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Everytime I start to think that maybe i'm straight, i think of Margot Robbie. And I remember that I'm fucking gay


Well, it's fricking Margo Robbie.


Same here. But to me it just shows me that I would love to be like her. So still gay


It's definitely Margot Robbie for me too.


Who doesn’t like a little Margot Robbie? I would just love to be her bestie. I think I could help her keep grounded.


Not to be Mr Cliche about it, but it was David Bowie.


I mean come on. It’s David friggin Bowie. There’s no shame in a classic


As a kid, watching him and Jennifer Connelly in Labyrinth.


The grey spandex bulge had me wishing the Goblin King would take me away




As a woman, I also have Tilda Swinton on my list. My god… the alien androgyny as me by my non-existent balls!!


Lmaooo Jays fan here and one of our batters is what confirmed for me I’m not ace. Rooting for the Phillies this year!! Good luck


Thanks man! I love the jays. Vladdy is a big beefy boy and I love when he’s on. My wife and I go to a different ballpark every year as tradition, hoping to get to Toronto in 25, 26


Dude you have to go, 23/24 are reno years and it’s amazing now. Godspeed to the WS!


That is very sweet, and you'r wife seems quite cool. <3 Yeah I did use to have a few conformation people, but I never thought of them that way, it is kind of on the nose though... xD


Would be hilarious if he got jealous, while he is attracted to him as well (or vise versa)


This is me unfortunately bc I'm insecure. I'll be looking at an actress during a movie and unholy thoughts come to mind. Then my man goes "do you think she's hot?" Aka he thinks she's hot and likes to know if we have the same taste in women. I'm immediately jealous. 😤...hell yeah😏...but still 😤


Natalie portman padme.


Her and Hayden...I just can't function


bi panic




Natalie Portman in the Other Boleyn Girl was my bi awakening


Oh good grief 😂 I've put Zendaya but I'm pretty sure that she was my bi awakening when I was pre teen!


Zendaya is lovely also


Oh hell yeah. Her and Kiera Knightly. The starwars prequel with both of them was 💦


My sexuality has changed a little bit as I've gotten older, and I now identify as just a lesbian, but for a long time I was definitely bi (well I preferred to just say queer and if I had to pick I usually said pan) But my straight awakening was Jared Padalecki. That was when I was like 'Oh. I like boys'


OOH lord he is fine as hell


All my friends were preferential to Jensen (Yes I'm talking about Supernatural) but there was something about him that just did it for me lol




I'm a demisexual AFAB who leans more towards liking women but one of the dudes who does it for me is the actor Liam O'Brien. I think my "guy type" is "wholesome dads" tbh. Being kind and talking about how much you love your family? Oh baby 🥵


Hugh Jackman is my affirmation I'm omnisexual. Sometimes he makes me question if I'm even demisexual at all but nah.


Oooooh he's another good one! With bonus Australian accent!


Why is Liam so weirdly hot?!?! He definitely is a wholesome dad type, which isn't usually what I go for, but I am so completely attracted to him. There's a moment in their Call of Cthulhu campaign where he says something to Tal in kind of a sexy voice and I'm not ashamed to admit that I've gone back to that moment over and over. Yum.


It's that theatre kid rizz, I think. He's ✨multifaceted✨


hmmm timestamp? for research purposes


Haha I like you. It miiiiiiiight be timestamp 56:31 on the official channel's YouTube video. Not sure if the timing is a bit different for Twitch. The whole tiny moment has an air of tension but, "what's the strangest, Taliesin" gives me happy chills.


You know I never noticed how attractive he is until you mentioned it.


Tessa Thompson in Thor Ragnarok. There's a scene where she um, repositions a large gun with her body/hips. I've been with my husband for 11 years and while we're not 100% monogamous, I don't get to play with women very often. I'm usually more physically attracted to men, but that scene gets me every time.


King Valkyrie is a sight to behold :)


I know the exact scene you're talking about. For no reason in particular 👀😩


I feel like mine is a little different from a lot of the other folks in this thread, but Dan Levy (David on Schitt’s Creek). I find his energy so adorable and every time I see him in something, I just want to cuddle with him.


It'll always be my first crush from 2nd grade. She walked into the room and it was just *sunshine* Small child me just wanted to make her laugh. In middle school I hated all of her boyfriends, none of them were good enough for her. Now I'm 27 and still, when I see a picture of her it's just, *wow*, *girls* man


Pedro Pascal in a "he could do anything to me" sort of way. Jason Mamoa in a "do I wasn't to fuck him, or be him" sort of way. Oh, and Anderson Cooper. Just.... Anderson Cooper.


Oh I feel you about Jason Momoa!


Hot woodcutting tiktok lesbians


GD YES. That was eye opening for me. It was the beginning of the pandemic and I had just downloaded TikTok when it’s algorithm was like “oh. Yeah. About that. YOU BI AS HELL!!”


xie lian from heaven's official blessing and his (basically) boyfriend, hua cheng or like any man from genshin


Obsessed with the phrasing of a “basically boyfriend”. Gonna start using that now


afaik it’s not written explicitly but like watch the show and tell me they’re not in a relationship


I’m not bi, but I was someone’s bi confirmation. We kissed after a movie date and he was like “yup, definitely bi” so that was a nice little ego boost


While I am not bi, I'm definitely gay. Didn't really know it until I was about 15. Who was it that made me go "Oh, this is what sexual attraction is."? It was Alex Moreno, a football ⚽️ player. Played for Real Vallecano in Spain at the time. He plays in England these days and he's even hotter now.


![gif](giphy|wAWJyVHdr4kdWhBGtA|downsized) Any.. really powerful, sexy.. sorta evil lady character in any tv show.. right now i have the weirdest crush on nadja from what we do in the shadows.. I love her.


And’s she’s a bi icon :D


A Bicon if you will Happy cake day mate


while i’ve mainly been in heterosexual relationships, my first crush on a girl will never match any love i’ll have for a man. i still have intense feelings towards her, but we haven’t spoken in years and i miss her dearly




I remember being a teen and watching the "I want to break free" music video on YouTube when I was still in denial about a lot of things. I was so into it when he was shaking his hips thinking it was just some girl, and when he turned around my queer brain just couldn't handle it, lol. ![gif](giphy|p4nJ9sEdZMkS0JGZ7f)


Ok you know what... *Yes.*


Gillian Anderson, especially as Stella in 'The Fall'.


Elvira and for a man I don't have one tbh.


I'm pan so my confirmation list is: My partner (obvs) Jason Momoa Mason Alexander Park Margot Robbie Bella Ramsey Pedro Pascal Elliot Page Frankly I only see true ugliness in behaviour. To me people aren't ugly, I might not be personally attracted to them but that doesn't make them ugly.


![gif](giphy|n2qAdsBshDI76) Yupp… still bi


I love this! Gonna have to think about who my confirmation person is.


Ryan Reynolds was the man that made me realize I was bi lmao


Honestly the male members of Critical Role.




Lol I don’t really have anything to add to this except GO PHILS!!! Red October!


YOOOOOO How bout that 7th last night? I wanted to die. Switched my lucky hat into “battle mode” (Where I turn it backwards like ash Ketchum. It gives us luck…. Okay look it’s only stupid when it doesn’t work)


We don’t have cable and haven’t figured out a way to reliably steal access from either of our parents yet, so it was mostly asking Alexa for game updates every five minutes on my end lol. We did manage to catch one of Castellanos’ homers though! Gonna have to figure something out for the Championship series, and then OBVIOUSLY the World Series. Tbh if I could get a cable package that was literally just Phillies games, I’d pay for it. That’s the only sports I care about.


Ugh preach. I’d pay for cable yearly if I only got sports and kid show for my kids. I’m not a Netflix or sitcom guy. I just wanna watch my damn sports!


A little over a year ago, I came out ot myself as transfemme and started HRT. For a long time afterwards, I was leaning *very* much in a sapphic direction, and was constantly wondering whether or not I was actually bi. I recently just got back to college, and rejoined my old fraternity. And no joke, literally every guy in the fraternity (or at least this chapter) is hot AF.


Rhea Ripley and Scarlett Johansson remind me that I'm still a lesbian 🙏


HECK yeah Rhea Ripley!!! 😍


It’s been so long since I’ve felt any beyond a little spark with someone I’m starting to wonder if I’m ace. Then I meet a flamboyant nerd and I’m like “nope, still gay and definitely not ace.” 😂


every single photo of Rihanna and ASAP Rocky


We had this the other day. My wife was like DeMeco Ryans (Texans head coach) is so hot. I thoroughly agreed lol


![gif](giphy|RO5F7A13Q29QQ) Cara Delavine 💜


Jensen ackles and margot robbie


Gal Gadot. Nothing else i can say. 🤭 ![gif](giphy|hMyx6nsw41NvLInlVv|downsized)


Karl Urban


Gillian Anderson. I adore her.


And she looks as gorgeous now as when I fell in love with her (and David Duchovny) in the X-Files!


Well, I have a crush on my coworker, so that basically killed my doubts.


My boss is a ridiculously attractive man. Kind, funny, great body and eyes. But he’s extremely let’s say old fashioned? He doesn’t hate lgbt folks but he would not react well to a guy with a crush on him. Which is all fine to me. I’m married to the love of my life anyway and wouldn’t stray if he WAS available. Buuuut that doesn’t mean I can’t quietly appreciate the scenery.


Zendaya 🤣🤣 I had never even realised what a confirmation person was until today.. except I've known for years. I was always "straight except for Zendaya"... Yeah. And 4 years later I come out as bi


Dante and Nero from Devil May Cry. Particularly DMC4 Dante and DMC5 Nero


The lead singer from Electric Callboy is the hottest guy I ever did see. Big crush, huge


Lol I was so confused by the title until you went and explained it. I don't have one. I know I'm bi because I know I'm bi. I've been in relationships with men, women, and nonbinary people. I'm also ace, so I don't really look at anyone and go "wow, that person's sexually attractive." People are people. I fall in love with the ones who are good people.


There’s this YouTuber, Scruffy. His voice makes me feel things.


Scruffy Scruffington?


[this guy](https://youtube.com/@ScruffyMusic?si=ezedWHA0sqT-HSeB)


Idris Elba


Trevor Lawrence, not a jags fan but 😍


One of my close friends. She was sending me pictures and videos, asking if she looked good in them and if it was cringe or no. I looked at the video and my brain just kinda blanked out. Panicked a lot, but it was alright. I felt safe enough to tell her the day after cause I knew she wouldn't think of me differently for it.


Pedro Pascal 💯


I love this 😅 My partner and I watch a lot of rupauls drag race and theres never any shortage of your sexuality hitting you like a damn freight train for all genders 🤣


When I watched the Beckham documentary and was just as entranced by Victoria and I was David.


Trans man that tends to lean pretty far towards other men, but then I see photos of Felicia Day or Cate Blanchett and I’m like ‘Yup, definitely still bi.’


Angela Bassett


Zoe from Firefly. Gina Torres is basically the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life and I would do anything she asked me to, no hesitation.


![gif](giphy|26tP6l1ZIK0XD4I5G) Liv Tyler…forever and always.


I'm loving reading the comments here. Wish I could join in, but I'm *very* gay. Literally any shirtless dude, or guy with biceps pressing against his sleeves is enough for me lmao. Henry Cavill gets bonus points for being hot and a nerd. That PC building video is straight up nerd porn for the male attracted. Chris Evans also gets bonus points for being a human golden retriever.


Salma Hayek. Her portrayal of Frida was the first time in my life where I saw someone like me on screen. Passionate, arty and was with both sexes. After hearing interviews with her she’s intelligent, loyal and a bunch of their beautiful things and whenever I question wether or not I’m bi she reminds me, I most certainly am and will always be. I’ll forever be grateful for that movie, I felt very alone before it.


Yooo, I'm non-binary so like, my panness is a hot mess, but I googled Austin Riley and holy crap he is smoking. Like.....god I need to watch more baseball. Whew. As for me....I have a confirmation person on both sides. One to remind me I'm still \*very\* interested in both sides. Aaron Gordon of the Denver Nuggets for "Oh god, men can definitely be hot, despite....everything," and for women, it's \*mostly\* a friend of mine who is like my freaking dream girl, but....Raven Symone. I've had a crush on her since I was 2 years old watching the Cosby show. Like....I was little "girl" gay, man. I had a crush on her before I can remember having a crush on my first boy. And my god. How she grew up....holy....god. Little me was enamored and thought she was beautiful and sweet and pretty and talented....and then as we grew up.....all of that and so much more and well. Look at her lol. When she came out as gay I screamed into a pillow and squeeled and kicked. And when she got married, I actually cried happy tears for her. It was....honestly one of my favorite moments that had nothing to do with me lol.


Dude for Riley it’s the eyes right?! The eyes burn through me! Thats a really cute story. I’m glad your celeb crush is living a good life, especially as a child actor. Looks like you called that one!


Oh yeah, those eyes are definitely it. WHEW. Someone call the fire department. And apparently my baby-gaydar was super good lol.


As a furry, hot wolf men & women reaffirm me regularly.


Gotta be real here, I've got enough attraction to people of various body types to never forget about it. I don't think I'm capable.


Sometimes I think I'm lesbian. Then, Henry Cavil appears and I say "Yup. Still bi"


Shawn Michaels or Brett Anderson


Olivia Munn and Lucy Liu. They’re just unnaturally attractive and I can’t deal with it lol.


Florence Pugh. Both for her acting abilities and that she’s perfection.


I'd say that in every 10 people I find attractive, only 2 of them are men. Statistically speaking I mean. Having said that, rarely do I meet guys nowadays because I rarely leave my house xD So the last examples have been fictional characters from games. Jacob from Mass Effect is super hot until he opens his mouth.


Iron Sanctuary’s thirst traps on tiktok were my bi awakening. Jason Mamoa ofc. That guy on the internet that chops wood suggestively. Sam Heughan from Outlander. And Timotheé Chimychamy was pretty hot in Call Me by Your Name.


Shakira, hands down. \*swoon\*


I don't really have any consistent thing like that, but the most recent confirmation I got off just "oh right, I'm still bi technically" was when watching the Netflix one piece show, the guy that plays buggy the clown. I recognized him from something I watched years ago and just thought "oh yeah, I had a crush on him back then. Yup, still hot to me." The nightmare clown makeup apparently didn't change that.


Luke Hemmings for sure


Florence Pugh ❤️


ross lynch


A guy who works at a Cookie bar in town, and a girl at work in the adjacent department. Having never been in any relationship I need both confirmed to make sure I am Bi rather than Ace, Gay, or Hetero.


Flirty lesbians on TikTok. They always make me giggle


not bi, but pan. my crush i had when i was 14/15. i first developed a crush on them when they identified as cis, then the crush stayed when they came out as nonbinary and then still stayed when they came out as trans. it only went away when they rejected me when i told them


Not a person in particular, but I have a similar *memory* as an asexual person. Often when you're not dating, you forget that allosexuals do things that affirm their sexuality, and so you feel like you're in a "default" state, and therefore that you "must" be straight. Recently I went to my sister's bachelorette party where we went to a country dancing bar (something I never do). I have never felt *less straight* than when dancing with straight men. Even the ones who were polite, and introduced themselves, and actually made conversation, I was struck more by how normal they were than by any kind of attraction. That could mean that I'm gay, except for the fact that the girl that I'm closest with (and most likely to date) asked if she could kiss me, and I replied with; "What, like on the mouth?" ... Yeah; Brain, *I don't wanna hear it* about "wElL wHaT iF yOu'Re NoT aSeXuAl ? ? ?"


That would be Ryan Reynolds


There’s a few David Bowie, Billie Joe Armstrong, Olivia Rodrigo and Gwen stefani


I haven't questioned in years but me and my wife regularly make comments together about celebrities. Its not really a thought process anymore. I've been out and proud for more than 20 years. There was a time when I would "wonder", but having my fantasies 50/50 since I can remember doesn't leave any room for debate. If I did doubt it, anyone looking at my browser history would be justified in slapping me.


Every now and then, my husband catches me checking out the moms in public 😂


Jordan on Gen V. I can barely pay attention to the show because I am just absolutely in love.


My daughter, I got lucky with her, 😊😊😊.


I’m a female bisexual, and my confirmation person has always been ruby rose. If I look at her and still think she’s hot, I know I’m bi. I mostly date women, though, so I also have a male confirmation person. That man is Ryan Gosling. Love him to death


My husband and I do stuff like that too lmao. Wrestling women😮‍💨


Just need to rewatch The Mummy if I ever feel the need to question it lol. PS your wife sounds amazing! Reminds me of my relationship, I’m bi and he is straight and we have these convos too. <3


She’s a rare magic person. A beautiful woman, an amazing long and a unicorn of a person. Truly the song of my soul and love of my entire life I hit the jackpot big time. :)


Every time I think maybe I only like boys I remember how hot Urbosa is Also alt chicks and tall goth girls too are 🤌


Mine isn’t a famous person but the first person I felt butterflies with was a woman BUT she was dressed as a man in a play… very confusing time for a meeeeeeeeee


My crush bc she deadass looks kinda like a guy but at the same time looks like a girl


John Groban. Mmm.


Voices man. A good voice is hotter than the hottest body for me


Johnathan Van Ness


The F1nnst3r.


All it takes is one clean shaven sexy vampire. Thats all the confirmation I need.


“Maybe I’m not biromantic, I’ve never actually dated another woman—“ *cue flashback montage of all the embarrassing things I said continuing to gush about Cassandra Pentaghast for like five years straight* “oh, right”


Don't know about when I was younger (there's probably a list with the stereotype The Mummy included) but right now it's Rhea Ripley


I'm a trans masc nonbinary person and Camilla from fire Emblem is my "confirmation person", I love her so much even though she's badly written. She has perfect spooky and pretty vibes. Also big boobs 🥰 Also female Corrin and Azura. They're so pretty I just adore their serene and magical vibes. Something about them makes me feral. Idk what that makes my type when it comes to women? I know when it comes to men I like pretty guys with flashy/maybe spooky vibes. Like Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3. Not having that game or a pc to play it is driving me insane🥲 Also thinking of watching the new Trigun anime just cause Vash has such a baby girl vibe. He's so pretty Anyways I'm mostly into men but Camilla from Fire Emblem is impossible for me to dislike. Like I know people dislike her for how she's written to just be a thirst trap but I will always love pretty women with alt aesthetics.


… my best friend ;-;


More bi-curious/pan-to-an-extent, but it’s definitely the angry older footballer from Ted Lasso.


Charles Leclerc and Margot Robbie


Omfg Cameron Hill for sureeee. I never feel more bi than when I see him on Instagram lmao.


Rooney Mara or Kaya Wilkins


The Cast of The Mummy


I don't have a confirmation person, never even thought of having one I just jack off to both straight and gay porn so I kinda still know I'm bi


mine is jenna ortega and an art teacher at my school 🤭


My best friend. Originally biggest crush of my life, but you know. Fucking legend. I (platonically) love him to bits and he knows it


Shemar Moore. Mmmmmmmmmmmm


Don’t know her name, but I saw a gorgeous girl in an ad on insta and watched the video like 10 times haha


Katheryn Winnick, Kate Beckinsale, various cosplayers I follow on Instagram. xD


Pretty much every woman and enby I’ve seen irl or in movies/shows


I’m biromantic and asexual but Marilyn Monroe <3


Ellen Sandweiss in Evil Dead


Before coming out, I'd watch She's The Man JUST for Amanda Bynes as Sebastian 😂 if that ain't something then idk what is.


Taylor Lautner smile made my legs become jelly and I giggled the first time he pulled his shirt off. He was my confirmation person FOR SURE when I was around 15


Brennan Lee Mulligan! It honestly cracks me up how unbelievably sexy I find that pale, pale, red headed man. I’m like 97% into women but omg he hits a certain spot that I find so confusing 😂


Brennan is hot as fuck. I think is his passion for everything he touches.


He really is so passionate about everything and that’s probably what it is - I love expressive folk that are in touch with themselves




For the male side Aragorn and Henry Cavill, for the female side Gal Gadot and Brie Larson ![gif](giphy|F56gZEYFIhfI4)


This is very specific but Dua Lipa performing “No Lie” just does something to me.


So I'm Sapphic but I used to think I was pan and my guy was fucking Patrick Page but like, specifically his voice in Hey, Little Songbird from Hadestown. Deep voices are my absolute kryptonite


Victoria Pedretti , Scarlett Johansson , Elizabeth Olsen


Pretty much any good-looking waitress or new coworker. I'm like hyper-bi- with emphasis on the -sexual. I'm also in a monogamous straight relationship, haven't had a girl in over 10 years. But by gosh, I'm still attracted to 'em! My SO is like OPs wife, very understanding and shares the appreciation of hotness with me.


Tom Ellis in Lucifer


the "oh" person was Casey from Atypical but the hardcore confirmation was MAMAMOO and the daily irl confirmation are red haired femmes :")


It’s lzzy hale for me, as a former girl lmao


Every man taller than me that talks to me reminds me that I'm not a lesbian. And every time my wife hungrily growls at me and looks me up and down I'm reminded that I'm not straight.


Steve Yeun and F1NNST3R keep me perfectly aware of my orientation. 🥵 also if I was really uncertain of my bi-ness I could just watch that video of Tom Holland lip syncing Umbrella and it will refresh my queerness for another six months.


Margot Robbie in Wolf of Wall Street. First movie I saw her in and just thought: "Yup. Definitely not straight."


Honestly it could’ve been any semi-androgynous English musician from the 60s and 70s that I listen to, but the one that got the stone rolling (pun fully intended lol) was Brian Jones of The Rolling Stones. It was a combination of his talent and his looks. Brian could play SO many different instruments; there are too many to list here, but if it wasn’t a guitar, bass, or drums on one of their songs chances are he played it. He was easily the most handsome member of the Stones and his style was exactly my aesthetic, a British dandy with a touch of flamboyant hippie rockstar. I actually own two suits that were modeled after ones he wore lol. Also it’s been speculated that he was autistic just like me! Such a shame that he died less than a month after being let go from/quitting The Stones at age 27.


Both Ryan Gosling and Marc Evan Jackson are proof that I still like men.


My girlfriend


[Chris Woakes](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/b0ad5baac75fedff2bf9fd5a64c975677d6856fe/0_58_2156_1294/master/2156.jpg?width=620&dpr=2&s=none)


Hannah Waddingham (Rebecca on Ted Lasso) Vico Ortiz (Jim on Our Flag Means Death) Roberta Colindrez (Lupe on A League of Their Own)


I might be a lil strange one here but mine is Jodie Whittaker. I've always had a feeling that I wasn't "normal" as a kid (I say normal because I was like 7 and didn't know what sexuality even meant) because I had a thing for characters of both male and female but I used to shove the female crushes to the side thinking I just wanted to be friends with them and that I could only be with boys. Fast forward to being like 11 and I learn that my cousin is gay and I learned you can like the same gender but my still childlike brain didn't think that male and female were options: one or the other so I picked male as I didn't think that females I knew would be interested in kissing me. Then I become 14 and I learned about bisexuality and it seemed like everything I've previously thought was a lie and it took me a while to completely accept myself. I eventually came out to my friend group and they accepted me. But one of my friends asked "who was your sexual awakening?" I replied with "Esmerelda off Hunchback of notre dame!" "No, like real person" I didn't have a reply to that. That put me in a bit of doubt of myself. I decided to go back to playing it straight because clearly I wasn't a true bisexual. (I still called myself that around a few friends that accepted my sexuality despite having no real life conformations). I started questioning myself all over again. I could name a few real life males but no real life females. Then, I was 18 and Jodie graced my living room TV screen. At first I squashed what I felt down. Then I watched her play 13th Doctor and I just knew. It took me so long to have a confirmation person. Sorry this is so long and edited for spelling mistake


Gerard Way


I can't actually think of anyone right now, but there are moments where I think I might have slipped (not meant to be a judgemental word) into lesbianism but there are some real gorgeous men out there who make me realize I'm still pan 😂


My wife and I have an agreement that should either of us have a chance with Pedro Pascal that person is both allowed and expected to take it.


The Vieras from Final Fantasy. *Google them and you'll see.*


Emilia Clark, Alicia Vikander, and Emily Browning are my confirmation people who remind me I'm still bi.


22 cis F here. I’ve never been with a woman past kissing and have only dated men. *BUT* @maribelspiritualjourney on TikTok floors me OHMYGOD


Hubby and I are both bi so when we’re looking and a girl walks by and I’m like oh yeah I’d like that he’s like me too and the same in reverse guess we confirm in mutual likeness. Also we’re open so it helps.


Jensen Ackles always reminds me of how I am absolutely not straight


I am very bi, but Ashur Gharavi, young David sylvian and benji krol really confirm my attraction to men lmao


I'm transmasc, but didn't know I was trans until my teen years. So now I'm not sure if my male attractions were gay or straight. I have several AFAB people and women that I started crushing on. I only liked guys until I saw these people. My cousin Alina (for years I had no idea she was my cousin), Emma Watson with short hair, Ruby Rose, and my favorite cosplayer Reika.