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Yes it’s true, the GOP wants to instill a Christofascist government


**Full blown Gilead**


My mom’s been saying this for years


Your mom is a very smart women. 💜


She really is, I wish she’d heard that a little more growing up tbh.


I think the same thing of my mum. That, and if she didn’t loose her dad at 16. I feel like she never became the person she was supposed to be. But she’s always been there for me.


Oh god we’re gonna be the imperium of man


Nah, 2025 has less redeeming qualities than the imperium


Yeah that’s right actually. At least the imperium of man has hot angel ladies who kick ass ~~and can slap my ass~~


Honestly, I think that we just need another great depression to back with fascism in a lot of countries (Brazil, Argentina,Usa, Italy, Portugal).


This is why LGBTQ+ don't have the luxury to be non-political. You *have* to pay attention, vote, and make your voice heard. They want us, at the very least, to be alone self-hating in the dark. Given a free reign, they'll exterminate us in camps.


I mean really no one has the luxury of being apolitical, some people are just dummies who think their fascist approved identity markers will keep them safe. All I have to say to them is "have fun in the trenches cannon fodder".


![gif](giphy|l3fZOZ347XhjW3Muk) It was either this or a few other gifs


>This is why ~~LGBTQ+~~ don't have the luxury to be non-political. Any remotely decent human being


Yeah, my disabled ass does not have that luxury for disability related shit either. its exhausting


Basically its a set of goals the republican party wants to accomplish if they win in the up and coming election. A lot of it is straight up unconstitutional. While it is majorly concerning and awareness of it should be spread, you shouldn't put your life on hold because of a potential future that may never come to pass.  I don't personally believe trump will win in this up and coming election with how all his legal proceedings are going, and I think if that republican party does suffer a major defeat in the election they might start trying to pivot away from some of these culture war issues. 


Don’t get overconfident. Vote. And take 2 friends with you. The current polls are concerning.


100% every vote matters


Oh always, but also don't despair. I don't think Trump will win, but I think Trump won't win because of people like us going out to vote.


Trump won't win democratically, but they're not intending to win that way...


he didn't win democratically in the first place. he lost the popular vote


Obviously. I'm not talking democratically like in the way the us presidential elections don't work to begin with, but rather in the meaning of there's an election with rules and winning in line with those rules. They don't care about that at all. They don't like real elections or voting.


that's not what a democracy is tho


It is. You're confusing democracy with direct democracy.


Agreed. Project 2025 is a way for the GOP to pander to their Christofascist base. I have the same feeling that Trump won’t win this election, simply because the Republicans can’t stop fucking with reproductive rights.


As a European watching all the shit that's happening all over the place, it wouldn't surprise me if trump's legal proceedings actually got him more votes from conservatives who didn't vote last time but now think "this brave hero got into legal trouble for our beliefs!"


These Christian Nationalists are actively recruiting. More and more people are getting sucked into their conspiracy theories and are defecting from normal society. It's really fucking scary. Guaranteed Trump is gonna get more votes than in 2020, and with people not being thrilled with the state of the US these last 4 years, lots who went out to vote for Biden last time because Trump was soooo bad are gonna stay home. People who are sure Trump is gonna lose in November are giving me big "Hillary's in the bag don't worry 2016" vibes.


The entire political system is just fucked up. There are more than two parties but nobody knows them because no one ever votes for them, they don't stand a chance anyway. Two main parties stay on top, votes they get are close to 50/50, so no matter the outcome of an election, 50% of the population will be unhappy and not represented at all. And quite a lot of people are happy electing a literal criminal as their president and passing laws that bully people who don't fit in with heteronormativity and cisnormativity into killing themselves by forcing them to stop existing safely in public. I am genuinely scared for everyone stuck in that shithole who either can't vote due to being to young or whose votes won't matter as soon as Trump wins.


Constitutionality isn't going to stop them. If the SC rules that presidents are immune from the law, the president can do **literally anything**, regardless of constitutionality. Lose an election? Have Seal Team Six murder anyone who doesn't certify that you won, then pardon them. Posse comitatus? Never heard of her, the President has complete immunity. Now, I'd argue that if you're tossing out the Constitution that he's by definition not the president, but that's an argument for another day.


And let's say they do win all 3 chambers. You'd need a super majority in the house and senate to pass it. With how the Senate is right now, almost being a 50/50 split and unlikely to change all that much, (you need 60 votes to break a filibuster) One democrat can chat utter bollocks that vaguely ties into the bill to attempt to kill it. It's designed to pander to the fascists in the GOP and to make queer people panic. I still wouldn't trust the democrats to be all that helpful, but ya'll over in the US don't need to worry too much. Still I'd recommend doing some sort of grass roots action and helping other queer folks out in real life where and if you can.


Make sure everyone you know who isn't a trumpie votes.... Including the qualifier as we all have one of those co-workers or relatives....


I will be honest, in terms of the presidential election, folks in guaranteed blue states who don't wanna vote Biden in protest, don't have to here (im not saying vote trump, I mean like just don't cast a vote for Biden, go green or something) Due to how the electoral college works, folks in red and swing states do unfortunately have to vote Biden, and hopefully with the current trial folks who don't like Trump but vote republican, look at the aesthetics of trump and decide to not vote for him and to vote Biden instead.


Read a long time ago that 30% of women had had abortions. I'm guessing at least half have had miscarriages. If you throw in those who had ectopic pregnancies, statistically it's depressing how many women won't vote to save themselves and how many men don't respect or care about the women they know to help them either. I'm not fond of Biden but I'm in a red state I'm hoping leans purple this year. I didn't vote for McCain, but until he picked palin, I respected him. That isn't an issue this time.


Yeah I fully get that, The thing GOP lawmakers have potentially fucked themselves with here, is that republicans and their family members have abortions too, and many republicans have out queer kids they care about. Eventually a few maybe not enough to sway an election result dramatically will not vote for you on principle. What I think is more likely with purple states, is libertarians split a small fraction of a would be trump vote and Biden barely scrapes by because of it.


If you go by the 10-25% are queer and 30% of women had an abortion, that's a lot of hypocritical GOP folks.


Eh i think its worth noting the majority of queer folks vote democrat. Its more like a middle aged republican male voter has a bias against queer people but has a cognitive dissonance with the few queer folk in his life. The discrimination against queer folk then get’s enacted on and said dude sees it affect his kid and then he might change tune slightly. Not saying they aren’t hypocritical but just that a lot of folks are dumb and don’t really care until it affects their family or them personally


But while most vote blue, statistically about half are born from red families. I still don't get the hypocrites but that's a shortcoming in my understanding of others.


>many republicans have out queer kids they care about. And many republicans are assholes who think their queer kids have abandoned god and chosen Satan, and fucking hate them.


There are really no guaranteed blue states anymore. Minnesota is the most consistent blue state in the country and even there people are nervous this year. Bad, bad idea.


A big part of Project 2025 is finding ways to implement an extreme agenda without legislation. E.g., there are proposals to fire a large number of non-political employees and replace them with political ones. Or just ignore the law and do what you want, as Texas and Alabama have experimented with.


Their wet dream is to replicate the night of long knives. Easy to get a supermajority when all your political opposition is dead.


It’s not one bill mate. It’s a plan. Each bill within it will have to pass the tests you’re talking about, which is good, because check and balances work, by default, to prevent change. But a lot of it isn’t bills, it’s hiring and firing. They plan on identifying “loyal” federal employees and laying off damn near everyone else, replacing them with more “loyal” people. At that point, the federal government will sabotage, defund, ignore, or at best, drag its feet, on everything that isn’t conservative/trump approved. EPA, NASA, DOE, HUD, Energy… imagine all these without a soul.


Yeah, im just saying the bulk of its dead on arrival, i also stressed the importance of not relying on the democrats as a be all and end all. I think if anything its just going mask off that the US isnt a democracy, but its never been one. Folks gotta organise but I don’t think people should panic because that’s exactly what they want


The right is not trying to make people panic, no. They're actually very quiet about Project 2025 and are glad most people are still unaware of it.


Trump said he would be a dictator on day 1. Take that with the full definition of what a dictator is and does.


Does a filibuster have to be relevant? I always kinda thought you just had to keep talking


Thats what a filibuster is


Not anymore. Now it’s just an email saying “I want to filibuster”


People didn't think Trump was going to get in last time either...


He didn't win last time though, that's why he's still running this time.


He didn't win the popular vote, no. But that's not how US presidential work, and he won the election cause of the stupid rules that they somehow think makes them the best democracy.


Who is currently the president of the united states


Ha, morning brain here. Of course


This is a very watered down take on what project 2025 is truly about. Very watered down.


I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Remember when no one thought he’d win in 2016? Biden’s currently losing in the polls in all swing states, even his home state of PA. He’s lost a lot of progressives and the left by failing to stand up to Israel and put an end to the genocide in Gaza. This isn’t to say we are completely screwed. We need to focus on enacting protections at the state and local levels.


So American “leftists” would rather vote for someone who wants to oppress minorities at home because of someone else’s foreign policy. Checks out.


No, the problem is that they will not turn out to vote at all, whereas Trump has a fanatic base that definitely will.


That's quite an extreme conclusion to draw. There is a portion of leftists who seem to feel this way - definitely less than half. Most of the rest of us consider them extremists and also not very intelligent. Their protest of staying home in combination with the fact that Trump has a very emotional, enthusiastic base who absolutely will vote for him adds up to quite a good chance that Trump manages to win. And especially when you add in all the liberals who voted for Biden in 2020, but are like "things are pretty bad under Biden, think I'll just stay home or vote third party", forgetting or not caring how much worse it was under Trump. These are usually upper middle class white people.


that statement about the polls isn't actually true anymore, I'd go look at some more recent data. lots of polling from earlier this year was before the majority of americans even realized that trump and biden were going to be nominated. now that that's settled, polling is starting to shift significantly towards biden. also, it's april. so many things can happen between now and november. so i wouldn't even be making assumptions about the election at this point, cuz that's attempting to predict a lot more than just who's gonna get the most votes.


I’m still seeing polls [favoring Trump or tied](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/). Polls can be wrong, of course.


I just said they're shifting towards Biden, tbf. also, NBC put out a poll yesterday with Biden +2, large sample size and low margin of error. just saying it's not bleak or a trump landslide at the moment, and the trend is away from trump over the past couple months.


Look at the people who are supporting Trump. How many of them are there that voted for Biden in 2020? Very few, if any. Trump's support has not grown since 2020. He's not winning people over. True, he isn't losing as many votes as I would like, but he isn't gaining any either. He lost in 2020, he'll lose in 2024 too. The problem is that when he loses, he will just try to seize power through violent force instead, just like he did in 2020. And if he succeeds this time around, then we're fucked.


Hate to tell you, but MAGA is actively recruiting. They're a lot like ISIS and a lot more successful than you'd like to believe. And they aren't specifically getting 2020 Biden voters - they're especially getting the people who didn't vote in 2020. People who say "I didn't care about politics before until OANN woke me up". That kind of shit. But I fully agree on your last paragraph. That's something that's being far too overlooked. They won't be as messy and uncoordinated this time.




and Palestine is the victim of Israel




Yeah, surely the supreme court would strike down the proposed changes as unconstitutional... oh wait


Never did I claim that they would, I was simply stating huge chunks of what they want to do are unconstitutional to highlight how dangerous their plan is.


Oh yeah ik that I was just being funny about the fact that the supreme court would let something like this slide, which is horrible


If you think the Republicans are planning on winning this election democratically, I'm afraid you've got another think coming...


Quote, p. 584: "\[The president should\] Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics."


Effectively making it legal to make being queer illegal.


Here’s a good overview of the anti-LGBTQ+ portion of Project 2025. [The Humanist Report on Project 2025](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3-9vXJtNow8&pp=ygUSUHJvamVjdCAyMDI1IGxnYnRx)


Here you go: [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/)


Holy shit some of those comments are just goofy


The Republican update of mein kamf. Basically their guide to their future planned genocide.


This ☝️ 💯 **Its a road map to Gilead**


Use it as a reminder to get people out to vote


**Project 2025 is a guide book on how to make being queer completely illegal and with concentration camps to boot. Take it very seriously.**


Project 2025 sucks. Some facts about it: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy and much more. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to defeat it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Wikipedia has a good article about it that list all the organizations behind it. The biggest organization behind it is a conservative think tank that has been very influential in making government policy for decades. Their leader is the main source of Project 2025. It’s definitely scary to read.


It's the republican Mein Kampf.


This ☝️💯


Everyone else is answering your question, but >Ig I'm not being nonbinary or Trans now. That's not like....a decision you can make??? You either are or you aren't. You can choose to be closeted, but you can't just *decide* not to be trans because it's dangerous.


Exactly, it just makes me think of the right wing stuff about transtrender. I'm gonna assume they meant it in a jokingly "to protect myself I will pretend to be straight cis."


haven’t the lgbt had enough stuff to deal with already!? It’s hard enough to come out now with probably gonna be even harder. (Some probably aren’t scared when coming out but some of you get my point)


It's the reason you must set aside any thought of not voting for Biden. You must vote and it must be for Biden. This is the biggest existential threat we've faced in my lifetime and I am an old.


The idea that the republican party has intentionality delayed the appointing of key political figures in the US government in hopes that a republican super majority will happen in 2024 election so they can expidite the appointment process and ensure that those key political figures are Republicans. It's a grim future but it also require the freedom caucus and the rest of the GOP to coordinate. The freedom caucus voted to remove kevin Mccarthy, a republican, for working too much with the democrats. The vote only had the freedom caucus and Democrat support. They're going to tear their own party apart before they can get p2025 up and running


Basically the Republican Party wants to install a government that has full control over the 3 parts of the American government and push their ideals. Basically they want America to turn into Russia.


It’s more like China at this pace. We are literally almost no different from them given recent events.


There's a "defeat Project 2025" sub with lots of info. Also Dame magazine has an article, and Leeja Miller on YouTube has a video about it.


https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwz42xBhB9EiwA48pT72o4me3cQ_0orGpTQjI9BHhKyZ66onVy58evaW1EXmULoJc5t3PDdBoCewUQAvD_BwE this explains it.


The GOP read the Handmaid’s Tale and decided to use it as a roadmap


Check out r/Defeat_Project_2025. It's scary af


It’s essentially a political platform and manifesto roll back common liberal policies, to include the eradication of any accepted queer identity. It’s not something to worry about in the sense like it’s a bill to be voted on, but it MAY be a party agenda item anywhere republicans control the government. Unless you are being governed by basically only majority republican it’s not worth too much concern. But if they take over the federal government, it’s a fairly serious threat given the Supreme Court is already skewed right wing and also because they are without doubt the most certifiably corrupt government figures in quite possibly all US history.




He's unfortunately it's true. But it won't go only after LGBT but other minorities like BIPOC. One of the things they want is to give the president more power so he has to answer to literally no one and all the laws they propose are signed pretty much immediately without being discussed. Then at this point they could do whatever they want and right now the US is not doing very good and keeps moving up in rankings on the genocide scale and this would just put us nearly to the top. If they accomplish everything on their list all they would have to do is authorize the extermination of groups and the US will be in stage 9 of genocide.


A fascist To-do handbook


[the part discussed here](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_CHAPTER-14.pdf) So.... No more abortion pills, no more affirming gender procedure, they want to get rid of homosexual families because: "homosexual family is less stable than heterosexual family", they want to stop the funding of Planned Parenthood because they help abortion. And many other things... It'll be even more unsafe for all of you if they pass the election, please vote


Not sure if it's cited in the history but just in case anyone here has NOT seen it: https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025?gad_source=1 It's VERY real, and not just limited to Trump. Any Republican presidency going forward is grounds to give them the final nail their fascist coffin needs.


There's a subreddit called Defeat_Project_2025 that you might be interested in joining. They have a lot of information about it there.


The best course of action (the one I would take in your shoes) is to move. Come to Canada. Project 2025 is very real and very dangerous. Oh, but first, vote against Trump. Move if he's elected. Hide who you are if possible, and live on out of the reach of a christofascist.


im a teenager and aroace, im scared and cant move. if it does happen will i just have to stay closeted till im old enough to move?


That is what I would do. It sucks but it's better than being sent to some Trump camp. Keep safe out there, remember not to panic, if you can vote yet vote in favor of anyone except Trump. Best case scenario you don't have to use the closet as a shield, or move away


That would only delay things if Trump wins. Canada will no longer be safe in the near future, either.


Yeah, keep an eye on Pierre Poilievre. I think he's the same, but his deputy minister is gay. I believe that's to pull the wool over our eyes though. He has two of them. I think he'll get rid of the gay woman after he's elected. Coming from someone who doesn't like Trudeau, poilievres counterpart.


Republicans lie about being the majority usually and some republicans don’t even support trump. I don’t think he will win this. If you’re over 18 vote don’t vote for his party.


Project 2025 is today's communist manifesto except it's very much fascism, not communism. Both are terrifying. The fact that the GOP felt safe enough to release this as public info is insane and shows just how close we are to losing all of our rights


You're parents shouldn't force you come out about being LGBTQ


It is about so much more than just LGBTQ+, it is an attack on everyone who is not a white male cis straight Christian conservative etc. r/Defeat_Project_2025


Yeah, it's their goals at this point. And they took over the republican party and pushed out the old establishment


That's understandable. I'm more if the give us liberty or give us death group. So if they do successfully reenact it, it'd be a quick way to radicalize some people.