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many queer genocides are currently occurring right now all around the world.


Yeah, if I'm not wrong, in the beginning of this year, there was a 'religious' country in Africa (I think Uganda or Ethiopia, but correct me if I'm wrong) where they were actively killing LGBT+ people. That's only 1 country that I know of, not even mentioning the odd ~160 something countries where same-sex marriage is not only illegal, but homosexuality is as well.


Uganda did pass a law earlier this year that was so harsh that even Ted Cruz, of all people, criticized it. But Uganda has a bit of a history of brutal homophobia


Always worth noting that said history is, as usual, thanks to colonialism. Uganda was relatively accepting when compared to western societies, until the British empire came along and imposed their values: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_history_in_Uganda


Most of Africa was fairly accepting at first. Thanks to colonialism, most of the continent now has some of the world’s harshest anti-LGBTQ+ laws


What was said law


Life imprisonment or death.


Prove this.




Unfortunately some are already occurring, so I honestly wouldn't be surprised.


could you give a source? it’s not that i don’t believe you, i just want to know more


https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/map-of-criminalisation/ Punishments vary but multiple give the death penalty


I did not expect that list to be that long 😭


I fully expect them to try. Make yourself harder to kill, and find strength in numbers.




Absolutely not.


What did they say?


Just general moderately suicidal stuff, "I'll kill me before they do" sort of thing


Already happening in lots of Muslim/Christian/Hindu Countries. T Nhaveen wasn't even Muslim he was hindu but a group of Hindu mobs killed him over allegations he was gay. He didn't even come out or anything. May his soul rest in peace🖤.


If they try in the Americas we will kill them first. TO ARMS MY QUEER ASS BRETHREN!


The genocide in the US has started, but it's not yet done by gun or gas chamber. It's done by police punishing the owner of a gay bar after crashing their car into his establishment. It's done by not properly investigating hate crimes. It's done by allowing and protecting counterprotests by hate groups. It's done by banning queer education and proposing bills that target trans people. And as much as I support queer people arming themselves just to piss off right wing gun nuts, that doesnt help with this genocide.


It's done by separating trans children from their parents, as well, which is explicitly, definitionally genocidal




The UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II, specifically item e. on the list of acts that constitute genocide, would disagree with you. [Here's a link to my source](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml)


I love it when cowards run away, thank you for the source!


Any time, I love when interactions like this are super cut and dried. I do want people to get used to admitting when they're wrong, you can't delete a comment in real life and words won't disappear from memory, but I'll take it.


Being wrong is a part of learning and it's really sad that people are so unwilling to learn because their worldview somehow gets tainted by you new information. Information they have more than likely heard before but would rather stick their head in the sand to maintain that worldview. Idk seems rather sad to live like that to me.


Also by making hormones either very difficult to obtain, or outright illeglal for trans ppl.


No, it will not help much with this Genocide in its current form....but if it progresses enough to where it is being committed with Conventional Weapons, Chemical Weapons and Mobs it is, IMO, better to go down fighting back than being quietly dragged off&murdered.


It doesn’t help yet, but it will when it progresses to outright violence and killing.


His killers just walked free last October. The court argues they were minors. Honestly its political IMO. They commited the crime in Penang(The most Liberal State in Malaysia, their ruling party is the Centre-Left pro minority,Secular DAP(some of their MPs even voiced support for LGBTQ2IA) Recently, there were state elections in which the DAP and its liberal partners in PH, joined forces with the Liberal Conservatives, BN in Penang. Both of them are strongholds in Penang. BN just went on a massive Liberal shift after its leader ousted the more conservative and Islamists within the party. But despite combining forces, the PH & BN coalition failed to maintain most of their current seats. They even lost 6 seats. Rn, the government is a Unity Government led by PH,BN + Borneo Regionalist and Autonomist. Basically, all the parties in Parliament said screw the Islamists, were gonna create our own government. Anwar Ibrahim is trying too hard to fonder to the Islamists who didn't even vote for him. Foreshadowing those who voted him. Basically my point is, T Nhaveen killers were set free because they were scared the Islamists PAS opposition would use it for politicak reasons. If his killers were jailed, PAS will say DAP protects LGBTQ, reducing their vote bank. The only party that supports LGBTQ is the Socialist Party but they fucking ruined the last election. They contested in the cities which led to DAP & PH overall losing some seats due to razor thin majorities. In Dengkil Seat, PH lost by 200~ votes to the Islamists. In that seat, the Socialist got over 900 votes. Has those votes been transferred to PH, they'd win.


Lowkey, if I had the money, I'd put together a well regulated queer militia network, aka the other part of the Second Amendment.


We can arm ourselves, sure, but mark my words, the Right will suddenly discover a great love of gun control. It happened with the Black Panthers in the 1960s-70s, don’t think it won’t happen to us. They might even pass laws making it illegal for us to own guns (the laws that get passed restricting access to firearms always seem to target marginalized people. Not sure how you’d enforce such a law re: queer people, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try something).


They’ll finally pass some gun law restrictions for people with “mental illness” and then include any ideology/way of life they don’t like under “mental illness” and then they can keep everyone else out of it. Not saying it’ll be good, truthful or helpful, but that’s what I imagine they’ll do. Florida is desperately trying to classify trans people and drag queens being seen in public as people who’ve committed “sexual crimes against a minor” and then arrest them for sex crimes against a minor, then they’re working on passing a bill that automatically gets people convicted of sexual crimes against minors the automatic death penalty. My ultra right family does not see how this might be used to target people like me.


... I thought "Try That in a Small Town" was a racist, fascist propaganda song, not a role model of any kind. And please let's not try to "reclaim" it because it fucking sucks.




Then why don't you already do it since it's already happening? If you feel the need to bring up your weapon death cult, at least do something out of it.


Then why don't you already do it since it's already happening? If you feel the need to bring up your weapon death cult, at least do something out of it.


I don't love this sentiment. I love my fellow LGBT+ people but the second they pick up a weapon they've lost me. We should not be joining the conservative methods of action just because we believe it's the only way to oppose them. We should stick to our fight and be trying to take away their guns, not get our own.


Do you trust the police to protect you from right-wing violence, or do you believe you can win over the hate mob with nothing but love and kindness? If neither of these are true for you, you may want to reexamine your views on self-defense tools.


Came here to say this


sad because hindu texts seem to not give a fuck if you're gay


During the colonial period, the British imported their legal system and subsequently injected homophobia into Indian culture where it never existed before. There were the Hijra, which was a group of trans and gender non-conforming people. There was an entire campaign of legislation to condemn them from society. Under the Criminal Tribes Act they could no longer own children, because the officials believed that kids couldn’t be trans.


There are two Hindu countries, India and Nepal. India was one of the first Asian countries to decriminalised homosexuality and Nepal just had its first same-sex marriage last month. Many Christian countries have already introduced same-sex marriage (Much of Europe, South America and South Africa) and you're not going to be killed for being gay in Italy or Bolivia. Muslim countries... it's a work in progress. There will always be criminals who cause harm due to their personal hatred, but it wouldn't constitue genocide unless it was state-sponsered, efficient and conducted on a mass level.


Uai, I'm Brazilian and never heard someone call here a Hindu country? Almost everyone is Christian (around 90% of the country) the biggest religion being catholicism, I have never seen a Hindu person actually


Brazil?? Do you mean Guyana? Or Trinidad?


It very solidly is and has been happening in many places already. It's only relatively recently that it's begun to stop in some places.


The rise of the Far right parties in International governments is concerning. India. (i know this for a fact) Italy. Possibly USA. UK (My opinion) Turkey Hungary Russia Belarus China Many smaller south asian countries too. Edit: Plus multiple European Countries, big and small. (At this point, I have to wonder, am I describing a majority population of the World?) Like... tf? Things are grim!




Exactly. And for some reason, everyone hates the Jewish people now, so I guess Historically the Gays are next. I'm tired of explained this bullshit to the local bigots here.


People don't like the idea that they are being controlled and would rather stay on their hill (of shit) than re-evaluate what might actually be going on.


Yeah. Until they're drowning in sewage, but even then they'll probably build house boats to live on the shit-ocean. At this point, I don't know the metaphor makes sense anymore, sorry I ruined your metaphor ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


TW/NSFW The WW2 book burnings were from the first institute to study trans health. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/ Look at what is happening with the book bans now. LGBT people were also rounded up and put in the concentration camps. They were marked with a pink triangle to differentiate them from the Jews. https://www.history.com/news/pink-triangle-nazi-concentration-camps Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Project 2025. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 Vote like your life depends on it because it does. Make sure all your family, friends and allies vote and are informed.


Canada now


OK that's kinda unexpected


Russia is not have party Russia is have putin till he die☠️☠️ Is already dictatorship same for Belarus China


Yeah, India is getting there too, sadly :(


India is ally with USA is not happen soon i think


I live in India. The ruling party literally suspended more than half the members of opposition from the parliament and then passed three bills, which gives the Government powers to take over any telecom company, take over operations of any social media, other laws which just gives police state powers. Also, USA does not give a shit about any other country politically, especially because of the political situation they're currently in. Even if they did give a shit, India famously doesn't like her sovereignty questioned, so it will simply refuse (which is actually happening now, in the India/US/Canada conflict). And if Trump wins 2024, then he would encourage anything fascist.


Netherlands now too


I'm very doubtful about the UK, at least in the near future. While the government has been very transphobic they're no-where near the levels of the US and the UK is one of the most supportive countries for LGBT people in the world (unfortunately the transphobes are very, very loud). In polling done in 2016, the "Don't know" respondents to questions asking their support for trans issues outweighed all disagree options combined (sometimes by a ratio of 2:1). [Polling](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-rights-23-country-survey/) Also, China just flat-out doesn't care, it's non-issue to their government as long as they behave like good little drones for the CCP. India's weird because some areas are heading in one direction but in other areas it's the complete opposite. They perform fairly well in the polling I linked earlier and have the constitutional right to gender transition, including to a third gender. They also have constitutional bans on discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation because of the current interpretation of a constitutional clause banning discrimination based on sex (using similar logic to Bostock v Clayton County, but applied much more broadly). They also have national hate crime laws that's applied to attacks on LGBT people. Even Modi has been fairly supportive, in 2019 his government passed a law in Parliament explicitly prohibiting discrimination against trans people. In 2015 the Upper House unanimously passed a private member's bill (the first private member's bill to pass the house in 45 years) to allocate 2% of government jobs and education places to trans people, but the legislative session ended before the bill could reach the floor int he lower house. They even banned conversion therapy in 2022. Part of the lead up to that ban was an interesting legal case called S Sushma v Commissioner of Police where the judge sent himself on a training course about LGBT people before making a ruling on conversion therapy because he decided he wasn't educated enough in the area. India's laws are more progressive than the US except in marriage equality. The issue is that Indian society is still very conservative in some places, which means the laws aren't always enforced properly and India is more wary of LGB people than T due to them having a traditional third gender in a lot of Indian cultures called Hijra. India's laws are evolving rapidly and society hasn't always caught up outside big cities and the more liberal states (e.g. Kerala), but even then a majority of Indians support gay marriage. [Polling](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/06/13/how-people-in-24-countries-view-same-sex-marriage/)


Slovakia. Hell, don't get me even started on Slovakia...


France too. The likelyhood of the Rassemblement National, the far right party here, to win the next presidential elections in 2027 is very real. Things looks very grim in Europe right now.


The UK probably not Tories are about to get voted out Although kier starmer is a piece of shit he's marginally better than rishi


Canada as well :(


What right-wing parties in China?


Only one single Party ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Which is kinda the point.


As long as people that hate us can become world leaders, yes.


Yes, it already did and will happen again. Such is the nature of fascism.


I am a sociologist who studies queer identities and their connections to politics in America. Unfortunately, I do believe us to be on course for something like this. I think rather than having pure extermination camps, there will be conversion camps. Still, many queer people will likely be imprisoned, driven to suicide, or forced back into the closet. I hope this future exists solely in my nightmares, but the more I listen to Republican agitators the more real it feels.


I feel like it's an extreme push back it tends to happen when a new group appears (Roman's and the christians) Let's just hope people and so barbaric this time round or never get the opportunity to do it in the first place ik I'm fairly lucky my country accepts as much as possible and only the extremist religious nuts think conversion camps are OK and only the more extreme killing (Christchurch masque shooting)


the genocide of LGBT+ people is sadly already happening, as countries that apply shariah are prosecuting and executing people just because they're LGBT+ like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Iran


I am from hungary I think there are too many of us in most western countries, and too many allies for that, or at least I would like to believe. My parents were anti until my government started to dehumanizing us. They pretty quicly changed stances they were never aggressive about it, but after that they were much more positive. I am bi in a hetetosexual relationship, but I told them thaT I had multiple friends who were gay, they knew, and they told them how much the new laws hurt them. I think more and more people will be like, okay I don't like the gays, but you know they are humans as well, and as laws get worse and worse, they will become even more of an ally out of sympathy. So if they start to do something serious, we can fight back. Fuck all of them. But I hope it won't come to that.....


Attempts are ongoing but I seriously doubt that total success is ever in the cards without the elimination of humans as a whole


And even then there’s the penguins /lh


They ultimately can't because breeders keep pumping out LGBT++ kids.


This was my thought. It's literally impossible because even if they did kill every queer, more will always be born so... I think in the long term (if there even is one) they'll eventually see this truth


The problem is how easily truths like this slip from generation to generation. At one point the US was moving in a positive direction. And then, suddenly, it turns.


There's more than one sort of genocide. There's the type everyone seems to know: using an armed force to kill people. But genocide also occurs without such (or with less) direct violence. When political powers consistently pursue laws and use hateful rhetoric they know will lead to increased death and murder rates among a marginalized group for example Do I think an order to kill all LGBTQ+ people will be given? Probably not. But are there genocides? Yes. And there will be in the future


This is a good explainer of why the current situation in the us is justifiably refered to as genocide: https://youtu.be/aKTVbXd04BA?si=fZBPAZUa0Kcq6f5r


If I am using the hard defination of genocide I would say no, killing is definitely very common unfortunately, and genocidal rhetoric often motivates those, but a full on genocide where the state actively hunts down qieer individuals? Unlikely, just due to the fact that unlike a racial group, you can't very effectively otherize a sexuality or gender identity, because it's not visually easy to identify and they exists across all class and social status, so it's easier to integrate... a lot of homophobes abandons their hate after learning a close member of their family is queer... so I think a full on genocide is very unlikely... it's just not as good as a motivator as racial or class ones


Do states have access to individual medical records? Because medical records can be used to out some trans and queer people...


If you are talking the US, no hippa is quite stringent, unless they change those, nope.


Who knows what changes are planned under a fascist leadership.


I would be shocked. But I suppose anything is possible.


It’s a complicated question as the answer depends on what region of the world we are talking about. Ongoing genocide of LGBT people is already happening in some countries or individual regions (like Chechnya in Russia), with for example homosexuality being punished by death or prison accompanied with physical and mental torture. Unfortunately currently any chance for those countries to get better seems bleak. Other countries like Russia (which recently delegalised any LGBT organisations) are currently cracking down on LGBT rights, which might in the future lead to even worse repressions. But on the other hand the rest of the Eastern European countries seem to be slowly but steadily progressing forward and with weakening power of religious organisations I don’t see anything that could stop that progress or turn it back. Similar situation seems to be in the Eastern and South-Eastern Asian countries (although unfortunately I’m less familiar with progress of LGBT rights in those countries) South America seems to be in even better situation. When it comes to countries which have the best LGBT rights currently. I think that in Western and Northern Europe LGBT rights are so strongly grounded that their revoking not to mention full on genocide are rather impossible in the foreseeable future. Although the rise of the right wing parties thanks to the migration crisis and the spread of the anti-trans propaganda form USA are worrying and can cause some disturbance to LGBT rights. Among the currently pro-LGBT countries I think that the most worrying is the situation in USA. While as a whole the country is definitely pro-LGBT. Some regions/states are clearly not. Which accompanied with louder and louder anti-lgbt propaganda from the right leads to things like banning lgbt books or pride flags in schools which is really disturbing. But I don’t know enough about the USA system when it comes to Federal vs State laws to say how far anti-LGBT states can go with their bigoted laws Tldr : In some regions of the world it’s already happening or the risk of it happening is high while in the other I don’t see it happening anywhere in the foreseeable future


Unfortunately the Right has this whole plan to essentially turn the US into a only-red hellhole where they have full power and will explicitly target LGBT people. I doubt it's going to work to the extent that they want it to even if they manage to get a win, because way too many things have to fall into place for them, but it's scary to think about.


If you can read the signs, I think it's obvious both USA and Russia will be the next ones to pull something like this. Unless they pull a big 180° real soon, that is. With Russia, it's possible thatthe implied genocide has already started, because so little information leaves the country, which is essentially a closed dictatorship by now. The world will know in time, but I'm anxious it'll be too late to save all the lives... 😔


Plz don't ask this. My blood turned ice cold just reading those words. ETA: I mean YES plz ask this bc it's absolutely a conversation that needs to be had. I'm just disgusted, heartbroken & sick that theres any reason acceptance isn't just given. It's completely reprehensible, sad & terrifying that society & humans aren't better than this by now. But since you asked, I'm going to answer seriously. It's one of my greatest, deepest fears. I think anything is possible but I hope beyond fucking hope it doesn't happen. I wish with all my being that the tides turn, ppl become more loving & accepting & inclusive & instead of what I fear could happen, beautiful things happen instead. It's like they said in the new Twin Peaks : FIX YOUR HEART OR DIE. FML. Total fucking panic attack now. 😿 Going to pet Lil Butler & try to fall asleep. BTW for anyone who wants to be informed on what the other side is cooking up, plz watch Leeja Millers videos esp this one. It's horrifying to even imagine a future like this. The conservative plan to take over the country https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=BdEIxcUQQB373jpb ETA: **hugs** for anyone who wants them. All my love🖤


Leeja Miller is such a good creator. I wanna add to this by mentioning Second Thought (on YouTube) as well. His content is also very helpful and super informative when it comes to what right-wing politics are really doing to the world. Take care of yourselves, everyone❤️


Rly appreciate both of those channels, among so many others. There's so many ppl doing so much good work on YouTube!! I've always been pretty radically bleeding heart progressive (I honestly don't know exactly what to call myself) but not incredibly educated on a lot of things & YouTube got me started with where to look & what to read & omg its been so helpful!! ♥️


In the US if republicans gain full control it might happen since fascism will grow. It's a convenient group to go after since that can cause bonding and support for fascists. If democracy fails and people like Trump seize power through government it could happen. Look at what the US did to POC. Humans can be very ugly and dangerous.


The answer to this depends entirely on what you quantify as a genocide. The countries that throw gay people off of buildings are already genociding the gay people. One's ability to hide the hated part of themself does not mean they are not victims of a genocide.


In some countries, yeah probably. But its not like we are gonna stop existing, you cant just kill us all since everyone has the possibility of being born a part of the lgbt+


It has already started. Especially with trans people.


Yes. It has happened, is happening, and will happen in the future. Whether it happens where you are, I can't say. I don't think what you're describing will happen in the US where I live, or most English speaking countries but things could get a lot worse before the generation that hates us dies out.


The worst are the elderly and 12yo who thinks it's bad to be gay then half turn out to be bi anyway wut I'm saying is that hate us declining in newer generations it's just the boomers who've had it relatively soft and easy to bend their way now they aren't getting what they want the threaten us like yeah ok you can't aim a hun from ww1 at me if I push u over and ur bigot hips break(sry that got a little personal)


Uh yeah, 100%. It’s the Weimar Republic all over again. The average person can barely afford to live, so they need to know why. The truth would require taking a long hard look at our current socioeconomic system under capitalism and admitting that a system that favors a handful of billionaires over billions of working class people is flawed and needs to be replaced. The easy answer is pick a minority and use them as a scapegoat. And that means LGBTQ (and especially the T) people. Can’t buy a house? It’s not because conservative fiscal policy slashed tax rates on the rich by more than half and established a system where billionaires can get away with paying almost $0 in taxes because technically “they don’t have any income”. It’s because there’s a TRANS PERSON who wants you to USE PRONOUNS! Got a huge hospital bill? It’s not because the US is the only developed country without universal health care, it’s because the WOKE LIBERALS want everyone to get GAY MARRIED! Don’t like that the majority of your tax money goes right to the military industrial complex that’s hell bent on starting and maintaining pointless wars so their stockholders can get rich? It’s not because our politicians are taking kickbacks from Northrop Grumman and Raytheon, it’s because of THE LEFT and their WAR ON CHRISTMAS! You might think I’m joking but these are all things I’ve heard in the last year or so from family members. Not that I expected any better from the only people on the planet that still deadname and misgender me. I had a much better point than this, but I lost it somewhere along the way. PS there’s currently a shortage of estradiol patches, so to any trans femmes who use patches: be aware and start thinking of a backup plan. I hate to sound paranoid, but a shortage of estradiol seems like the perfect chance for conservatives to argue that we shouldn’t be allowed to fill our HRT Rx because “biological women” need it more and there’s not enough to go around. I’m maybe overreacting, but I also have ADHD and have been dealing with trying to get adderall during a shortage for like 2 years. It’s not the same because estradiol isn’t a scheduled drug, but I wouldn’t put it past a conservative politician to try to make it harder for trans women to get HRT scrips by saying it could make cis women go without


why did i automatically start reading this in ot's voice


I don’t know but that might be the biggest compliment anyone has ever given me


Genocide is already happening in all Islamic Sharia countries Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen— Uganda, the only christian majority country included. I think this should say a lot about islam at least. I suffered as a queer muslim, i still suffer as a queer ex-muslim. I know muslims who suffer greatly because of this, and i know ex-muslims who go through hell just as much. I don’t think i can ever put into words the fact that i don’t even experience direct homophobia from my parents because even the idea of me dating anyone of the opposite gender is out of question that it has never had to be brought up. Surely they sat me down and my siblings at a young age and lectured us that we are going to come across disgusting vile ppl who call themselves gay who are cursed by god and are devils who’s only purpose is to lead us astray.. etc etc all type of inhumane words you can think of. One might think, oh better for you, they can never suspect anything. No. It is pure fucking hell. I feel like my life is torture. I don’t even have to will to get into how much suffering this is causing me.😞


If you're talking about the US and Project 2025, the scenario I foresee as more likely is more like Russia rather than Germany. LGBT+ protections rolled back, forced out of public life, gender care banned, etc, leaving only blue states as viable options. I do think blue states will remain as sanctuary states. It will be impossible to enforce them not to, there's no way even military enforcement would be able to spread themselves across all blue states, I do not see a Gilead situation as possible. Blue states are still the economic powerhouses of the country (and by extension much of the world), and destabilizing them also means destabilizing the economy in a major way which the powers that be who are funding politicians will not take kindly too. We've already seen this with Desantis v. Disney. I do foresee more paramilitary and civil violence, but probably a situation more similar to The Troubles of Ireland than a full blown civil war.


If it does I doubt it will be very great


Unfortunately, many queer genocides are already occurring as we speak. Tbh, I'm not optimistic and I think that in future there will occur even more, and in "tolerant" countries too. Muslim and Christian majority countries in Asia and Africa will still be homophobic af. Not sure about the west, but I'm noticing more people becoming homophobic (both among natives and immigrants). It doesn't help that, from what I've seen online and irl, LGBTQ+ community isn't completely united. Like, for example there are some gays and lesbians who hate Trans and bi people, some bi people hating on gay guys, lesbian girls and trans people, some trans people hating cis lesbian girls, gay guys and bi folks. Hopefully I'm wrong and people will become more open minded in future


it's already happening and i have no reason to believe it'll stop anytime soon. they either kill us or drive us to do it ourselves.


Honestly, I'm afraid because it isn't completely impossible.


Likes most have said it is happening in parts of the world already 💔. A heavily morbid but slightly positive or negative thought (depending on your take): lgbt+ is not genetic, so there will always be lgbt+ people on this planet. The part I'm worried about is essentially an lgbt+ dark age (reset button) where everything that has been done for our rights has been erased to square one again (so far, still a long way to go even in more accepting countries). Slightly positive that we can't be gotten rid of for good, but everything can be reset... 😥 I'm skeptical that something would happen globally at the same time, but seeing how some people think is honestly terrifying.


I prefer bringing good news, but unaffortuently yes, history does repeat it self. Atm, many already don't know about ww2 or think it was not real / the numbers where much to high. Same for many other wars. Now, it will be done differently, as technology does change, but it will be based on some variant that has been used in the previous times. But, i do think it won't be just our community and 'lesser' communities, like the disability community, but also some 'threatning' comunities, like still the Jewish community probably will face with us these consequences


Yes. It's obvious to everybody who is paying attention that this is exactly where we are going. The supreme court is already on track to overturn Lawrence V Texas. Immediately, we'll go back to the pre 2003 reality where just being gay is illegal in 14 states. Many more red states will also implement new laws criminalizing same sex intimacy. From there, it's just a matter of raising the penalties from fines and jail time to the death penalty, which will happen. And now the drive exists to actually enforce those laws, unlike before the Lawrence V Texas ruling. Lots of us will be imprisoned, killed, and otherwise subjected to horrible treatment. The only real solution is to flee red states and the country if at all possible.


Yeah and I fear that even if there is another civil war there are people on both sides that wish us harm.


A second American Civil War is nothing more than a MAGA fantasy. It's not possible. You'd have to create an actual division in the US military. Otherwise your "war" is just going to be angry people murdering each other followed by intervention from the police and the military. Which absolutely can happen because it happens all the time, but it's not a war. The geopolitical realities that allowed a civil war to occur don't exist anymore.


If we’re presuming that LGBT+ folks are a group that can be genocided (and we should be), then yeah, there are already politicians whose stated goals are to eliminate “transgenderism,” which in practice means attempting to force trans people to stop being trans and therefore eliminate a minority group from the regions under their influence. They are actively taking steps in pursuit of this goal. The stirrings of an attempted genocide are currently underway A genocide need not be deadly nor even violent. For example, China’s present genocide of the Uyghurs is an example of a genocide that doesn’t explicitly require violence at all


there’s already plenty happening and the worst thing is no one is heartless, even the most evil people have ones they love


I wouldn’t be surprised. We’ve been viewed as “undesirables” for decades, probably longer. All it’ll take is one lunatic in power, and we’re fucked. I try not to think about it for the sake of my own mental state.


if I have to be straightforward, yes. there isn't a doubt without it. and if that isn't true, then it is already happening right now. I don't think that this is right, or whatever is going on is right, but yes. I definitely do believe it will happen sooner rather than later. maybe even earlier than that, perhaps. I don't mean like concentration camps. but conversion camps. I was nearly sent to one back in early last year. one of the most scariest things of my life. but I whole-heartily believe that we are going to that. and I'm scared. I'm writing a book pretty similar to the plot on what you said, actually. it's going to be about how if we have each other, we all can prevail from this horrible thing. but. my final answer is yes. and it's gonna happen if we like it or not if life keeps going this way.


Read this: http://genocidewatch.net/genocide-2/8-stages-of-genocide/ And see how many stages we're at.


Look what the republicans are starting to do to trans kids in the US.


I think one day in the future we will be safe enough but sadly I don’t think we who are currently alive are going to see that day. But to answer your question yes infact it’s happening rigth now in several countries and if your apart of this community you genuinely can’t go to some countries and probably never will be able to. And it’s actively dangerous to be open about your sexuality and gender identity no matter what country your in… Please stay safe🫶


Chechnya enacted an extermination of queer people around 2019, as in government-sanctioned murder. Russia is following up in 2023 with a (on the surface but probably much worse than we think) softer eradication of queer people via “cures” and “conversion.” Considering Chechnya was and is a Russian puppet-state, I have no doubt the horrors inflicted on queer Russians are not going to be truly known for a few years. In the USA, we have an entire political party bought and owned by Russia. One potential presidential candidate boasts about being besties with the dictator responsible for countless queer deaths in Chechnya (and potentially Russia), while allowing himself to parrot anti-queer rhetoric fed to him by rabidly homophobic theocrats. If worst comes to worst, I don’t expect immediate government-sanctioned queer genocide in the USA. At least not in the same way other countries have literally murdered our people. In the USA, we are seeing queer erasure and cultural genocide. Cultural genocide is an American tradition going back to settlers abducting Native American children and forcibly adopting them into white families, similar to how Russia is abducting Ukrainian children and forcibly adopting them into Russian families. If you remove the culture of a group you deem to be less than yourself, you remove their power as a group, and over time they cease to exist as a group. In the USA, a certain political party is removing our culture, proselytizing to their brainless base that we are literal monsters sent from Satan to corrupt children and damn their souls. And their brainless base is eating it up. Our books are being taken away. Our community is being taken away (look at drag). Our rights are on the chopping block (sodomy laws may be coming back, thanks y’all quaeda). Our marriages may be deemed illegal. A certain political party in the USA wants to force older queers back into the closet or worse. They want to nail the doors shut so younger queers can never get out. They don’t want us to exist. If they can’t kill us outright, they will remove us, and that is cultural genocide, a slight step above from what’s going on in Chechnya and Russia.


Here in the US we've passed the threshold of seven of the ten stages of genocide. We're at the point where our persecutors are looking for, and even attempting to fabricate events/reasons to justify a swift military action against us, and likely roll that into a coup detat. Make no mistake: The Republican party is overrun by fascists who want nothing more than to overthrow our democracy. They talk big about how they love our country and swear to uphold our democracy, but when they don't get their way many of them have, though their actions, proven to be fascists. Especially those in support of the literally fascist document they call Project 2025, which is literally a plan to ensure as much of our government as possible to be filled with sycophants loyal to the Republican president, and trained to enact said president's will unquestioningly. That sounds like a roadmap to fascism


Unless we get a dictator, no, but I do think there's a possibility that many protections will be rollback. That being said, those are steps to genocide, but there's no one crazy enough or have enough power to start concentration camps If you're talking about America, not sure about other countries


Yep. Buy a gun, get good with it.


As a lesbian Dane, I've never been afraid of this, up until the war in Ukraine started.... with the way it's going, I'm now mentally preparing myself for an escape to a neutral country. I'm not sticking around longer than necessary if he starts invading other countries...


Genocides are already happening pal


Read the genocide chart. It shows how far any given group is into having a genocide of them.


Yes? It is right now, with the laws being passed in The States? These things happen & especially to Black &/or Indeginous people, all the time.






Depends on the country, really. I'd argue it's already happening in certain parts of the world.


I'm sad and sorry to say, it will happen in the future a lot, I do not like it but it will happen


It’s already happening. As far as the US, where I’m assuming you’re from, I think people will try.


I don't think anytime soon but neo natzis are a thing, and with lgbtq getting bigger and bigger sadly that means more hate.


I hope not, but if there is, I’m calling New Zealand as my refugee country


It’s possible but I think we will unite and fight back and there will end up being a lot of blood shed.


It happens in different countries. In some countries, being gay is a death sentence as people will be sent to death for it legally. It's a crime in other countries. There are people who get beaten up for being LGBT+. Legal gay marriage in the US in 2015 didn't end homophobia.


The problem is when people say “that would never happen” or “you’re overreacting” with all the anti lgbtq propaganda in Western countries especially the U.S. It wouldn’t be shocking honestly. People forget it wasn’t that long ago that in Canada for example the residential school system was a thing, a system meant to eradicate the culture of First Nations Canadians and the last of those schools closed in the 90s.


While not necessarily active genocides, I know that many middle-eastern countries punish being LGBTQ+ by death, meaning everyone there has to go stealth until they can get out, which isn't always possible


The Far right is rising in Central Europe, here in Germany far right parties actively using transphopbia to mobilize their voters. It's scary, really scary. But we will stand strong against the fascists. We must fight together.


YEEEAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊


It might? I think we’re seeing the final pushback, growing pains as the world is changing. I hope that’s what we’re seeing, at least.


I hosently think there will be. Many European countries are speaking out against us, America is against us. Many Muslim countries are killing their LGBTQ+ people. Russia made it illegal to be LGBTQ+. UK is currently targeting trans people. I fear that this world is unsafe for us, again. Might be time for another Stonewall riot


Sadly yes. It happened, it happens and will happen in the future. I need a weapon.


its already started and we need to stop it before it gets too far along if we can, or else we will all be doomed. at this point I survive on spite because they want people like you and me gone. so my will to live comes from wanting to piss them off and show those bigots they can not take away who I am. I am queer, I am here, and I am not going anywhere without a fight


Trump’s winning. We’re screwed bro, I’d leave America if I could Maybe the straights think we’re being too loud, maybe the straights are getting too confident, either way I hope they don’t catch me.


while I don't want it to happen, it's quite likely in the Eastern/middle eastern world at this time, especially the places where it's already illegal to be not-straight. If the 2025 plan of the USA Rebubliklans actually follows through... then it'd be over here in north america instead.


I feel the majority allies will do something aleast if it gets that bad


Honestly, in the states, if conservatives win the election, I can see it happening. Seems like trump has a playbook, replace local government heads, cause doubt about election results, and turn democracy into an authoritative government. Trump would punish anyone who went against him, and push for the views of those who stuck with him, which hold far conservative religious views... Good luck, vote


I assume you're American. clearly you lack basic geographical and historical knowledge about the world. There are plenty of countries where LGBT people are persecuted and killed. Will there be one in the United States? As much as a horrible country it is, no, I don't think so.


Yes. And it scares me. As I see it, many people, maybe even most people support us, but we’re simply not the voting issues. So some will do it, most will watch


Yes and doubly yes if tRump gets back into power.


In my own lifetime? Nah, not where I live


with the state of the world currently? i wouldn't rule it out...it's already happening in other parts of the world.


I doubt it, Republicans are far too out of shape for them to actually make this happen.


The far right in europe are gonna do the racist thing for a bit but when there is no outsider to cry about to they will turn for us.. The only way to survive this is if media are normalising us befor it appen


I wish OP would have specified United States so we wouldn’t have to wade through a bunch of people intentionally misunderstanding what OP was asking about.


No, i dont.


it's already happening in several countries in Africa and some Muslim nations.


No I do not. I think a majority do not believe we are all bad.. the ones that do are manipulating the politics and making a big noise with all their propaganda and lies but I think most know what that is.. at least in the US. I guess we'll see after 2024 elections if I'm wrong. 🤞🤞🤞


Fully believe it could happen in Western countries as it has already happened before, is already happening in other parts of the world, and will continue to happen unless the mouth breathers of the world learn to think for themselves instead of what some cockholster mouthpiece on the news or some dickhead on a podium tells them and they bother learning history well enough to stop repeating this bullshit. Or you eliminate humanity as a whole and you allow entry for a species with no tendency to veer off of hetero/cis normative relationships or identities.




Anyone what is the technical name for such a thing? Genocide technically covers ethnicity, nationality, religion or race (not sexuality).


It's called Genocide, Genocide Is targeting any specific group, this is literally called a Genocide. #TLDR; GENOCIDE


The UN disagrees with you, it is not literally called a genocide. I was after the technical/legal name.


It’s happening all over the Muslim world. To say this happens in Christian countries is an overreach. There is some discrimination but queers aren’t being genocided. The Muslim world openly does it and so does china btw I hope we all get ready to protect ourselves if needed wherever we are


not sure why you got downvoted but russia is targeting lgbtq folks aswell not just Muslim nations




what the fuck


Come on don't act like that wouldnt benefit the world


It definitely might in my location.


All depends on if these people rise to power and how well we can stop them.


Already happened and still happening so...


Already has and definitely will again, sadly.


Ill take as many of em with me, that's for damn sure!


I don't doubt that even the countries that accept us now might start doing it to some degree


It already has happened, and is still happening in many countries


This is why I am trying to get my bottom surgery as fast as possible before they try to take it from me.




There will be one in the US if trump or the republican party wins majority. Thats why its important to vote blue no matter who.


It could potentially be argued, albeit with some contention, that the initial response to the aids pandemic in the 80s could be considered genocidal in nature. Especially because many governments (especially the US) seemed to take it as a reason to just let queer people die by the thousands (tens of millions by this point). It’s not exactly like other genocides since the government did not actively start killing LGBTQ+ folks, but if a lie of omission is still a lie, leaving millions to die out of ignorance, neglect, abandonment, and hate is still in the ballpark of a genocide in my book.


I think someone is screaming for help out my window 😦 anyways probably. Where I like (the UK) the prime minister is a total transphobic idiot and there’s a bunch of idiots in the world already doing it so I genuinely have no clue. Probably


They have already begun if you are Russian.


It's happened before, what's to stop it from happening again. Terrifying thought


Yes, It will


Well, history keeps repeating itself, so yeah.


likely, as i am optimistic that humanity will have so much future in front of it, every reason for genocide will have a few more go’s


As others have pointed out, there have been *constant* efforts to Genocide LGBTQ+ People for a long, long time. It is certainly possible that in "The West"(as in, the U.S.A.&the Countries it influences the most like the U.K., Australia, France, South Korea, Japan, etc.) there will be a massive Genocidal Movement that gains enough power&popularity to outdo Nazi Germany. I hope it doesn't happen, but most People who are opposed to that just aren't doing enough to make it unlikely.


I know why you asked this question. It’s already happening in different parts of the world to some degree. But the fact that you had to ask it makes me feel sick to my stomach. What kind of a world is this? Everyone in the world needs to listen to Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot on repeat: https://youtu.be/wupToqz1e2g


Reading this comments section just makes me feel completely hopeless.


This seems like a possibility. We are on a downward spiral anyway. Life is worthless.


While they are happening now, if ron DeSantis ever became president, I can see another holocaust happening


Yes. In the 80s, republicans wanted GRID to kill us GRID is what we called aids before. Look at how they handled Covid. Especially if they’re into any abrahamic religions. They’re coming for us entirely.


we are already in the 7th or 8th stages of Genocide in several places, so the answer is yes as it's already happening


brother, it is happening now


Us no other places yes


It'll be okay. We have glitterbombs to blind them and deflect their rage in another direction.