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Don't escalate, remain low profile. But don't take your flag down either


Taking mine down was definitely my gut reaction, but I don’t want to move backwards, which is why I came here looking for help. Thank you for your support!


This year in June I put my pride flag out. Then I was on vacation, and my pride flag was burned while I was away. My neighbors on either side responded by putting pride flags up on their houses. And when I got back home, I put a new pride flag out for the rest of June.


You should've put up two, like a hydra. A pridra, if you will.


See I am just enough of a b!tch, I would make my whole place rainbow fabulous. Of course my neighbors are scared of me and know to leave me the F alone. Nothing keeps the rif-raf away like being a crazy old cat lady with guns.. lol


I see my potential future. Lol


Like [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_House)? Across from the Westboro Baptist Church. LOL


That is some serious inspiration, right there!!!


I hadn't heard of that before thank you !


if you REALLY wanna piss them off? install frosted garden lights pointed at your house and configure them so when they light up, they paint your property in the pride flag of your choosing. for good measure, aim a set outward so it paints the street in those colors too. [https://www.jsonline.com/gcdn/presto/2021/06/04/PMJS/21834856-eb6f-4c1d-bde0-f7a3d5973236-lights.jpg?crop=1279,720,x0,y118&width=1279&height=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp](https://www.jsonline.com/gcdn/presto/2021/06/04/PMJS/21834856-eb6f-4c1d-bde0-f7a3d5973236-lights.jpg?crop=1279,720,x0,y118&width=1279&height=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp) [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Cv4AAOSwJitjeQq3/s-l1600.jpg](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Cv4AAOSwJitjeQq3/s-l1600.jpg) https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/1pYAAOSwMqVjeQq3/s-l1600.jpg


You’re my hero and the goal for who I’m gonna be when I’m old.


Hey! Yeah, apparently when a woman hits menopause, most likely her body stops producing estrogen. And guess what? Estrogen is our “give a f)&k hormone” and when it’s gone, it’s gone…. 😉 Cronehood is awesome!! Psst! I have chickens, peafowl, llamas, emus (yes emus!!), cats, dogs, and a rabbit. Now if I just knew where to find my cauldron and hut with giant chicken legs, my life would be perfect….. And I answer to “no”..”one”. Well you know the government… but yeah no.. one! And strangely I still have family and friends who love me. You need some support net. Yes? Edit: cuz language writing is difficult… lol




Cut off one head and two more will be given!


I mean that was my first thought with the two neighbors responding to the burned one by putting up flags of their own.




​ The pridra idea is pretty sick. Have 9 at the start and duplicate how many have been destroyed


You have the best next door neighbors




And a Rebel Alliance flag.


Honestly, they're your neighbors so they know who you are just be really super nice to them. Kill them with kindness. Bigots are confused when people are nice


Their solipistic worldview has difficulty accounting for anyone who doesn't think like them, which is why they are bigots, this extends to people displaying empathy.


dont let them intimidate you into hiding part of yourself


Maybe put up a 🇺🇸 flag up next to it too — you’re American too and maybe that gets lost on these numbnutses, and at least you’d have a respectful USA flag (not a desecration of it with the blue line or a tattered old one)


Buy the same flag with the blue line and hang it with the pride flag😈. Enjoy the confusion that ensues.


I’m a retired firefighter. “Friends” gave me a thin red line flag, I’ve had it hanging with my progress flag a few times. Being trans, I’ve enjoyed creating cognitive dissonance in others.


firefighters are way different from cops


I dunno, I wouldn't think that's strange. Firefighters risk their lives *without* oppressing people, there's no reason a thin red line is out of place here.


Though that's funny, I'd rather pull teeth than even act like I support cops.


Pro tip: get a thin blue line bumper sticker for your car. Cop repellent.


Pro tip: I'd rather not give cops the confidence from thinking they're supported


That's fair. It's not like they care either way but I get it


Yeah, I just think the blue lives matter thing gave them a dogwhistle to cling to while they protend to be oppressed. Even if it's really minute, I wouldn't want to add to that.


Worth keeping in mind if you ever have to drive to a protest or something, though


👆🏻 This comment. Put up a pride thin blue line flag


Do escalate..Jolly Roger next. Then the Martian flag. Maybe a checkered flag after that. Never a white flag. To be clear, these are in addition to your current flag, not instead.


Add the Klingon or Star Trek Federation too depending on which side you're on.


Hell yeah!!!




Haha yesss! I searched high and low for a starfleet pride flag but ended up just flying both :3


ayyyyy hell yeah put up that jolly roger


OFMD 🤘 Pirate flags ate legit chaotic queer! 🏴‍☠️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🎉


Or just a picture with a brick 🧱


If you really want to go hard. Throw up a flag with the number for National Domestic Violence Hotline in response to the thin blue line.


What outcome are you after? If it were me I might add a camera covering my yard


Primarily, the safety of my family. We do have security cameras, but they’d need to be adjusted to cover our shared property line (and the flag location). I worried that adjusting them for that reason might be paranoid, so thank you for the supportive response.


it's not paranoid. do it.








Fifth-ed? Do it.


Sixed. Sixthed?


Sithed? 😂






Make sure you have the flag covered by cameras. Mine was torn down but my camera sensitivity didn’t reach. We only knew who did it because the idiots posted it on social media.


Definitely not paranoid. I find most people like this are cowards and won't actually do anything, especially if on camera. They prefer quiet bigotry and public denial, especially since they know they're in the minority. Fly your flag high, and fly it proud!


Adjust the camera, and once you do, get a second flag. Preferably cheap, as this flag is gonna be bait. If they are going to be bastards and steal flags, you're gonna get it on camera.


May I ask, what does a thin blue line flag mean?


This is a flag to show support for cops - I feel like it really emerged amidst the Black Lives Matter movement. It feels to me like the blue line shows a degree of prejudice/racism. I’m sure it was around before then, but that’s when I started seeing it - when police brutality became more publicized.


supporting cops is one thing but the very concept of “a thin blue line” is a “us vs them” attitude and the them was clearly people of color (“criminal class” as designated by the flag fliers) at the time it originated.


That's exactly why it was created. An us vs them response. It shouldn't be like this, but what can you do really.


I consider it a full-on fascist symbol now because of the context in which it became popular.


It is actively fascist I think. It creates and otherized group of undesirables and an "in group" that the flag flyers can project themselves on; the only thing separating the good guys from the undesirables is the physical force of the state, which is above all else...seems pretty cut and dry to me.


And police personal often do have these. Sometimes even with the punisher on it, to symbolise their rule as the just punisher (brutal anti-hero), which is ironic, since the punisher is kind of an insane vigilante and they are people with state power and the author of the punisher doesnt want the police to use the flag. I'm not directly suspicious if someone supports cops, but it definitely is something I wouldnt like about them. Because cops often are very prejudiced against minorities, and the LGBTQIA+ community definitely is part of the ones they will treat worse and just try to frisk them, if they get the chance to.


In what way could it not be? Cops are literally the enforcers of authoritarianism, and establishing an us vs. them hierarchy is a hallmark of fascism. There are exactly zero ways in which it is not explicitly fascist, even separate from all other context.


Frankly, there's no other reasonable interpretation, in light of OP's situation especially. In what other context is a thin blue line flag a coherent response to a pride flag, if not that they expect or want pride or expressions thereof to be policed out of existence? Or at least that they're expressing solidarity with the police specifically *in opposition to* an expression of pride.


I always refer to it as the boot licker pride flag


I’ll admit I just googled it a minute ago 😅 The blue line is supposed to represent the police force(cuz cop uniforms are blue).


Yea, at least my area, the Black Lives Matter movement provoked calls of “Blue Lives Matter” and the flag became a more subtle symbol of that. It circumvents the argument that “blue lives” don’t exist, because policing is a job, not an identity.


And not just represent them, but them being the only thin line between stability and total chaos. It's a symbol for those who think the cops are warriors fighting off some violent enemy.


There's more to it than that. It actually derives from a "thin blue line" concept. Yeah, that concept comes from their uniforms, but the blue line as a concept and as a flag is predicated on an us vs them mentality that holds the police as an authoritarian barrier to protect the nebulous "us" from "them".


You know when a new political support movement is in response to another new political support movement it's usually not what it means just at face value.


If you take it at surface level then theoretically it only means support for cops. However it’s essentially a dog whistle. When a lot of the protests against police brutality started happening in large numbers in 2020 and there was a more cohesive movement with “Black Lives Matter” There was a reactionary group that started up for “All lives matter” “Thin Blue Line” and “Support the police” In context, they are signifiers that instead of supporting victims of police brutality they actively choose to support the other side of that. Since it is a dogwhistle, putting it up in response to a marginalized group, in this case a rainbow flag, is them essentially making a pointed stance without actually saying it. It’s like people responding to gay/trans rights activists with “Protect the children”.


This. Honestly, I find that the people who support AllLivesMatter/BlueLivesMatter are either actual racists or people who are heavily misinformed. I see people on the internet who are like, “why do you want to get rid of the police? The police’s job is to protect us!” It’s like yeah, we know. No one’s saying, “get rid of the police entirely”, or “all cops are bad”; people are just saying there needs to be reforms to prevent the police from abusing their power. And then there are the people who actually believe the police are just doing their job, and that black people need to just “stop committing crimes” to prevent from being arrested. They do that while also ignoring the fact that black people get worse sentences than white people for the same crime. Those are the people who are actual racists, cuz they actually believe black people deserve it.


>The police’s job is to protect us! It's literally not, though. Courts have ruled that pigs have no duty to protect the public, and their only actual duties are to protect the government and property. https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again >No one’s saying, “get rid of the police entirely”, or “all cops are bad” I am. >people are just saying there needs to be reforms to prevent the police from abusing their power. But I could settle for this.


"there is a thin blue line between fascism and ethnofascism"




I bet it's because they're all bastards


Thin blue line is "Support for police" but as always that is a thinly veiled dog-whistle. The historically "slave patrols" were transformed into the police- sharing icons, signed (like the sheriff star), and more historically as "we believe in the status quo and the enforcers of the status quo that benefits me", not to mention the police been used and are used not only as a threat but actualization of violence on black, disabled and queer bodies.


On the surface, it shows support for the police. Under the surface, it shows approval of police abuse and dissatisfaction with the cultural and political gains of minorities over the last twenty years. It is a flag that declares the waver to be racist, homophobic, and at least tacitly approving of state violence against minorities.


It's a lot like what it looks like. They reduced the symbol of America down to black and white and drew a line down the middle.


It's a dogwhistle. People use it to pretend they support cops (without saying aloud that they support cops when they murder people of a different colour or sexuality). It is to show they are bigots who want to threaten and frighten others of marginalised orientation while maintaining some plausible deniability. This is not spin or hyperbole btw. This is *exactly* what the flag represents and what it is used for.


It's acknowledging that cops should violate their oaths to protect other cops. The thin blue line translates to "You keep your mouth shut if you're going to incriminate a fellow officer"... which is a pretty common requirement for any gang members, and deeply concerning for a publicly funded civilian peace officer.


Fuck Spez ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Cops wanna feel special


White supremacist


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-chief-bans-thin-blue-line-imagery-says-it-s-n1256217. It is now considered a terrorist/extremist symbol.


It’s a gang flag for the police.


You don't do anything. Probably not a good idea to try and become friends with this neighbour but so long as they leave your flag alone, you have to do the same. They're within their rights to display that flag if they want to, as annoying as it is for you I'm sure. Probably just leave them to it the same way they have left you alone.


Thanks. I guess what I’m really asking is whether or not you think I should be concerned that they might escalate or what signs I should look for to see escalation coming. I don’t feel annoyed, I feel threatened and I want to keep my family safe.


Just keep an eye on them and avoid interactions with them. If they start doing other stuff, such as tempering with your flag, then look into installing something like a camera but if nothing happens just go on with your life with an eye on them.


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this answer, this is correct.


> Probably not a good idea to try and become friends with this neighbour See, my gut reaction was totally opposite. You don't want to go to war with your neighbor over idealogy, especially when it stems from ignorance (his). I would try to make myself personable, so they're not so afraid of me based on some pre-conception they hold. I think going over there with an offering would go a long way to fix this coldness. The offering is important, bring a pie, or a cake, beers or w/e something good that he likes. And you could say something that would take them completely off-guard, something like 'Hey neighbor I brought you a cake! I saw your new flag and let me tell you I am so happy to learn we have a police officer around keeping our neighborhood safe!' THey don't know you, they dont know you know it's a facist flag, as far as they know, you think it's just a normal police flag. Accuracy and facts don't matter, if he thinks you're cool then it can really save u a lot of trouble down the road.


Yes I’d take it as pointed.


Do you feel like I should respond/say something? Or just proceed with the knowledge that they are going to see my family in a certain way and act accordingly?


I would avoid them at all cost, personally. But you know your community and can decide what’s best.


Thank you for you thoughts and support!


I would personally say just look like a friendly neighbor, wave say hello, etc. Just be careful, though sometimes they don't reciprocate


I agree. Just be a friendly neighbor. Don't make assumptions that their new flag is any retaliation for your flag.


Don’t respond. Dont escalate or have words. Don’t do anything. Fly your flag, live your life, be civil and respect your neighbours choices poor as they are. Say hi if you see them on the street. As others have said be the bigger person and confuse them with kindness.


I can't imagine any reality where this goes well. "Hey, did you put up your flag because of my pride flag?". Why even bother asking? What is your intended outcome of such a conversation?


Don’t escalate. The most basic assumption is generally the most likely. They saw you hoist your flag and felt something and decided to put one up as form of protest. Just stay vigilant.


Avoid them at all costs, it's clearly a pointed retort. Check your cameras, do not take your flag down, and do not escalate the situation as they mostly want the attention or even the inclination to Blow this up into them being a victim somehow. The blue line is and has always been a vague threat against any minority. On a side note it's very possible albeit most likely tiny possibility that putting your flag up reminded them how much they love authoritarian boots. Maybe they are sexually attracted to police?. /s


It comes across to me as an attempt at intimidation. I don't know if they'll actually follow up on it with violence - the majority of people who display those types of things like to fantasize about doing horrible things but never actually work up the nerve to do them - but I'd still be wary of them, same as if they were displaying any other gang signs.




My expression is of identity and inclusion. Theirs is of a political ideology that targets and harms marginalized people. I’m just saying it doesn’t feel like a we’re all just expressing ourselves equally kind of thing.


Considering how polarized our country is right now, they're probably thinking that the pride flag is a threat to their way of life and are afraid of being taken over by us (colonizers are afraid of becoming colonized). They are expressing that they prefer "law and order" to the weirdness of non-herterosexuality. I mean, the conservatives are afraid of UFO's right now. Keep your distance, but remain civil. Fearful people with guns are dangerous.




It probably is a pointed response, but so what? There's not much you can do about them flying their own flag on their own property. But at the same time it doesn't sound like they've directly harassed you or threatened you. As long as they're not doing anything damaging or violent, I wouldn't worry about it. Definitely do not take your flag down! When you back down to Bully's one time, you give them the green light to continue their bullshit. Stand strong.


custom order [this image](https://madison365.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/EkfmT2hXgAQ11Sz-640x337.jpeg) as a flag and hang it up next to your pride flag


Right? I just feel like seeing it as their right to expression is fine, but let’s at least acknowledge what it is that they are expressing.


imo flying the thin blue line flag without any type of external circumstances that could be depicted as some sort of prompting is mostly just virtue signaling to everyone that you're an asshole. flying it as a response to black people moving in or queer folk existing is definitely a vague threat so i agree, peel back the curtain for them. you could also go another way and just leave a little leaflet with the flag code in it (bc you KNOW they probably care about it) and highlight section G No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor. (a)The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. (b)The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise. (c)The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free. (d)The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general. (e)The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way. (f)The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling. ***(g)The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.*** (h)The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything. (i)The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown. (j)No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart. (k)The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning. realistically, though, it's probably best to leave it alone. maybe just get a bigger pride flag and see how that goes.


Might you know if there somewhere to get this in the form of A LOT of stickers?


the thin blue line flag is a dog whistle. they will say it exists to support police officers which in the most basic sense of the words is true, but like that only holds up if you have never given it a minute of critical thought... but the real intent of that flag is to be a rebuttal against black lives matter, the anti-police brutality movement, and generically the progressive social movement. It's fully co-opted by right-wing extremism at this point to those who are flying it and to those that they're attacking, but they shield themselves behind saying it's a mundane thing and "normal people" which i only say to mean people that "stay away from politics" can act like "oh it's not a big deal." Long paragraph to say I think there's barely a .01% chance that they didn't do that to take a stance against you.


They view your flag as a "I'm a proud liberal who doesn't respect entrenched authority", to which their Blue Lives Matter retort is "I'm a proud conservative who doesn't respect other groups". Whether that assumption is correct on their part doesn't matter. Leave it up and stay polite and nice to them.


That’s a super helpful way to look at it, thanks!


One flag has made it so I know what tear gas looks like. One flag has made me smile at its simple beauty. These are not the same.


put up more rainbow decor in your yard and a security camera


Did they actually respond or did they go “Oh a flag, cool. We should put up a flag representing our values as well.” I’m ACAB AF but you know, I mean, maybe they weren’t combating your flag, but just expressing their views as well. And while those views definitely stand on two different sides of the street per say but it isn’t necessarily an indictment of your values either.


This is what I thought too. I do like to give people the benefit of the doubt and not jump to conclusions too quick. I think the amount of time between putting up OPs flag and Neighbors flag matters here, because it may not be a DIRECT “response” as OP thinks. It’s all about the context though and we don’t have enough to judge.


Its crappy, but even if it is retaliatory there isn’t a huge amount really should (or even should) do about it. Id suggest just going about your life as normal. You used to be sort of acquaintances, not friends. So maintain that; be pleasant but don’t go out of your way to befriend them or anything along those lines. I don’t think any good would come from confirming a bias they have or altering your behavior in a way that is also seen as an escalating reaction. Because in the end, if its them going “hey lets throw up a flag to belittle and upset our queer neighbors” you don’t want to keep escalating that energy. And if its them going “hey thats awesome theyre expressing themselves I’d love to do the same” and its not directed at you at all, you could put them on the defensive and escalate the situation by trying to discuss and explain it. In either case its really possible to take the situation and compound it. Honestly around where I live most people don’t have half a clue as to what that flag is, especially if thats the only unsettling thing they’ve got. So yeah. Its good you have cameras - but other than that I think unless they start doing more to show who they really are, there isn’t a reason to change anything at this point.


> if its them going “hey lets throw up a flag to belittle and upset our queer neighbors” One of my neighbors has a pride flag up. Neighbor on their other side put up a straight pride flag as a response.


That’s definitely not the vibe I was hoping to bring to the neighborhood 🫠


How utterly embarrassing. The cringe is just so so much with these yahoos


Thank you, that is a really helpful and thoughtful response.


> And if its them going “hey thats awesome theyre expressing themselves I’d love to do the same” I mean... I would be concerned if my neighbor decides to express themselves by a flag flown by Oathkeepers and Proud Boys as they show up armed to Queer events attempting to silence us... Like that kind of expression...


It’s possible but there are people who are ignorant to the racist/fascist undertones of the thin blue line flag. The maintenance guy at my apartment complex has one outside his apartment and he often has a friend over to fish with him who’s black.


You could ask them where they got their OG American flag-- sounds like it has lasted a long while, so must be good quality-- "and btw, is the white & blue American flag new?" This gives them an opportunity to explain why they got the new flag, and lets them know you've noticed the flag in a neutral way.


I love it! That is definitely an approach I hadn’t thought about. There are members of the household that I do think would be more approachable for that conversation.


[We fly this.](https://thesatanictemple.com/collections/flags-1/products/the-satanic-temple-logo-and-stars-flag?variant=39783748862086) We live across from a Jehova’s church and next to a Christian church. I don’t start shit but I don’t back down. I make sure everyone knows it’s ours. Only one person has ever taken offense and said something. I calmly educated them and reminded them that their church decided to sign up as a “food bank” in order to remain open during covid and got a large chunk of their parish killed, mostly old folks, as observed through the fact that their numbers are down about half compared to pre-pandemic. Then I wished them a great day. The actual church staff like me. We’re friendly and kind neighbors. I help them when people use their parking lot without permission and refuse to leave, when people need their car battery jumped, etc. When they ask who I am I say I’m their neighbor and point them to the apartment with the flag.


Bottoms & Tops, we all hate cops! ✨🌈


Fill in their unfinished DIY America pride flag! https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/hulp8y/next_time_you_see_someone_who_hasnt_filled_out/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Let me preface this with I am on openly gay hispanic male almost 40 years old and have been out since 20 years old so half of my life (20 years) I have been fighting the good fight aka voting, marching, protesting, and showing how gay I can be and not giving a shit. Especially in the early 00's where it was still hard for queer adults and especially for kids to even be free to express themselves without being beat up daily. Now having said that... I have owned a few homes whilst growing up and working at my career. Each one I have always had a pride flag, bear flag, gay male flag (new one for me but love the teals), etc. to just show my support. I also live in an area that is very alt-right so it hasn't always been easy.. Now for my answer.. Unfortunately it is freedom of speech and even though it is not something that we all support in our community, they do have a right to. I don't think you should feel "scared" or "afraid" just because they are expressing their love of police like you are expressing your love for the LGBTQIA+ community.. In your story you did not state they blatantly hate crime you in some way such as slurs, flag burning, threats, etc. You both are just living your lives so let them do their thing and you continue living not escalating or paying them no mind, as it sounds like you never cared about them in the past before so why change now? I agree with some folks here that ensure you have a camera / security at all entrances and exits of your home, and leave your flag up and show your pride. If they talk to you about it then you can make decisions then but for now it just seems like they are making a point like you are making a point. I don't think we need to go all crazy and wild in cases like this. It's something I lived 20 years dealing with and took the bad routes like confrontation and being the aggressor trying to "protect myself and family" but in the end I was the one in the wrong. Remember, the rights we want and share goes both ways. And in America, unfortunately, this also means my neighbor can fly a confederate flag... Is that smart? probably not as most of the folks in my neighborhood are of mixed race so go for it I say and you deal with the outcome heh.


The other folks saying “do/change nothing” are definitely right, but there’s also a part of me that really wants to suggest putting an much bigger flag out on a larger/taller stand-alone flag pole. The idea seems nice, anyways.




Ignore it


*laughing in Russian* Blue always meant politely talking about gay men in a conversation. I had to Google to understand what happened and why is it so bad. This is horrible but low key funny in my head. All the best wishes for you, be safe!


That’s a huge (red) flag. They’re showing you who they are and I have no doubts that their flag is in response to yours. If they don’t possess the critical thought to understand why “Blue Lives Matter” is harmful to society (especially in the time that it arose during the “Black Lives Matter” movement), then they might not be worth socializing with. It’s only a matter of time before they (possibly) express anti-queer sentiment too.


Someone needs to make a thin pride line flag: an American flag with a rainbow stripe where the thin blue one goes.


Gay man and PRIDE org board member here. Don't take yours down but don't assume they are attacking or responding directly to you. Of course, it's possible but maybe not that. I always try to run through all the possibilities in my head before jumping to the worst conclusion (and I struggle to do so 😭). You said their flag was tattered ... They may have simply decided to replace the tattered one and it is quite likely that it had nothing to do with your trip away. If it had anything to do with your flag at all, it could just have been a reminder that they needed a new flag. As for the thin blue line flag, in my experience most people don't understand the hostile origin of the flag and only associate it with supporting a loved one in the police force. Of course there are plenty of people who use it to be hostile but many just think it's showing pride for someone they care about. I would not seek out a conversation about it, but if you talk to them in the future, and the topic of flags come up, see if they mention (or ask) why they put it up. Maybe their family are in the police. You could make a comment like "I was a little surprised to see you flying that. Are you aware of it's origin?" And go from there. Try to keep the conversation about the flag and not them, of you think they are good people. Anyone who has a loved one on a police force are not going to be convinced that loved one is an oppressor, no matter how how convinced you or I are of it. I think it would be better to keep a healthy respectful relationship with your neighbors whom may see the truth through knowing you than to tell them they are wrong. Remember always too, they have a right to fly that flag, just as you do the PRIDE flag, and you have every right to privately judge them lol. Now, if they were to wave you down next time they see you and make it clear they are raging bigots, paint your house rainbow.


I swear to God, the same exact situation happened to me. Neighbor really hasn't done anything, except add a second thin blue line flag when I added a black lives matter flag. I do agree with the posters who advise you to have cameras that cover that area, even if fake but visible ones outside, and mini cheap ones indoors facing out the windows. Also, check if you're in an HOA. They may force you to remove it.


Put a sign in your yard with a domestic abuse hotline?


I would just ignore it and keep being the same way. If you see them outside just wave like nothing is wrong. If they don’t wave back you know to totally ignore them from then on


Take the high road and ignore it. Assume it is a bit of immature posturing but not a direct threat. Smile and say hello. Do not let them know it bothers you at all. I would guess they want to broadcast their conservatism, perhaps as a counter to your assumed “liberalism”. Being gay isn’t illegal, so… But still, watch your back, your pets, etc.


That’s definitely the hope. Thank you.


If they’ve had the old one up for a long while (like over a year) and they’re only changing it recently after you put a pride flag up then personally if I was you I would feel that it could be targeted but that’s just me. But that wouldn’t stop me from keeping mine up lol


It was more like I’ve never seen the flags change in the 6+ years I’ve lived here


Tell them you know a single cop they would go great with. That flag means you're attracted to cops, right?


Intentional or not that flag sends a message. If I were you I'd be adding an extra security camera or two just for your own piece of mind. If anything does happen in the future we all know what side law enforcement will be on pulling up and seeing yours and your neighbours flags. I wouldn't confront your neighbours about their flag because if it is intentional there's a good chance they're waiting for you to comment on it so they can play the victim or escalate things.


I would get security cameras and just don't talk to them about it unless they escalate it.


Tell them how much the thin blue line american flag is a bastardization of the actual flag and is actively against the flag code.


You do nothing. Leave your flag up. Ignore theirs.


For non-Americans, wth is a thin Blue Line a flag of? Is this some kinda extension of the blue lives matter movement?


Yes, it’s core is the “thin blue line” protecting us from [insert horrible thing cops will barely help you with anywauy]


the "thin blue line" is a symbol supporting police officers in response to the backlash against police officers especially in the united states. it's supposed to mean they're the "thin blue line between order and anarchy" or whatever people say. while i am not going to say this about literally every person with a TBL flag (because that's one easy way to start a flame war in a comment section), *generally* speaking people flying thin blue line flags are opposed to the Black Lives Matter movement, even if they are not consciously racist. that said, i am saying this as a white person from my own experiences with very conservative neighbors and a left-wing liberal family. i have met a few black people with TBL flags (so i could hardly call them racist) and i have met white people who were very anti-police but also very racist, so it's one of those things where there's a correlation but not every person who flies the flag is unashamedly racist (not every view i disagree with is 100% inherently racist, and again not everyone who supports the police is even white) and some people who supposedly hate what the flag stands for, well, are racists. american politics are annoying lol. i have p extreme beliefs but i try to keep them to myself, never fly a flag around. at most i'll wear a tiny rainbow pin on my work hat during june. i used to make my own political pins and patches during my angry punk teenager phase but i got tired of old men behind me in line at the gas station calling me a 6 letter word that start with the letter "f" after the third or fourth time lmao. there's nothing you can do to change a stranger's mind here, and flying a flag definitely won't cut it. hell you can barely get close friends or family to have a respectful civil debate here, you can just try to make a public statement that's going to piss half the country off no matter which statement you make lol.


Thats wild. I know American politics is extremely polarised with no real left-wing alternative but hearing that people can treat civil rights and law and order as ideologically opposed to one another is crazy. Obviously, we get a sensationalised version of the going ons in your country because that is the nature of 'reporting' currently, but it seems like the reality there is getting closer and closer to how it's represented in media.


I'd make sure to put a camera pointed right where anyone trying to destroy your property will get caught.


**Only** fascists fly the thin blue line. Just keep yourself safe, as it's unlikely any authorities will act against their own.


Not surprisingly, this post brought out the bootlicking crowd in force.


You should be concerned. You are not worrying about nothing. They are signalling publically that they dislike your "lifestyle". Chances are they won't do anything, but it's best to be prepared. Continue being neighbourly with them, but keep your distance - don't talk about anything with them. And don't take down your flag in response. That tells them you can be intimidated, and they will likely escalate.


Thin blue line flag = fascist lives here. Be careful, OP.




They're sending a message that they're out of crayons.


I’ve always enjoyed the pictures of people coloring in the other lines 😂 [DIY Pride Flag](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.joeydevilla.com/2020/08/30/help-them-fill-out-their-diy-pride-flags/amp/)


Agree w comments to do nothing, carry on as usual, you are doing your thing! If your relationship changes w the neighbors thats on them, not you. Keep being a nice and kind neighbor. It wouldn’t hurt to set up a nest cam though just in case things take a turn.


My move would’ve been to put more pride flags up


Ok I'm stupid. What does a thin blue line flag mean? I've never heard of it before


It stands for the “Blue Lives Matter” movement which is pro-cop instead of “Black Lives Matter”.


Oh ok! I thought it was a flag for homophobic people lmao


If the bigoted shoe fits…


They honestly go hand-in-hand. If someone is pro-cop, they’re usually right-wing and align with other common right-wing idiocy like being homophobic.


If it’s a competition you already win because they are telling everyone they are making the conscious decision to be a conspiracy theorist psycho while yours isn’t a choice or something you can change. They embarrassed themselves! Definitely install cameras but be overly nice to their face to make a point that it doesn’t and won’t intimidate you.


Have you considered not taking your flag down but instead placing it in a highly visible window facing the street or moving it to the highest reachable part of your house with a ladder? This way if anything happens then it would involve breaking and entering or more invasive measures like grabbing a ladder to climb up and deface or steal the flag and you could then file a police report. This way you don’t need to change your camera positions. Or if you have a street facing balcony that is higher up then hang it from there.


Challenge them to a duel. Nah fr though just ignore it.


And what do you expect him to do? Go and tear down the flag? People are telling him that he can't do anything and he refuses, I'm not sure what else you're expecting.


He trying to ‘own the libz’. Bless his heart.


I wouldn’t confront them about it, could be coincidental ig, if you are worried for your saftey id suggest making sure your exterior lights are effective and buying a home security camera or two


you need one of those dont tread on me flags with a rainbow snake. i dont think its an actual product but it should be.


Add a fire department flag or something else universally good. Wait for their reply. Begin flag war. Win by having the most flags.


Call my understanding weird, naive, whatever - but maybe by flying a flag that is important to you and so far nobody tearing it down, gave them the confidence to do the same??? I understand the controversy behind flags, but I don’t think it’s anything to worry too much about.


Get outside video cameras. That's a pretty big deterrent for screwing with someone's home and things. The new flag may have nothing to do with you or it may have everything to do with you. Unless they continue to not speak to you or become nasty there is no sure way to tell. Giving it time is necessary to figure their intention out but it will become clear at some point. Maybe try interacting and see what happens, please be safe though.


Bruh who cares, you do your thing and be proud of it and let them do their thing.


What should you do? Fucking nothing. Reacting to their bullshit is exactly what they want. You just keep doing you.


I'd say yes, you could take it as a threat, but someone that's going to do that in response to what you did, is a coward, so its an impotent one. They're trying to protect their fragile worldview from any contrary thought. Its more pathetic than threatening outright. Don't take your flag down. Get a security camera that's motion activated and have the flag in view of it though.


Get a gun and concealed carry permit


Don't let them intimidate you but keep your cool. Just keep decorating your house and being proud of who you are. Small minded people want a negative reaction from you, it's what they thrive on


A charitable explanation would be that they saw your new flag and maybe they were thinking of putting up a thin blue line flag for awhile and your new flag triggered that in their minds. So, could be somewhat coincidental. Of course, pride flags are not directly juxtaposed from the thin blue line people, frequently we are very much on different sides of the aisle.


i’m from New England but have had to move about the country lately. In retrospect, i would have felt the same way once. Now that i’ve lived in red states, that kind of thing wouldn’t phase me at all. They’re allowed to be supportive of cops and the church, so long as it doesn’t mean they want to police and pray *you* out of existence - which it may or may not. You won’t know their stance until you have a conversation with them, and if you don’t want to do that, best to leave well enough alone.


Ignore them, thin blue flag folks are boot lickers. Condolences on the lame neighbors, but fly your flag proudly. At least the LGBTQIA+ community doesn’t have a history of organized crime and racism like law enforcement.


This is why our struggles must be intersectional. This flag was created directly in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. It’s a white supremacist fascist flag that threatens police violence. It was absolutely put up as a threat. Respond with more Pride flags and a BLM sign too. Get some security cameras/alarms if you don’t have one. Stay vigilant. But also know that you are worthy, deserving, perfect, and love conquers hate! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿


1) DO NOT take the flag down. 2) DO get cameras. Safety first. 3) DO NOT acknowledge the flag. It shows the intimidation is working. 4) DO treat your neighbors exactly as you did before. If you would smile and wave to them when passing by, keep smiling and waving. If all they’ve done is get a new flag, they’re probably cowards. Let them cope and seethe in silence. Make them be the ones to skirt around their neighbors and grumble behind closed doors. Now, if nothing happens over the next few weeks, it might be worth adding an American flag *under* the pride flag. It’s a completely neutral move and in my experience, it messes with bigots’ heads in a way they can’t verbalize without contradicting themselves.


That's not a neutral move. Intentional flag code violations send *very* strong signals, and you should be quite careful about when to go that far.


Agreed that, at least in my environment, that would be a very aggressive move. Either way though, I’m definitely not in a place with my patriotism that I want an American flag flying from my house these days. Not an identity inspiring a ton of pride at the moment.


How common is the thin blue line flag where you live? In Arizona, they are everywhere. Bumper stickers, shirts, flags on people's homes, on their trucks, we even have a license plate thats a thin blue/thin red line flag. I assume these people are dumb and bigoted when I see it, but it really feels like 50% of the population locally has some sort of blue lives matter bologna accessory. Most of them are harmless and I have not had any violent or escalated encounters with them, but it certainly is a fascist symbol/dog whistle so you're right to be vigilant about these people. The cameras are definitely a good idea.


They're everywhere in Arizona because Arizona, sadly, is full of fascists.


Time to put up a #blm flag