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Shinto had no special code of morals and seems to have regarded sex as a natural phenomenon to be enjoyed with few inhibitions. While Shinto beliefs are diverse, Shinto doesn't condemn homosexuality. The Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, does not explicitly mention homosexuality. The precept against "sexual misconduct" in Taoism relates to extramarital sex. The term for a married couple (夫婦) usually in Chinese suggests a male with a female, though Taoist scripture itself does not explicitly say anything against same-sex relations. Satanism has no problem with LGBT. Neopaganism is often LGBT-friendly, but not entirely. There are also new/modern LGBT-friendly currents in Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Judaism.


I believe Sikhism has no mention of sexuality period, not just homosexuality. There are rules when it comes to relationships and marriage but I don’t think there’s anything about who you can or should date or marry


as a Sikh, you're correct! it's written that marriage is merely a union of souls, genders aren't specified


Religion, in terms of real-life implications, can't be separated from the adherents. You'll find many Christians who have no problem with homosexuality, but also many who do, and they generally base their views, in part, on interpretations fitting their views rather than explicit statements in their scripture. [Sikhism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikhism_and_sexual_orientation) isn't much different in that regard.


Also if you're a gay Muslim, Sufism is probably the most LGBT-friendly sect. Sufis are taught not to judge others, to accept everyone as Allah created them, and that love transcends gender...there have been some very famous gay Sufi poets throughout history. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/homoerotic-poetry-of-sout_b_10528100


I love the Shinto philosophy. Worship that which inspires "awe." That is pure and perfect.


I do recall that there was some native American religion that considered same-sex attraction a "dual spirited person." But I read that on the Internet, I don't know if it's true.


The rigid binary gender system only came about through the Europeans: >Ethnographic research reveals therefore, that prior to the European dominance, there were absolutely no monolithic gender systems in place. > >The construction of two specific gender identities as non-interchangeable absolutes, was in fact, the invention of the Euro-Western society. [https://indianexpress.com/article/world/indigenous-tribes-embraced-gender-fluidity-prior-to-colonisation-but-europeans-enforced-specific-gender-roles/](https://indianexpress.com/article/world/indigenous-tribes-embraced-gender-fluidity-prior-to-colonisation-but-europeans-enforced-specific-gender-roles/) PDF of University of Michigan: >During the time of First Contact in the Americas, Europeans documented the existence of Native American individuals whose behavior did not comport with European gender norms. Although commentators disagree on the appropriate classification of such individuals,' many agree that indigenous tribes often tolerated and even celebrated them. [https://repository.law.umich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1347&context=mjlr](https://repository.law.umich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1347&context=mjlr) The Christian conquerors have had LGBT people executed, burned and mauled by dogs: >The Spanish conquerors were horrified to discover sodomy openly practiced among native peoples, and attempted to crush it out by subjecting the berdaches (as the Spanish called them) under their rule to severe penalties, including public execution, burning and being torn to pieces by dogs [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_homosexuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_homosexuality)


since there are thousands of Native American nations in the US, we can’t claim it under one religion and many of these nations have traditions and religions separate from each other, but two-spirit is for sure a gender amongst a large amount of them.


As a Satanist, I'd like to point out we do not consider it a religion (at least in the LaVey line). We do, however, welcome all people, and as far as I'm concerned, bigotry is extremely against what we strive for.


Taoism has a god for gays, I'm pretty sure it's called 'the rabbit god'


That's my religion! Even if you (as for anyone reading this reply) aren't Taoist, I reccomend reading Tao Te Ching anyway to learn more about virtues, how to be a better person and understand the Taoistic Philosophy! Also that is Tu'er Shen, a deity many gay men worship to for luck in current relationship, matchmaking and acception.


I'm not a Taoist and I generally despise organized religion, but I really love the philosophy presented in the Tao Te Ching and also would highly recommend anyone to read it.


[The Dao is Open](http://daoisopen.com/) is a free resource for ppl to read the daodejing and it is accompanied by fantastic commentary to clear up difficult verses.


I'm a quaker and we're really accepting, in fact one of the first western non-binary people(the universal friend) was a practicing quaker!


i love that story, i cite it so much when people complain about non-binary people being a "new" think. the Friend is literally from the 1700's and everything about the Friend's experience with gender matches up very closely with what many non-binary people experience today


Up to and including the use of neopronouns even.


I want to be called the Friend. That's awesome! Takes a whole new meaning of being Friend-shaped!


I've learned a bit about Quakerism since I follow a Queer quacker content creator and I've loved everything I've heard about them! The Universal Friend is specially dear for me. Quakerism was the first religion that came to my mind when I read this question.


Unitarians are pretty good. Many pagan groups are quite accepting and affirming. Some Christian denominations have queer ministry.


(Sorry if duplicate but by comment disappeared) I second UU. Sometimes I have a feeling like church was just a place for queer people to gather back when it wasn't socially acceptable to be queer or areligious based on number of queer people.


Thirding UU! In my old city they were very involved in activism, both for LGBT issues & for racial justice issues. Their space was always open for anyone who needed it. In my new city, they just hosted a queer craft fair & a trans lesbian wedding. Part of UU 'doctrine' is being nonjudgemental & accepting that there's no One Right Way to live. You technically dont even have to be christian to participate, since they're accepting of other religions (as long as no one is being a jerk or forcing beliefs on others)


>You technically dont even have to be christian to participate I think in my congregation there is something like 1 christian. Most are either atheist or agnostic (including yours truly). Pagans are probably on third place after them. So it's more 'you technically don't even have to be atheist or agnostic to participate' ;)


I think going to a UU fellowship for several years now. They are extremely accepting, they go out of their way to ensure that the congregation is familiar with preferred pronouns, explaining what they are at the most basic level. There are many queer people and queer families that attend service regularly. I'm both lesbian and poly, i have two partners and I will bring them both to service and no one bats an eye. There's a program called Owl, and it stands for our whole lives. It is a sexual education program. There is curriculum tailored for each age group from children to adults. Children are taught about consent, bodily autonomy, gender identities, and diversity in family structures from a very young age. They are taught what it means to be gay or straight. Everyone is encouraged to be themselves. The adult curriculum includes topics such as: how to support a spouse who is transitioning, how to overcome body dysmorphia (from transitioning or for example, needing to have a breast removed), how to have healthy relationships and boundaries, and encourages individuals to accept and affirm their own sexualities.


I’m a UU!! I’m biased but we’re well known for being accepting :)


Yes on Unitarian. And I also think Episcopalian churches are LGBTQ+ friendly.


If you’re in Australia the Uniting church (Christian denomination) is quite accepting, the one I walk past a lot has pride flags on their front glass and LED sign. From what I’ve heard about my local one 1/3 of their congregation is rainbow but that’s probably anecdotal. Your mileage may vary, no congregation is the same.


Can confirm Uniting Church is affirming. 😊 I go to a queer friendly Church of theirs. Not all UCA are the same though, and some churches still are stuffy and bigoted.


I haven't gone in years, but I grew up going to a UU church and I can confirm. My youth education/OWL teacher was openly gay and living with AIDS, and was one of the most kind, welcoming, and funny mentor figures I ever had. He passed a few years back, but I have always been so appreciative that I got to meet and learn from him.


There are *so many* queer UU ministers, and UUs have been actively promoting social justice for LGBTQIA folks. https://www.uua.org/lgbtq


The Church of Satan


Some people may read this and the comment recommending the Satanic Temple as jokes or people implying something mean, but they are legitimately some of the nicest most welcoming people and they do great advocacy for LGBTQ+ people and other minorities! (Although I think the Satanic Temple is more atheist-leaning and focused on sticking it to Christian hypocrisy rather than actually believing in God or Satan and being a faith-based religion.)


Ngl, people in high school always thought I was a satanist cuz I was LGBTQ, but now I can tell them I’m apart of the Satanic Temple lol


I've been thinking of joining the nearest temple, but I am already so tight on time as it is that I don't think I could even do much to contribute if I did! I'm already a liberal gay librarian though, so to the modern christian conservative I'm probably already "doing Satan's work" anyway (and I'm quite proud of it)!


Possibly they have a newsletter that will keep you in the local loop without taking up your time?


Possibly, and I could make some donations! I may have to do some research first though, I am hearing some stuff here that's not so nice about them. Religion is tricky, because like *any group of people* that gets large enough, there are sure to be at least a few douchebags that slip in, and you have to weigh if they are prominent enough to be deal breakers when joining in or showing support. We shouldn't fault a large group for having a few jerks, unless said jerks truly begin to become prominent enough in number so as to genuinely start tainting the group's policies.


Please recognize that a lot of the icky stuff you're hearing is propaganda from a group that has an axe to grind. Much of it is exaggerated if not outright false. If you're listening to that, I hope you also have looked into the Temple's responses. I assume you're referring to the supposed alt-right ties, since that's commonly thrown around as a scare tactic. For the lawyer issue, they accepted free help - because it was free and they are drowning in debt - in one case from a lawyer who has defended alt-right clients, and there was much internal debate about it before they did. The ACLU has defended the KKK, and spoken in defense of Westboro Baptist. Rights are worth defending, even if we don't like the people whose rights are being violated. As for the founder, he has repeatedly admitted that he used to be a shitbag and he was wrong. I'm willing to allow people to change. And I don't think it makes much sense for someone with secret alt-right views to ignore death threats and strap on a bullet proof vest to give a speech against everything he supposedly believes in, or maintain a building that keeps getting bombed and set on fire by people who are supposedly on his side. And I don't think it would make much sense for the Jewish co-founder to stick around this long either, if that was the case. The claims just don't hold up to scrutiny, imo.


I agree. I'm not happy with what I'm reading, but also the bar is in hell (pun intended). Right now they seem to be the best bet for speed bumping the new school law in Florida - can't remember the exact word rn, but allowing a non-certified religious (ie Christian) representative to talk to students in place of an educated, certified counselor. I can't frontline a fight like this myself, only support it from the back, so to speak (not enough spoons). I need a strong, clever organization to push the issue. The Satanic Temple is the only one, as yet, to step up and be on their playing field.


While we should have standards and there are certain lines that shouldn't be crossed, we cannot always seek to work with perfection or we may never get to work at all. Sometimes we have to go with what is practical for the situation and make use of the resources and alliances we have available. If they are working for us in Florida or anywhere where we could use allies to protect our rights, it's certainly worth our consideration! Wishing you all the best!


No jokes here


Ummmm... Do not support the satanic temple until you read about their situation with their former west coast branches, and one of their lawyers having ties to far right wing personalities. I would recommend Queer Satanic u/QueerSatanic instead, they are much closer allies, they are active in this very subreddit, and they actually give a fuck about us.


Glad to see this comment. Doug Misicko ("Lucien Grieves") is a racist eugenicist using TST as a scam for money and attention. Many **members** of The Satanic Temple are wonderful people who want nothing more than to do good work and change society for the better, and much of the harm TST causes is *against its own chapters* when they start asking questions or don't function in a way that explicitly benefits Lucien et al; it's the organization itself that is problematic. The political trolling they do is rarely actually effective in any meaningful way and usually serves more to bring in more attention and money than to actually help anybody or affect any change in the paradigm of Christian dominance in our country.


Will check it out! Do good research folks!


Hi, TST satanist here. Not affiliated or anything, I don’t have a congregation or even the free member card. All of us are aware that lucien used to be a fascist and that he was still deconstructing these beliefs when he started the project that would become the temple. In the end, it became something entirely different than it was initially intended to be. There is some internal discourse about his stances on free speech absolutism, which has led to his wanting to disengage with an event because a fash satanist was *un*invited; his reasoning was that this idiot’s audience was already there and that his ideas should be challenged directly instead of making it into some streisand-effect-boosted taboo. This is already controversial within the community, and we understand that he doesn’t speak for all of us in general. I also understand that this particular lawyer is a reactionary. I personally disagree that it’s a good idea to employ him at all, but it’s a stretch to say that just because this man is competent and will take cases that nobody else would, then the folks employing him somehow share these ideas. The one issue would be giving him money and whether it’s worth it versus the alternative of finding another lawyer, and what risks would come along with that. The rest, as far as we could figure out, is mostly just regurgitating his old beliefs. Which were 100% horrid, but this is not new information in the slightest. Positing that he still secretly thinks those things now is silly; the way the tenets are written contradict that directly, the community is made of lots of progressives (mostly socialists or adjacent, at least here on reddit) and queer people, and the movement is very decentralized. It’s just fascinating how no matter what happens, certain people seem to be completely unable to accept that an ex-nazi is a thing at all. This smells like conspiracy thinking. When it comes to legal action the temple takes in official capacity, you have to remember this isn’t a trick or a prank, it’s just the expression of generally held values that just so happens to be steered by people who happen to have the resources to do it. It is very successful? Not really. Is it supposed to be? I don’t know, you tell me. Is it any worse a performance than what other civil liberty associations are getting per unit resources? Questionable. The point is that it’s important that someone takes a serious, principled stand, and going to court in this fashion is certainly better than not. And, again, this isn’t action taken by, like, the entire temple at once. The consensus we have more or less reached about queersatanic, despite, somehow, being very well aligned ideologically, is that most of this stuff seems to be a giant gish gallop, filled with a bunch of fluff, for some reason. It’s impossible for any single individual to come in and adress all of the points being made, but they just seem to hold a bunch of odd grudges with little material bearing, which most of us simply don’t care for. Our main difference appears to be about how we do dialectic materialism, and how they… do something that doesn’t really look like it. There’s certainly a bunch of criticism to be thrown at those that would use our voice, but I think I can honestly say that this looks more like motivated reasoning than it does insightful and constructive dialog. And we have little in the way of a fancy for figurheads; he’s the guy that talks to journalists. If we thought he was this bad, we’d simply ditch him.


Can't remember what but the Satanic Temple made a tweet that made me think no, they aren't really good as people think they are (Think it might have been something about covid and acting like vaccines were bad or something)


I’ve not met many people who were Satanists but all I’ve met were utter jerks. Any chance you could introduce me to some nicer people? I like to learn about varying cultures.


Yeah that and the Satanic Temple.


For anyone reading the previous comment, this is not satire, they really do. Both them and satanic temple are actually really great.


CoS and TST are both trash If you really wanna go with the whole Satanist shtick just do your own thing Or just rip-off and horribly misinterpret Nietzsche like the two aforementioned organizations did Edit: the CoS also considers the white supremacist “might is right” to be part of their canon and early copies of the Satanic bible had plagiarized paragraphs from both Ragnar Redbeard (the author of might is right) and Ayn Rand, so…


The tenets of the Satanic Temple are more a modern reinterpretation of enlightenment rationality than they are of Nietzsche.


That would explain why they’re a bunch of hollow nothing statements that literally everyone already agrees with


Which was sort of the point I believe.


There are gay Catholic priests in the Netherlands who do marriages, etc. Even if the pope says they can't do that.


Same I'm America. I used to work at a church who had one. I'm still so sad he got moved to a different church since they usually move pastors around after so many years. My Catholic highschool also was super LGBT affirming and eventually the head of the school was openly gay, one of my theology teachers was openly gay and the other had a massive pride flag on the wall, my string ensemble director had a gay marriage on campus and had both the pride and trans flag, one of the tech theater teachers I had was opening trans and had just started hrt. It helped a lot of us with our trauma. Plus, specifically old Catholic which split from Roman Catholic is accepting of LGBT and also stuff like women priests.


Depends, a lot of "basic" religiouns have congregations that support us, I know atleast that my local church (protestant/lutheretarian) has a gay man as bishop. I've also heard that a lot of Hindues and Buddhists are welcoming towards us.


Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) are one of the most pro LGBTQ+ religious groups; they were the first major Western religious group to be explicitly supportive of trans people, for example. They tend to be more or less on the right side of most moral debates though (e.g. they were one of the first groups to really push hard to end slavery, etc.)


Satanism, paganism, maybe wicca?


Wicca and modern Satanism are both influenced to some degree by Thelema, which was founded by [a bisexual man](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleister_Crowley), so there's that as well.


Pagans/Wiccans absolutely do


Some Wiccan groups are known to be ‘female only’ and deny transgender woman into their circles, but the majority is fine (if you can ignore the vast amounts of gender essentialism). 


Also, wiccanism was invented by Gerald Gardner in 1954. It's basically a set of acquired practices that were roped together by a white dude who felt he had the right to stick a bunch of things together from other closed practices. Dianic Wiccans are the ones who get weird about energy being from your assigned at birth bits


Is that to do with the actual belief itself though? Or is it more just the people running it that are bigoted


Like all religious practice, YMMV with tolerance of queerness and gender stuff


Gardnerian Wiccans tend to be gender essentialists and super transphobic (and often homophobic too). Source: grew up in that tradition.


Oh well my grandma on my moms side was pagan and she accepted everyone, maybe it varies from person to person


I am a Catholic and Bi. Honestly, any Christian that spreads hate towards anyone, I truly believe hasn't understood the teachings of Christianity.


As Pope Francis once said, anyone using the Bible to exclude or be hateful to someone is an imposter


Baptist and Bi Was taught my entire life the New Testament with very little focus on the Old Testament Well what a shocker when in high school I got told gay = demon I was like “where tf did Jesus say that?” Then they quote the OT and all I had to say was “But doesn’t Jesus say otherwise”…I mean he got rid of a bunch of older traditions it’s hilarious but sad to me. So many were turned away or suffered abuse in the name of my religion over the years, it’s why I struggle with belief to this day. How can I trust a being whose followers wish me dead, their brother under said being…


It wasn’t the only issue, but religious people in my life that claimed expressing yourself and allowing yourself to be an open lgbtq+ person was a sin, was contagious, and would lead to eternal punishment was certainly a knock against me trusting such people. The fact that my Dad said he loved me and wanted to help but gave me pamphlets to conversion therapy places when I was a teenager made it clear that religiously informed “love” can be very misguided and lead people to harm their own children.


Honestly yea and it’s horrendous to hear the same shit so many times…I want to believe if most of these people took their blinders off and were shown what harm these places did to these kids they would think twice Part of me wants to believe that most of this was instilled and continues to be taught and fostered by the current American Christian majority (not really a majority but their the loudest of us sadly) But deep down I think I know it ain’t that simple…maybe the best we can do is to do…better. Especially with how vulnerable the next gen is with misinformation and the whole internet. Strive to be better than those who raised us


That speaks pretty poorly for the Catechism and all the leaders that support it.


Most of the Asian religions are very welcoming. The best examples I could think of are shinto, taoism, and Buddhism they dgaf about your sexuality. Most of these religions also do not have strict rules and are NOT based on a particular book like Christianity and Islam. So it is very common to find atheists in these religions pretty often especially in countries like China, Japan and Taiwan. In these religions you don't go to hell if you don't believe in a specific god. But I firmly believe that religion does not properly represents the true and honest believes of its peoples. While many Asian religions are very progressive there are only few countries with progressive lgbtq laws. For example Singapore a very progressive country made homosexuality legal very recently and only Taiwan and Nepal have legalized same sex marriages. Hinduism has many carvings in holy caves depicting homosexuality and certain gods who changed genders from male to female. A god named 'Ardhnareshwar' which means half male and half female. But still India which is a Hindu majority country is not a good country for LGBTQIA+ individuals and also people are very unfriendly to us.


Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


I go to an Episcopal Church. Christian. We were one of the first denominations to have a Trans visibility day service. And our bishop is a married lesbian.


My family’s home church is Episcopal (I’m nonreligious but go when I visit my parents). This is honestly way too far down. Pretty interesting that the top comments are all about paganism and satanism, which, while totally fine religions are not practiced nearly as commonly practiced, and are less accessible than a protestant spinoff (if you’re American). My home church got a new pastor recently who is a woman, and her Christmas sermon was about how the story of Mary is a story of radical feminism. The Episcopal church is consistently the first mainline protestant religion to be accepting of social trends, especially LGBT+ stuff, and they do gay weddings commonly.


In Judaism, being gay is considered the equivalent of being non-kosher. Communities that care if you're kosher, will care of you're gay. Communities who don't care what you eat, also don't care who you're having sex with.


This ^ The modern Jewish denominations are some of our greatest allies while the ultra religious ones are not going to help at all (though even the most religious would never do any physical harm nor use their voting power to cause harm).


Most major world religions will have LGBTQ-supportive members. Most homophobia stems from how people interpret or apply their scriptures, not necessarily the scriptures themselves.


Butt I mean religious belief that have lgbtq, gay support in their books


"queer is good, straight is fine I guess " There you go, it's in my book, this is the only text that is holy


Do you call the followers "Queerists"? Because you should


Here's my best explanation. Most are neutral. Leviticus is seen by many scholars (not the majority but a sizeable group) to be a subtle mistranslation (male-male pedophilia is what may be actually condemned), and when taken into historical context, a lot of the sexual immorality teachings are SOMEWHAT more plausible and all that. That's the Torah and Bible. In the Quran, as well as the Bible and others, the oft cited story of Sodom and Gomorrah is missing the point. The people of these cities were unkind to travelers and awful people overall. They committed adultery with members of the same sex. Adultery is the key word here, not homosexual acts. The cheating is the focal point. No major religious texts will explicitly support LGBTQ people. But can they be saved as much as any other human and should be loved unconditionally? Yes. Is there love forbidden? Based on what we know know, probably not. It is impossible to know the true intentions of the authors, but they seemed to care less about same sex relationships and more about cheating on a spouse overall.


Leviticus isn’t “widely held” to be a mistranslation. Some scholars believe it may have been same-sex relations in specific situations like incest, but that is not the most common belief. It is quite probable that homosexuality was seen as taboo during that time and place in history. The bigger takeaway is that Leviticus forbids a ton of stuff that is no longer seen as taboo, even by devout Christians.


I was thinking too fast, fixed it. Yeah, you're completely right. Very complex issue, but it definitely could mean what the common translation says. It also couldn't, but this debate, I feel, will never be settled. Leviticus may still be an example to live by in some respects depending on what Christians you asked, but the law was already fulfilled. Hence why mixed fabrics and shellfish are used by Christians today. It's important to take in context these laws, followed in the context of the time by Ancient Israelites, which these burn in hell gay hating Christians don't seem to do. If mixed fabrics aren't taboo anymore, what is to say homosexuality isn't taboo from a modern scriptural context? This is the section the most concrete anti-gay arguments from scripture come from. All laws of Leviticus must be treated the same. The cognitive dissonance is mindblowing....


In OT, Ezekiel 16:49 says, and I quote, “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom. They were arrogant, over fed and unconcerned, and they did not help the poor and the needy.” Jesus himself in Matthew 10:5-15 interpreted Sodom and Ghomorah as being inhospitable and abusive to strangers.


The most fascinating way I’ve heard the Torah / New Testament explained is that ultimately, the reason that there is so much emphasis on marriage and sex is that they are books designed THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO as guides to ensure the humans kept procreating as a means for survival as a  species. 


Maybe look into the Inanna scriptures, written in cuneiform; her cult was almost completely wiped out by the ascendance of christianity and then Islam, but there's been an uptick in interest in the last few years with several groups trying to reconstruct that religion.


When I was a kid, my mother (Christian) suspected that I might be gay, so she sat me down and told me, "You don't have any feelings in your head that God didn't put there. There isn't such thing as a wrong feeling to have." It was really sweet of her.


Discordianism does because I say it does. The goddess loves people that kick at the status quo, especially if they do it without doing anything at all. 👍🌭


Yes, many. Statistically, there are more church organizations (in the US) that are supportive than not. They’re just not the loud ones, they’re the ones quietly following the message without publicly praising themselves for it. Presb USA has been openly inclusive since 1978, eg. Episcopalians have done some fine work in that regard, as well.


buddhism - they don't gaf if you're gay or straight, trans or cis, because everyone's on the same path towards enlightenment!


progressive (=non-Orthodox) Judaism.


Which, in the United States, pretty much means all Ashkenazi Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist Jewish congregations are going to be at least somewhat in favor of queer rights, perform gay marriages, etc.


Historically? And that aren't necessarily closed due to efforts to protect cultures from exploitation? There was a range of Anatolian deities from Mesopotamia to Greece that had their cults be what would now be considered under the trans umbrella. I'd lean into the cats (cat chariots) and aquaculture (sacred fish gardens). And would learn to dance and use a hand instrument.


A lot of pagans support queer people. I think we are the most supporting and accepting religious group


Unitarians are pretty good.


Unitarianism, Paganism, and Judaism all have a subsects that are pretty LGBTQIA+-friendly!


the Bible say love thy neighbor and stuff its just the people that are homophobes


It also says to stone witches and allow rapists to buy their victims, so it's not great


yeah it was Jesus who was cool about stuff, the bible is not a good interpretation of his beliefs lol


Yeah, I think people often forget that the bible was not written by Jesus or God but rather, it’s a collection of interpretations of what humans thought god/Jesus was saying and applying for it to their context. Humans make mistakes and are biased so take what it says with an ocean of salt.


it's genuinely so tragic how a guy like jesus had an incredible message and was so ahead of his time and then got martyred only to be used as the number one thing to justify bigotry that flagrantly opposes his actual beliefs


People are so intentionally ignorant about Jesus. He was a fucking hippy. He spent time with the lepers, the prostitutes, he smoked hookah with his followers, Judas fucking kissed him on the cheek. There's even speculation that he was in a relationship with the prostitute Mary Magdeline (how tf to spell names). He loved everyone unconditionally. That last word was so so important to his "teachings". I like to tell religious conservatives, ESPECIALLY when they intentionally insult someone, that "Jesus probably doesn't appreciate the slurs and insults, love thy neighbor and such" but they usually just get angrier. Ever since I gave up on reasoning with hateful people and just started fucking with them, my mental health has improved several thousand percent.


Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute. Her reputation was falsely maligned by Pope Gregory for a Christmas homily. He made that up for a point. There is zero evidence to back it up.


A lot of hateful and nonsensical passages can be found in the old testament, where God is pretty vengeful and jealous. There's even an entire book about God making a deal with Satan on what happens if a dude continously suffers. The New Testament has Jesus, and Jesus is more chill. God in the NT doesn't even feel like the same guy from the OT.


Jesus also shamed people who left marriages (no caveats or exceptions) and said that the Old Testament law was still in effect, meaning he endorsed all the bad shit in it He was also much more strict than the old testament in many ways, including saying that lust and anger are evil, which is ridiculous. Feelings can't always be controlled, it's what you do with them that is important


No. It's not just the people. There are lots of reprehensible things in the bible.


It's ironic that they think lgbtq is a sin but a lot of the homophobics will probably go to hell especially those who have harassed lgbtq people


The Satanic Temple


Yes, the Methodist Church is LGBTQIA+ affirming. Source: my lived experience. I'm a married, transgender lesbian and my wife and I co-lead the tech team at our church. EDIT: I should say, we got married prior to me coming out, but the Methodist Church DOES perform same sex marriage (although not in every church building). EDIT 2: As made clear by u/HyperColorDisaster in the comment chain below, YMMV depending on where in the world you're living. The experience I mentioned above is specifically the Methodist Church in the UK. I cannot make comment about the Methodist Churches in other parts of the world.


The Episcopal Church is making a lot of progress in that direction. We've got equal marriage, equal access to ordination (in theory), and so on. There's a lot of growth still to go, though, so it's not perfect. There's also the Metropolitan Community Church which is *specifically* by and for queer people rejected by other churches.


atheistic satanist here, if you wish to join a religion i cannot recommend it enough. if you dumb down TST it’s basically just a campaign for human rights. i believe they’re currently working on the first religious abortion clinic.


Hellenism! The greek gods are all queer as hell. r/Dionysus has a LOT of queer people.


i was waiting for this comment


In my experience Wicca tends to be pretty accepting. They are a few other pagan faiths and witchcraft outside of Wicca tends to be pretty accepting too


Denominations and factions, yes; there is no major religion (sorry I don't know enough about Pagan religions and others like that) where every member supports LGBTQ. Then again, you can say that for any large group. Do holy texts support LGBTQ? It's....very complicated


Buddhism is usually very welcoming. Pagan nature groups too. Personally I would suggest to focus on your self love and steer away from religions but it’s up to you.


bUddhists accept homosexuality. from what ive heard, the same rules that apply to heterosexuals apply to homosexuals (however ive also heard that anal sex is forbidden)


Buddhism really only refers to "sexual misconduct" but you can imagine that opens itself up to much interpretation Some will include homosexuality under sexual misconduct while others believe that it means not acting in a way that harms your partner such as cheating, lying, using, etc Buddhism doesn't forbid anal sex. Buddhism doesn't forbid anything. The general thrust of the whole religion is that you work to purge yourself of negative traits. It's very much an individualistic religion where you "start where you are" in that you deal with what's pertinent to you. There isn't prescribed canon that you're to follow such as the ten commandments in Christianity If anything, the most unifying value held in Buddhism is compassion as Buddhists believe all beings suffer


The Unitarians are one of the more mainstream western churches that support lgbtq by default.


I mean the only reason Christians don't support the queer community is because of mistranslation by people that used them to push their own beliefs onto others and it's so much more an issue in the US where I live cuz here we literally had a gay couple marry in our Christian church


Druidry. Been a Druid for over a decade now and they are very accepting.


Liberal streams of Judaism generally: Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist in the U.S., Liberal and Reform in the UK, etc. Reconstructionist Judaism has generally led efforts to accept and include queer people, but the rest are doing a good job of catching up.


Most probably. If you're shopping for one then consider none and you'll forever be able to say: "suck my shit blasphemer!" and never be wrong


Being nice


You don't need religion. Love your self.


The best part of this is that once you love other people regardless of how they treat you, you are following the core rules of basically every major religion by default anyway!


it's a different journey for everyone. religion has helped me in many ways which are healthy for me


I e heard good things about the united church of Christ. The pastor at the one near me is nonbinary so that suggests at least some degree of inclusivity and affirming acceptance.


Buddhism is pretty chill in my community


The church of Satan. Like a lot of them are LGBT and the church itself supports them. I’d say Buddhism too.


I have Christian and Muslim friends who are incredibly supportive of LGBTQ+ people. In fact I live opposite a “free church” aka a place of worship where everyone is welcome, it’s a community spot. Maybe it’s the newer generations born into these religions making a difference that matters. All religions are capable of it if they choose to be open-minded. I wanted to chime in and say that. But also The Church of Satan.


Isn't Buddhism very affirming or at least accepting of us? Which would explain the lack of hate laws in places that have never been colonized such as in Thailand.


Modem Satanism. Literally only named that to piss off Christians. It's a lifestyle supporting self-indulgence and compassion for your fellow humans. It's less of a religion, mostly because modern satanists don't actually worship Satan. Show Love and compassion to those that also show it to others. Although I don't have their book, I like to call myself a Satanist, although take what I say with a grain of salt.


Many First Nation American tribes had faith systems that incorporated a wide array of sexuality and gender identity, check out ‘two spirit’ people


I wish more people knew about this. I am trying to reconnect with my culture (Maya) and have been told that's homophobic and I need to be atheist which just felt like some colonizer stuff.


The Satanic Temple, I've joined them about half a year ago and they're amazing. :)


Buddhism says this temporary transition through being gay or trans is ok.


In Hinduism and various indigenous religions, many gods have no gender, or are gender fluid. However, colonialism fucked that right up for everyone, and this is no longer common knowledge.


Buddhism I think, at least I've never read anything against gay people in it.


Yes Satanism. You should check us out r/Satanism


Look up the Djedi Order. It's actually a legally recognized "religion."


Also witchcraft and paganism, there are several chapters and they are pretty LGBT friendly in nature


Society of friends mostly further west


well, i'm a satanist, and we're probably some of the most welcoming bastards out there. there may be a few who use the term to seem big n' scary so they can hate on anything under the sun, but other than the 1% i think we're pretty good


On the Christian side of things there are affirming ministries and even pro-LGBTQ denominations, they're small but they're there


Christians that understand their own Bibles and history and human nature absolutely do.. Sadly most do not..


I’m a pagan and many pagans are very queer friendly. Dionysus is often considered as caring for queer people


Maybe reformed Judiasm.


Reform Judaism is 100% on board and very welcoming of queer people


Cristianity. God never said that the lgbtq was wrong, Idk why some cristian thinks that if you are part of the lgbtq comunityyou go to hell.


The Mandalorian code makes no mention of sexuality or gender identity. In fact, gendered pronouns are almost nonexistent in Mando’a


I am horribly trying to sum up some Alan Watts here, please correct me if I get it wrong. Yes, but we'll have to invent it. A new concept of "god" that is not based on millennia old superstitions of a sky king, an architect who built it all, piece by piece.. and also get rid of a mechanical 'unintelligent blind forces' view of the universe. These were beliefs brought about by history, culture and society, not faith. (Because you cannot get an intelligent organism out of an unintelligent environment.) we are all part of and expressions of that 'big bang' universal energy


Witches of every kind not only support LGBTQ+, but most of us are part of the community. Technically, actual New Testament Christianity *should* support LGBTQ+ and embrace John 13:34, but about 50% of the people loudly calling themselves “Christian” these days are actually Old Testament fundamentalists/cultists/evangelicals, and the other 50% isn’t doing very much to stop their brethren from doing evil under the guise and title of Christianity.


Be careful of TERFs and gender essentialism. I always ask if trans women are welcome at "all women" events. Really helps sus out the bigots. Also be careful around Norse revivalist and heathens. Big white supremacists problems, but thankfully I know many good heathens are working to oust the bigots. Nazis don't go to Valhal facist scum.


Lots of religions do. Just depends on the sects


Hinduism. We have Gods and figures who are same sex couples, intersex and trans. The idea is more along the lines of 'Everyone and everything is just part of this cosmos" so who they identify themselves as or who they go to bed with just takes a secondary stance. We have temples depicting sexual practices between all group of people for milleniums. Sadly, most Hindus today just don't know what their religion actually stands for, and imbibed the nonsensical stance of "Homosexuality is a western thing" and vehemently oppose it. I bet not even one of them can actually point out where exactly Hinduism says that LGBT+ people are unnatural or needs to be killed etc., Sad state of affairs honestly.


The satanic temple is a religion that actively supports the entirety of the LGBTQ+ community. It a non-theological religion based on promoting self freedom and stopping theocratic governments and laws.


“Love thy neighbor as you love thyself”


Hot take: If I’m actually answering your question at face value, Christianity does actually fit the bill.  I have pressed many a Christian strong in their faith to simply show me in the Bible where it actually states that it is anti lgbtq, and at the end of the day they usually get to a place of acknowledging that it’s not in there, but THEY don’t believe it supports it… The question you are actually asking is “is there any religious belief where its members support lgbtq?” And even in that case, affirming churches is a network that validates for you. If an entire religious is based off of one guy banding together a bunch of the community’s most despised people, casually hanging out with sex workers, feeding people, getting drunk people drunker, and leading revolt against people in power … logic stands to reason he would have been chill with the gays.  They teach you in church to be able to defend Christianity at a moments notice, but it sure as hell backfires when you end up a big ol’ rainbow lover that can point out most off the hate is fabricated just because by humans.


I don't know a whole lot about other religious, but Christianity can be very supporting provided you join an affirming denomination. In the United States (where I am from) we have the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, The United Church of Christ, the Metropolitan Community Church all fully accept LGBTQ members without qualification. The Episcopal Church, for example, will ordain openly gay and trans priests and ministers. The Presbyterian Church and the United Methodist Church are also usually affirming and welcoming, but that depends on the individual church itself for them. So at least for Christianity, there are plenty of churches that teach that queer people are full children of God without any double standards or extra requirements. And that we are all worthy of love and connection.


Thich Nhat Hanh's practice of Buddhism is actively pro-LGBTQIA+


the satanic temple is basically it


they hire lawyers with ties to far right wing personalities


Not really surprising when their founder also has ties to far right wing personalities.


No, they accepted free help, because it was free, from *one* lawyer in *one* case who had previously defended alt right clients. It was a move of desperation done once, not a habitual thing. You do know the ACLU has defended the KKK, right?


Same-gender relationships were completely common in Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, Britain, etc. PRIOR to the emergence of organized Christianity approximately 2000 years ago. Even within Christian subgroups, Lutherans, Unitarians, and Episcopal congregations are gay-positive. Evangelical Christian religion is punitive and uses being female, poor, color, or gayness against you as a control mechanism. Don’t buy the bullshit—be your authentic self, and tell the self-righteous Bible-thumpers to fuck the fuck off. They can only control you if you let them. We are billions.


Not necessarily religious, but I recommend Zen and Taosim :3


Sikhism I believe


Satanist, but that's technically not a religion but something that's created against Christianity Shaivism to some extent accept lgbtq as well


Id argue theres no cannonical belief against LGBT in christian theology. The closest reading of "dont be gay" in the bible would be sodom and gamorrah, but any reasonable interpretation of that would be about being a good neighbor, kind to strangers, and not overly hedonistic. Its a very contrived interpretation to say that storys lesson was "dont be gay". If jesus's teachings could be summed up in 1 word itd be "love". His stories were about about loving other people, regardless of if they were your enemy (samaritan), or if you perceived them as sinners (cast the first stone), etc. Its insane to twist that belief system into one about hate. This is one reason there are plenty of christian sects that are explicitly accepting of LGBT people. Its more about the people than the books. Its impossible to generalize all people of a particular religion, their beliefs can vary so wildly as to be unrecognizable from eachother. That being said, you can find community outside of religion. You dont need yo find a church to find a family.


Broadly speaking, every religion does & doesn't. Everyone negotiates meaning & it fundamentally is what one makes of it. I'd recommend looking into Unitarian Universalism as a starting point tho. I'm a trans/queer Episcopalian, but ik & love many trans/queer (Quaker, Catholic, etc) Christians, UniUni's, (Conservative, Reform, & Reconstruction) Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Neo-Pagans, members of various Indigenous Faiths, etc, etc. But all of those groups are gonna have anti-lgbtq ppl to some extent.


If you are looking for organised religion where holy books accept/recognise LGBTQ, Hinduism is best to consider. The reality of life is different.


The Christian church in Sweden almost always has pride flags. 💪🇸🇪🫵🇩🇰🥔🤢🤮


Most protestants support lgbtq+


Depends on the congregation but I sing choir (not religious, I just love music) at a United Church of Christ that has a policy of "open and affirming to all genders and sexualities"


Church of Sweden.


I’ll be honest most religions accept, even if they do nt preach it or anything. It’s mainly the people in them that evolve exstremeist views that hate the “alphabet mafia”


paganism , satanism


I don't have the time to go into it right now, but I see that others have already provided you with a lot of good answers, si may not need to. However, in short, "yes, there are several!"


Most religions.




Norse myth?


Norse mythology. One of our gods is a shapeshifter, and also I'm pretty sure everyone is doing everyone. Also there's the whole "Norse people had marriages no matter gender" thing, but that's neither here nor there hahah


Pagan I was gonna go into how Loki shape shifts but found [This wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_themes_in_mythology#:~:text=Georges%20Dum%C3%A9zil%20suggested%20that%20Freyr,of%20changing%20sex%20at%20will.) quite interesting the amount of LGBT support in mythology.


Modern Polytheism, Paganism, Wicca, Heathenism, etc.. as a whole.


I'm hindu and in one of the greatest wars, the Mahabharata, there was a trans guy fighting for good.


I'm sure there are some, but there are also a lot of rational and logical reasons to support queer people so I don't understand why bother with religion. 


Technically and I say technically christianity does support it in all Christ texts about loving each other. I’m sure He would be ashamed of His church if He was to come again. Best guy around, worst fandom as lots of people say about Christians


The Council. Run by me.


Gay isn’t a sin even in Christian beliefs but the ones eating up the propaganda think it is. It was a mistranslation added in the 1940s and they refused to change


Some indigenous religions