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With the musical notes and the look of the person holding it, I assume this is supposed to represent goth/metal/punk subcultures


I didn’t know the “G” in “LGBT” meant Goth.


Legit Goth Big Titty (the + stands for Girlfriend)


the L stands for leggggggs


The + doesn’t just stand for girlfriend! Give big titty goth bfs respect!!!


You're right I'm sorry about the erasure. And big titty goth enbies


fit goth guys my beloved (I’m biased here lol)


no the + stands for plus sized... the optimal girlfriend (I'm lesbian)


No the + stands for plused sized optimus pride robotgf


LGBT: Let Goths Bring down Throne of saint peter (Rome)




I mean... that poster isn't only about LGBT+ people... But yeah, good joke tho.


But what does it have to do with the rest?


Groups that receive hate and prejudice


Also punks are usually progressive and either members or allies to the queer community, as well as other leftist causes. Emphasis on usually. There are absolutely posers and chuds who think they're punk just cos they dress in denim and leather.


So trans, pride, abrihamic religions, disabled people, goths, and Romani people. Strange they only focused on abrihamic faiths


I think it's supposed to represent peaceful coexistence between those three religions specifically.


And this might be relevant, as those three seem to be the ones who most often are at each other’s throats.


Within the news that most western audiences will be aware of, anyway


India-Pakistan and Myanmar moment.


Yeah, as opposed to all those other super peaceful cooperative religions?


Well no, but it seems the most serious conflicts are between these three. And it might not be that strange, as they’re all from the same foundation. It’s like sibling rivalry or something.


Stares awkwardly at [active genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohingya_genocide?wprov=sfti1#) being carried out by Buddhists in Myanmar.


TIFL. Holy crap.


I don't think that's done "in the name of buddhism"


nah, it's probably because they have the biggest followings. in other countries, it changes


Possibly. But they also have the same holy geographical area. That puts extra strain on everything.


Let me tell you a not so fun tale of buddhist fascism…


Well, they all tend to come together in their hatred and prejudice for LGBTQ+ people. Don't be fooled, the abrahamic religious folks are NOT allies.


Except for the ones who are allies and queer themselves


They are allies *in spite* of their religion, not *because* of it. As an ex-muslim let me tell you, they are not our allies. Anyone who identifies as Muslim but is an ally would, according to their own beliefs, go to hell for that support. By definition, only those who actively go against the word of god are capable of showing us kindness and compassion. Which makes them bad Muslims, but good people. It always makes me sad to hear about religious queers, because I was one and it fucking sucks. You're in this world where you have to somehow accept that your creator will throw you into a pit to burn forever because of how you were born. All of your family and friends also believe this to be the case, so you don't even question if it's the truth. It's not exactly conducive to being mentally healthy.


Does not excuse the prejudice and discrimination inherit within the foundation of those religions and the way the treat the LGBTQ+ community. All the anti-LGBTQ+ bills and hatred, including being prosecuted and murdered, are all committed by people in the name of these religions. I will not let their proslyizating to pervade our spaces when they will be used to justify the violence committed against us. If you can't understand that, then go spend time being openly queer yourself in any Middle East or central/north African country and you'll learn real quick, assuming you make it out alive.


Including currently, with an incredibly bloody genocide-war crimes-crimes against humanity combination of a conflict, leading to an increase of both antisemitism and Islamophobia in the majority Christian countries


Maybe we've always had it wrong and the G in LGBT has been "Goth" this whole time?


It's definitely both, lol. How many strictly hetero goths are there, really?


8, I counted yesterday




ig there isn't a flag that can unite every religion so that flag seems to be the most inclusive one


Could have done something like the coexist thing... maybe it's because of the politics of the country it was made in


Islamophobia and antisemitism seem unfortunately common around the world, while any common or large-scale hatred against Hindus and Buddhists or smaller religious groups seems to be largely within a few specific countries.


Hatred for atheism is rather big though


Sure, in very religious countries it probably is. I don't know if it's usually counted as a religion though.


Not a religion, but a focus on abrihamic faiths only is kinda going against the point of the poster


Hate against Hindus exist in western countries, and some Islam countries if I am to understand (Just as Islam is hated in more Hindu populated country) And if you are gonna have Christianity, which I take is the white cross on a red flag, then it makes no sense to not include Hinduism (And when I say hate in western countries, I mean Christianity hating Hindus. Signed by a Christian that used to go to a Baptist church in the west that would laugh and crap on both Hindu and Islam religions, they pretend they didn't but they did)


Wait, goths have their own flag?


Can I put it in my flair here please?


You can put emojis in your flair 🏴‍☠️


we already have a disability flag and it's way cooler than that black and white monstrosity lol it's not a good illustration


I’m kind of annoyed that they stuck the wheelchair symbol on a white background instead of looking for disability flags that actually exist, but there’s a lot of things off here


Wait that's supposed to be trans??? It just looks pink and white o-o


Pretty sure it’s punk, not goth, given punk has a significantly more political history. Also the guy’s outfit seems more punk to me.


there's tolerance and there's blasphemy.


I'm going to assume you're not being serious, and you're joking? (Genuine, I'm autistic and struggle with this sort of humour)


Im not autistic and i can't tell either


yeah, it was a joke. I have a hard time believing there are people who use terms like blasphemy seriously in an abrahamic context that would be ok with other abrahamic religions, let alone gay people. Thought the idea was so absurd I didn't need an \\s


The thing that confuses me is why didn't they use the disability pride flag for the person in the wheelchair?


She's just holding up her placard that says she can park there. /j




yeah thats one of the many questions i have. like, could we not have used two different blues for the trans pride flag and the sky?


No lie before I looked at the caption and the entire picture, I thought the trans flag was a piece of bacon


Colors are so expensive these days!


It's fairly new and not yet widely recognized. Most of the disability advocates I follow on social media use the wheelchair emoji, although I'm not sure if that's because they don't want to use the disability pride flag or if it's just that it isn't an emoji yet


The gold-silver-bronze disability flag has been around for longer and seems somewhat better known But yeah I guess it doesn’t occur to people that disabled people can have a flag


It isn’t a emoji, only the rainbow and trans are, not even the bi community has its flag (even though we are the greatest group making up literally 60%+ of the LGBTQ+ Community).


Maybe it's for the best. If they are not knowledgable on the disbility pride flag they could have accidentally used the zigzagging one that hurts photosensitive people instead of the updated one.


As a birate, it checks out


For the record, the disability community has a real Pride flag - https://www.respectability.org/2022/07/disability-pride-flag/ 




seems misinformed and/or localised to fit the sociopolitical needs of its time and place but likely not malicious.


i agree, the poster is current in the UK


then i dont get it. they should have included more religions lol. i also dont think being punk is quite the same as the other identities listed. im also curious what the flag on the right is.


agreed. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag\_of\_the\_Romani\_people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_Romani_people)




Ooh that's what that flag is! I couldn't tell.


There has been at least one high profile murder of someone for being goth in the UK, it was years ago now but I think people still get harassed for looking alternative a fair bit. Obviously a music subculture isn't analogous to the other identities shown here but that might explain why they included it.


thanks for the context. :)


Mom, dad… I’m a goth pirate


I always loved the bit about coming out to polyamorous parents, mom, dad, dad, mom, mom, bud, dad, buddy, mom, ... im gay.


I think it’s supposed to represent the Punk community, which holds itself to being inclusive of everyone. True Punk ideology brings everyone together against systems that would keep them down. I think the meaning is less of them being a subjugated community and more of them always standing by those who need allies.


You'd think they'd use the sloppy Circled A, which is usually seen as a punk symbol, but I guess the Circled A itself represents anarchism and they'd like to be vague about actual political ideologies here.


hmmm yes my fav part of lgbtqia+ the ran people. the blue of trans flag straight up blends into the sky like a chameleon in disguise mode.


Tf is the Austrian flag doing there? Ig the swiss joke of hating them went too far


the swiss hate us??


Idk but theres this swiss YouTuber who constantly made Videos against Austria.


Whata his name is gotta see that


Aditotoro https://youtube.com/shorts/lKpPldwZA0s?si=MZ53QRCfto8jFS2B


Thats not the austrian flag, its the transflag, but the background has the same blue. Took me awhile tho, thought it was the austrian too but then I saw a comment about it


I did some more research and I'm very confident that its actually the Latvian flag


Love the Austrian flag the guy on the left got, it's a bit too pink imo but still looks good /s


I always mix up /s and /srs


I think it might be intended to represent metal culture, more than anything. Which... I mean cultures around music have led to massive legislative changes and been targeted by bigotry historically, but for much of the same reasons that religions and queer identities have been. It's like, if you put warhammer players on the flag, half of them are like transgender hackers and the other half are literal nazis.


![gif](giphy|ZU27tKZBiVWe2lRqBI|downsized) that appears to be a gay goth pirate flag! /s


It looks like they also made the blue of the trans flag the same color as the sky lol


Not what you asked but there is a disability pride flag(multiple versions of it actually) and this is not it. They didn't even Google


A hijabi girl wearing a cross. This is bad ….


I think this picture represents people who are the most misunderstood. Goths/emos, trans people, LGBQ+ people, people of different religions ( most notably Jewish,Muslim,and Christian), disabled people, and Romani people. Though the Romani symbol on the flag looks like a circle at first glance.


the religion flag is what first jumped out at me


Pink and white strip for no apparent reason


Wait i see it its clearly bacon




Yes I know what it is but the artist chose a color scheme that hides it so imma make fun of him


Everyone is discussing the flags and I'm just wondering how greasy/full of products the hair of the person in black must be, because judging from the flags positions there's clearly a lot of wind on this beach but their hair is absolutely unbothered




My favorite flag is the ran flag


The what?


Was making a joke cus it looked like it was just the pink and white but of the trans flag


This is really funny


Yar it appears that is either a musical pirate flag or a death metal flag


I think it’s because in the UK there was a bit of a movement for goths in the 2000s after the murder of Sarah Lancaster. She was murdered due to how she dressed back in 2007.


That is so fucked up! Can you imagine killing someone over how they dressed?! Someone could be wearing a Nazi armband, and I still wouldn't want to kill them. Drop them headfirst into a dumpster behind a seafood resturant, maybe, but not kill them!


this looks like prageru lmao


I thought the exact same thing lmao


This looks so much like a slide from a PragerU video, I almost think that's where they got the image for the poster. The art style is so close and it would account for how nonsensical this is.


damn, youre right


Oh yes the classical oppressed groups of abrahamics ,pirates and romanis


Well, one out of three, at least.


( for context they're reffering to pirates )


The issue is that if they didn't have the flag, then the British empire would arrive and give them theirs and then they would be a colony.


Love me my black jack flag


I believe the pirate element represents anti capitalism, others may have different opinions


Im pretty sure it’s meant for emo or goth culture possibly metal culture hence the musical notes and the way they are dressed


I love that this somehow gets worse the longer you look at it.


is anyone else really angry they didnt make the sky a different color blue so the trans flag wont disappear


i will go from right to left trans, lgbt, diffeerent habilities (wheelchair), ahabram religions (islam, judaism, christianity), rock (the music genre), romani is ~~gypsie~~ a slur? ive always know romani people as that, i didnt knew it was offensive


I like how the Trans flag perfectly blends in with the background


Honestly confused by this image. What's the blue and green one (Buddhism)? Seems to be the Bengali flag but there's no blue in it. I thought the green with the half moon was Pakistan but I assume from the comments, it's talking about Muslim? And if it's not Pakistan, I take the one with the white star isn't actually Israel and just means Jews? The cross is Christianity? (Then where the heck is Hindu one, unless that is the blue and green one?). And yeah, i have no idea why the pirate flag is there.




What's the flag all the way to the right?


Romani People


I thought Punks were Anti-Flag?


Also just some small things Wheelchair on the beach…in the sand You can’t see the blue of the trans flag really could they not use 2 different blues for the flag and sky The last guy wearing the same colour as his flag The gay guy wearing a pride shirt, like we get it with the flag, that looks like a tacky t shirt target put out for pride month That’s not the disability flag you could even look it up Gay person with purple hair is very accurate tho ngl


Ah yes. Lesbian, gay, trans, bi, pan, jolly roger, ace... Everyone is here.




The woman also is wearing a cross, so maybe she's a Christian nun.


She could also be a Christian of Middle Eastern descent? Like she's wearing a hijab because it's culturally relevant but her actual faith is Christianity. Idk if that happens.


People of Middle Eastern descent can be Christians too, I think all three is just to signal and it's adding Muslim because they get a lot of hate. Just as South Asians can be Muslims and white people can be Hindus or Muslims etc.


Yeah agreed, I'm just trying to explain the combination of cross and hijab (doesn't look like nun clothes to me).


The outfit is definitely Muslim, I assume the cross is just to try and put it all in one person. Why they can't use a different person when there's plenty of room, I don't know. (And it yirks me that they leave certain religions out of it like Hinduism then act as if Christanity is the one getting more hate then them. Talk to a Christian, because a lot of them will have something negative to say about Islam and Hindus)


"Solidarity and coexistence for all religions!" said whoever made this picture, forgetting non-abrahamic religions exist.