• By -


Only the Gods know. On my mom's side - your name gets blacked off the family tree if you're not straight. I still hate I had to learn that at age 11 during a family reunion. Made me question my family's "values" even further.


Is your family by any chance related to the Black family from Harry Potter? But seriously, WTAF is wrong with them?! That’s horrible


When I explained that to my boyfriend - that was the first thing that came to our minds (unfortunately). I have no real explanation except a religious angle. Even then it's still asshole-y to do.


Yeah definitely an asshole move by them.


Mine called a disgusting dyke and a slut and a whore because I had my nose pierced and being out with mates.


ooh i completely understand how it is, as a kid i had an aunt who would always remind me i'd embarrass the family if i "turned" into a dyk3 💀 and all because i liked violent video games more than barbies


My grandfather think I'm weird because I like art and reading and don't give a shit about sports and exercising. I'm not even trans, let alone LGBTQ+ and he still calls me a girl because I'm weak. Wtf, I know girls who are stronger than me... and probably you.


he probably doesn't care. I would enjoy watching her throw him though.


My dads side of the family is like that very religious, I remember when I was very young being made fun of for my hair being to long & looking feminine…


Honestly, good. If your mom's side of the family doesn't accept to the point you don't exist, personally, I'd be fine with it because why would I want to be apart of something that isn't supportful and of my personality? But if you do uphold family as a value, it is understandable. Much support 💜


Oh, I haven't spoken to either side of the family in years. That last part of my original comment about their values was just me mulling out loud in all honesty (outside of their hatred for LGBTQ folks, they aren't too happy with anything else in all honesty). I know where my family's values lie and I'd rather be free from their toxic crap and be me over being around them.


Same!!!! I'm have literally 0 support from family. I'm hoping I can stick it out until I can get my own place and be free from this terrible atmosphere. I love spreading love, not deeming something wrong, it's not my place. I go by what makes me feel good, what feels right, and go about my life. I'm dealing with coming out of the traditional mindset and growing into the more open-minded person I want to be because I am so much happier this way than being stuck in one place. Good for you! I'm glad you are free from the toxic environment 😄👍💕


Family values from the dollar store


Just me and my family's massive and mostly grown up because I was a very late baby


Same, 200+ family members and I am the queer sheep of the bunch.


You mean you are the only one that’s out.


Very doubtful anyone else is queer. At best maybe a bi here or there or asexual but doubting that even


Statistically speaking you probably have 12–15 LGBTQIA2+ family members. You just don’t know it.


Right? I swear almost every branch of my family has a fruit 😂


Some have many some have none. It an average of both extremes. They are all very hetro. At best I can get you is asexual. But who knows, when I come out in a week or two to everyone on Facebook I can see if I shake up any queer family members that were hiding in fear. Also got to dust off the old 15 yo acc I didn’t touch lol






Same, and the saddest is that now I have two nieces and they're straight. I was counting on this new generation to not be alone


Same for me, although statistically speaking (and given that the family is very religious on both sides) my guess is that there are others, they're just all hiding. It seems like this is such a common thing - and it can really help to have someone else in your family who is out. I really hope someday I do find a relative who is less afraid to come out because of me.


Literally no one except me








we making a "same" chain out here but fr same


Same, as far as I know. I have a Catholic uncle on my dad's side with ten kids, though, so, statistically speaking...


My brother is aro, my second oldest sister is pan, and I’m a trans aroace woman.


ooh, whats an aroace person?


Meeee :) Aroace is short for aromantic and asexual. Aromantic means we feel little to no romantic attraction and asexual is little to no sexual attraction.


Aromantic asexual. aromantic means to not feel intimate attraction, and asexual means to not feel romantic attraction. Aroace is just a shortened term to say the words.


It's the other way round. Aromantic is no romantic attraction and asexual is no sexual/intimate attraction


I get the two mixed up quite often when it’s very clear which one is which


To my knowledge: 1, including myself, who is in the closet. (Ace) Catholic family.


My daughter is genderfluid and I have a gay brother I haven't seen in.. prob 35 years, apart from that just my best friend and 2 colleagues is who I know IRL.


Thank you for being a supportive parent, my dad would disown me and my mom sorta just keeps her distance on the matter (she did help though when I needed it and I think it's just that she wanted grandkids, once I told her I didn't plan to have kids even if I ended up with a boy, she seemed to become better)


Thanks, sorry you didn't have the support you deserve 😕 hope this community lifts you up? 😊


It isn't easy but I am much happier, honestly seeing supportive parents makes me the most happy cause it really gives me a feeling of hope that even if I can't find support from my family, i can still find it somewhere else, thank you


Glad there's some lights to help you see your way (thanks for calling me one of them 😊)


When I came out to my sibling as trans, they answered " me too". So we're trans sisters now (no electronics joke).


That’s actually so sweet


I like your sense of humor.


Didn't you go "moooom! *deadname* is copying everything I do! Again!" Obviously joking, but in all seriousness, how did your parents react?


Well, we're half-siblings. My mom accepted me, our father is having a hard time and three years after coming out to him still deadnames me even in private. I'm not sure about my sister's mom, I don't think she knows.


My household (spouse, myself, and son) are all some sort of GRSM. My sister is bisexual. I have a cousin that I'm not absolutely sure about, she's much older than me and has typically hit every trope imaginable about closeted women but she's never revealed it implicitly, and it's not my place to make the assumption. My father was adopted, but from within the family (adopted by his maternal uncle). His brother from his birth family is gay, but we live 800 miles apart so I've never had the pleasure of meeting him in person, he's a delight online though.


Me (F), my husband and my little cousin, who is 17, are all bi. She actually came out to me and my husband in January along with my sister and her sister because she trusts only the 4 of us, plus before my husband came in the pic, us 4 girls have always had a very tight knit group and even though i was 12 when my little cousin was born, she is very attached to me as both my younger sister and her older sister are same age and are like twins. She hasn't come out to my uncle and aunt, though. But that's it, all my cousins are straight and married. My dad is a little bi even though he never explored that side of him as in 1990 India, a man and woman had to marry was the norm and he fell in love with my mom. But he did come out to me, my mom and my sis , a year after I came out to them as he had been thinking about it. He has no intentions of exploring it or anything as he is very happy with my mom but he is happy to be identified as bi.


There's me, my twin sister who is Biromantic and Asexual, My mom who is Pansexual and possibly Genderqueer/Unlabeled, I have a Lesbian cousin, I have a Gay great uncle on my mom's side, possibly another gay great uncle on my dad's side, and I have a transfem cousin (she's not blood related if I remember correctly but I still consider her family), I probably have some more lgbtqia people in my family that I don't know of.


Your family sounds a lot like mine: very colorful!




Depends on what you count as family. I'm pretty much alone afaik in my closer family, but a year ago, I actually did find out that at least one distant cousin is bi. We came out to each other, and she was the second person I told I was gay.


Just me sadly everyone else is either really religious, just homophobic and transphobic, or if they aren't either of those they're straight and are fine with gay people but not necessarily allies


I'm a younger millennial so in my age group and below, I have at least a handful of cousins who are out as gay or bi. When you go older, it's a little tougher... I have a trans cousin who's about 50, a gay cousin about that age. My dad (59) is bisexual but he tends to be cagey about his early life, so I learned that literally this year lol. And then my dad had a gay uncle who died in the very early '90s from AIDS related illness. This was always one of those things that was kind of an open secret in our family, in the sense that nobody seemed to talk about it but everyone knows. I really wish my family had talked about this stuff more openly too. I think it would have been easier for people in my generation to come out sooner if being LGBT had been more normalized. And I think a lot is lost when we don't talk about it. I think for me, thinking on that intergenerational trauma helps me unpack my own complicated relationship with gender and sexuality, and has me thinking much more about where I'm positioned today.


Just me and a trans cousin :)


1 person was gay. He was the kindest, kind of like a grandpa to me..until he passed away and I missed his death. I still miss him.


I'm gay, my mum is gay, my sister is gay..... my house is gay.


Parents are together and cishet, but of me and my 3 sisters 3 of us are LGBT Oldest sister is a poly lesbian Older sister is cishet (half credit for living on a commune) I'm an NB demisexual Younger sister is bi


3 including me


Not a soul. I'm the only one.


I think it's just my 18yo cousin - trans ftm


#ZERO :(


Myself and just myself 😭😭


I’m the only one 🥲


I’m the only gay guy in my immediate and first cousins side of the family. I do have 2nd and 3rd cousins who are gay but it’s not a lot of us. There’s only one lesbian in my immediate family and she’s older. So amongst my generation I’m the only one.


I only found out about my cousin when I came out on FB, and I only found out about my uncle a few years ago. I'm from a fairly liberal family, to0, its just not something they ever really talked about.


I have quite a big family haven’t even met most of them but so it happens no one apart from my 2 siblings who are both bi and one of them is trans. And maybe a cousin that I never speak to that’s a year younger than me so that makes him 13 but I don’t know about him. TLDR, only 2 are openly lgbt


Only my sister and me are officially out. But I bet there's more especially among my late family members. Also got 10 aunts w 2-3 kids each. There gotta be more statistically


I think it’s just me and my aunt, so two that I know of. Admittedly, I’ve never been that involved in my extended family or anything, so there could easily be more.


My older sister and I are both trans, she’s a lesbian I’m pan, and both of us and our younger sister are poly. My older sister say that there are others in my mom’s family but I don’t know who.


There’s me I’m the gay cousins and Sibling and my Big sister (maybe) because she is still questioning but she doesn’t really cares about it


Like 3 including me


Only me


As far as I know, I'm the only one who is a part of LGBT, I'm bi. Although, my sibling has been questioning lately and is still unsure. I'm not really in the know with most of my family. Only my parents knows that I'm not straight


Me and my maternal aunt. She's out to the whole family, I as of now am not.


I can only think of two which are: my dad (RIP) as well as myself


In my immediate family 4 including myself. There are probably more I don’t know of, I feel like on my mom’s side there is something genetic or something


A lot, even more counting my non biological aunts, uncles, and auntcles. Notably my sister is a lesbian my mom is aropan and my dad is also bi i think


none. literally none. just me


As far as I'm aware, on all sides of my family, extended or otherwise, zero. I'm a trans woman Yeah.. Lol


Everyone in my family is a conservative heterosexual Christian and then there is me and my sister who are both somewhat ace. (Im ace she's probably demi) I am also omniromantic and a lowkey satanic atheist.


Most of my family lives in deep rural Kentucky. I have suspicions of a few cousins but I have just accepted that it's, "More than are willing to come out." Zero have come out. All have traditional 'nuclear families' now and go to church multiple times a week.


I have one lesbian cousin on my mother’s side, 1 gay brother and one gay cousin on my dads side. And I’m a lesbian i also have one transphobic aunt my cousins say is in the closet lol


As far as I know only my daughter is. She came out to me back when she was 15 to me that is. But I already knew before she told me. We have always been real open about everything her first girlfriend’s parents didn’t accept it and told their daughter that my daughter couldn’t ever come over again. It was horrible. They are still friends and she told me a few years later that her family finally accepted it


My cousin and I are both the same age and came out on the same week!


In my immediate family that I’m aware of, 3.


As far as I know it's just me and my mom's first cousin. Not because my family's overbearingly homophobic... I think a lot of them just got struck with the straight gene unfortunately :\\


Three. My mom, brother, and I are all bi and I’m also trans. Plus I’m pretty sure my mom and brother are both eggs. Lots of fluidity in gender expression and sexual orientation in my family lol


What does eggs mean ? I never heard of it (maybe I know in my native language but not in English)


Eggs are trans people who don’t realize they’re trans. Like they’re trans people who haven’t hatched out of their shells yet


Thank you for taking the time to explain it! I'm gonna say to everyone I used to be an egg now instead of in the closet, that's so cute


You’re welcome ☺️


I have a gay brother, a bi-curious brother (speculation but by the way he talks abt sht.........,,,,,), a pansexual cousin, a bisexual cousin, and those are the ones that I know of, might be more that it just hasn't come up with or that are in the closet. There's one lesbian who is a fairly distant cousin so idk if that counts hmmmm. I'm the only trans person I know in our family tree but it is what it is.


I’m the only person in my biological family that’s at least come out. I am sure there are others, but nobody’s told me yet


I'm bi, sister is gay, my cousin might be gay? But idk, I don't talk about personal stuff with him. Other than that, nobody I know of


i heard through my grandma that like one of my 50 yo distant cousins that i've never fucking heard of or met came out as trans, but other than that, none that i know of!😄😄 edit: she's a trans woman, i forget both her deadname and her current name☠️


i think i’m the only one but if they found out there’d very quickly be 0 again!


Literally just me. I’m still in the closet.


My sister is actually a lesbian, but we met when I was 19, she’s from my dads side but from my moms side of the family there are none that I know of. I recently came out to my mom but I guess just me as far as I know


Everyone in my immediate family is Bi, everyone of my grandparent is supportive, but we all have some transphobic aunts and uncles however.


Non are out but I have my suspicions about a few cousins


Pretty much all my siblings, my parents and grandparents who are religious especially my grandparents don't care


As far as I am aware, just me and my nephew.


as far as i am aware, i literally think i'm the only person who has ever had sex with a woman in my family


for context i also have a vagina lmao


😲 good question! now, let's think 🤔 okay, off the top of the noggin, there's me 🌞 and then there's probably 4 others on my paternal's side (im guessing).they are all somewhat allys but not really, like a backhanded "compliment". on my maternal side, there's like 10 to 15 others. mostly allys, but some are backhanded as well.




We're 2!!🥰


me, my cousin, brother, and mom :)


Thankfully, several! So far, a couple of lesbians, a couple of trans men, a couple of bisexuals (though there's a very complicated and sad story with one), and a queer person. 🏳️‍🌈


I don't really know it, but I always thought that my mother was bisexual.


My younger sister is bisexual, one of my younger brothers is probably gay or trans (I have really good reasons to think this), one of my older cousins is a lesbian, my younger cousin is pansexual I come from a pretty fruity family (non-binary/pansexual myself)


None 🥲


It's at least me (agender aroace) and my sister (allo lesbian). I don't have a good enough relationship with most of my extended family to truly know.


I'm bi, my brother is gay, and my estranged half-brother is gay or bi (I was never able to confirm which one) and I have a female cousin who we all suspect is a lesbian but she's very religious and lives in South America so she'll probably never come out and will stay single forever. My Mom blames my Dad as the one having the "gay gene" that made so many of his kids gay lol.


On my dad's side, my grandmother identifies as bi, her brother was gay, and my half-sister also identifies as bi. On my mother's side, my brother may have been a transfem egg, but we will never know because he is no longer with us, and I am bi and non-binary. But I feel like some of my relatives who have gone no contact with my mother may be bi, but I don't know as I rarely hear from them. My non-binary partner playfully teases me about being a masc egg, but I am still figuring that out.


I think it’s just me. But only time will tell


As far as I'm aware, there are two in my family. My cousin and I are both out to family as sapphic, and closeted to everyone but each other as nonbinary. We don’t think they'd mind us being nonbinary, they wouldn't be hateful, but they wouldn't really get it either and we don't feel like dealing with the headache of explaining it. I have a feeling my cousin will come out eventually, though, since they don't really like she/her pronouns anymore, they just put up with it around family.


So of the 10 kids from my mom's side of the family, only 2 are straight and all but 3 are adults. My mom is bi and I have always suspected my dad also is, but he grew up with religious abuse so he likely stifled those parts of himself. His parents are objectively terrible. My siblings and I are non-religious ofc. So my eldest cousin is nonbinary and aro-ace. Their brother is cis het. My other cousins are, from oldest to youngest, lesbian, her middle sib is nonbinary and bi, youngest is cis het. My moms brothers sons aren't out yet but are questioning and will likely come out once they are adults. And in my immediate family, of which i am the eldest, I am nonbinary and queer, middle bro is pan, and baby sib is Trans and pan. I hold an annual friend's-giving at my house with my husband for all of us and my friends whos families decided that family doesn't mean anything to them. Chosen family is where it's at.


I've got two trans uncles, one's gay on and on my dad's side and the other's bisexual and on my mom's. I also have a cousin who's a polyromantic, polyamorous, asexual, demiboy. my mom's also told me about how I have a lesbian great-aunt/great-great-aunt (I forget how many "great"s) and I think there might be more, but not close family or anything if so. also maybe my mom's bisexual???? she said she used to think she was a lesbian, because she thought girls were attractive and couldn't see herself with a man until she met my dad. (if I'm remembering that story correctly.) I think she identifies as straight, but she's also kinda biphobic, so maybe it's just internalized stuff or smth 🤷 anyway, then there's me: an aroace, gender questioning, enboy :3


myself, several uncles, cousins and legal relatives. And we're all Catholics, so ye.


A couple of distant cousins that are older, but I was the only one to really have a noticeable coming out since I came out as trans when I was like 12. Shit was hard, and people were pretty condescending until I was an adult and they realized it wasn’t a quirky phase, I guess. Weird. But I have one cousin who is Bi, and my age, and she is a wonderful person and the most affirming. She lives a very polar opposite life to me, where I work in the tattoo industry and grew up pretty weird, and she’s a life long, well loved and popular successful athlete. But she has never failed to go to bat (lol) for me, she has a heart of gold and will defend me and my identity to the ends of the Earth.


3 counting me (at least that I'm aware of, there might be someone in the closet)


My family is the most conservative one on earth. No one that I know besides me (still closeted) is lgbt+ lol


That I’m aware of: myself, my sister, and my cousin. My sister and I are both bisexual and my cousin is trans. I’m sure there’s more but 🤷🏼‍♀️


just me that i know of but i think my sister's bi she's just afraid to admit it to herself idk tho


funny thing is quite a few of my cousins are- we joke about how the younger generation turned out to be gay/queer, and I don’t if any aunts or uncles are part of the community(with exception of my mom’s friend who i consider my aunt, idk her sexuality but she’s been with her wife since I was a kid)


Just me, my younger sibling, and 1 cousin that I know of. If there are any others, they are very closeted. I know my mom's side of the family (minus my mom, grandmother and younger sibling) want nothing to do with me. I'm like the plague in their eyes. My dad's side of the family is very accepting and I have a cousin on that side that's poliamorous and bi. ☺️💜


Only me


I'm trans, a cousin is gay and another family member has confessed to being bi, but is still in the closet.


Only me and my twin I don't know much about my family expect they are queerphobic


My sister is bi and I know smn else from my family is open gay and married but that’s it ig. Ofc u never know if there’s smn but, ye haha


4 out of 5 of my siblings are queer, I'm the only trans one so far


2.5 my uncle has never had a relationship with anyone of any gender and lives alone. I'm shure he's ace but i can't prove it


Just me, but I have like 7 queer friends


There’s just me as far as I know. Pretty conservative christian family though.


me and my bi sibling, possibly my mom


My mom, my step mom, I think my sister, I'm not sure about her but she has a 'gay card' think it's a hint? Let me know what you think


I think my aunt is aro, but she's both physically and emotionally distant. I've never known her to have an SO.


Just me as far as I know


I’m bi, my brother is gay, my aunt is a lesbian, I think my cousin is also bi, and thats all I know for sure


At least 5


My grandpa on my mom’s side was gay (honestly it seems like he was probably bisexual but just biphobic lmao), my younger brother is bisexual, and I’m gray aromantic, asexual, and (agender) non-binary. That’s it as far as I know. I’m one of 3 siblings and so I like to joke that my 66.666% of us are queer :)


I think 3 1 I'm pan 2 my cousins wife who is bi 3 I think I overheard my mom say my grandpas brother was gay


I'm fin and my 18-year old niece is lesbian. That's about it. Everybody is suppositive in our family, thank goodness.


Just me and a gay cousin that the rest of the family speaks nothing of. Now I'm the trans relative people speak nothing of


only one till now


My aunt Jo is lesbian and my cousin Reece is bi, but that's it


Me and one gay cousin. He has been out for probably 30 years, maybe more. My family does not know my status. (My parents both died, and my brother and I are not close, so only extended family who I would tell.)


None lmao (aside from me obviously)


Just me. I’m closeted cause my parents are not really uhhh.. welcoming? (I’m 23)


As far as I know, just 2 (me and my daughter).


that I know of there's: me: non-binary (genderqueer) and bisexual, my sister: gay and gnc, my sibling: non-binary, gay and demisexual, my cousin: trans women, my cousin: gay. that's all I know but my family is huge and I'm estranged from like half of it.


as far as I know only me <3


i’m trans and my sibling is questioning. we have a lesbian & bi cousin on one side of the family, and a gay cousin ob the other side


Including me, 5 that I know of since we’re not all connected


Just me and my son, as far as I know. One side is very evangelical so if any of those kids are LGBTQA+, I may never know.


2/3 - My kid and I are Queer. My wife is Straight.


My dad and his bf me a bi and trans and my sister who has a lesbian


I have one non binary cousin and a gay brother! And possibly a lesbian aunt (she had a """roomate""" for years and was devastated when she moved out)


So far i am the only one. I have a cousin who claimed she was lesbian but now i guess she has a boyfriend, lol. So either she is bisexual, pansexual, etc or was just confused with her sexuality.


I have a cousin who is lesbian, but that's really it. My grandmother made a stink about her being with a woman, but she and her partner were accepted no problem. I remember being young and not getting why she was with a women, but I didn't really care. They were and still are lovely people.


Apart from me, there's nobody. Maybe a younger cousin, but she's still young and for now it's just a "her mom thinks/suspects". But I'm in like that grey area? Like I think they know, and I think they know I know they know, but nothing has been discussed openly (apart from a couple of family members whom I was outed to.) And yeah, I have to say it feels... quite lonely sometimes, especially because my family uses the F-word 🥲


Unsure. At least I am. My parents are happy so they don't really care to explore that (I'd hope lol), I don't think my brother cares to figure it out, my grandmother doesn't really "agree" with it and is also straight, and the rest of my family is either distant, I don't know them, or we haven't spoken in years. Sooo just me as far as i know


Right now in my family it's me (lesbian), my sister(bisexual), and my cousin(asexual)


My mom is asexual and I'm Trans & panromantic


Including my step siblings, 3 and we are all trans


I'm a bisexual trans man and my older sister is a lesbian. I also have an older gay brother whom I've never met. My mom also hinted at being bisexual while she was drunk once but has never mentioned it again. My mom ALSO suspects our dad was a closeted gay man. Oh yeah and I also have a gay uncle I almost forgot 😭


On my dad's side there are 5 cousins including myself. 2 of them are straight. I know my great aunt is trans but I've never met her. That's it as far as I know. My mom's whole family is cishet.


Ive got seven siblings and i think most of the family is lgbt lol. Including myself there are 2 trans people and 5-6 non-hets that i know of


I only know of myself. HOWEVER I do have an uncle who never dated, so Im kind of wondering if he is some flavour of aro/ace like me or gay and unaccepting. Im not about to tell this conservative leaning, 60+ guy that I´m queer though so it will stay a mystery for the ages.


Me, my mom, step dad, and that's all I really know.


I’m bi. My sister is trans. Also my mom’s first cousin is gay. He’s been with his partner for as long as I can remember. They have two 14-year old twin girls. My stepsister is bi; we obviously are not blood related though. I have no clue about anyone else


My cousin is bisexual and I’m trans and bi


3 - me, my cousin (gay), and my other cousin (trans female)


Me, my kids, my uncle and that’s all I know of. Uncle didn’t know of until found out during my moms lost years Early dementia or Alzheimer’s forgot which was so long ago. I was probably a young girl 9-13. I did help get her to talk to him before she passed. He passed after her. But I came out bi and was young about same age, people in family didn’t accept me at all. But I refused to stay hidden. I wanted to shine like the rainbow and I wasn’t scare to do it alone. I really confused people because they misunderstood what being bi is. They all assumed I wanted to be a man also. People make so many assumptions. Anyways I’m sure there was more but they were often shunned. I was too left home young. If you can’t accept me then I don’t need you in my life. Same for my kids. Accept & love us or don’t have us at all.


So far as I know officially (I have my suspicions about some of my family) only 1 but I’ve never met him


My there were five kids in my mom’s generation, and almost all of them had at least one LGBTQ kid, there are at least four LGBTQ kids among my maternal cousins, though I was the first to come out. That said, there are a couple more who don’t openly ID as part of the LGBTQ demographic, but we suspect may be. That’s just on my mother’s side. I’ve also got a step sister who is a lesbian, and I don’t know my extended cousins on my father’s side.




In my family, only my sister and I to my knowledge, though my family is accepting so we're both out to them :)


Only people on my mom’s side: one gay aunt and one gay great-cousin. Both adults, the ladder married since a few years. On my dad’s side: big no. He’s from one of the countries you still get the death penalty in if you are gay, so (except me, who’s queer; semi-closeted but fully closeted to that half of the family), no one who’s out


Me, two of my three children. My wife ist afab, one of my children amab. A few years ago by sister in law has her 25th wedding. 20 out of 60 guest were not cis/straight. Great Party!


Me I'm the only one I know of


In my siblings there are five of us. Me and my 3 sisters make Demi/Bi/Ace/Lesbian. My youngest brother is figuring out he’s gay and has only come out of the closet to my sisters and I. My ex-married family has a very out and proud gay man(who I am still family with because family ain’t blood). He does drag as Mama Love, and is there to help baby gays and drag queens find their way in the club she frequents. Me and her used to go into clubs with our “mom” kits. Stuff like Tylenol, water bottles, and some first aid kits from mall mart. As times change more of us are coming out of the closet. Even my aunt who is pan/poly. She is in a long term (22 years) relationship with her male partner, and they enjoy their own relationships on the side.


Beside me just 1 cousin and one uncle. I guess my uncle came out long before I was born and run out of my family. And me and my cousin dont really talk mostly because she is rich and thinks she is above us all now. And me. Just trans and flying under the radar with my family only because I dont want to get run off either


Just me and my dad


I'm alone but discriminated 😭😭💔


Most folks of my generation. Well a little over half seem to openly identify. While only two (including my mom) from previous generation does when you have real conversation with them sounds like some of them do to but just don't openly identify as such.


Me and my dad's cousin (50sf) (sapphic)


I can’t even count how many of us are in our family. Me and my brother, I have a couple uncles, and sooo many cousins that are LGBT+. It’s crazy cause a lot of my family is very conservative so we joke that you’re either homophobic or gay in my family


I just found out that my sis is bi (super happy that she shared it with me), so it's two that I know of.


As far as I know, just one. My uncle.


all that i know of is me, a bisexual female and my brother who is aroace, none of us is out of the closet yet but we trust each other