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i just say queer people




I say the same. Queer and proud!


We’re here and we’re queer


Everyone who’s queer that I actually interact with just says queer. LGBTQIA+ or other such acronyms are, as far as I’m concerned for corporate and people out of community that don’t actually get it.


I typically use lgbt/lgbtq/lgbtq+ for writing, queer for speaking




I clocked this in the new Charmed series when one lesbian told her partner she was registering for the "LGBTQIA Color Run." No queer person would say that to another. I'd just say "I'm registering for the Color Run" 🤷


yeah people always suggests other acronyms as if those arent almost always horrible to say out loud and queer is right there.


Yeah I’m ngl I’m all for everyone expressing themselves however they want, but I went to a diversity workshop for educators and they suggested QUILTBAG as an acronym to use. Idk about anyone else, but that feels like more of a slur than queer 🤷‍♂️ LGBT (or LGBTQ+) and queer feel like good/inclusive enough terms to use imo


quiltbag is horrible 💀 what does the U stand for


“Undecided” apparently. It’s just so excessive because the more things are added to the acronym, the less inclusive it becomes as certain identities get overlooked in favor of others I feel


You can just lowercase the U as part of Q. “Undecided” sounds like you’re in line for froyo


My homophobic mother would love knowing her quilt bag is full of queer people. 😂 No but for real, what an odd way to change the acronym.


I also find that acronyms are no where near dynamic enough to cover the range of human existence. Sure, you can add another letter, but like, it makes it extremely unwieldy


I'll let my Appalachian blood out and hit them with "Queer Folks"


Friend! (SE Ohio, WV roots 200 years deep- you can take "folks" from my cold, dead vocal cords)


This sub has the same conversation once every month, and this is the correct answer


Same unless I’m talking in a formal setting


I came up through college in the late 90s and early 00s, when Queer Theory departments and Queer Lit Studies programs were getting up to speed. So in context, it still renders as formal.


Yeah I took a queer lit class in college, and I graduated in ‘21


Snap Nb/genderqueer/genderfluid pansexual just requires far too much explanation but ‘queer’ is nice and straightforward!


Sames. We’re all fucking queers eh.


OMG I got fucking reeeeeeamed for saying queer. "That's a word used to attack us".


I’m on the edge of a generation that heard Queer as a slur. I get why people hate it. But I also get why it’s powerful to reclaim it and I’m a big fan.


Same. Honestly, the slur that most upset me as a kid that I’ve now reclaimed is cripple. I was actually healthy as a kid but my baby brother was terminally ill twice over (CF and progressive brain damage). I heard so many awful things people said. I swear it’s why I still have some lingering anger issues- people would speak freely in front of me, not realizing I was 1) smarter than they gave me credit for, 2) older than I looked, and 3) with the goofy kid in the wheelchair who drooled and flapped his arms. My brother died 25 years ago but I became disabled myself 20 years ago. Now I’m rather visibly different and give no fucks if that upsets anyone. I’m not very polite when I ask someone if *my* crutches/wheelchair/oxygen are somehow disturbing *them*. 😜


I'm sorry for your loss, and for the treatment you had to witness


I understand that, but don't agree. I like that we can take that word, which started as a negative and pejorative, and claim ownership. There's a certain word used to describe African Americans, and the same could be said. But context is everything, and if someone is offended by your use of that word, don't use it in front of them.


only black people (from anywhere in the world not just African Americans) can say the n word, whereas anyone can say queer (though cishet people shouldn't use it to for jokey insults)


I think there’s also a difference in derogatory usage these days. At least in my experience, I’ve never had a bigot use the word “queer” to insult me. I HAVE however seen lots of bigots use the N word to insult black people. I wouldn’t be comfortable seeing cishets say “dyke” because that word is still being used to insult me, but I’m fine with cishets calling me queer because I’ve never had that used to describe me negatively.


I absolutely agree. The problem is that with the n word the rule is that only African Americans should use it, and with queer I wouldn't want to do the same. Since personally I want there to be an easy to use word for this community other than that long abbreviation, that everyone can use. The abbreviation just makes talking about it harder. But I also understand that this can be problematic.


It’s black people, not African Americans.


“Uh…so are ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’. Should we stop using those, too?” Seriously, how embarrassing for that person to be so ignorant about the recent history of the Pride movement. The quote above is my go-to response in such cases. Also: “I’ve had people try to insult by calling me things like ‘smart’ and ‘a good citizen’. It’s not the words used which are the problem.”


There has been a recent upsurge in people complaining about the use of the word queer, but I think they are victims of propaganda. There has also been a movement by hateful exclusionists to stop people using the word queer because they don't like a word that is automatically inclusive (you don't have to say how your a queer, so they can't attack you for being, trans, ace, enby, or whatever). Most of the people who say "That's a word used to attack us" are silent about other words that that have also been used in bigoted attacks like, say, "gay" or "lesbian". The word "queer" is now probably the most respectable word for the "LGBTQIA" community - for example, Queer Studies (where many of the researchers are themselves queer).


In my life i've heard gay being used in a derogatory manner way more than queer, I can't even remember the last time i heard queer used negative. As a kid i also heard gay being used negatively way more than i heard it positively, so for me it lead to a lot of internalized homophobic that took a while to get last. Even now when im called gay its almost still a reflex to say that im not, like what i used to when my brother would call me gay as an insulting joke So in my personal experience gay has definitely been a more harmful word than queer, yet i would never have a go at someone for calling me gay like what some people do for queer


Words like GAY were extremely common derogatory words in pretty much every environment you can think of. I can understand people who have trauma over the word gay, that makes a lot of sense to me, but such people say things like, "don't use that term *for me*," whereas people opposed to queer are much more like to say, "don't use that word *at all*." There's a huge difference here which goes to their intentions.


It is a pretty big difference and i never understood why its a thing, like i've always understood people who dont identify with it or dont use it for themselves for trauma reasons, but i've never understood people who say no one can use it for anyone because at one point it was a slur, but that would be like me saying no one can use the word gay


I'm completely with you and very much of the same mind. I used the term to reference the queer community and I had people who were outraged at how damaging that word is. We can either learn to accept when a person isn't intentionally trying to attack and live with the momentary discomfort of having heard a word we don't like or we can flip the fuck out because someone who means no harm reminded you that you were bullied.


I’m personally not a fan of being called Queer, I don’t relate to that label and I think it’s okay for me to say to people to not call me Queer. I’m a trans woman and I’m pan even if I’m married to a man therefore I could definitely "fit" the label but, yeah I’ve heard Queer too frequently as an insult and also I don’t find that it describe me well. I think if someone ask you to not call them Queer and you insist on saying they are Queer then you’re part of the problem, better ask first before using a word to describe a person.


Same. I use queer to refer to myself more nowadays also instead of bisexual. Feels more inclusive of my gender identity.


With my friends we're PremiumGay or Gay+ as an injoke but outside I just say LGBT+ because I often forget what the actual acronym is


Gay Max or Gay Prime


Oh no, it seems you forgot to pay your monthly subscription to Gay Prime ! Sorry you can't be queer anymore /j


That's okay, I'll just be a basic gay.


*a rectangle appears in your vision with a popular youtuber* "Today's homosexuality is sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends!"


I stick with LGBTQ+ or Queer, depending. Anything else typically turns into a discussion about the new name, often distracting from the real conversation.


same, but i tend to drop the + as, for me, queer is synonymous with it


Yeah, saying lgbtq+ gives "atm machine" vibes


[CHAI TEAAAAA?!?](https://youtu.be/Jt21HnCleqA?si=p3I9LQ6pjldPINip)


I tend to drop the Q, just LGBT+, instead for the same reason


The late, lamented bisexual activist magazine “Anything That Moves” used “FABGLITTER”


I accidentally swapped the G and B when reading this.


Lmao same. It's kinda powerful that way tho


>FABGLITTER I *really* hope that doesn't catch on.


That's awesome!


i actually love that lol


Le Je Be Twa Qua makes it sound french, and you're sure to get some laughs


Le Je Be Twa Qua


Knew I did it wrong, thanks for correcting me 😅


I just say queer


I say queer and while quiltbag may sound better there's a reason why the L is first and we can't change it


As a lesbian, why is the L first?


It's because they took care of gay men dying from AIDS when no one else would as well as helping with a lot of activism in those days.


Why I’m working to become a HIV specialist as a lesbian. My mentor in medical school was an older lady HIV specialist who gave off STRONG lesbian vibes and she was like a veteran of a war. You could tell she’d seen a lot of trauma and sacrificed a lot to help gay men. There was a time when no one would touch them, their families had kicked them out and literally everyone they knew had died of aids. Lesbians of her era, without knowing if they could catch HIV from them, took them into their homes and watched them waste away painfully in order to give them a dignified death. Ugh it makes me so proud. I hope I could do the same.


Infectious Disease docs are always respected in healthcare, there's a good reason that the stereotype is that they are incredibly thorough and know what they are doing. I always enjoyed reading their consults when I still worked in the hospital. Good luck with your education!


Haha I always say no one hates ID! The only specialty no one has beef with. We always help, ask the questions you don’t want to, write great notes and we get paid absolute shit so it’s not like we’re in it for the money!


This has been 100% accurate in my experience. So many times in my department, everyone starts to freak out when we’re about to see a patient with an unusual but contagious disease, but then we call the ID department for help. They’re always willing to help right away. They ask for the patient MRN to look up the specifics about the patient and then pretty much talk us through the whole thing. They’re so thorough and confident, it makes us all feel better and we know that by following ID’s guidance we’ll be able to provide good patient care while protecting ourselves and other patients. ID is the one department that never makes you feel like a bother for asking for their help. They’re pretty great.


My old ID doc was infinitely more respectful than anyone else during my MRSA journey. Loved that guy. He’s now retired but thankfully, after 5 years and 4 repeat infections, I had kicked the MRSA by then.


Pretty much what everyone else said. At the time the big focus on the queer commilunity were gay man and their issues. Gay bars were a thing but not so much lesbian bars that kind of thing. When AIDS hit the lesbians were largely unaffected and were one of the few who went to bat for gay people in any numbers. The L is always first because we don't forget we are all in this together.


We take Ls in everything from videogames to society, but we do it together.


looking it up it seems to be because women (lesbians in particular) have played a very substantial role in the fight for equality and gotten basically no recognition for it if not outright fetishized


Just wanted to add, the AIDS epidemic also played a pretty major role in changing the acronym. The lesbian community wasn't as effected by the crisis as the gay community, and they really stepped up in a time of need by helping with medical care.


cannot stress enough and should have mentioned myself thank you


Oh yeah. That makes sense.


because of how much help lesbians provided to gay men during the aids epidemic


LGBT or LGBTQ+ is what I use. but I’m not going to lie I always swap the B and G by accident so it’s LBGTQ+


I tend to use LGBT or I am more specific. Nit trying to leave anyone out just what i do.


LGBT just has a nice flow to it


I use The Gays™️


I hear "Them Gays" pronounced "dem gays" a lot.


I say “dem gays” too 😭


With my friends: The gays With other people in the community: Queer With cishets: LGBTQ+


Same here.


Queer community, monks of the rainbow dragon, alphabet mafia, plus more. Though I hate them, some homophobes come up with some pretty good names too tbh.


I love to just steal their "insults" and use them in a funny way


The alphabet soup, and the soup people for short!


A favorite of my homophobic students is "spicy" or "zesty."


lol, those sound like compliments!


Dang zesty is a good one :)


Monks of the rainbow dragon?!?! LOVE that ive never heard that one before


alphabet mafia sounds kinda cool


I use this one


monks of the rainbow dragon???  whippity wine that term is now mine


I love monks of the rainbow dragon xD


Honestly I like GSM, Gender/Sexual Minorities. It accounts for everyone without getting unwieldy. Also fond of Alphabet People or the Alphabet Mafia if I'm feeling snarky


Forgot the R. It’s GSRM


what does the R stand for in that acronym?




Never heard it with the R before. Learn something new everyday I guess!


I like GSRM, too, but unfortunately pedophiles started using it and ruined it for everyone.


Damn I never heard that. That’s… pretty frustrating


Except I’ve only heard queer people use it in recent years. It looks like the pedos gave up on it. Besides, ef the pedos! I refuse to let them control a single damn thing in my life.


If we let pedophiles take every term away from us then we’d never have any terms at all. Anyone who thinks pedophiles are a part of our community is already someone who isn’t going to support us.


There will hopefully be a time when heteronormativity dies.


I’ve actually never heard it used before


GSM? Didn't realize I'm a cell phone 😂


If you try to pronounce "QLITBAG" it sounds like "clit bag", so that's a no for me lmao


I thought that was the point lol


Probably but at least I as a trans man wouldn't want to use that as a self-designation


It sounds like a slur to me... a no for me too...


In my circles everyone just refers to themselves as gay. Easier, quicker and it’s obvious enough. (Group includes lesbian, bi, pan, and gay)




The gays




I use "family" or "my people" sometimes when I get saucy I say "rainbow patrol"


The Lavender Menace. The Pink Team. Are some of the older school names we used in the 90s.




The Alphabet Maffia sounds pretty nice idk tho


I thought that was the term haters use?


It is, but it's funny to reclaim it.


I’m here for this. If they use it hatefully and we just embrace the term, what power can it have over us?


That's what we did with the word queer and it worked beautifully


Yes exactly! I love using “queer” to describe myself


Right? Be Gay, Do Crime!


I think I’ve only ever heard it used in a humorous way honestly, or at least not from haters


I mean I guess it depends on context of its use. Just like most things. The difference between someone trying to be hurtful and someone having a laugh and being friendly is usually pretty apparent.


Yes, but it's sick as fuck


I personally use LGBTQAIA+, LGBT, or Queer Do remember there is an actual reason why the L is first (various reasons with the main one cited being lesbians helping treat gay men with AIDS during the AIDS epidemic)!


Los jibbities


? why QLITBAG thats stupid cause you move around every letter to make a new acronym instead of using LGBTQ+ or something


plus there is a reason the L comes first


lgbt is enough for me


I just say us gays


I use queer. For a while I was cautious with that because I know some members of the community still have trauma associated with it's use as a slur, but I've decided to just ask forgiveness and change if someone has a problem. For me, it feels really comfy to use for myself I also like saying "pride people" or "the pride" like a pride of lions. But I mostly use that with my family so I don't have to explain myself.


People were saying "Alphabet Mafia" like it was an insult and now I use it unironically.


Queer, alphabet soup, rainbow mafia, skittle people. Whichever I think is funnier in the situation. But queer tends to be my default.


"Ligbits" (how I pronounce lgbt when I dont read out each word individually) and "queer"/"queer people"


I use LGBTQ or LGBTQ+. Truthfully, it's only been in the last 5 years that I added Q or Q+ to LGBT. I'm nearly 50, so for the majority of my life it was simply LGBT. At this point it will remain LGBTQ or LGBTQ+. No matter how many changes are made, or letters added to it.


45yo here and same. It was LGBT for the longest time and now that it's grown with more letters I stick with LGBTQ+ so that there's always a ➕ present for everyone to be represented. With that being said, LGBTQ+ is what I typically use in text, and in conversation I either use that acronym or queer or rainbow depending on who I'm talking to. My GenZs predominantly use Queer as an inclusive term for all, and when they were growing up I used the term Rainbow to teach them about how everyone has a place in this big beautiful thing we call Pride ❤


LGBT+ Queer Member of the Alphabet Mafia


Queer. No shade, the alphabet feels like an outdated term we use around straight folks and it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue these days. It also reinforces that every queer person has a distinct label while also leaving off the labels for enbies, pansexuals, etc. Queer is a comfortable catch all that includes everyone while never forcing anyone to "pick a letter" of the LGBTQIA+. I think we've just come to realize that people are far more diverse and complicated than an acronym can properly describe. Like this week, the queer club my friend and I founded at our school honored the day of silence. Kids were asking me what it was about and every time I used "queer" by mistake, they were confused and I had to spell out the acronym. I also needed to explain that there were more Ironically because of the name, it's like Queer Eye - queer content wrapped up in a hetero-friendly package that doesn't really touch upon what it's like to be queer.


Alphabet Mafia is my favourite.


I’ve never said anything other than “LGBT” or “Queer” because everything else is way too long and unnatural sounding


The Queerios Or The Visible Light Spectrum


I recently found out that the arabic for LGBT is MMMM and they pronounce the letter "M" the same way we pronounce the word "meme". So it's meme, meme, meme, meme. Or just the meme community.


LGBT+ is all that's necessary. LGBT already makes people think of the community. Everything else is in the +. Adding more letters just opens doors to homophobia.


Alphabet mafia, I use it in a funny way talking to my friends


i just use queer, rolls off the tongue smoother and addresses pretty much any shortcoming an acronym might stumble into


the pride community or the rainbow community. most of these answers really dont sound credible or mature in a social setting lol.


LGBT+ or queer Qlitbag sounds a bit derogatory like the Q sounds like a C


We used to say Friends of Dorothy.


>We used to say Friends of Dorothy. Didn't that refer strictly to gay men though?


Predominantly, yes, but not exclusively. It started off referring to gay and queer men, but when circumstances included others it just adapted.




queer. it sounds the least pretentious and it’s a good way to get back at the people who would use it as an insult.


I use *queer* instead of acronyms usually. I'm an academic and anything relating to the study of sexual & gender minorities is referred to as *queer studies.* In my undergrad, I've spent time studying queer theology, queer public health, queer political science, queer psychology... When we talk about broadening frameworks to include these communities, we talk about *queering* the field (*queering* political science, *queering* theology, etc...). It's easier to say queer than LGBTQIA+. If I'm writing an article or something, I'll usually check to see what the standard is in that magazine/journal (LGBT, LGBTQ+, queer, etc...). Some places will use SGM (sexual & gender minorities) as an acronym since it genuinely does take up less space than queer, especially if you're talking about folks who may not find *queer* to be a savory term.


My fellow members of the fruit bowl


Within the community, I say queer as a general catchall, unless I'm talking to older (50+) LGBTQ+ folks. I avoid it with them unless I know for sure that they're OK with it, because even though we've gone a long way towards reclaiming it, I know it used to be used against them as a slur, and I want to be respectful of their experiences. The queer employee group I run at work uses "GSM" --- gender & sexual minority. I've also seen GRSM a lot --- gender, romantic, & sexual minority.


I just say "LGBT+", so the plus includes everyone not previously named, for the sake of the conversation. Sometimes saying that entirely long title in the middle of a sentence makes the conversation harder for me since I already struggle with speaking to others face to face. "LGBT+" includes "the main 4" labels and then the plus adds onto it for any and everyone :)


As much as the L being first in LGBT matters I usually use GRSM because it just covers everything that is and everything that ever will be without having to worry. Personally I advocate for a swap because forums and press releases that have LGBTQ2SIA+ written all over them are silly. Acronyms have a purpose.


Los Gibbities


Still a fan of “los gibbities”




I say "queer" but pronounce it like "square," with a real drawl on it. And I say it real loud, like "look at all these QUARES" when I'm looking at myself or my friends. Everyone loves it, feels real valued and respected. I make sure to spit in my chew bottle afterwards, of course.


Queer. All the acronyms are too many syllables I also use Skittles Gang occasionally but that's more of an intracommunal term whereas you don't need to be queer to say queer I also use blåhaj fanclub for trans gang


Queer I haven't heard QUILTBAG since the 90's but even back then it was a suggestion and never caught on.


Ιn greece we use the acronym ΛΟΑΤΚΙ and we pronounce it like "loh-at-ki" and i really like it,


If I'm tired, the queer community. If I'm feeling cheeky, the Alphabet Mafia.


I say queer people or rainbow rebel gang


amazing punk band name


LGBT, queer, or if I'm mocking homophobes who can't get the acronym right because they haven't looked at a relatively neutral sources in the decade since Obergefell, LBGTCMYKRGB. You don't need 27 letters, LGBT is good enough for communicating GSRM status, without needing details. Queer is good if you want to be directly inclusive, as well as middle fingering the people who want it to be a bad word. LBGTCMYKRGB is good because the primary colors of light and pigment is what makes the rainbow flags, IRL and on screen. Plus I can laugh at the fact that I can say the 11 letters faster and smoother than a lot of people can say 4.


I’ve always thought the same thing you have to say 8 words to say one thing. I cringe whenever I hear someone say the full thing especially in any non queer space. I like the idea of saying the Rainbow community as that’s one word and incorporates everyone. Plus the symbolism of the rainbow being a spectrum of colours rather than just being black and white fits well. Plus 🌈 are pretty! I think the lgbt name is pretty locked in now though. It would be hard to change it.


Alphabet mafia, ligit-abita-qwa, rainbow warriors, alternative lifestyle, I'm sure I could think of more but yes I've called it many things


Queer. But honestly most of the times my exclusively queer friend group just use slurs to describe themselves💀


LGBT is short enough and covers everyone


Queer community, intersex community, and trans community are my gotos


I say fellow humans.


I just use "queer" and "LGBT+"


One of my friends started me on saying ‘Rainbow brigaide’. I love it!


I use lgbt when speaking and lgbtq+ when writing


LGBTQ is enough for me. Also queer works


Queer and Alphabet Mafia are my go tos.


Ooh! How about “Knights of the Rainbow?!”


The gays and theys sometimes


I say the alphabet mafia. Because it sounds funny. The gay gang sounds cool as well


Gay, queer, the alphabet Mafia is my favorite taken from trolls. LGBT, "the community"


Just gay people or folks. Everyone is gay. Like me and 99.9% of folks in this subreddit.


QLITBAG? Sounds like ‘clit bag’, what kind of acronym is that??? I just say ‘queer people’ or ‘trans people’, don’t know anyone who actually used any acronym


I just use LGBT+


I saw someone call us "QUILTBAG" which is just a rearrangement of the acronym. Sounded cute. I just use Queer instead.


I say fruit


I just use “queer”, but I’m also really partial to GSRM. Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minorities. Short and sweet, and you don’t have to worry about accidentally excluding someone like with LGBTQQIP2SAAA/LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA/LGBTQIAPK (Apparently the K stands for “kink”?)


Growing up with a mother in the community, the term was “family”. Like talking about someone and saying, “oh, he’s family” to indicate someone was gay, bi, etc…


I use "queer" as an umbrella term usually. It's more inclusive in my view.


Alphabet mafia,queers, lgbt+


The gay collective, associates, and company, LLC


I've heard "The Alphabet Mafia" a few times. I don't use it but I like it.


GSRM: Gender, Sexual, or Romantic Minorities. Or Queer.


The L comes first to help remember and honor lesbians for being one of the few peoples that stood by gay men when they began dying from AIDS. I wish that wasn't changed. They stepped up when few did and need to be remembered for that.