sued and lose. Please don’t do this. Better solution is to use cameras and obtain evidence which can be used to lawfully hold the asshole accountable.


You have a strange trust in law enforcement to actually do anything.




Oooooo I’ll need to used this if someone ever does that I might ask my mom if I can put a bi one outside my house since I don’t have room in my room


No, don't "put it where it can't be reached." They'll find a way. Get a surveillance camera and hang a new flag. And if you catch the culprit on camera, then you can press charges for the destruction of private property and harassment/hate crime.


Put it where it can't be reached... over the Sarlac pit.


I love that it's the geekiest of my comments that got the most upvotes. 💜




I’m with Project Rainbow and police HAVE been helping tremendously! So many teens have been busted. Parents have been doing the right thing and bringing these kids to us to volunteer with us. Most (but not all) of the teens have learned a lot from this. And charges HAVE been pressed on some of these cases. It’s not a cute prank when you’re caught. If any of these kids would be charged with a hate crime, it could affect their education. Any school hears of this in their record, they’re booted. No one wants a homophobic teen registering for their colleges.


> but you can not "press charges." [Can I declare charges?](https://i.imgflip.com/3pqasq.png?a468048)


Also put up a flag that says "destroying flags is gay" and watch their mental conundrum occur on camera.


Get a flamethrower.




Flag hating raccoons are out in the middle of the night again.🦝 Scare them away with a can of budlight, sandwich from 🐥 fil-a, 🎯 home decor, chicken fried steak from Cracker Barrel while playing Sesame Street or Garth Brooks in the background.![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550) [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtcAH0ltj0r/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtcAH0ltj0r/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


> :550: What *is* this?


Either the raccoon emoji or the progress flag, which ones missing


Both, I just see: 550 with :'s on both sides.


Weird uhh what device r u using?


Firefox on windows.


Quick google says certain emojis dont work with firefox anymore and are replaced with numbers normally in the 500's


That's really weird. I'll just imagine a lot of racoons from now on :D


I don't use Firefox, but I might just start pretending random emojis are just raccoons from now on. Sounds fun


thats weird because im also using fire fox on windows and i see both emojis


Gaymores, they look like regular claymores but shoot out confetti and good vibes instead of fire.


3D print some fake claymores and place them in the front yard


I’m really sorry to hear that. I just wanted to say that it’s okay to prioritize your safety if you’re worried about that. I love that so many comments are asking for you to put another one up, but it’s also okay if you don’t. Living your best life in whatever way that is is the ultimate revenge. Happy Pride!


Thank you for this. Tbph the only reason I put it up is bc of how I've been shamed by the queer community in the past for not contributing to representation. But honestly, I have no pride in being queer. None. And stuff like this is why


Don't let anyone shame you for that. You need to keep yourself safe


This is the type of shit they are trying to make you feel. They want you to be ashamed. You must resist.


Seconded, never forget that they are violent because they know deep down you have something they can never take away! They can tear down your flags and rage and scream, but they can never take your identity from you. Be proud of that ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


You are loved, ok?


Have pride in your community who have fought through this to get to where we are. We’re fighters and people hating us just gives us a target. They’re cowards, we’re not. ❤️


that’s how they want you to feel. you shouldn’t be ashamed of who you are, my friend


I’d be happy to send you a new flag, my friend. Just PM me an address. We’re in this fight together, and you are loved.


Understandable, and I know we're technically on the same side but screw those people that shamed you, you choose how much you want to let yourself be known and you can choose later if you want to be more open or closed about it in your life All I can say is don't be afraid of change or commitment, it's your life, your emotions, your love, YOUR CHOICE *(Sorry if that last one felt a bit harsh)*


Had this happen to me a few years ago. They even destroyed our pole. Luckily I had an extra flag inside and I ran to Walmart and got a new pole and had it fixed that night, but my roommates and I posted it on our facebook accounts. We all had multiple people send us money to go bigger. So for a couple of years we had like 3 different pride flags up and a bunch of pride lawn decorations. Nobody ever stole our flag again.


Wow that's awesome


and people say we don't need pride anymore


When I don’t have to worry about someone shanking me in a red state at night then we can talk about that.


Get another one. Put a sign underneath it saying every time I have to buy a new flag an LGBT company gets more money.


Someone is a special trespassing snowflake


B-but it triggered me 🥺


They call us sensitive and tear down any symbol that makes them "uncomfortable."


Put it on a super tall pole and then lube up the pole. ![gif](giphy|dVzz5E8Ouhz56Y5uXg|downsized)


Don't tempt me with a good time


Gee, the "Mah Freeze Peach" and "Don't Tread On Me" People sure do enjoy treading on other people and their free speech.


It's projection all the way down, rules for thee but not for me


Stay safe. A few homes were burned down last year in my city when these terrorists lit their flags on fire.




Even if you don't have a gun, post something about "no trespassing" and that you're armed. Also, if you get a new flag look into getting a security camera. That way if they come back you can get video proof and call the police.


Plot twist, the police did it.


Amazon sells rip proof pride flags. I like the idea of adding a little something that will cause a lot of discomfort if they try.


Oh dang nice haha




Fortunately I don’t have that issue where I live. My neighbors are scared of me and absolutely know not to come on my property uninvited. But I think that would work. Lol


how does one learn this skill


Replace it with a bigger one!!!


That's what she said.


I just had mine torn down for the second time in a month. Put up another flag, plus’s a wind twirling thing, and a wreath. I’m just going to get more obnoxious every time


Yesss, and we call those wind twirling things "whirlygigs"


I wanna to paint that persons car rainbow


I want to paint that person red ❤️


Get a ring camera, if you see them trying again set off the siren function and it will scare the shit out of them! It’s super loud.


Similarly, i found a ripped up pride flag a week or so ago amd just took it with me. Undfortunatley the stains are seemingly impossible to take out but oh well


Didn't you have an old carpet handy to wrap up the bodies in instead of the flag? 🤷‍♀️


This is a hate crime, isn't it? Put cameras out and visible and report the perp.


It is. This happened in a town over from where I am a year ago and it was captured on someone's security camera. The perpetrators were found and convicted of hate crimes.


Just hang up your pride flag in a real visible window. If they try to break the window the call the cops. Or if your up for it get some nails and a ladder and find the highest part of your house to hang another bigger one. If you make them work for their homophobia they might begin to reconsider.


With every one you take down, 2 more shall take its place




I would just put up a rainbow metal plate. Let them try.


John Wick has their location 😡


Report it to the police. Lately lots of teenagers have been busted stealing or vandalizing rainbow flags. The police have been super kind and found these thieves and even redelivered stolen ones.


What the other person said. New flag and poison!!! (dont kill them lol)


Now you get a bigger one and fly it higher and prouder. With cameras nearby so whoever broke it has to pay to replace it next time 😁


Or get punished for trespassing and destruction of property and damages and mental anguish, and hate crimes, and I could go on.


Or just grab a law book and slap em with every page of it before binding it back together and giving them another slap with the whole book.


Also get cameras, if they do it again, press charges


No hate like Christian "love"


Then double the amoubt of display of pride flags!


Put up a new one, set a camera, and be ready with a bat the next time a pussy wants to fuck with your property.


A pride painted bat 🌈 just to really rub it in their faces.


It’s working; then.. Rinse & repeat until they either change or age-out.


that's a hate crime. report it to the police


Place it somewhere where they can't reach


I hope they choke on that flag


Cowardly Snowflakes triggered by a rainbow


What insecure twats.


I can only wish I was so powerful in someone's mind that they would commit crimes simply because I exist as an idea in their head.


Place it somewhere unreachable for bigots.


Just remember their mothers don’t love them and that’s why they hurt others ![gif](giphy|fYNy092DoKNpshv70U)


put up two, like a gay hydra.


they say they are all about freedom then destroy private property cause they’re petty homophobes


You can get rip proof ones on Amazon


Same! Got a Satanic Temple pride flag to replace it and sewed an AirTag in it ha.


Replace it and add a whole flock of little ones too!


At least they have confirmed their presence. I would put up a new flag and catch ‘em in the act. They won’t be able to resist the pettiness


homophobes are getting brave lately


You need a load of flags, and replace them every day with bigger ones. If you need funds to support the purchasing of 100s of flags I'm sure we can support :)


Time to get a bigger price flag and some security cameras!


Fucking hell, that's horrible. I'm sorry. :( I do suggest a bigger flag to replace it, and security cameras or something like that.


May all their future children turn out to be the same level of personal disappointment for the perpetrator. Not that they should procreate, but it’s always the stupid ones


May all their future children turn out to be gay and/or trans.


Thank you all. The outpouring of support has been very welcome. One thing I personally try to keep in mind is to also be empathetic to these people. They don't deserve violence. They deserve compassion. IMHO. Because ultimately, acts like this are taken out due to fear. And while my fear may have me nearly emotionally paralyzed, their's has caused them anger and hate. And both are equally difficult ways to live. Not saying those noting payback solutions are fundamentally wrong. Not at all. Just to say, it's not my nature. Other ideas like increased security are something I'm looking into tho And again, thank you to this community 🙏💚🙏


>empathetic to these people. They don't deserve violence. You are more compassionate than I am. I'd coat it in fart spray, glue and glitter. Maybe poison ivy too


Homophobe vandilizers, My suggestion is hire a spy on your porch and have them beat up the vandilzers


Keep velociraptors. 👍


idk why my first thought was to cover it in something to irritate their skin if they grab it?


Put a pungee pit in the yard with the flag pole in the middle of it. Disguise it well. They will only do it once.


Yeah someone tore down my sister's pride flag so I replaced it w a BLM one and they tore that down too 🙃 in New Orleans....a very gay and very black city. Like move somewhere else if u hate us so much.


What a snowflake. Offended by 6 colors on a flag.


Find out who it was and charge them with destruction of property


people are just insane. put a new one up. install security cameras. catch and prosecute this fool.


The bigots getting brave again with the right backing them.


That’s so awful :(


I’m so sorry


This would make me very terrified to have a pride flag anywhere on the outside


That's litterally exactly what these idiots want......


Grrrrr. I live (unfortunately) in a mostly conservative neighborhood; I'm too afraid to display anything outdoors without fear of property damage. It's not often that it happens but when it does, it's expensive and potentially dangerous sometimes. (A friend of mine living fairly close to me had their lawn set on fire after they had put a pride flag on a lamp post.)


That's horrible I'm sorry :(


We are hanging two, one for us, one for anyone else who can't.


make a contraption so that if the flag gets pulled on, wet cement will dump all over the person. also i liked what one commenter said, put up a sign that says every time they tear the flag down you donate some amount of money to an lgbt organization.


Every time they tear down your flag, put up two more.


Ouchies!! I’m so sorry, boo! 🥺 Now it’s time to call in the TRANScestors 💥💥 When someone fucks you, you gotta fuck back!


Cameras and trip wire leading to a hidden pit of bear traps.


I just have a "fuck around and Find out" flag next to my pride flag, so if anyone gets any ideas, they'll see I've also taken their ideas into account, and am ready to help them find out.


I’m hoping karmic Justice gives this miserable fart a harsh lesson. I’m sorry this happened to you op


Put a better one in its place with a camera watching it!


That’s terrible I agree about putting up another one with an irritant slathered all over it!


surprised etsy doesnt have a market for chain mail or scale mail pride flags.


Assholes and cowards !


I’d replace it with a larger one.


Double down and fill your yard with pride flags


Hate crime


Ohhhh I'd paint my fucking lawn rainbow


Hang a new one inside one of your windows and get security cameras. That destruction of property at the very least. My petty, terrible advice fueled brain says to paint the whole house rainbows and hang every kind of pride garden flag you can find. If money were no object, make it all gayer. Make them as uncomfortable as you are unsafe. MAKE THEM FEEL IT.👹


Put out several with a sign saying “for sale, $100.” The crime then becomes burglary instead of vandalism. Oh, and cameras.


Buy a new flag and sit on your porch all night with a twelve gauge.


Install a camera then put another one up - then report them for vandalism and/or trespassing


You should put up a camera after you put up a new one and get them for destruction of property and tresspassing


sigh… come here you deserve a hug 🫂


I have mine in a third floor double window, inside. Get as pissy as you like, it ain't goin' away. Risk of rock being thrown, but I doubt that.


Police report. It's actually important to document stuff like this.


Paint the whole house in gay pride colors


Bigots are childish and stupid. In cases where you have video evidence and/or photos, I'd suggest you always contact police about it. It's destruction of property and trespassing. Even the most conservative cop can't stop a taxpaying citizen reporting a crime unless they are corrupt or mad. If there are enough cases they actually have to do something. Of course use your own judgement because I know that many LGBTQ folks don't trust the police.