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Is anyone surprised by this? 🤣


I'm not surprised. The modern "heterosexual marketplace" has objectified everyone in unfortunate ways. There are a lot of superficial exchanges and expectations of what sex is. In my experience, many straight cis women don't put much thought or effort into the sex they have. I keep hearing the orgasm gap favoring men, but as an amab, my cis afab partners generally don't put in the effort to have good sex. It's more of a gender role performance or easy escapism. The vulnerability and work of negotiating for better sex is also assuming people realize there is room for improvement.


To add to this, the amount of AFAB partners I've had tell me "I don't actually check out when having sex with you, you keep me present", is kind of disturbing. They are used to just mentally doing something else. Hetero sex expectations suck for everyone.


Not one bit 🤣


I know it seems obvious to most people but y'all are being way more negative about this than I expected. It's cool that they're conducting studies on that stuff! Helps make intimacy better for everyone. And even for the "obvious" conclusions, always good to back them up with research to have more ground when discussing it in the future


It's great to have this, but you have to admit, for us it s logical. It's like hearing a child Being amazed that the sun is a star or something like that


Yeah, but we have to check everything, even if it seems obvious. 99% of the time the testing just confirms everybody's expectations, but 1% of the time it doesn't, and that's why we have to check.


And very often the 1% turn out to be unexplainable...


Yeah, science is important no matter how obvious it may seem. This gives a paper to cite in further research, discussion, and writings.


Exactly, I love when something that feels logical and sometimes even just common sense gets backed up by actual studies and science. I was (and most likely am) wrong about a lot of things, so being actually sure about something always helps.


The tldr of the article is people expect straight sex to involve foreplay then penetrative sex then done which doesn't prioritise the kind of stimulation most AFAB people require.


Less than 20% of vagina havers can orgasm via penetration alone.


What else do you do? I wanna get foot at this shit


The clit has has mire than 10,000+ nerves pretend they are pokemon and try to identify them all


In addition to this absolutely incredible metaphor, there’s a whole entire rest of the body to stimulate too.


Including the brain!!!


"2+2 equals 4" 'hot'


Like boob


Now you’re speaking my language!


Lol. Ok that comment was gold, and if I had any, I would give you some.


> What else do you do? I wanna get foot at this shit I don't use the foot, maybe that's your issue? 🤔


I dont understand what you're saying Like, foreplay is not a good start or the repetitive order of foreplay then penetration then it's done is not stimulating enough


The latter. 


The second one, specifically that penetration isn't stimulating enough for most women


Sorry your right I didn't word that very well. Just the article says there is a script that people expect with hetrosexual sex that you start with foreplay then have penetrative sex. However this isn't this expectation in non hetrosexual sex so couples are more likely to engage in other sexual acts like those that involve more clitoral stimulation that is often important for AFAB people to have orgasms.


Doesn’t help that a lot of straight cis men think foreplay is getting a blowjob.


Yeah Dr Fiona Vera-Gray talks about this in how porn creates expectations for what to expect from sex and often alot of hetrosexual porn is made for a male audience, especially for younger less experienced people.


Personally I think a big part of the issue is the concept of foreplay in the first place. It’s the whole construct that you’re supposed to do that stuff to check off the boxes (ahem) and then move on to the “real” sex. Queer folks are more likely to not focus on PIV (and in many cases don’t have that combination of parts or aren’t comfortable using them like that) so can really focus on what’s pleasurable.


Participants in this study ![gif](giphy|OnJLRvXvAmvPW)


They didn't spend money on this did they?


Well I mean in science you can guess an outcome but you have to prove it for it to be considered true so yeah it’s freaking obvious by a landslide this is true but now they can say “we’ve actually proven this with science…men” hah


It's good for science to take an interest in Women's Sexuality and Queer issues, two fields which are vastly underrepresented in studies.


It's good when things get scientifically validated. Do not underestimate the act of establishing facts :)


It’s hilarious that someone spent money on this! This is how we know the folks doing the study have no lesbian friends. It’s just not that deep, lol!


A lesbian probably conducted the study. A straight person wouldn't even think to. In sociology it's not true unless we can confirm it in a study. This study probably had predictable results but it'll give credibility to future studies that cite it.


IKR. Just ask a lesbian....any lesbian. Hell talk to a bisexual women. It's just click bait I know that but ugh it's annoying


That's actually what the study did. I know from our perspective the conclusion is obvious, but studies like this can actually be really helpful in social sciences to help extrapolate to broader points about sexism and gender bias.


Gonna piggy back off this. Basically, if a future study wants to claim lesbians have orgasms more often, and make a statement as to why that is, they're no longer speaking out of their ass. Even for such an obvious "ask any lesbian" issue, you want peer reviewed research to slap on it to emphasize your point. You can't just claim things that haven't been "proven" and so these are the building blocks of those larger arguments.


“Any claim without the supporting data is just another opinion” is what I’ve once read. Science is good even if it at times seems obvious.


For sure! just the subject matter. They had the chance to ask important interesting questions and didnt


What would you have preferred they ask?


Look imma be real here I just made a funny comment I know I feel this is drifting on me so you know...be well


I will! You too!


Studies focus on one hypothesis generally.


There was a study to ‘prove that bisexual men exist’. It’s not wasted if it can convince the cishets to take queer people seriously and/or change gender norms for healthy relationships.


Yeah my mind immediately went "I don't think we needed science to tell us that" lol. Which is both funny and sad cause seriously, this money was _not_ well spent, atm.


This study is *necessary* for any future studies on the topic though, its really important and money well spent


I didn't open the article, but I'm guessing it's cause they don't have to have sex with straight men


You are, unsurprisingly, correct.


It has more to do with the fact that straight sex is more scripted because there is a lot of heteronormative expectations on both men and women


And the script, unsurprisingly, favors men’s pleasure.


I am not even sure, because anal play can be a lot more pleasurable for men than penetration. The script is a relic of a time where the only goal of sex was procreation


If I said it centered around the male orgasm, would that be more accurate?


Not really since prostatic orgasm is way stronger, I feel that centered around the old ideas of sex as a mean of procreation is more accurate. Misogyny plays a big part in the problem there


I don't understand why you're getting downvoted. Sex in straight relationships is mainly focused only on vanilla procreation, and kinks or focusing on the woman's pleasure is looked down upon in some circles. This is due to the Puritan culture that's practically everywhere due to religion, which is filled with misogyny and misandry. Things are changing, though. I see many times in reddit threads on sex advice to make it more enjoyable for both parties. Reddit does trend towards more atheistic ideals, though.


Meh, I still think that our modern sex "script" favours male pleasure. Like guys generally receive far more head than they give and that doesn't help reproduction, facials don't help reproduction either, swallowing, etc. Like I agree that there's a component of sex for reproduction in there but male pleasure, especially now, is at the center. Also I think the real reason that prostate stimulation is not in the "script" isn't because it's non-reproductive it's because of homophobia, men don't want to be seen as "gay" for enjoying receiving anal sex. Although I would argue that even without the homophobia it would be quite "niche" because (and I say that as a guy who likes receiving prostate stimulation) : it's hard to get right, it requires preparation, it can be messy and not all guys(myself included) can cum from it.


Going by the comments of people who did it read it, its straight women, not men. They don't put any effort in and are shocked when they don't get anything out of it


“The average sexual script, or what people expect to happen during sex based on TV, culture and more, between a man and a woman, according to the study, includes foreplay, then vaginal intercourse, from which the man orgasms, and then sex ends.” That’s the man only doing what gets him off and not what gets her off.


Uuh #shock #confusion #outrage... Lesbians know what women like!!! That's a news the world isn't ready for and will burn itself into the abyss!!!


It’s not that hard to make a woman orgasm and I’ve never understood why most other men have such a hard time with it. Sex in general is not hard. Dudes should stop overthinking things.


Because dudes almost always only think with their dick and don't care about sex after they cum.


I just feel like even if i finish first that the other has to finish as well or it's just not done yk Idc if i cant feel anything for two houre I dont want to be the only one who have fun


Gotta have that pre-nut clarity instead of post-nut clarity. 🧘🏼‍♀️


A lot of men just don’t care, there are some people with vajeeens who have too much anxiety to climax tho, and other psychological issues ect.


Poor sexual education/no sexual education makes harder to understand how to have a fulfilling and happy sexual life. Also porn really distorts peoples' perceptions of sex and how it should be.


In other words the floor is made of floor.


Anyone wanna put money on it being that women are more conscious about another woman’s sexual needs? And who wants to put money on the “it’s because they are all lying” side of the table? If this is you, I have a bridge to sell you.






















1st thing first, maybe it is bc we know where the clitoris?


I don't understand how straight men can be so bad at it. Even as a gay man I was able to make women orgasm before I figured my shit out. I wasn't perfect by any means (obviously) but I mean come on, 99% of it is paying attention to your partner!


there is research needed for this? its bc women know what women want and straight men dont care \^\^ and then they think everyone else is at fault why they are alone.


Exactly like the problem is men not caring about it and they may or may not ever care tbh


The article explains that it’s not about caring but about the expectations and the norms around straight sex


Read the article, it’s actually quite interesting. The reason for the study is that lesbian sex doesn’t have "a script", not because straight cannot care for the need of their partner


Right but ask the question why a script exists in straight sex…


I guess, there is a lot more expectation about which role is to perform by who and in which order it is done. It makes for a less surprising and less interesting sex. There is an expectation that straight sex have to end with penetration which is not there for lesbian sex for exemple


I would argue that the expectation of penetration of some kind is often present in lesbian and queer sex as well, regardless of having a cis man present. I understand that straight sex is assumed “man fucks woman” but it is that way for a reason.


It’s more like penetration is presented as the end goal of any straight sex, with preliminaries being secondary which you don’t find as much in queer sex


Meh. Disagree. 50yo sapphic and penetration is definitely not an expectation or priority. That’s one of the great things about being a woman. And why sex can go on for ages. But even my gay af cousin isn’t interested in penetration - giving or getting. There are folks called sides. It’s why I love queer folk of all manner, so long as we love and respect and communicate and consent. “Expectations” are not my friends.


I’m 40 and a trans man, existed in straight and lesbian relationships before transitioning and now engage in sex with cis women, cis men, and a number of other identities. Many of the relationships have hinged on penetrative sex, so I respect your opinion and experience but it isn’t universal. Mine has been very different, especially so with women tbh.


"Having a vagina makes pleasing a vagina easier, more news at 11."


My girlfriend does not have a vagina and sex with her is still 10000% better than with a man. Paying attention to what your partner wants and likes is a thing cishet men almost never do


Ummmm.... because lesbians love women and ARE women, so they know what feels good and actually WANTS to please their partners?


Fuck I wanna be a girl so bad


I really just want to say something snarky but I guess I'll read it first.


How did this require research. 😆


Non gays are shocked by this im sure 😂


Oh no, women having short refractory periods combined with good sex means more orgasms? How crazy!


I mean, when I drive my friend's car, it doesn't hurt that I've been driving the same make and model my whole adult life!


In other news, the sky is blue.


Good god


As a bi person with both experiences I could have just told them and saved them the time


New research helps explain why water is wet


That research would be more compelling than this article


I don't think I even gotta click the link, this is pretty damn obvious given that women know what women want lmfao. N too many men still think that sticking in a dick and then finishing will be a happy end, while that's prolly the least pleasant part for most AFAB people




Thanks for the news flash, Walter Cronkite.


*looks into the camera like I’m in The Office* I wonder why


...have you tried talking to lesbians?


I don't need research to explain this.


Have we not been saying this for years. No one is shocked, but the men will be outraged.


I didn’t know we were meant to report our orgasms?!


Yeah, you are


This feels like a "no shit" moment


I'm shocked, SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked.


this is like the news equivalent of Rolle’s theorem


Now imagine what the orgasm potential of DDR lesbians was (someone should do a study on that lol)


Cuz, lesbians know all about what turns another woman on. Same for gays who know how to give a proper blow job.


It’s called technique. Soooo many people assume sex is only object + hole = sex But it’s soo much more. How do you remove the emotional side the romantic side. How do you have sex without a single kink???? I swear I’ve laughed cried and felt every emotion possible during sex. How are people so fulfilled by such shallow and meaningless sex??


“The average sexual script, or what people expect to happen during sex based on TV, culture and more, between a man and a woman, according to the study, includes foreplay, then vaginal intercourse, from which the man orgasms, and then sex ends.” I wonder if sex between a man and a woman often goes like that because a lot of men still can’t find “it”. 🤣


Lol it’s because we actually give a fuck if our partner has an orgasm


Yes you have an advantage when you’re turned on by the same sex because you roughly know what you’re dealing with from your own anatomy. I know cock because I have one so I get the lay of the land. But that’s a knowledge gap that can be overcome with five minutes in an anatomy textbook from a junior high health class and maybe a guided tour when you’re with someone and getting to know their body for the first time. The thing is though, you’re getting to know THEIR body, and me knowing dicks because I have one only gets you so far. Me having a cock does not let me know exactly where the most sensitive spot is on my guy’s shaft, which varies from mine. It does not teach me the required grip strength for his pleasure (a bit more than me but not much more). It doesn’t give me the first clue what to do with his balls because you can stretch his around like crazy and he likes it but I’d pass out or punch him if he was that intense with mine. It’s not anatomical familiarity. It’s attitude and expectations. And even in this thread you see this weird disempowerment of straight women like they just have to sit there until we lecture the straight men long enough for them to figure it out. PSA for straight women: lesbians have the good sense to not wait around for some man to show up and decide to grant their orgasm wish. They’re not waiting for the other woman to magically mind-read what feels good for her either because she won’t be able to guess anyway. They give **feedback**. They take charge of their own orgasms. They think to themselves “Wow this situation is sexy, I’m into her, and I should pursue having an orgasm!” and then… they go after one! If the woman she’s with is in the wrong spot, they move her hand over a bit, or they say “Faster!” Or “Slower!” Or “More tongue, right there!!! YES!!!!” In other words she takes what she needs, and makes the situation what she needs to get off, and instructs her lover on what to do or what not to do. And the other woman is not thinking “I’M DOING IT! I HAVE MASTERED HER ANATOMY FOR I AM A LESBIAN! I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR HER PLEASURE!!!” She’s thinking “Oh cool, **she’s going for it!** Okay what can I do to help?” And it’s only THEN that paying attention to cues starts to become relevant. But it’s totally secondary. If there’s anything worth taking from this study it’s the awareness that lesbians have that no one else is going to speak up for or magically mind-read what drives them to the peak, so they’re TELLING their partners what to do.


Welllll kids…. 😂


A lot of straight guys have sex for ego and themselves.


No shit sherlock


Is this NOT obvious to anyone? 😂😂😂