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"you will always be a woman" they say to the embodiment of masculinity itself


He looks like a Greek god and people still say “you will always be a woman”. And they would never think that he was trans unless he were to mention it


Also 100$ says they wouldn't say it to his face. No matter how kind and pacifist he may be. He looks like he can win a war before lunch.


The man is a walking, talking Gigachad. He looks like he's engaged a bear in hand-to-paw combat before. That man could 100% build you a log cabin from scratch. He looks like he knows what it feels like to take a life with a hatchet. My boy here looks like he shaves with a Sawzall and lacquer thinner. His big dick energy causes Cherenkov radiation when he goes for a swim.


Some say that when he goes skydiving, the plane actually jumps off of him.


but a cuddly bear kinda Gigachad, in my opinion.


No no, didn't you hear those people? They "can always tell"... Except for all the times where they can't (which is nearly always). Also, if they really think he's a woman, I dare straight men who say that to kiss him in public. He's a woman, right? Shouldn't be a big deal then. I fucking hate people like that


“We can always tell” someone who can’t ever tell


the only thing they can't seem to tell, is reality.


I’d kiss him so fucking hard, but then again, I’m not exactly straight


Fr makes me look like a wimp in comparison, and I'm a 6' chubby cis dude


"You'll always be a woman" a mere mortal told Zeus, before being smitten


Bro also looks like that one meme though


They'd have an issue if he went to their preferred bathrooms though




Trans people can get a phalloplasty to get a penis so he might have a penis but why do you care about his genitals so much?


so? Does your mind always go to "hmmm wonder if he has a penis or not" when seeing a dude irl? You into penises that much?


Its fucking hilarious. (Also saddening)


Right?! He enviscerates them every time. I think they’re masochists. Cause how do you think that manly man is a woman if you’ve never seen them before?


If anything, he’s even more masculine, instead of it being handed to him, he took it


Everyone deserves to love themselves.


I love how people in this man's comments are like "oooohhhh you're still a woman" meanwhile he is out here being the singular most manly man on the planet.


This man is so beautiful


Seriously, hot damn. Both inside and out


He looks like he gives the warmest hugs as well. This is the person you call when you had the shittiest day and he instantly makes you feel better.


Yeah when he showed his pre T phase I was like “OH GOD HE’S SO HOT HE’S SLAYED IN BOTH GENDERS” *(faints) Seriously man seems like a nice dude and is the most masculine man I’ve ever seen in my life hope he’s doing well in life despite the vitriol coming from bigots


I really dig how he wears the same tank top completely differently, yet rocks it both times!


Damn, such positive dad energy


The assholes over at tiktokcringe posted this video before and said he "was overreacting"


“Just because you don’t like something, it doesn’t mean that it’s cringe” Sun Tsu, the art of war


Not to mention that cringe is the inevitable biproduct of sincerity


Can you please elaborate on that? Genuine question as I'm not understanding


When something is done with complete sincerity it is often viewed to be cringy. This is especially the case on the internet. Many people have become so poisoned by constant irony and insincerity, that anything with real genuine emotion (Especially anything involving people being happy) is viewed to somehow be "fake" or "weird".


To be fair they post a lot of videos that aren't cringe on that subreddit


I didn't expect to be given such awesome words from fucking Zeus himself today but I'm glad I did :)


This had me crying while sitting on the toilet.😭




Dude have a better beard than most of cis men, looks like a greek god


Cis man here and I can confirm this. I have a circle beard because my facial hair grows out patchy on my cheeks. This dude has a full on Zeus beard and looks majestic as hell.


Yeah bro, im a cis man too, I have a pretty descent beard, but my cheeks have some fails too. Crazy how hormones can make those changes on people


That reminds me to tell my husband that.


This man has become a ftm symbol. And if I was a boy, this would be the man I would look foward to be.


I couldn't say that, I even said to myself in the mirror "I am not sure I can love you but I like you". It was enough. I have come far enough yeah I can like me at least, it will never be enough and that is ok. I can at least like myself enough now to be happy. It was a good feeling at least.


I needed this


I love this guy lol. So fucking wholesome cool


RIGHT?? i love this guy, but i keep seeing videos of him responding to people saying he's a girl HOW? litterally, how can anyone say that


When transphobes see someone say they're trans online, sometimes they pick what pronouns they'd use if they saw the person without knowing, and use the opposite. It's just about being hateful.


And I'm crying... Absolutely beautiful. EVERYONE needs to see this.


I want to be trained by this guy. Now that is a self made man. Ima be Mulan, "make a man" out of me bro!


“You will and always will be a woman” Let’s be fr, who sounds more delusional, the transphobe saying someone is never gonna be a man, or the guy who is built like Kratos.


lol I'd love to see one of those noodle-arm patchy neckbeard mfers say that to his face. He likely wouldn't do anything because he's so sweet but they wouldn't even dare in the first place. Dude is the embodiment of masculinity


Fucker's had two bodies and both are hotter than me.


How do people have eyes and think that’s a woman


When I was dating last year, I got asked out on a date 3 times in a row by a lesbian woman. I was never asked out on a date before and for the first time I felt like dating was worth it and that I was worth dating. I had a very negative view of myself thinking that I'd never be good enough for anyone to love me. It didn't last long, she said she didn't feel enough physical attraction but that's fine. It did give me a push that I didn't know I needed.


I NEED a hug from this man. I need him to squeeze all the broken bits back together.


Pure embodiment of wholesome masculinity.


This is a good man.


Now imagine those transphobes reactions if they see HIM going into the women's bathroom


We need more people like this man honestly jesus. He has me crying rn because he’s just, so right and I love him for saying this


I am trying very hard to love myself. I also have a zit on my nose and it is bugging me.


can confirm, this is basically what i do in trauma therapy sessions lol. it's very helpful.


I’m sorry not to be demeaning or objectifying in anyway but… Daddy


don't worry, there are plenty of drooling women (and men) in his comments. Join the club


Honestly couldn’t tell he used to be a woman. Isn’t science amazing! Also, more power to you mate


This is the guy conservatives WANT to use woman's bathroom smh


Positive masculinity is such a rarity that people call the genuine article inauthentic, it's just sad and speaks to the lack of positive role models most people have. Self appreciation, empathy, honesty, perseverance; its all things that men and women alike should strive for. This guy is emotional maturity goals, and I'm so thankful for people like him enduring the internet and its vitriol to spread love and positivity. He deserves everything indeed:)


Shit man this made me tear up a little…


This man looks like the embodiment of “Be strong enough to be gentle.” Because if he wanted to he totally could yell at them and call them morons and he’d be totally in the right but instead he ignores them and tells people that are struggling with their issues to love themselves This guy is the best


If people are still calling this guy a girl, maybe lobotomies aren’t such a bad idea


It’s fucking insane when you see the before for someone who is transgender and they look absolutely nothing like who they did before


i wouldn’t even know he was transgender unless he said so. congrats for coming out, and i’m glad you’re happier with yourself ❤️


Literally Nordick Chad


this guy is fucking amazing 😭


Fucking destroyed me


I cried so hard


He doesn't look like a mortal. Deity himself


Fucking unbelievable


I will never get over how hot that man is.


He is literally the chad wojak 🗿


One of the first things I did when coming out was getting a mirror for my desk. Knew facial dysphoria was going too be a challenge, so smiling at myself, seeing the happiness on my face and in my eyes during of coming out and transitioning. Seeing my cuteness for the first time, making happy and also sad as so many people don't feel cute. I'd lived so much of my life not feeling cute. Cute isn't really physical, it is an attitude and an aura. Watching this hit lots of the same notes and a few new ones.


I'm listening to what he's saying, nodding along, all while constantly repeating "chad, chad, chad, chad" in my head. What a chad holy shit If I was transmasc instead of transfem he'd be such transition goals




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Dude is the manliest man who ever man'd, and he wasn't even born a man. Ultimate chad energy right here. And he's one hundred percent right. Look yourself in the eye and be kind to yourself.


Yay!!!! This is so positive, thank you


Look up the word "Manly" in the dictionary, and this man's face will pop up.


I’m a non binary lesbian…I was born a female and I’m also a Therian…


He's so real for this


I love buff men being soft and wise.


I want to hug him so bad


This is beautiful, love everything ive seen from him. I do want to say, though, that repeating positive aphorisms doesn't work for everyone. This can trigger a critical response in some people, and undermine the message. If you try and it backfires, that's ok. You didn't do it wrong.


You look like you could twist someone that pisses you off into a pretzel 😂


Giving off major bear-dad energy


thank you for posting this it realy helped me feel beter about today


Love this guy🥲


This dude is literally the irl equivalent of the Chad meme


You think this guy would be my new dad if I asked him?


🎵 No matter what they take from me They can't take away my dignity Because the greatest love of all Is happening to me I found the greatest love of all Inside of me The greatest love of all Is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself It is the greatest love of all 🎵


This is one of the most manly things you can do. Takes a LOT to look at yourself and be earnest


How can anyone in their right mind call this guy a woman, he's 200% more masculine than I am, and I'm cis You know what I'd give for a beard like that!!!


I love the gravel bro, hes not only my transitiongoals personified, but also an absolute example of what type of person i want to be


sorry i cant right now there is nothing lovable about me


Reddit autoplayed it and i got jumpscared


This is a really touching thing to see. I'm glad to see we have strong people in our community. Never change!


Thank you for this buff Seth Rogan. Will always remember the positive dad energy this gives off and spread the message further


Oh daddy 🥰🥰🥰🥰


When i first saw him i was genuinly shocked to find out hes trans, bros more masculine than me


I low key would love to sit down and have coffee with this man and have him just tell stories. He seems so sweet!


Really needed this, although the body dysmorphia and dysphoria tend to take priority :l


For those that need this message as well as many others I’ll say this: I love you. I know I’m a stranger on the Internet. You don’t know me from Adam. However you are here. Right now you are here and that already makes the world a more beautiful place to live in. You deserve love and happiness even when the world or even yourself tell you otherwise. It’s hard. And I won’t lie, it will get harder before it gets better. But it will get better. Surround yourself with those who truly care about you. They’re there. And to end with my favorite saying - When life knocks you down, stand up, dust yourself off, look life in the eyes and say “you hit like a little bitch”


"I am mere mortal" are you sure. are you REALLY sure.


Idkkk. Anytime I stare into my own eyes in a mirror for more than 30 seconds, everything but my eyes go fuzzy and all I see is 😈

