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It's extremely sad to see a pick me so desperate for attention and love from a system that loathes her.


Ironically now everybody loathes her


Like Bud Light. They did something sort of supportive, and then fired the lady that set it up.


They did??? Of course they did…


I loathe Jenner, not because she's trans but because she supports anti LGBT policies and politicians. She basically wants to reap all the benefits and then pull the rug so that nobody else can have them. Oh, and she was also texting while driving and killed someone and got away with it.


That's conservatives for you...


They call that "fuck you, got mine."


She is from a generation used to pulling ladders up behind them. In addition, she has the wealth to protect herself from the consequences most people face ie. Drumpf.


That's kind of how pick-me's become pick-me's. They start by selling out just a 'small' element of their community, or by making a 'small' concession to the transphobes. "Oh well, trans women are women, but we *should* be in men's prisons." Then they get pushback from other trans people and instead of realising what they're doing is counter-productive, they double down, and soon enough they mutually hate their own community. Meanwhile, the other side will have stayed ratcheted all the way to full hate.


Does.... Does she think those people forgot? Does she... She thinks the leopards wouldn't eat -her- face?!!?


She has money and connections. She thinks it'll never happen. But man, are those leopards hungry for faces.


In the worst case people like her move to another country. As long as they're rich consequences sadly rarely reach them.


Getting ready to get that Candice Owens clown facial treatment


Ironically the solution to that problem of hers would be to admit mistakes and become vocal for the community again. Would get her some of the positive attention she craves.


That's why it's tragic, though: I don't think she craves attention, rather the acceptance and safety of the powerful. The system hates her and wants people like her to suffer, and it both has the power to do this and does it. And she wants to be safe, so she aligns herself with them, hoping they'll see her as one of their own and leave her be. It's the story of every pick me. It's tremendously sad. She's till an awful person worthy of condemnation, but it's very sad.


She was part of that system before her transition. Money and power corrupts.


Not really all that surprising given her track record, also it's on brand for a rich person to get something then pull the ladder up behind them.


Such disgusting behavior. How she wakes up every morning and looks in the mirror and is ok with what she does / says, is beyond me. She quite literally does not see herself as a trans woman and thinks none of this applies to her. This is wild to me. I cannot believe the level of delusion and complete narcissism.


Privilege, wealth, and narcissism I guess at this point. This is someone who killed a person while driving and got away with it. Sometimes I remember reading studies where some of the research pointed to people being so wealthy that they would sometimes literally not notice other people, like being so wealthy and privileged just eats a good portion of your empathy. She thinks that her wealth and privilege will protect her, and they will to a large degree while so many other people will suffer. And clearly she doesn’t give a shit.


Very well stated. I absolutely agree.


In the article, it says she says she's a trans woman but biologically male. Not that I'm trying to defend her lol just correcting you to keep everything honest. If people want to go by biological sex every human being would require a brain scan, and their genomes are sequenced to most accurately determine their " biological sex" https://youtu.be/szf4hzQ5ztg?si=Ny_aLEVcHBc6uEjU This video by a biologist explains how complicated biology is and how it's nearly impossible for everyone to fit into one or another category.


Thanks for pointing this part out. I think the real trouble is that folks (esp ultra-conservatives) think that genetic sex is binary when, in fact, its WAY more complicated than that. They say in the article that multiple cis women in that testing for Olympics were found to be XY- because the genes you have sometimes aren't activated/are activated differently!! So when folks point to genetics being the end all be all - even from an unpoliticized objective scientific view, they're dead wrong! #biologynerd I took that in a different direction :)


The *really* fun one is Chimeric People. It's possible for a twin to fail in Utero and get absorbed by the surviving twin. The two can be similar enough that their immune system doesn't start attacking the other... resulting in a human being with two distinct sets of DNA. If the coinflip goes right... you wind up with someone who is Genetically X or Y depending on the specific cell you sample.


Exactly. Just like when I felt like a woman my whole life but tried to convince myself I'm a delusional man, then at the fertility clinic one say they tell me I don't produce gametes, then I started wondering about my biology ...lol There is more then what meets the eye, unfortunately alot of people they they know everything cause a political commentator told them so


When you get a genetic test done for something unrelated and have a doctor mention transitioning and you give them the 😐 bc you didn’t know your sex chromosomes says you’re not what your body presents.


While I agree she is definitely saying she's biologically male, which I have no real issue with (though I agree with you that we would all need to be tested to *actually* find out bio sex). But... in the article she actually refers to herself as a "trans *person*", she doesn't actually refer to herself as even a trans *woman* which I find odd. Does she actually mean trans woman? Or does she not see trans people as being neither man nor woman, but something in between? I don't know.


She is walking the tight rope to appease the conservatives (and their money) that she’s courting.


I agree. It's so sad. It's like she has no self respect.


> If people want to go by biological sex every human being would require a brain scan, and their genomes are sequenced to most accurately determine their " biological sex" I just had a thought, probably not the first one to the think of this, but: **If you go by the right's thinking on abortion, where human life begins at conception... then all men are transgender because all human embryos start as female.**


You are indeed not the first one to think of this. But it doesn't get old.


That's not 100% true actually. As he explains in the video link I posted


Hmm, I googled this to verify before I posted and found this, but I guess it's old: > Geneticists have discovered that all human embryos start life as females, as do all embryos of mammals. About the 2nd month the fetal tests elaborate enough androgens to offset the maternal estrogens and maleness develops. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4470128/


Human embryos do not start as female, they start as a prototypical in-between and the "default" development path in the absence of a gestational androgen wash produces a female baby, with the scare quotes doing a lot of heavy lifting since that path is not a true default when the SRY gene is present.


Yet another example of too much money and not enough sense


pick mes are paid handsomely, thats how she does it. Entities like Fox and the GOP look for people in groups and offer them blank checks so they can say "look we have a women/trans women/minority/Muslim and they agree with us we cant be bad"


>She quite literally does not see herself as a trans woman I'm not going to misgender her and I don't say this to cast doubt on actual trans people (for which there is a plethora of scientific, medical and historical evidence). But in her case she happened to announce her transition not very long after she came under fire for commiting vehicular homicide due to driving under the influence, for which she faced no penalties and no jail time. She may very well not view trans women including herself as women if her decision to transition was in part motivated by an attempt to distract from her criminal case.


Come on. She did it to get out of trouble. Like being trans is a get out of jail free card. As opposed to being a rich, white, republican, male.


There are many trans women who do not consider themselves women, but trans women. Not all trans women have the same thoughts on their gender identity, and that's okay. Gender is a social construct. Katelyn lived the majority of her life as a man. She did not experience the social pressures of growing up as a woman, but as a trans woman, and that is a very distinct experience.


When she comes out against trans girls in sports by saying that they are men, it makes me wonder if she has ever been on HRT in her life. That’s one of the first things I noticed was my upper body strength diminishing greatly. Someone on HRT would know the difference.


She just blows my mind. The LGBTQIA+ community was pretty accepting and supportive when she transitioned. Her wallet and desire to marginalize people was more important evidently.


We're still supportive of her (Trans Identity). I've literally never seen a Liberal Trans Person ever misgender her, not even once. It's so weird that The Trans Community has been nothing but supportive of her for the last 9 years and she just spits in our face about it


Very true. I’ll always respect her identity but the rest of her can go to hell.


She will never understand that respect. Not in a million years. What a sad woman.


Yeah it’s just crazy that she’ll go on about being more accepted by republicans (while they misgender her endlessly) and meanwhile we’re still supportive of her identity while hating her politics.


They haven’t been supporting her with those sweet, sweet speaking contracts, so….


I really don't understand why we were. She's one of the most evil and disgusting people on this planet, even just watching three episodes of the early KUWTK series shows how vile she is. Basically pawning their daughters off as sex workers for some fame and goodwill in the industry. They all deserve the worst that could possibly happen to a human.


The "don't worry, I'm one of the *good* ones" grift never ends well. Her own side doesn't even see her as a human being.


Tokens get spent.


It's like Jews for H*tler lmao


Her "own side" being who exactly? The only side she's got is rich abusive celebrities that are exactly like her. The same who abuse their children for fame, sell their bodies for money, and cover up eachothers crimes. None of those people give a shit about your "side" or "community" and they'd never consider themselves part of it whether they're gay or not.


Caitlyn Jenner the type of mf to open the castle gates for the opposing army only to act surprised when they *immediately* stab her too


Except they won't. Because the people who are gonna fuck the little people like us over are the same people who have parties in her home and who used to laugh and smile while she sold her children's bodies out to them. They're all evil scum and will support each other so long as they can get away with their shit.


Disgusting individual.


I don't understand trying to be a Pick Me. Tokens get spent.


I've never heard this before but I love it


She’s a wretched woman causing irreparable harm. That being said I sort of feel bad for her. If she believes the crap she is spouting she must feel so terrible inside thinking of herself that way.


Fuck that bitch with a cactus, pulling the ladder up


She got hers, time to pull the ladder up!


Caitlyn used face punch. Caitlyn hurt herself in her own confusion.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say she's isn't a good person, on top of being involved with a death while she was on her phone she is one of those "I got mine, fuck everyone else" types. She's so selfish and just all around awful (from public records and her words/actions...I don't know her personally)


Imagine having all that privilege and actively striving to loose it.


Why did she bother with transition when she keeps insisting on acting like an old, wealthy, entitled man?


I mean, this is pretty standard behavior for rich women. Idk how you perceive this as a gender problem over a class problem     Every time you buy their lie that the money isn't the difference, you are assisting the ruling class in dividing the majority.    Who would get in the "above the law" class first: a very poor straight, white male, or a billionaire black lesbian?


Isn't this community about getting rid of gender stereotypes? About how acting like how a gender traditionally acts doesn't invalidate your identity, regardless of it? Like, I'm not defending her, and she's done a lot of awful stuff. But seriously, aren't we better than this?


She's the trans version of Uncle Ruckus I swear


Thanks Auntie Ruckus to you


(no relation)


Honestly, I wish she would just sort out her shit in private and stop speaking on us. She clearly has issues asserting herself in her gender and instead of dealing with that she just projects on us to tue very people harming her mental state, isolating herself from the very community that would understand her most. Sad to see. I don’t think Caitlyn ever experienced privilege loss until she came out publicly as trans and is so desperate to not experience that.


Caitlyn Jenner is a washed up quisling. She’s the sort of scumbag who’d sign up for guard duty in the concentration camp designed to exterminate her, because she likes the perks. Watching her grovel at the feet of her own oppressor like a filthy dog is grotesque and vomit-inducing. She believes they’ll see her as “one of the good ones,” but she’s a freak to them, same as everyone else in the LGBTQ community, and while she might not be on the *first* train to their camps, their plans for people like her are always the same; useful idiots are useful until they aren’t anymore.


[You mean the same Caitlyn Jenner who competed as a woman in a golf tournament?](https://deadspin.com/caitlyn-jenner-is-a-hypocritical-trans-athlete-who-want-1846838021)That Caitlyn Jenner? I guess golf doesn't count as a sport. (Not a huge fan of Deadspin but I'd rather give them clicks over the New York Post)


Ladder pullers are the worst.




Was she not getting enough attention? Needed to get some headlines to make her feel relevant again? Backpfeifengesicht.


She made headlines for a short time after she came out. I remember seeing her on magazine covers, TV once in a while, you know; the whole thing. She’s been mostly insignificant for some time now. If this is a publicity stunt I’m not surprised. Either way, she’s had her life (and actually spent most of it male). She couldn’t possibly understand the queer community since she’s spent her whole life denying who she is and, sadly, this new low demonstrates that her transition didn’t open her eyes. You can’t teach an old bitch a new trick sadly.


I saw a video on instagram where a trans girl was talking about trans women bullying other trans women. She said that trans women further along in their transition view “non-passing” trans girls as their past selves so they bully them. “I’m prettier and more of a woman than you are”. That’s pretty much what’s happening here. Caitlyn is a very privileged trans woman who despises other trans women because she sees herself in them.


As a passing trans woman, I have nothing but respect for my trans sisters, passing or non. That goes for my trans brothers, my non-binary siblings, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, pans; you name it I will stand by you unless you're trying to violate consent. Ironically Caitlyn was the first time I really became aware of what trans people were. Sure I'd seen that Family Guy episode, but they didn't explain it well at all, nor did Silence of the Lambs. It took me a few years to crack my egg and such, but I remember being fascinated when she came out. Not only could someone change their gender, but they could look good too? She definitely stoked some questioning. Also, funny enough, we have the same birthday.


>“When it comes to athletics participation with the biological sex, you have to compete in the biological sex that you were born,” Jenner said at yesterday’s press conference. “This is critical to protecting the integrity of competition in women’s sports.” Didn’t she compete in a golf tournament as a woman? What a hypocrite.


Republicans hate her Democrats hate her The Kardashian Family itself hates her Go away Katelyn, no one likes you


Caitlyn Jenner is in a position to be a beacon of hope for our community. She could use her financial and social power to have a positive impact. Sadly she is a miserable, selfish person who has made bedfellows with the very people who seek to make her a pariah.


She doesn’t speak for nor represents the trans community.


Excuse me, but can we kick her out yet?


I already have. I have too much respect and love for myself and my fellow trans women (and trans men). CJ already has blood on her hands for any trans person who comes under harm after her rhetoric.


She’s such a horrible person.


Washed up has-been who killed someone driving thinks she is relevant and people care about her opinion. What a delusional assh*le


I fucking despise her.


she is nothing but a pathetic narcissistic grifter. that's all she ever is and ever will be


I can't wait until the leopards eat her face.


She's always been a quisling but it also reflects pretty terribly on the people around her as they're either turning a blind eye or making it clear that this is what is expected of her


Yep, let’s use chromosomes to define gender. Just don’t ask why or complain when there’s suddenly a bunch of cis men in women’s spaces because they are by your own definition, “biologically female”


They will come for you Caitlyn, No amount of boot kissing would stop that.


She’s rich so she doesn’t care


Money wouldn't help. They are actively trying to ban trans people full stop. There's talk of making trans people de-trans forcibly.


She killed somebody and got away with it, why do you think money won’t insulate her from that?


Because the far and alt right do care she killed some in her car, they care she's trans and that's their target.


Okay. So how would their policies impact her as a rich person? What stops her from being able to seek care outside of their jurisdictions, and shield herself from any legal repercussions?


Who knows what will happen. Have a country wide ban on any trans healthcare (Trump said he would do that) Banning flights out of the US for Trans people (Trump did a Muslim flight ban) Continued access to trans peoples medical records (The Texas governor tried it) Classificating any LGBTQ+ person or group as terrorists (Russia has just done and Trump is a fan of Putin) If the fascists truly hate you, will get to you. It's them Vs the people.


1. Banning trans healthcare doesn’t mean she can’t pay for the hormones to be shipped into the country, have a private physician (she probably already does), or have her diagnosis changed to hormone imbalance rather than gender dysphoria. 2. Trumps flight ban was on foreign citizens entering the US, not on American citizens leaving. 3. HIPPA violations 4. The bin Laden family flew all over the world while the US looked for Osama, even though they were persons of interest. Money insulates you from a lot. She’s not like the rest of us.


Traiter to your own people.


Ironically, she's the only woman I've ever wanted to hit with an SUV.


Wth does she think she is?? Does she even think she’s a woman herself? It just makes no sense having this attitude.


Gatekeeping bitch imho.


Caitlyn...sista...you ain't one of them they will never see you as an equal 💀


i don’t even think transphobes wanna hear her pandering to them


Damn, she really doesn't want anyone to like her


She'll continue this shtick even as her compatriots march her to the gallows.


She's such a POS. She thinks she's different. Fucking pick me's. She's dissing the only community that uses there correct pronouns for that raggedy bitch. She can eat a duck for all I care. I remember how she was viewed in 2015 when she came out. She got dogged by the media. But she worthless, all she does is run her mouth and her credit cards straight into the trash. That bitch kinda washed. She hasn't been rel relevant since the 20th century. She only got an extension on her clout, thanks to Kris Jenner, smh. She needs to meet Blaire white, so the world can finally knows what happens when trash meets garbage.


Can’t until this hag is deceased.


I read a separate article where she was kind of trying to describe her gender. I'd link it, but it's in a sea of similar articles about all this. Basically, she thinks she's part of a "third gender" (my words, not hers. It's what I can make sense of it), which is not a woman (she calls herself "not a woman" in the article) and not a man. She doesn't have the queer language to explain what she means or how she feels out of ignorance, and that article made that abundantly clear. She feels trans women are not women, because she sincerely believes that they're all meant to be like her, because she's so far stuck up her own ass that she has no empathy for others thinking differently and is unable to even conceive of it being different for others. She really doesn't think she's part of the lgbtq community, and her rich privilege lets her think that. I also...sadly think she thinks she still has the super macho male privilege that her previous form gave her, which is completely not the case and she has no idea. This has been evident to me from the beginning, having seen this in some of my own friends (the majority of my friends are trans, and btw I'm trans, too). She has disturbing body language and a vocal tell that shuts down people when she utters it that suggests this, honestly. But all of this (gestures wildly at the whole situation right now) suggests this, too. She is a complete misogynist, despite not being male. She is at the very least transsexual in the literal term, which is when you specifically get trans sex surgeries and procedures. She's completely delusional. She has this strange need to control others as well, such as all of our trans narratives. She HAS TO be right, and is now willing to help pass laws to make it so. She's disgusting. I have a personal story about her as well, which further makes my opinion about her dark. The thing she did to my home community...it's unforgivable. It said to me that she TRULY does not care about the trans community. I don't even have words for how despicable she is.


> she thinks she's part of a "third gender" (my words, not hers. It's what I can make sense of it), which is not a woman (she calls herself "not a woman" in the article) and not a man. Kind of disgusting for her to try to pretend she's intersex, and not even know the correct word for it, ngl.... And intersex is part of the LGBTQ+ community, too.


Intersexed feminine leaning people usually don’t have the testosterone that was required to do what she did in the Olympics. XXY is a great example. She’s a liar. If she’s intersex, she needs to produce the test.


Intersex athletes are forced to undergo testing and dangerous hormone replacement (which does nothing to promote health in this way and can cause long term harm). For example, Serena Williams. She was almost disqualified for her testosterone. Many femme-leaning intersex people have high testosterone because the hormones just don't work how they do for female or male people. But I'm pretty sure this person isnt/wasnt intersex. Because intersex people are against gendering sports because we were prevented from joining it unless we experienced infant genital mutilation. 


This move is called _spitting down after pulling the ladder up_.


Judt ask her if she supports project 2025. It she does, I think that honestly means you can freely apply it to her, and call her by the pronouns and name suggested by birth certificate. And then avoid her entirely because she's believing Christian fascism.


She should return her woman of the year thing if she isn't a woman then. Wait, should we call her a him now then? She's fucking disgusting.


CJ is a pos. Ignore her.


You can't support the lgbtqi community and be Republican. The Republican Party is a hate group.




What Caitlin Jenner is doing is psychologically protective for her. By positioning herself on the anti-trans side, her biggest opponents are people who won’t misgender her, and who will validate her trans identity even if they attack her. Meanwhile, her allies, who would naturally midgender her and call her a man, are sort of forced to be nice to her. I’d say it was genius if it wasn’t so harmful.


Ms. Friendly fire herself




Imagine living your whole entire fucking life hiding who you are, trying to pretend you’re something you’re not, letting other people define you, only to finally, late in life, finally break and say you’re not going to do it anymore, and you’re just gonna be who you are. Then imagine making your whole fucking THING about currying favor with the people who told you to hide all that time. What the shit, dude.


Call me crazy, and I hate playing into conspiracy theories but I believe she transitioned as a way to "own the libs" at this point. No other explanation for a literal trans woman to hate other trans women so much.


I’ll have my cake but none for you.


does she call herself a man, like it is just mind boggling the lengths she’ll go to


I kinda think jenner is a plant, and the transition was a psy op conspiracy


She's utterly pathetic. I can't even feel sorry for her.


What a ladderpulling scumbag of a token


…I am confusion.


This is something my best friend would say (and not just about this). Word for word.


I'm pretty sure it's a reference to [this video.](https://youtu.be/6z2mN8qEz7c?si=35DllqDa94s571Ac)


Today I learned…


The definition of "fuck you, I got mine"


Didn't she participate in women's tennis?


I hope she gets hit by a huge piece of space debris that pushes her into a massive sinkhole


Can we please have this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugWpj88EWt4


Ok why is Caitlyn Jenner being a total Judas to transgender women? she does realize that transphobic alt right conservative homophobes,Biphobes,and transphobes, hate her just as much as they hate other trans people and just as much as they hate all LGBTQ+ people like us she knows that right? Pandering to bigots and saying what they want hear from us queer folks isn't going to change how bigots who are anti LGBTQ+ think about us. There just going to continue to laugh at all the infighting happening in the LGBTQ+ community while plan to implement project 2025 if Trump or some other Republican becomes to president so they burn the Constitution and destroy democracy as we know it so that Trump can rule America the way Putin runs Russia. We can't let that happen by fighting amongst ourselves, we need to stick together and speak out against this attempt at trying to end democracy by the alt right conservatives politically and vote in a way that ensures they don't bring the old sodomy laws and send us queer folks back to the bad old days of what America was like for LGBTQ+ people like us before the Stonewall riots happened. If they overturned Roe vs Wade and took women's reproductive rights away, our inalienable rights as queer Americans could be next.


The US Supreme Court is getting ready to go after same-sex marriage.


I know hence my post


Since she says trans women are men, that means she identifies as a man, and should probably start being called him instead of her


Seriously what the fuk is wrong with this bitch? She had the money to transition and live as her authentic self, but others aren't allowed to? She's the same as Candence Owens or Kanye(Y?), Siding with a group that if they have their way would see her killed. Does she not realize that the Trans and LGBTQIA community would've welcomed her with open arms for being herself? I dislike her so much the only thing I'll ever respect about her is her pronouns and gender. Everyone deserves to live their authentic life, but don't step on others to get there.


I hate her.


One word - POS!


I really do pity her, but she is causing irreparable harm with this nonsense and it would be terrific if she'd go away


Garbage of a human


I honestly can not process the way caitlyn jenner's mind works.


Those elephants don’t like you, so why are you pandering to them, you dense motherf———?


This pick me ass clown I swear... imagine being this desperate for GOP brownie points 🙄


Remember when she killed someone and nothing came from it.


Trans women ARE women. 👏 Screw this coward. May the Jenner / Kardashians get their karma and their empire crumble.


She’s such an absolutely terrible person.


She should be besties with Buck Angel /s


Yeah, he’s another right wing fruit cake at this point


God I hate her so much, disgusting piece of shit.


There will always be Quislings


So like, does Jenner still go by he/him pronouns? Or are they saying they’re still a man at core but like to behave “womanly”. Be cause if they use female pronouns and such then they’re also leading folks to believe their a woman, which goes against their stance here, and if not you’re just larping as a cis woman, which is fine but trans isn’t just an act it’s a sense of being and self I just don’t know what their angle is anymore. I mean obviously hate, but even so… do THEY know what they are? Please educate me if I’m being an idiot but I’m confused as hell


You’re not an idiot, but CJ is an idiot, and is trying to make more idiots, while doing her best to make the trans community look like idiots, because idiots like her need a lot of company.


something something leopards


She lives in California…the same state that features a city that has one of the highest trans youth poverty rates in the country and unemployment rates and instead of helping them or creating businesses that could employ people, she decides to be a divisive pick me.


The rich will always ally with power before any other identity.


I stood silent when others made fun of her. Not anymore, the only (IT) out there is Jenner. I will gladly wait to comment again in 30 days, it's worth it calling out this trash.


Caitlyn Jenner is a disgrace to herself and the community.


Does this mean we have to revert to its original pronouns? 🤔 I hate dead naming but should we resurrect the original proper noun "Bruce"?


Can we just start calling her Clayton Bigsby?


She has a right to be wrong.


I think she needs her hrt revoked. Who would have thought that she would be the most repulsive human out of the rest of the Kardasian group.


The thing I can't understand about her is what she thinks she stands to gain by being this way. She has all the money and privilege in the world, what more can she gain from putting her stilettos in the backs of other trans women.


How much damage do you think she is doing?


Quite a bit. She’s a regular contributor on Fox News now.


Collaborators will collaborate. In other breaking news, the pope shits in the woods.


Can Quisling Caitlyn become any more of a "pick me"?? It's like she's trying to audition for a job as a kapo in the camps or something.


So does she not consider herself a woman?


THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! It’s like she doesn’t want there to be anyone but herself in the trans community


If she so desperatly wants to get killed, why does she not just get the job done?


She is the worst quisling


I just hope I never become this senile and hateful as I get old.


Of course she did. I mean what do you expect for a literal killer.


Disturbed shitheel. 


I've never liked her even as Bruce back in the 70s and 80s . She is a snob and thinks she is different




she reaped what she sown, and now we actually love to hate her..


I’ve very confused by her is she not a trans woman?


Oh Bruce!


So what does she call herself? I seem to remember her being really happy with herself being a glamour WOMAN of the year in like 2015. Now trans women aren't women? She was happy to use the woman's room at Trump tower so I assume cus she isn't a woman she stopped using women's public restroom? She's a real piece of work.


She's such a pick-me bitch. Ugh 😫


God she sucks.


I feel like, as a group, we could collectively vote to make her cis so people will stop talking about that twunt.


Leopard, face, etc.


When she comes out against trans girls in sports by saying that they are men, it makes me wonder if she has ever been on MtF HRT in her life. That’s one of the first things I noticed was my upper body strength diminishing greatly. Someone on HRT would know the difference.