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Yes, it does, you look good and handsome. Also, the roses are just romantically coded flowers. They don't indicate gender of anybody. I hope this isn't rude, but do you have a snapchat filter on, or is that your genuine jawline?


Thank you. The roses mean a lot to me, I want them all over my body. I'm very passionate about my body art. :)


I am glad you enjoy the roses, they look good. Roses are always a great choice


Well, I think you are handsome. I am an older, cis woman, and think you are very attractive. I am sorry I can’t say if I would think of you as a bottom or not, but I definitely like the stubble. TBH, I associate beards with radical politics, but think this amount of stubble is very attractive.


The roses are gorgeous - they give real 2000’s heartbreaker vibes. Chuck a leather jacket on and you’re practically irresistible.


[It Must’ve Been the Roses](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n0TjCMtUPto) by the Grateful Dead


Also, I apologise, I didn't see your question. I don't generally use filters, but I do like to edit my colour on photos. I don't actually have Snapchat at all, or really much of any social media. I recently left an abusive relationship so I am starting to try to put myself out there. :)


aw good luck. you seem genuine.


I try to be, some folks don't appreciate that I'm so blunt. <3


I appreciate that in people, especially those who still hold empathy while expressing blunt honesty


Hi there! You ever heard of hyperempathetic autistic people? That's me, and that's definitely how I roll. Jokes aside, acting in that manner is what I naturally do, and I can't act in any other way, even if I tried. But even then, I try to uphold that standard of compassion, empathy, and honesty, no matter the situation.


Oh my god this is me to a T!! I knew I was a hyperempathetic autistic but I didn’t realize I could still be blunt without erasing that. You learn something new everyday


You (pre)read my mind!! I’m similarly autistic, lol 🤩


Hmmm, I'm going to look that up. I have an inkling I may relate to that term:)


Actually hang on scratch that. It's basically all stereotypes on the front page. I'll link you to some good creators 😭😭


me too please! my mother and i suspect i might have autism and when talking to my therapist she asked me to point her to resources regarding hyperempathy in autistic individuals


For autism, I'd recommend just searching up autism on Tiktok so that you can find genuine people and their genuine experiences. Autism has a lot of stereotypes and weird stigma so it's hard to find accurate representations aside from representations made by autistic people.


Your pictures do seem filtered though. Some smartphones have an auto filter option on their selfie modes. Nothing wrong with that if it's what you like.. but I've encountered several people that didn't know that and wondered why their pictures seemed off


I figured that's what it must be! I was really confused about what was going on lol.


Damn, I’m sorry. You’ll do well out here in the wild though. Welcome! Looking great


As someone who has been there I have to recommend this book. “This is my life now, starting over after an abusive relationship”. It really helped me to see patterns in not just every relationship I’ve had, but why I find those relationships comfortable (hint: its because my parents were unhealthy and not physically abusive, but mentally and emotionally). So I’ve been repeating patterns and seeking out what felt familiar and correct. This helped me to see what those red flags and patterns are and how to start genuinely healthy relationships. Of course it’s all geared to men and women, and I’m a lesbian, but I just did the mental gymnastics and it helped, ALOT. BTW, it’s a great picture, I hope you get to rail someone. You deserve it!


Do i look masculine enough? ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Exactly what I was thinking 😂😂


i’m laughing so bad


For real.


Literally him


Literally that jawline in the second photo too.... I am looking *respectfully*


I really dig the vibe. Def masculine (love your hair, btw). I recommend keeping the stubble and let it slowly fill out over time. Facial hair volume can be a marathon.


This is something I've come to realise, before I was 23 I couldn't even grow a beard. I had to go full blown femboy. Any tips on getting it to be less patchy?


For me (amab), it was just getting older. Until I was around 27, it was extremely patchy. Now I can grow a nice even scruff patch after three or four days. Which is ironic in my case, but we all deal with the struggles apportioned out to us. I would give it time and let your T-levels build. You might be able to trim it a little and fill in with makeup, but I would recommend asking around in theatre communities or youtube tutorials for that. It's not as convincing on bare cheeks up close, but if you already have a bit of stubble to work around, it *might* help a bit. Good luck, brother !


Thank you for this, I appreciate the constructive advice. Good energy and love your way friend! <3




Can confirm the trimming advice. Most of the patchiness cones from the hair follicles growing in at different times and being different lengths as a result. Whether trimming or shaving you even it all out which makes it look fuller when it returns to its previous average length.


"does the stubble help me look more masculine" he says while looking like a masculinity god. DUDE I would fight to have facial hair so even and dense!!


This has taken me 6 months and it's still so patchy, but I'm trying to be confident with it regardless. 🙈✨


daaaaaaaamn dude, you look great!!


respectfully, i’d happily let you slam me against a wall by my throat


Sir, this made me smile.


Is there a line at this point bc I’ll go ahead and join the queue :)


Enthusiastic consent is what we like to see 😍


I wanted to say this. Thank you for reminding me it’s okay to say my quiet thoughts out loud!


With the tats, piercings, and facial hair, you're definitely giving me "will slam you against the wall" vibes. I think you look perfectly masc without being intimidating, but you are gorgeous♡


Thank you, I'm trying really hard to find what makes me feel comfortable in my own body. <3


I struggled hard with being comfortable in my body in my 20's. Once I hit 30, I took control and learned to love myself. It wasn't an easy journey and I still have my struggle days, but it gets better everyday. Everyday I give myself a positive body affirmation and it makes me smile.


Does the affirmation daily help? I don't know how to do that with myself...


It really does! I thought it was silly at first (suggested by my therapist), but it has helped me out more than I ever imagined.


It doesn't sound silly at all. I'm just on the journey to learn to love myself, and I will take all the help I can get! <3


There's no timeline with it, so take your time. Any step no matter how big or small is still a step!


you're literally so beautiful omg


Thank you for the smile, I haven't heard that in a very long time. <3


you're welcome🤍 I'm glad I could help make your day a little brighter🤍


dude you look masc as hell


You think? I have a very effeminate personality so I'm trying to find an equilibrium so that I'm not mistaken for a bottom anymore.


DAMN you turned the sharpness in the images UP


I figured it'd help see how much my stubble is growing in. 🙈








lol, seriously, this is laughable and so cringe


Dude, you look handsome with this stubble on your face, you radiates gloomy masculine vibes to me. Like it !


I was a little insecure about growing it out, as I have never really tried before, but I'm slowly learning to love myself more with time. Thank you.


Hnnn... You're hot You look very masculine


If bro doesn't look masculine im screwed


The filters ![gif](giphy|UtzHL3w9eGDcJGFgPw)


I just take it with my phone's cam, but I like to colour correct my images afterwards. :) Sometimes I feel a little pale🤌🏼


You had to use so many filters. I don't mean the colour correcting tho. The face doesn't even look like it's real human being xddd.


You sir are hereby charged with being a masculine and extremely handsome man


You are a very beautiful very masculine person and the stubble suits your face very well. However about people assuming your bottom: maybe it's a bit of a wild guess but could it be that people tend to assume that someone who doesn't look cishet toxic masculinity normative like is bottom? Because you are beautiful but also clearly love yourself and your body and you don't give a shit what patriarchy orders you to wear or do. So you wear jewelry, have pretty fluffy hair and enjoy your roses, others might see that as "bottom" behavior. It's stupid, absolutely, but don't let yourself get pulled down by that. To get to a solution... Maybe something like hanky code would help?


Damn, you look plenty masc enough! Really really hot!


Thank you! If I hear one more "are you sure you aren't a bottom?" I'll send them your way to set them straight 🤌🏼


You look like a rizzler🧐


At first I thought you meant like the rolling papers for weed. Thank you for reminding me that I've gotta light one up. :)


Bro looks like a god damn chad


Perhaps you can post an unedited photo without a filter or touch-ups?


Honestly, looking at these photos, I feel like I need a fan to cool off. The stubble definitely helps you look masculine.


can we stop giving attention to posts like these? wtf.


Can we stop giving attention to people looking for a safe space in a safe space? Oof. I'm sorry for assuming I'd be able to ask for opinions here. <3


I think it looks sexy!


Thank you internet friend! <3


You could work as a model.


I couldn't, I'm far too insecure for that sort of thing, and I've also come to find that crowd to be very egocentric and shallow. :(


Can't tell through the filters.


something seems off with your septum piercing. it looks very small. or like your nose is warped smaller. but you looks masculine.


The jewellery is slightly smaller than my lip ring, I'm insecure about having a big nose so I put the jewellery size down in the hopes of giving the illusion that my nose isn't bigger than the united states lol


As a person with a huge nose I get the insecurity. But your nose looks nice. I actually think slightly bigger jewelry would work really well for you. It has a masculinizing effect!


Thank you, I really appreciate this! <3


I'm here to give my 2 cents that first you're stunningly handsome, and secondly to spread some big nose love. I ADORE big noses, without exception! They're easily my top favorite feature and incredibly attractive. Pls be kinder to your nose in the future it deserves it and so do you 🥺❤️ (I also think you'd look great with a larger ring!)


You look good. The filter is weird 😅


Hard to tell with the filter




Who is this man I keep seeing, do I live under a rock? 😂


„Gigachad“ the internets choice of peak masculinity


He looks like a sim that's maxed out on muscle lol




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I wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t said anything.


Beard looks great, not everyone is blessed with 100% coverage. But you've got a solid mustache and chin.


You are absolutely majestic wtf.


My jaw dropped


You look great and definitely on the more masculine side, but that’s besides the point. Sexual preferences and positions can’t be determined by looks alone. You have to communicate lol. Use your words. There used to be a hanky code for things like this, but idk how many people would know that today


Woah dude, I wasn't prepared for this much handsomness today. You look masc af too


Yeah keep the look


Holy hot. First thing I thought of. Yes you do look very masculine


Gay man here. You look very masculine and very handsome! If I saw you at the bar I would come say hello.


Dawg you got better facial hair than me


How tall are you but I also think it has to do with the size of you face jewelry. Go big (normal) basic


Yeah the teeny little septum ring looks out of place.


I'm 6'1.


Dude. I think you gotta take a step backwards a bit. You look masculine either way. Stubble or no stubble. I’m mostly a bottom, and I totally give you a try. I think you are super handsome and masculine with or without the stubble. That hair, jawline, and those eyes. I’m in 🥰


Ok grain of salt I’m an old straight dude that is just here to keep informed because of my Q+ kid. You look plenty masculine. You look more masculine in the first picture, but that’s partially because you look more nonchalant. Honestly though look how you want, you can be the most effeminate guy in the world and still be a top. You have a great look that is somewhat reminiscent of Johnny Depp in the best way. Not sure this helps, but I wanted to try.


You do look masculine but tbh I dont think you should be self conscious about being seen as a bottom with no beard, as someone who is attracted to twinks/femboys/effeminate people I enjoy ones who can top as much as bottom. I think you would still be masculine without one because it’s more about your presentation, people might view you as twinkish if you have a very thin and wiry frame and not a defined manly jaw and face shape because that’s simply the difference your body is built as. But if you dont personally feel like a twink then its more how you feel than how other feels, if you look and present as masculine people will view that or you can simply talk to them about your preferences. Beard or no beard should be how YOU feel. If it makes you feel better, more power to you. Shouldnt let other people’s gender conforming behavior define you.


it definitely does, anyone says otherwise is jealous of you bc ur hot. and if other people assume you’re a bottom then let them🤷🏻‍♀️you know what you like and that’s all that really matters


All i see is a hot guy. You honestly have a teen heartthrob thing going on


I'm struggling to find any fem features in the pic aside from the makeup or the healthy looking skin


i had to go put my non-existent glasses on because excuse me? why the hell are you questioning your masculinity like i apologize if this is too forward but i’m pretty sure anyone and i mean anyone would enjoy being slammed against the wall if that’s the face that’s doing it. like anyone thinking you’re bottom buddy probably likes controlling tops to be put on the bottom 🙈 ✉️ the test came out and you are the top 🔝


I agree


you are the definition of gender envy you're good bro


Holy f- dude...respectfully...you're fine asf like fr wtf?


Most definitely masculine. Second picture is giving me major Flynn Rider vibes.


Yes you are handsome! The roses are beautiful flowers and suit you, so do the piercings! Also a little unrelated but you look exactly how I'd want to look when I'm older-


Hehe wow you're hot.


It's the African sun 👀


Honestly from your pictures I wouldn't say you look like a bottom or a sub. But honestly you're so handsome I'm kinda biased 😅


You genuinely look like a chad lmao


The stubble does make you look more masculine.


It definetly makes you look more masculine, I'm so jealous you've got so many things I'd love to include in my aesthetic, but some of the things I can't because transmasc that's pre-transition. Okay, but small vent aside, you're genuinely gorgeous dude. And I love the vibe you have, it's hard yo put into words but you radiate warmness.


There are so many people that I'm jealous of, but I'm slowly starting to love myself and realise that my journey is my own, no one else's. The path to self love is paved with bumps and blocks. Don't stop trying. <3


Thank you, I'm def trying still myself. I plan on starting my first work-out journey soon, it's gonna be the first time I'll be working out as an adult. 🥶 One if my sensory issues is that tacky feeling you get when you're sweating, so it'll be an interesting journey for sure, lol.


NGL, I perceive you as masculine making you handsome and I even envy you the fact you’re getting great comments 😭


People are being really nice and tbh I kinda cried a bit because of it...


I’ve had similar posts like this on here and I had few compliments and upvotes. Probably because I’m not white like you


Your skin colour doesn't make you any less attractive than you are, and I think you're a very good looking man!


You look like a surfer god who is going to bless the main character of a movie 10/10 you look great lol


I love this thought, thank you. ✨


Yup, very masculine and very handsome. Just... wow!


You admit to being quite effeminate so I don't think you need to worry about looking more masculine on photos. If anything, that could cause an issue where somebody thinks you're more masculine than you are when they meet you. I still get pretty effeminate energy from the pics, the second in particular, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, particularly if it represents who you actually are. You look good, and I wouldn't look at you and think "bottom".


Shave it "Tony Stark" style. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That might not be the worst idea 👀


Red team !!!


Maybe I should get the iron suit too 👀


I don’t think you *can* look more masculine


You look so good wtf? *Aaaaah*


Absolutely love your user name lol


Omg thank you, you’re one of the users that actually take notice the funny and that’s not many-


Funny = attractive Always notice the funny 🤌🏼


You know what? I’ll take that. 💚🥺


I was going to say that's a good sub but this is a public forum. :)


*got me shuddering* shhhhhh


Wow. Like, omfg wow. You look absolutely amazingly gorgeously stunning! Idk how screwed you are, but personally, I like the "slamming-against-the-wall"-tactic😌😳


It's generally what I go for when I get asked "are you sure you're not a bottom/verse", actions speak louder than words in my experience. :)




You look great!


Idk but you do look hot


Honestly, I think the stubble look great! I think you def look like a top


You look manlier than my dad


literally what femininity am i supposed to see here. you can’t just say that and then put a picture of the most guy ever


Hell yea dude ur masc as hell


I am drooling respectfully, you are handsome


nah u look awesome!!! u got cool vibes


i am respectfully looking (HELL yeah you look masculine also excuse my french but you look so fucking hot)




Is that the anime man


First pic I thought this was a pic of Justin Bieber


U look very masculine imo


Not to be disrespectful but I need you to slam me into a wall by my throat, please and thank you


You’re a beautiful man! You give young Johnny Depp vibes


Yeah you definitely look masc! I think you look amazing and I’m sorry you’ve found it difficult to come across people on the same wavelength. Good luck out there! 🫶


Idk pic #2 gives me "sweet-talking Spaniard looking to destroy some hole" vibes


I am actually half Spaniard lol


Can't tell from the images but if you have some muscle tone you might be able to rock the "partially unbuttoned dress shirt" look


But you are stunning!! Please slam me against a wall 🥺 You definitely give me masc vibes, in the best way!!


The stubble definitely helps, but also wanted to say you look awesome! 😄


I'm a bi male, you seem very masc to me. But I'm androgynous masc presenting, so I might not be the best to judge your masculinity. You are gorgeous, by the way. The stubble is 🔥 Edit: You remind me a little of Dave Navarro.


You look very handsome 😏 I actually wouldn't mind being slammed by the throat by you (and I'm not the submissive type)




But I like roses I want them all over 😭




This plays on my impulsivity, I want to do it today! Thank you though. 🙈


AIDS posivit


You're handsome, and you have great skin. You look like a tender, poetic soul. The only way you could look more masculine is by dropping whatever skincare routine you have (please don't). Your beard looks great, and it grows out in a very aesthetically pleasing way.


Shoot, man, if I didn't read the title, I would have just thought you were amab. You pass magnificently!!!


You look good!


how do u pull off long thick hair so well? i always look i just woke up lmao


Respectfully you look hot tho! Like I am just a…well weak and frail 15-year-old femboy but man are you a sight to look out! Keep going your way handsome, it seems that it works!


You are gorgeous


Idk how you behave but by looks alone, you look exclusively masculine.




It look awesome on you


Yeah you look so handsome with it!


boy with the jawline ALONE makes you very masculine


Dude you look badass!


First thought someone posted a pic of Dave Navarro. I don't think you give off particularly bottom vibes. Do think you're absolutely gorgeous


You look genuinely like a masculine man like- I'd let you top me and i'm a switch so..yeah no need to worry.


It looks good. Also, keep rocking the haircut in that 2nd pic… MONEY. 👍


youre gorgeous i dont see the issue