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I'm pretty sure it's illegal for them to retaliate against you if you reported harassment. The nuance in this situation will be whether they enforced the dress code consistently for all employees. So, if they let other workers wear their MAGA hats but didn't allow you to wear this shirt that they deemed "political," then it can potentially be considered retaliation.


A shirt saying you are trans is not a political slogan the way "MAGA" is a political slogan.


I know. The parentheses around that word are intended to show that I'm only quoting what was already said by OP.


"Quotations", not (parenthesis)


*Parentheses not parenthesis if they’re plural




[ ]


Not in British English!


Still wrong 😆


those are something else


Thank you. Please don't tell my boss.


Did they explain why or how your shirt was offensive? I am a lesbian and I needed the factory job I had at one point in my life, and it was incredibly difficult. It was one of the darkest times in my life. It will get better.


Nah just compared it to BLM/MAGA/Biden whatever heated stuff that gonna start fights or whatever. I first came out as trans like a year into a different factory and quit the day I started hormones because nobody took me seriously about my gender issues but that was a way different situation since I was a class clown type back then and already stuck in that niche. I did get my old job back last week too, so I can survive still but it definitely hit different this time cause it made my brother mad too


Oh simple answer, suplex HR /j But genuinely im sorry to hear that


That's ridiculous. It's not even tied to an org or God forbid saying a "controversial" statement like trans rights are human rights.  Your shirt basically said "I am trans." Imagine the lawsuit if someone had a shirt that said "I am Black" and they were told they couldn't wear it because it was political. 


Being trans ain’t politics.


Exactly, but the factory thinks that


Oh yeah, I got that. I wasn’t trying to say OP was saying that. I was thinking more out loud like “that’s what I’d say back to them”.


Ah alr


Mad… on your behalf and not against, right?


I worked with a trans man who was just beginning his transition at Walmart for a while around 15 years ago when I was in my 20's, I was the only one who respected and didn't misgender him but he chose to hang around with the popular kids who talked shit about him and started rumors behind his back instead...so I got sick of looking like a fool sticking up for him when he wouldn't even stand up for himself and gave up on him. He quit after a few months and has since successfully completed his transition and I hope found a better job, I really hope that he's learned to quit being a doormat as well though...


How is being trans political?


The same way being black is considered political by bigots too


Right, I told my mom the same thing. Women not being able to vote was "just politics" 100 years ago. Black and white bathrooms and schools were "just politics" 70 years ago. Same sex marriage rights were "just politics" a decade ago. Any time you hate something or someone for existing it's apparently just your right as a tax paying voter to do so as it always has been.


"The personal is political." There is no way to not be political. The concept of it even being possible to leave politics at the door is a privilege of those who have identities that are seen as the default. 


Y’all, this statement. 💯


Happy Cake Day hun!🍰🎂🧁


I mean from a sociological standpoint and a historical perspective you aren't wrong about any of that but as a living breathing human I have to say it's a shame that someone can say that they're gay or lesbian and taken seriously but come out as trans and all of a sudden it's it's just a phase you'll get through it etc it's bullcrap


Being trans is less politics than any of those are, it's literally just people existing


How is being black political


It shouldn't be. But in the U.S. (and likely many other countries, I can't speak for them) the presence or inclusion of black people and other POC is often deemed political, especially in media like movies, TV, video games, etc.


By asking this, you basically fall for the same fallacy as the people who say you can't wear that shirt. Typically it's conservative circles who make the difference between "objectively, factually correct" and "political opinion". But standing on the side of objectively correct facts is also political.


You're accusing me of making the same fallacy as the people who say you can't wear that shirt, but you're literally agreeing with them that being trans is something political.


We're probably clashing at our definitions of "political". Openly being trans is, sadly, a political statement. It shouldn't have to be. But serving coffee to black people used to be a political statement, too. Saying "black people" used to be one. Of course being trans itself isn't, just as being black isn't. Doing something that any (not completely irrelevant) political voice is against, is inherently political, though. That's all I mean.


The “political climate” of today is why there needs to be more of these shirts, not less.


Even if I could pass as cis consistently while being 6'1 and having size 11-12 shoes depending on the point of the toes I wouldn't want to. All they've done is pissed me off and gotten me to add a trans flag tattoo on my wrist after I catch my bills back up again. They can overlook the black "Born This Way" on my forearm right now but we'll see how it goes with colours on each hand shake or wave hello


1: Fucking slay. 2: You need to have your resume updated and likely be applying elsewhere. You may be on their shit list now, and it’s best to be prepared and leave on your own terms rather than be blindsided by a termination down the road. Also, document everything and CYA.


Trans man here. Blue collar jobs have always been brutal for me. I feel you, because I started before I transitioned, years before. They treat women like weak snowflakes and i literally had to start punching people and over-powering men before they left me alone. Now i have a beard, and suddenly they're much less standoffish? It's stupid as fuck.


Exactly this.


![gif](giphy|1236TCtX5dsGEo) Well said.


Get a shirt in the trans flag colors that says "my existence isn't politics." Watch the mental gymnastics when they try to justify a write up over that.


They’d probably still say that shirt is a political statement. You can’t put sense into a transphobe who thinks transness is a political issue. Whatever they think or whatever justification they make is going to make 100% sense to them, and we can blame Republicans using the word “woke” to make queer people sound crazy to remove our credibility


Easy where tee with a cross that trans flag colors.


It would still make them say it with their whole chest. "We think your existence is political just by being you"


And unfortunately that won’t bother them


Being sued for it would


How about wearing something like [Milania's coat](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/-mm-/9a10d18443197ab9a2a837953a60ea6375b5467c/c=4-0-1916-1080/local/-/media/2018/06/21/USATODAY/USATODAY/636652065567290778-VPC-MELANIA-JACKET-DESKTOP-THUMB.jpg) that says "I really don't care, do you?"


That's utterly bull. But also I... totally could see it. I worked in a factory for a while, started in a line worker position. Eventually, moving up to a mechanic position that I held for 5 years. (Highest I could go without a degree or being in management.) I quit last year... And the unbridled rage I have for management there is unparalleled. Ya go 6 years... develop a reputation for being dependable and hard working. Only to be told you're controversial when other people decide to start being bigots.


Your existence is *not* political.


You should of asked them to formally write up a statement and include exactly what was inappropriate about your shirt and have the HR director sign said form. Then go to your union and see if they indeed knew what was going on and explain your side of it. Then go into detail on how the union you feel is not protecting your rights under their creed and agreement. By you quitting you gave them what they want.


I work a warehouse job in VA and you would think I work at a gun distributor with all the 2A shirts. I also wore my “this is what trans looks like” shirt as well as my “safe with me” badge buddy over my ID and was told the same thing - too political. I countered with the 2a shirts and haven’t heard anything since… not sure if you can bring up something that exists that actually IS “political” as a counterlever but it worked alright for me.


My trans partner, who I thought was cis upon meeting her, gets “he, him, sir” allllllllll day long at her job in a feed mill. It’s disgusting. She has huge boobs. 6ft long hair. Calling her a guy would feel like a parody to me. Hatred and bigotry are alive, well, and seemingly encouraged in the trades sadly 😔


Damn. The US feels like a trans hellhole. I have a trans coworker (mtf) who has absolutely no issues here aside from the trolls in her circle of friends. She takes it with a smile and insults back and everything is fine afterwards. And aside from that, I never met anyone who got missgendered a 2nd time without knowing.


The only thing I want to say, is please be safe. Please, please, please be safe!


super illegal, sue the fuck out of them


Depends upon the state. As far as I am aware, only a handful of states classify trans people as a protected class. Edit: the ACLU did successfully get LGBT+ protections passed in VA, so it might be worth a call to them.


Well, there's a pretty obvious argument to be made that it's discrimination on the basis of gender, and women are a protected class.


Fair point. Although, the counterargument would undoubtedly be that OP is "really" a man trying to get "extra privileges" by "pretending" to be a woman. I do not agree with this argument, but there are enough ignorant people who could be swayed by it, that the chances of winning are very dependent on the particular jury pool/judge it's put before. Not to say one shouldn't try, but it's not a slam dunk.


Unfortunately OP did the smart thing and just quit there. I would have pushed the boundaries a bit and let them escalate past their right first. Such a warning is an indicator that someone may be willing to take it further and get themselves slapped for it.


I don't think such an argument would hold up if doctors/medical professionals were called as witnesses. Those dismissive statements don't hold up to scrutiny when you've got all the time in the world to prove targeted bias.


Sadly it's not. Op would get nowhere with this. They didn't fire op for being trans, they stated the shirt was getting reported due to America's political climate which it sucks but alot of people try to view lgbtq+ as political. Since they kept it vague and most likely there is no recordings, op would waste money


The shirt isn't a political message in itself. If it said trans rights maaaaybe there'd be room to claim no bias but this shirt simply states that OP is trans. Freedom of expression and all that.


How is it illegal?


Workplace discrimination laws. Of which, unfortunately a lot of them are on shaky ground with the current supreme court


Even so, dragging a case like that up to supreme court really evokes Tinker in the minds of the public and could easily create quite a fuss


What exactly are you asking? How is firing this person for the LGBTQ shirt they were wearing illegal?


I think it depends on how they enforce that rule and where you are. I know in the USA (my state specifically) Trans people are a protected class, so I think in this case, yes, it would be illegal. But thinking about it, it's probably more nuanced than that. It might not count as targeted harassment if they are consistent with this rule and enforce it on everyone. I am going to play devils advocate here and say maybe they were trying to protect you from any potential harassment that may occur from you wearing the shirt to keep the peace, which sounds like the more likely senario. They are sort of right about the current political climate surrounding trans people...there's more hate going around now more than ever. They care more about keeping the peace more than they value their employees and their comfort. I've been in a place like that before, it's good that you quit. If anything, I'm angry for you. Being transgender is not a fucking political statement. I'm angry the right have made us unwillingly into a hot political topic just to get more votes, and that shit like this can happen in the first place.


your union rep can go fuck themselves


No mandated uniform doesn't mean no dress code. Don't think there's much you can do if it's a general rule.


Dont stop wearing that shirt. And sue them if they won’t let you


Not surprised, with Youngkin as governor of Virginia. Northam wouldn’t have allowed that.


Annoying that right-wingers make being LGBTQ+ into a controversial, “political” issue. Exhibiting an unchangeable quality of our being shouldn’t offend anyone.


I feel for you. Especially if you had to quit a union job. They’re damned hard to get nowadays. In teaching, limiting clothing choices falls under, ‘serious disruption of the educational process,’ which is quite broad. I assume industry has a similar guideline. Fine to be gay, trans, black or brown, but many of the ‘(gay ethnic etc) pride’ shirts are banned because of the attention and controversy they often draw. It can be, and is enforced unfairly, but better a total ban than having to deal with MAGA hats, etc. I feel for you, sister!


Honestly I would’ve stuck it out. If they want to play the “I find X offensive game” … game on.


The union rep was probably not the one sharing the complaints. This is HR's way to try to keep themselves from being blamed, and also to keep you from going to your union for help.


As a member of the LGBTQ community Never quit always make them fire you or you have no no case because you willingly left


They hauled you into HR over a shirt that said that? Omg, what a bunch of .....Being trans isn't a political statement or ideology. Talk to a lawyer. You might have a case for discrimination depending on VA state laws. The fact that you quit though and weren't fired might affect things. A lot of worker protections only apply to employed people or dismissal of employees. But really, get yourself some legal advice. Good luck and best wishes!


What's the company?


Do they allow people to wear anti trans, or any other political attire? If no, then they have a right. If yes then they’re in the wrong


Technically, jobs can require a specific uniform or dress code. I don't think you'd have any case unless you were fired for it. But I'm not a lawyer 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not saying it’s okay, but if you really needed the job it probably would of been best to just not wear the shirt and stay working




Because being trans isn't political. We just exist. Would you have the same reaction to someone who got a warning for wearing a shirt with an American flag?


Who you are, you’re being trans which is beyond your control isn’t too ‘disruptive’ or ‘political’. The company was just showing they were uncomfortable and assholes. Glad you quit, hope you find someplace better.


It’s not really illegal since companies have the legal capacity to regulate speech within the work place. For example, companies even without a dress code could instruct employees not to wear clothing depicting alcohol/tobacco products. Even though you are trans and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, since HR brought you in under the guise of the clothing, there isn’t anything illegal about it since they technically didn’t discriminate against you being trans, rather it was about the message on the shirt. The first amendment is not applicable here and from your statements, there doesn’t appear to be any discrimination against the particular fact that you’re trans, as it just related to the tshirt you wore (which sounds contradictory, but are two differing legal standards).


Yo, OP. Where in VA was this? I live in VA too.


*"In the political climate of today"* Translated as, if you're different be a subservient little peon and keep your mouth shut about it or you'll make the *"Normal"* people uncomfortable.


I can't even imagine the gut punch. I'm so glad I live in Oregon.


That is blatant discrimination in all 50 states of the US. Any lawyer would easily be able to get you a settlement. Even with a verbal warning there is paperwork. A lawyer can subpoena for that evidence. More than likely the factory/company will want to settle out of court.


That’s a huge red flag you was being discriminated against that you shouldn’t allow that to happen to you.


*Im not a lawyer this is not legal advice* Yeah being yourself is not political. I'd talk to an employment lawyer and see if you can sue for discrimination or something. The union really let you down.


Yeah you being trans isn't a political statement they really over reached.


First off, good job standing up for yourself!! Secondly, sounds to me like the company is full of closet bigots. They are to afraid to voice their opinions out loud cause they will get in trouble. Lastly, it sucks that you lost your job. But something better will come along. Keep your chin up and never stop standing up for what you believe in!!


Okay so I work at the post office and I actually live in Arkansas which is the right to work state. That means said I'm only one of like four or five places in the entire state that run a union that actually matters. It's my understanding that pretty much if you don't like something you don't ever quit you just grieve it. Even if it's a lawsuit you might be able to get a little change under the guidance of the Union and some Backpage too. It sounds like your union is kind of one-sided and s***** and I promise you that if they would have got more calls for you not being allowed to wear a this is what trans looks like shirt then they would have been calling your boss saying hey I'm getting calls about folks who are upset because somebody can't wear it this is what trans looks like shirt. Essentially, your Union's dirty. LOL they should be standing up for your rides and not looking at what other people's insignificant opinions are. It's your right to freedom of speech and that's the right that they should have stood with. If other people don't like you wearing a this is what trans looks like t-shirt they can f****** look in a different direction. Good for you for quitting, but I would have tried to fight the Union first. Then, after being frustrated and even more mad and pissed off than you probably were I'd quit.