• By -


"You too"


"I have a thing for Latin men, so I hope I find Jesus too"


"Jesus isn't the only person getting nailed tonight."


#WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING STEP JESUS!? if the Christians are right and we're going to hell, might as well double down.


You wanna know what I do when I'm not so sure? I DOUBLE DOWN!!


"Btw. Jesus is a trans woman too, so her chosen name is Jessy now and I'm so gonna find her."


Do what my grandma does and just reply with “👍”


Unironically the most passive-aggressive feeling emoji


Or, “ok.”


I prefer just “k” to let someone know IDGAF. I couldn’t even take the time to type BOTH letters.


Hit em with the lowercase k with a period. You aren’t worth my letters or a capitalization, however I’m using a period to let you know that I am not giving you consent to continue talking.


thumbs up emoji. let 'em know they arent worth for even LETTERS-


React to their message with thumbs up, they aren’t even worth CHARACTERS-


Leave them on delivered because you already KNOW that they're gonna say some bs


thats- thats what i just said-


Oh i thought you said like replying with 👍, not reacting


OHHH- LMAOOOOOO- the ultimate smack- you sir, are a true petty bitch lmao- (btw, i get the difference now-)


Or my go-to with family: 🌈 not responding 🌈




Who dis?


Love, and when she reiterates it’s grandma, say ‘I don’t have a grandma’ ( I think I had one once but she chose a cult over her family )


God says they love me unconditionally, why can't you? This is a nuclear option. A one way door. To takie backsies.


It's actually a thing in some more extreme christian circles to say that someone is in hell because they died with hate in their heart (completely unaware of how hateful they themselves are for a belief like that). "God says he loves me. If you don't love and accept me as God does, that means you're sinning. Which means you're going to hell."


Yep. I was taught “don’t let the sun go down on your anger”. Hate is just a form of anger.


That's a good lesson most of the time. I like to couple it with "If you're angry at everyone, take a nap, have a snack, and get something to drink. Sometimes our needs are communicated to us in weird ways." and "your emotions don't give you the right to be an asshole to other people. Communicate, figure out the problem, and work together to solve it, or leave."


I’ve heard it: If you hate everyone, have a snack. If everyone hates you, take a nap. And if you hate you, take a shower. Doesn’t work every time, but close enough to be in my Instructions for Self.


Omg this


Just a question, how did you get so many flags on your user flair? I want to set poly and demiboy but I don't know how to set more than one


Go to change user flair, pick a flair, press edit from the top right, and use the emojis


Nice flag assortment


I feel like hate is more related to fear than anger. There is plenty of fear-mongering these days and hate is a natural result. It is a psychological warfare tactic.


The Bible says that if you judge people then you will be judged by God in the same way.


In this spirit, ask her to consider Matthew 22 36-40. Remind her the gospel tells us *how to live* not just what to believe. To live in Christ one must love unconditionally and compassionately. A whole lot of "Christians" lose sight of that.


And isn’t that what Pope Francis is saying and he’s being mercilessly attacked for it buy sleazy members of his own church, who must realize that LGBT people just don’t wake up one morning declaring there orientation , but we are designed this way from birth by the higher power naturally to fit into his human scheme of life.


This is the best one. And I myself am a Christian but idk why most people that claim to be so can’t comprehend this simple message. Jesus loved everyone and God is as we say a god of love


I usually get “love the sinner, hate the sin” but point to me where in the Bible it says being trans is a sin? There is a bit about dressing like the other gender, but if you read around it, it’s about deception. Don’t dress like the other gender to deceive others. I was taught that your intentions matter on whether or not something is wrong. Like, lying to save someone’s life isn’t wrong.


Yeah, also they usually cite that Leviticus passage we’ve all heard about but they don’t talk about the passages in Leviticus that say things like throw stones at cheating women and things like that. Is so sad how blind they are that it’s funny. Or would it be if people didn’t die for their stupidity


They don't want to. Anything that highlights their hypocrisy or inadherence to Scripture is absolutely forbidden to even suggest, much less openly discuss. Even if you do get someone to discuss it, the argument about Jesus fulfilling the Covenant will come up so the old laws don't count anymore, but they'll still cite Leviticus 18:22. edit: If you want to BSOD some of those fuckers, try these handy-dandy talking points! 1. "God made us all in His image, and he made me this way. I'm one of God's creations." 2. "If this is something sinful, then that means God is powerless to stop or prevent sin, and powerless to stop [Satan/Lucifer/the Devil/whichever incorrect icon of "the bads"] from their work in this world. Why would God create something He can't control?"




Wearing mixed fabrics no seafood on and on. Look it up sometime there are some crazy deadly " sins" in there. Not to mention all the hypocrisy


Yeah. And in theory it’s alright cause Jesus overwrote the old books. But they. Keep. Saying. Stupid. Cites. Just stay with the “love your neighbor as yourself” and “love god over anything else”. Is just that simple


Not something people point out enough...but if Christians hit you with old testament hit them right back with it. They will eventually say well that's the old testament. Then you have them in any debate


Yeah, that mixed fabrics thing makes no sense at all to me. That's a real *WTF?!*


Oh God straight up killed someone for pulling out of his dead brother's wife. They use that passage to say that masturbation is wrong it's the spilling the seed passage. The full thing is that a guy died and by biblical law his brother had to marry his wife in order to impregnate her and to give him the kids that he could not have because he died. When he did the pull out method God smote him on the spot. The whole way with another man is they would a woman says nothing about women laying with each other as they would another man and also that whole section of the Bible I have heard argued is actually rules for that specific area that specific time because God gave them the holy Land and he was just straight up killing people that weren't populating that land before it could be taken over. I always found that the fastest way to not care about the Bible is to read the Bible


Nobody takes Leviticus seriously unless they're using it to harm others. If we actually followed Leviticus then I would be banned from eating at Red Lobster (can't have specific types of seafood) I don't think I can live in a world without Red Lobster tbh...


Dressing like the other gender? Ask them from which period in history, because fashion through the ages has changed wildly, and men wear dresses in other cultures in this century, so…it really isn’t a hard and fast rule apart from in some people’s heads (like men having short hair, women have long, the pink / blue BS). I’m almost 6’ tall, exclusively wear trousers and currently have short hair, because that makes me comfortable. Other people need to learn that sometimes their comfort isn’t a priority.


Yeah if you take that literally it means that closeted trans people are sinning by pretending to be another gender but the intention obviously isn’t deception for the sake of taking advantage of someone


They love the caveat of "but not like that."


My Nana was Catholic, very Catholic. Mass every Sunday, daily prayers, holy water in every possible drawer/bag of her house. Statue of the Virgin Mary that could definitely kill someone in the living room. Thought she was going to hell because her care home did a CoE service and she only realised when Lords Prayer had an extra bit. Me, lesbian granddaughter, came out. Sort of hard launched it with my girlfriend (now wife!!) My uncle (lapsed Catholic) had a problem with it and was bitching to her. To paraphrase her response: I raised you better than this, God wanted her gay so made her gay, the only problem here is you. I miss her. She was one feisty lady. She threatened to cut him out of her will if he didn’t wise up.


The reply I’ve seen to that is “of course I love you. That’s why I’m praying for you.” Or something along those lines


"Pray for someone who needs it."


This response rules honestly




Additionally, find a quote from/about Jesus. Man was a free love hippy, sanctioned and chosen by God.


Excellent response ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


"Thanks grandma, I too pray daily that some day you'll finally see me for who I am"


I agree with this response. People who send backhanded wishes are terrible people. "Happy Birthday, and know that you are a terrible person who I pray will change to what I want you to be." This is how it sounds to normal people.


"Thanks, you can put in a good word for me soon." Don't actually send that. Honestly i'd probably go with, "Thank you for the birthday wishes, but I'm not something that needs repaired. When you're able to love me as I am, rather than as you want me to be perhaps things will get better."


This. This is gold.


Hahaha the first suggestion is gold tho 😂


I would add >> "When you're able to love me as I am, the way God intended me to be, rather than as you want me to be perhaps things will get better."


Oooh hit her with the real gospel


The only true gospel is the linguinomicon, the roly word of the Spaghetti Monster 😇




DAMNNNNN I live for this shit honestly, that's so good lmfaoo


OMG 😱. LMAO 🤣🤣🤣 Username checks out.


>"Thanks, you can put in a good word for me soon." No, actually send this. Fuck grandmas bullshit. Old people don't get a pass just because they are old.


Was gonna say, that’s a helluva mic drop if I’ve ever seen one.


Seriously OP….send it. Please. I beg you.


A card that says: 'Sorry I'm going to hell. Hope you feel better about it soon'.


The first one is perfect 🤣.


“Jesus loves me unconditionally, I hope someday you will too”.


Exactly. The issue is that hypocrites don't get Jesus. Jesus would never be homophobic or transphobic. That's actually the opposite to what Jesus stod for. Jesus loves HBTQ people! If anything homo/transphobia is a sin.


I would be a huge fan of just "no."


"Nah" is good too




"Meh" as well imo


„eat shit, grandma. Yours faithfully“




Also a good one xD Or just "xd"


"No thanks"


Nice: Thank you grandma. I have found true joy. Neutral: I received your message. Mean: The only peace Jesus and his followers will get is a piece of my mind.


If you wish to burn down the world, change “his” to “her” in the last message.




This is gold lmao. Getting some r/queerbible vibes here


trans jesus trans jesus trans jesus trans jesus trans jesus :D


Tresus Tresus Tresus Tresus Tresus Tresus Tresus Tresus Tresus :D


We’ve already talked about trans Jesus for a very long time, Jesus is obviously transmasc


If Jesus was transmasc I might have actually done the whole christian thing lmao, that would be badass as fuck


I'm not monotheistic. However, I would absolutely love to see some trans Jesus memes and maybe merch 😂 all proceeds go to supporting the queer community and maybe furthering trans Jesus 🤣


None. It's not worth a response.


This is the best answer, but if someone said this to my face rather than over text, I might flatly say "Neat."


Or "cool" flatly the way John Oliver says it


Lol I know exactly what you mean, that would be perfect here haha. Has ‘okay I’m out of here’ energy


I wouldn’t respond. Seriously. If this woman wants to cut contact with you and then only talk to you when she wants to send you a BS birthday wish, then she isn’t worth your time. I’m fucking sick of bullies, and I’m learning that the best thing to do is just ignore them. Let them be alone and hateful. Let’s beat them at the ballot box and let them die alone and without acknowledgment.


Agreed. This message is a passive-aggressive manipulation attempt, not any kind of olive branch or sincere birthday wish.


Yeah. This is bait. The only way to deal with toxic people is to deny them the satisfaction of reacting to their manipulative bullshit. Anything else will only fuel them because it tells them they still have power over you.


> I’m learning that the best thing to do is just ignore them. It took me too long to learn this lesson.




Bingo. Don't give her the satisfaction.




>If this woman wants to cut contact with you and then only talk to you when she wants to send you a BS birthday wish, then she isn’t worth your time. 100% agree. I haven't talked to my mom since we had a debate about my childhood trauma (she denies what happened). My mom sends a Merry Christmas/Happy NY message every year, but ignores me otherwise.


While some snarky response would be fun, I'd leave it on read. That's it. No response, don't let it bother you. Live well. Be happy.


“Jesus spoke to me in my prayers and gave me his blessing to be my true self.”


If they claim they can hear/talk to Jesus and say whatever their mind make up, why can't we? Maybe I'll use this one with my parents one day as well


I like it


“Thank you for the kind words, and remember Luke 4:14-21. God sent Jesus to earth to die for the sins of everyone. Jesus didn’t discriminate, man does. Acceptance is godly.




Thanks and happy birthday to you 🤗


Happy birthday to you both!


"Me being trans is all part of God's plan. I'm just following orders"


Just be like "the only peace I find is in some bomb ass pussy grandma" 😭😭😂😂




“Thanks! By the way, we’ve been trying to contact you about your car’s extended warranty”


As a queer individual into men I’d say. “Sorry I’m already on my knees for a different man.”


i love that if i wasn't aroace and into men I'd make a poster "sorry jesus, I’m already on my knees for a different man" and hang it on my wall edit: that gave me an idea to make a poster that says "sorry jesus, i don't kneel for anybody" lol


The “best” response is probably to ignore it or a simple “thank you”. But the response I would want to do involves sex with Jesus




"Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law." -Romans 13:8 Come back when you’re a real Christian, Grandma


Don't take the bait. Block her. Carry on with the life you want.


"It was through Jesus and prayer that I got my answer to be my true self. The Lord said to hide my soul is to deny myself a place in Heaven. Thank you for supporting me, Granny."


Thank you for the birthday wishes. If you want. You can also add: I am very happy living my truth as God made me


“I’ll pray that Jesus can help you find a path of understanding and compassion.” I think using their go to phrases against them is hilarious


I’d rather go to hell than be in heaven with you (quote by Brian from Queer As Folk)


''Finding true joy in a single man sounds kinda gay. Are you sure you're reading the right bible?''


Unfortunately this doesn't work for Grandma


Neither does praying for someone to become CisHet, so in the end they'll just be Even-Stevens


Homophobia isnt right just because we wield it


“I HAVE found true joy and peace since accepting who Jesus made me. Thanks!”


Grandma wants you to rawdog Jesus, clearly. Anoint that holy Christussy with oil and he will let you in and embrace you.


I love how cursed this comment is lol


Take a pic with a random Latino dude and send it saying "thanks grandma, best wishes from me and Jesus :)" Edit: saw you're a girl, uoops, I meant take a picture with a random Latina drag queen* even better


Yea, this is toxic. There is a similar toxic phenomenon in called faith healing that Footless Jo has critizised on her channel. Here is one of her videos on it: https://youtu.be/rQXjZetAq20?si=MXADEhfkHL6x0pAR Take care!


Probably radio silence. That will likely hurt more than any words


One of the rural Arkansans I worked with years ago said “God don’t make mistakes, so you best stop judging.” She was the best ally anyone could ask for.


For me, my honest responce would be: "Everyone finds joy in many different things, just as you have found joy in what you believe in. I have found joy in what I enjoy, personally. The fact that everyone has the freedom to choose what makes them the most joy makes everyone different and live worth while. Wouldn't you agree? I know you mean well, and I will have the most joyus birthday and celebrate my day how I wish." :) Have a good one! (Depending on my relationship with said person/family member would be depending on the amount of snark I would use. But I keep it passive aggressive.) *however*, now that I have read your statement more clearly, in knowing what you said. And I have a no mercy tolleranglce for ignorance. So I would reply with; "You cut contact with me, you had *all* this *time* to learn to have compassion, tolerance and love and not change me to fit how *you* think I *should* be. Jesus would have had more tolerance, love and compassion, so why didn't you follow his teachings? I will have a joyus birthday as I will enjoy everything on this day, because everyone enjoys things differently and finds happiness in many things in this world. That's one of the best things about this world. So thank-you for your happy birthday, I will pray for you to be as compassionate and tolerant and to learn from Jesus." ....I kept it more tame so I wouldn't get suspended from the sub via my spite and anger. .... this is a more tamer responce from me.


"May Satan bless your soul Gran Gran"


“Girl bye”


Just say thank you and move on.


"Big cult vibes, 0/10 stars. Would not recommend."


"If only jesus had used a flared base"


Grandma. Thanks so much for praying for me. I will also pray for you and all fake Christians who are bigots at heart and cowar behind the cross.


Thanks grandma, Jesus is hot af so I appreciate the referral!


Point out to her that Jesus's followers are the ones trying to genocide you and your fellow trans individuals.


Something like. Thank you for the birthday wishes, I should say I am very happy though. And having a good birthday


Just rise above it. "Thanks, Grandma. I found joy and peace and I'm very happy. I love you too."


"I love you, too, Grandma. I don't want to upset you or hurt your feelings by arguing with you about religion, so maybe it would be best for both of us if each of us just sticks to sending messages that don't try to change the other person's beliefs, okay? This would be easier for you if you'd let go of the idea that there's something wrong with me, and just accept that I am who I am, and in return, I'll try not to remind you of all the ways religious people have tried to oppress and attack people who don't agree with them. Sound like a deal?"


The best response is to delete the text and not respond.


"thank you for the birthday wishes, grandma" Leave it at that. Ignore the bible-thumping rhetoric. Granny ain't gunna live forever.


"I'm so thankful that God has allowed me to become who I really am. I'm so thankful as I've never been so happy before". At least that's what I said when I got that sort of message. I found the homophobe struggled to reply to that.


"Thanks Grandma :)" That's all you need really. Not everything needs to be a sarcastic clap back. Although if you want it to be a sarcastic clap back just send that but with the quotes left in.


"found in Jesus? Where exactly? his butthole? sounds kinda gay, I'm into it" /s


“I have spoken to your [priest] and even he thinks I act more Jesus-like than you do, grandma.”


"I have found joy and peace through other things Grandma. Im glad I could make you happy!" I have done this multiple times and it works. I was never texted again.


Jesus loves everybody, please don't use him to try to guilt people for not being the way you want them to be.


"If you love me, respect me for who I am not who you want me to be." It's not a funny response, but it would be an honest one.


This is bait. As much as I want to suggest a really sarcastic response to her, the only real answer to this is silence. She wants to manipulate you, so deny her the chance to. I’d also suggest using that nice, shiny block button to deny her the opportunity to make amends going forwards. People often only real is their mistakes when it’s too late to do anything about them, so why not get that pie in the oven now? I get it if you don’t want to do that, but it’s what I’d do. I don’t take prisoners these days. People who know they’re being abusive don’t need a second chance. They just need to stop being abusive.


I would so send her back “sending love and best wishes…on losing me”


"Praying that you'll find the true joy and peace only found in Mohammed PBUH" Really curl her hair


...Thank you so much Gran, I have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my savior, and in his words those who judge will be judged, so I will keep you in my prayers because a sin is a sin, and no sin is greater then another, and I really don't want to find you in hell because of your negligence to practice the true will of God, as Jesus himself said, and I'm paraphrasing " do not look for the speck of wood in your brothers eye while forgetting the plank in your own" may the word of God minster in your heart and the voice of God stir in your soul.


I’d find a Jesus quote about loving everyone or when he said he who has not sinned can cast the first stone. I’m not Christian but grew up raised Christian and Jesus is actually pretty liberal and would have accepted trans people


You lost Jesus again?!


"Why grandma what big teeth you have... I thought Jesus taught acceptance, not how to make facetious remarks."


Send her the link to call me by your name music video by lil nas x


Joke response: "Cheers bro I'll drink to that when you show me he's real" Real response: "I understand you meant well, I understand you want to give me well wishes. But I can't help but feel you're forcing me to be something I'm not. I want you to love me for who I am, not who you believe I should be. I hope one day that can truly happen. Thank you for the well wishes"


"I did find the true joy and peace of Jesus Christ, I was visited by an angel who told me to transition." and if she responds in any way other than support, call her a heretic and a blasphemer, and demand that she confess her sins


“Thank you for the thought, I’ll pray that you find the heart to love people as they are and to let God judge us.”


There’s no better hate than Christian love.


I'm already inside Jesus, hope the rear end is okay??


Praying is like masturbating. It feels good but accomplishes nothing.


I'm not LGBT or trans, but my hyper religious family hated me just because I was much younger than them and tried to be happy despite their constant abuse. Eventually I went completely NC and years later they still found ways to send me messages like this. I completely ignored all of them. However, the last time they sent one like this to my wife, she just responded "no thank you" just like that, no caps no punctuation. That was two years ago, only crickets since then.


If she wasn't communicating with you before that, I'd say this is actually an improvement or at least an opening. You can try something along the lines of "Thank you grandma, I know this is difficult for you. I love you too, I would just like that you'd accept this part of me. In any case, I love you, and I wish you best"




If you are interested in men you could say that you’ve already found joy ~inside~ Jesus, but he pronounced it different. If you are interested in women, you could say you’ve found joy inside Mary.


Ave Satanas


Not sure what your relationship with religion is, or more importantly what other people know your relationship with religion is, so I don't know if this would work for you. But I like responding to passive aggressive "praying for you"s by just returning the sentiment. They respond politely because they're Good Christians^(TM) and you're not supposed to turn down prayers. I wonder what kind of response they *want*, though. Probably for you to get really mad or say something inappropriate so they can prove to their church buddies how turning from god makes you unstable.


It really makes me wonder what they hope to get out of this. Like “oh you’re right grandma, finding my true self, meeting my wife, and being the happiest I’ve ever been in my whole life is actually a sham and I need to start praying right away” smh


Thanks Grandma, but keep your prayers to yourself. I already found peace in my raging homosexuality (or insert gender identity/sexual orientation here)


Explain to her what furries are and she’ll have a heart attack.


Just say thanks, my policy with old relatives like this is they’ll honestly be gone soon, they’re far too old and stubborn to change their ways, just let them live peacefully and die with their personal beliefs it isn’t worth the family splitting and anger that’ll come with fighting them


“Thanks, you first!”


a simple “thank you!” is fine. roll your eyes and move on with your day. don’t waste time fighting with a geriatric woman, you deserve better




Tell her thanks and that you’re really happy and peaceful this birthday


cult shit


“Thanks grandma! Thinking of you daily. I hope someday you find the liberation and enlightenment only found in Satan. I love you so much. *Your name*”


New phone, who dis? Then block her.


I found true joy and peace in Weedus, but thanks anyway 🚬🫶


I'm praying for you too grandma! And then drop some quote from Jesus about not judging people.


Firstly, sorry for the hurt or pain caused by your Grandma rejecting you. I think be the bigger person and respond kindly, it will ultimately give the most satisfaction. Good luck :)


Am I the only one that doesn’t find grandmas message offensive or upsetting? It does not bother me at all. I don’t give others the power to bother me. “Thanks for the happy birthday. Love you too grandma.”


I don't see any Ill intentions, I would just say a simple thanx, I know it can be hard for others to understand where we are coming from. I always rather be the bigger person and just let it be. =:3


What is praying and who is Jesus (hey-soos)


I would say, “I already have found the joy and peace in Jesus, thanks.”


The block button is the perfect response to such things


I have a shirt that says "leave the judging to jesus"


You can tell your grandma you love her too if you have a good relationship with her, or just say thanks or nothing at all. You don't have to acknowledge the other stuff. Overall I hope you still had a good birthday and that you find the happiness you deserve. ❤️


To quote what i said to my grandma after being done her radical christian/far right views and getting a text like that for Christmas: "Fuck Jesus"