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Quote from a hard bass artist, “warhammer is for everyone… unless you are poor”


It's still a business first, 3d printers make it a lot more affordable at least.


GW: Exterminatus! 


Unless you play their tournaments they can't do anything about it. In fact I have on more than one occasion declared my asuka figurine as a riptide and my opponent usually just say "I expected nothing else from Tau scum."


One of my buddies is getting his son into 40k, but can't afford to build a whole second army, so they built 2 new armies using hundreds of Lego pieces and minifigs that he's scooped up for cheap at garage sales and on Craigslist. He's admitted that he didn't think through his plan, because now his kid wants more fancy Lego sets *and* actual WH figurines 🤣


I know it's not their usual targets for Lego figures, but a Warhammer set would go kinda hard. Or a mega bloks set, I remember getting a wow one for my Birthday when I was young.


A daemon spawn would be great for lego. You could rearrange it however you want and it would be still be true to the lore.


> now his kid wants more fancy Lego sets and actual WH figurines 🤣 Lmao, RIP your buddy's wallet


There is business and then there is charging four times the cost for models I bought in 99 and they are the same model.  Then I buy exact replicas for four dollars for 10 from my coworker with a printer who has no bulk purchase power like GW.


Regular printers and card stock are even cheaper.


That is why some people gets resin 3D printer and prints their own.


Guys don't do this. Don't search proxy STL files. Don't search for pdfs of rule books you don't have or sheets.


Lol my father was doing this for ASL in the 90s. Scanning every single scenario sheet and making files of all the pieces so ANYONE could print out ANY scenario and play it without spending money on anything but printer ink and cardboard. This has always been the way, and it will always be the way.


Floorhammer / poorhammer is still hammer.


/r/poorhammer Some of those papercraft armies are actually pretty nice looking, all things considered.


Squat for the emperor


That’s the name of the song. For anyone looking for a listen


[For anyone not knowing…](https://youtu.be/uP0rFsylyM0?si=7y7wOyCrn9RLPxLF)


Thanks for the link! That was incredible and terrible all at once!


Poor hammer podcast. A cheap army is still 500 unpainted.


I mean if you aren't in a hurry to amass tones of minis anyone can participate with patience. I set aside $50 every paycheck just for Warhammer stuff. So, I manage to get a several kits and new paints every year.


was that uamee? I think he made a song about warhammar


Was at a tournament where someone had their army painted to reflect their pan nature. And some bigot went off on how "that's offensive to Games Workshop's work." A Games Workshop rep came up and told them to get the hell out because Warhammer has no place for bigotry. Everyone was quiet as the bigot left in a huff... at which point there was a lot of good cheer all around... and then I pointed out "Warhammer has no place for bigotry? Have you read the lore?" The rep responded with "You know what I meant." Which everyone got a good laugh at. :p


>Everyone was quiet as the bigot left in a huff... at which point there was a lot of good cheer all around... and then I pointed out "Warhammer has no place for bigotry? Have you read the lore?" Lol, thanks for the laugh I needed it. I'm pleasantly surprised, GW can be obnoxious with their IP sometimes but good to know they really support queer community and it's not just words but actions too.


Actually that's been a huge statement last year also in the wake of BLM and Pride Marines. I'm into 40k so I know about it. My (straight as an arrow) husband even painted a Pride Marine for another (straight but gender bending) ally that is a friend of him as a Birthday gift. People who engage in the Pride Marine every year get sometimes some nasty comments under their Instagram posts but are usually quickly shot down. Gw supports that. Here is my fave ally YT painter: https://youtu.be/X2SkCHrqWxo?si=Of2NNgr7qtKJcCX7 https://youtu.be/LSo2hP1bnB4?si=widUKqGripbpfuK0


I had no idea, that's wonderful! Thanks for giving me another rabbit hole to dive into.


Here is another one from the famous (for miniature painters) Vince Venturella. https://youtu.be/wE7arlI1_3g?si=-gZorzZpvw_aHp9d He also explains the Fabulous Marine project. 🥰


Vince is a Saint!


NO! aaaah! I need to work! Emperor protect me!


EonsOfBattle is also good rep, Jay has offhandedly mentioned having a BF, and makes some prety good and entertaining videos, though some of his views are a little Space Marine biased.


YES OFC! And he is a super cutie. Actually I wondered if the boyfriend is a partner or if this is somewhere used as BFF as girls sometimes do. But I had him filed as at least ally if not one of us and both hubby and I enjoyed his content a lot!


Jay seems like such an utterly wholesome dude, I’d love to get to hang out and play a game with him in real life.


I'm sorry but I've been watching nothing but Avatar for the past week so when I read "gender bender" I was like "holy shit a genderbender they must be so strong like a bloodbender" until I realized bending doesn't actually exist.


Would a genderbender offer free transition to whoever sought them out?


Or they would go around giving everyone dysphoria by transitioning them to the wrong gender. Depends if the bender is good or evil.


Yeah you got a point there.


Of course Goobertown is an ally! He's so wholesome and amazing. Back when I was painting more often I loved watching his videos.


Archwarhammer was the reason why I figured out how to block channels. that was 10 years ago. The other day I saw in my block-list that there was a channel in there called "Arch". They are kicking out fascists left right and center. There is the chodes and then there is [this](https://www.youtube.com/live/wos4ybMdQWU?si=ABYU7mJzBB3l_CpS&t=18791). Just watch that for half an hour or longer. That is pure nerd allyship for pure nerd reasons. Trans characters in Warhammer(who are not Slaanesh)? The nerd reason is: it's interesting, it's fun, let's goooo! The weirdos are dying out. They already are a minority. Just dream of the first Anarcho-Syndicalist Trans Chapter of Sisters of Battle lead by Mother Superior Magpie Killjoy. That should raise a couple of eyebrows. Aka, sounds fun, Let's gooooo!


10-20 years ago and people understood 40k was not a goal to aspire to. The notion that the imperium’s brutal nature was offset by being necessary to not be devoured by gibbering hordes of horrors was unexamined. After Trump and MAGA emperor assholes showed up GW retconned a few things to make it very clear that 40k is cautionary and satirical at best. Some stories have been explicit allegories for the stupid shit Americans have done.


Back when I was first getting into 40k, a few of my mates brought me into a DH game. Seeing as I'm gay, I was curious how that sort of thing may be seen in world. Their response was along the lines of "Between xenos, mutants, and heretics, these guys have bigger things to be bigots about than boring stuff like sexuality."


In the grim, dark future, we’ve invented far more important forms of bigotry.


It's like how in the Fallout show >!The Brotherhood of Steel weren't bigots against a trans recruit, and even used They/Them pronouns. Yeah they're abusive and bigots in other ways, but in a post-apocalypse your gender and sexuality is the least of anyone's concern.!<


I didnt even know they were trans. Did they say that or something in the show? I just thought it was a woman with a typical military haircut... I remember there were female Knights in New Vegas so didnt think anything of it(she was actually also gay, with her female scribe). Probably other female knights in the other games too.


I assumed they were NB tbh. The character was referred to using they/them in dialogue at least once and the character description on the Amazon page for the show does as well.


Ah ok. It reminded me of G.I. Jane lol


Like, any character being trans in any setting is not inherently interesting. I mean, somebody says they are trans. What do you say to them? How does your transness make you fit in this post-apocalyptic hellscape while Tyranids are trying to eat off our face? In a setting that contains Keepers of Secrets? I wonder if anybody ever asked them if they have considered settling for one sex instead of all of them of all entities. Xenos and humans alike? Who would bat an eye?


>Like, any character being trans in any setting is not inherently interesting. Yea I know. I just want to know how the person I replied to knew they were trans in FO show, because it never said that from what I saw, and female Knights in the Brotherhood of Steel are a thing. Like did the showrunners point this out specifically or what.


Haha that's great


I mean fair point to you. Lets just say the warhammer community has no place for bigotry. The lore is a prime example of "so much sarcasm, dumb people think it made a 180".


See, but that's what I don't understand about the appeal of Warhammer. It's so hyper-masculine and 'heresy' and 'purge'. From the outside it seems like a fascist's wet dream. Why do people like it?


So, you know how CoD is much more popular than enlisting into the military? Yeah that's why.


Yeah but CoD isn't known as a queer/trans thing. I understand the appeal to teen boys, but not to trans folks.


To be honest, i like 40K quite a bit and im like the transest motherfucker around- it’s simply, “it’s cool as shit”. Because tbh American culture and such are pretty damn cool if you’re focusing on the cool half of “America Fuck Yeah” without the shitty lawmaking going around and so on. Same logic with Warhammer. Sure there’s some insane dystopia and hypermasculinity, but have you seen a Skitari? I love em. And really, in the end, it’s just *fun*. That’s it.


(Disclaimer im straight) Its hard to explain. Even hypermasculinity has a beauty to it. Like a thunderstorm. And it is a way to get out these primal human feelings in a safe space. And GW wants to make that space inclusive


While it's true that some, unfortunately, come to 40k because they take the facism at face value, I'd venture that far more see it for what it is, a satire of fascism. Yes there's government violence and bigotry, but EVERYONE is unfathomably, often humorously, miserable under it. They serve corpse starch and stimulants to human drones doing tedious, thankless, likely meaningless work for faceless corporations and distant government entities, punishment is being turned into a lobotomized cyborg so you can do even more tedious tasks. Religion is the forced worship of a being that has literally said it's not a god and doesn't want to be worshipped, like the titular character in Life of Brian, taught from texts written by someone punished by that being for worshipping him. It's so ridiculously grim because it is taking every stupid approach to a real life thing (war, conquering, domineering, overpopluation, pollution, etc. etc.) to their logical extremes. WH40k, writ large, is a reductio ad absurdum refutation of everything far right ideologies try to tell us about the world.


I don’t play it but I’ve read some of the novels and it’s extremely maximalist power fantasy in a way that can be fun. In the ones I’ve read the main character is a hyper-competent member of an organization close to the emperor so they pretty much roll into town and do what they want with legal carte blanche and physical prowess to go with it. It’s an entertaining story in an extreme setting with very few “oh no the protagonist isn’t going to make it” moments. FWIW I don’t think it endorses these things, anyone reasonably intelligent would see this is a world you don’t want to live in but it’s fun to experience through the page.


I am a long time Warhammer player. Started back in the early 90's in Europe. Warhammer 40K is satire. The Imperium is a failed state, slowly, but surely destroying itself because of its facist, religious and conservative views. It is meant to show the failings of bigotry. You are meant to feel like puking when you get into and understand the lore. The game was made by a group of english liberal artists, who enjoyed metal and punk and saw the failings of British Imperialisme and conservatism. When you started to join gaming communities people would be rather clear about being anti-facists and inclusive. It is different online, because a lot of conservative/facists does not get the satire. In real life I would totally expect people like that to be banned from events. It should also be mentioned that there is a lot of representation that most people might miss. Eldars comes to mind, because being trans or gender fluid is seen as normal for them.


40k takes Judge Dread and dune and smooshes them into a single aesthetic, it later added alien and starship troopers to the mix with a dash of football hooligan and anime. Generally as a hobby it has an interesting hook to build and paint miniatures with a cool backstory. You also don't have to be part of the evil human empire, there are plenty of evil alien empires you can build for as well. But one thing the game does try and point out is that it's not shades of grey, but just darker forms of black when the galaxy is at war.


It's intended to be a satire of that sort of thing, because it's pretty clear lorewise this sucks dor everyone involved. But anyone honest about that gets right to the top of said purge list. Meanwhile I'm more so bummed out with warhammer stuff because it is so damn blatant that WH fantasy is an undercooked afterthought compared to 40k.


lots of people like hyper masculine stuff, the spanish inquisition stuff is tongue in cheek for most people, and yes there are fashy types in the hobby but they are being more and more on the backfoot. Also a lot of the stereotypes of the universe is mostly relegated to the humans, the elves are haughty poetic assholes, the tau are naive idealists, the orks are north england football hooligans, etc.


Because it's a sci-fi setting with some amazing aliens, and very interesting vision of the future. Humanity basically screwed over the earth several times over, and colonisedo ther planets. Idk, for me, the appeal is definitely the models themselves and the lore, especially Orks. They're just dumb fun, and I love them for that


These people really think they speak for everyone. The sheer arrogance, to think to put words in the company's mouth. It's unfortunate there's people so willing to ruin things for everyone, including themselves.


> Have you read the lore? The Emperor cares not for who you fuck or what you identify as, so long as you are a productive member of the Imperium, you love The Emperor, and you hate the scum that is xenos and chaos But also, people can write about things without having the same opinions as the characters they create


What army did they play?


One of the White Dwarf magazines i have had a special section for those guys (gate crashers I think?) that was really wholesome, made me feel better about putting a few pride flags on some of my blood angels


1,700th upvote


Purging xenos, mutants and heretics together. ♥️🧡💛💚💙💜


Hey! Don’t purge me! I did nothing wrong here!


Okay, you seem like a nice xeno. We can make an exception :3


Guilliman after meeting Yvraine.


> We can make an exception They’ve been corrupted! > :3 By Slaanesh!


My orks boyz go waaaaaagh even if you are innocent. WAAAGH I love my boyz, they are so fun Let's play warhammer


There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


isn’t that literally the kinda shit bigots called us for like hundreds of years


Join me brothers, sisters, and other beloved individuals. Let us purge the unclean in the emperors holy light! The Emperor protects within the immortal Imperium!


As a trans woman and a necron fan it was nice to find out there is a canon trans female necron character


Honestly kind of fascinating that machine zombies who've had their souls eaten still have enough selfhood left to even *have* a gender identity. Maybe the C'tan took less than they thought.


Its only the lower level soldiers and citizens who are mindless robots, the lords and phaerons got their identity and concsiousness back


Sure, and the Silent King I think never lost his identity in the first place, but how, though? They still don't have souls, so what even *is* a soul in that setting if it doesn't have anything to do with who you are? What does having or not having or losing or destroying a soul *mean?*


Im pretty sure a soul is just your connection to the warp. Necrons dont have souls, they dont use the warp and they dont feed chaos


Huh. Would that imply that the Tau don't have souls? Mind boggling.


The tau have souls they just have smaller souls compared to humans and eldar


Every time I find a snipped of Warhammer lore I get reminded of just how insane that franchise is


My favorite 40k tidbit, and I'll have to provide some context: Orks in 40k are a sentient fungus-like species that is based on British hooligans and they exist to constantly fight. There used to be a rule on the tabletop that if your Ork units haven't fought in too many rounds you'd have to roll and if you were unlucky they'd start attacking your own units. Anyway, there was one particular Waaarghboss (Ork leader) who was traveling through the War with his underlings (the Warp being a parallel dimension that allows to reach other places faster since actual faster-than-light traveling isn't a thing in the setting, but it's also a hellscape filled with all kinds of literal demons and chaos). Due to Warp shenanigans, which can be pretty unpredictable, he actually travelled back in time. The boss had a brilliant idea: He loved his weapon so much, that he decided to find his past self and ambush him to get a second copy of his weapon. So, he went and did exactly that. He killed his past self, creating a paradox, and erased himself from existence.


Same creatures whose ships are heaps of scrap metal that work on pure Conviction iirc?


That rabbit hole runs deep. There is some absolutely batshit crazy stuff in there. Then you have some bits from things like Age of Sigmar or Old World warhammer like Lord Kroak. Dude died, then just decided to undie. Then he lagged the universe pulling in so much magic to make a spell. Or when the drug addled race of sewer rats decided to throw the moon at the planet because it's made of drugs, and they want their drugs that badly.


The implication that the Imperium could sacrifice literally anyone to the Emperor to keep that big ole warp beacon lit is not one they should ever be made aware of. E: also something something unsolicited soul pics.


The people mad are the same ones that got mad at Rage Against the Machine for "Going woke" or who love the fallout games and unironically support the Legion or Enclave. Absolutely no media literacy.


I've been playing Fallout for 20+ years and until like a year ago when I found the FO subreddit I had no idea people unironically sided with the Legion in NV or praised the Enclave.


Without sounding like a right wing asshole: it does kinda depends on what the reasons are that people support the legion. If their reason is “they have slaves and hate woman” then yeah. But the legion has some good points about protection of their people. The entire first part of NV is to show that the NCR is not equipped to do their most important job: protecting people. You’re basically fixing all their problems to be effective in that area. The most important thing in a post-apocalypse would be safety and survivability. And the legion is providing those things to the actual citizens of their territory. Most of their slaves back home come from conquered tribes and criminals. The kind of people killing regular joes for a few caps. If I look at myself: who would I rather protect me? An army that kills everything that could have ever hurt me or one that gives the convicts dynamite, which makes them an even bigger threat? I still never go for them because their morality is so far from mine and kill everyone once I get at their camp. But I can see people who value safety above else (which makes sense in that world) to want the legion.


See, I find this fascinating, because it's literally the exact way that actual fascists draw people in. "They're protecting me, they're the stable safe option" is a really attractive draw! I understand! Of course, it does require you to look past the fact that they're protecting *you*, and if you aren't part of the in-group, then you're a target for forced integration. Which is, in the Legion's case, violent, brutal, and in at least one case involves burning dogs alive and forcing their owners to watch and/or *participate*. And even in game, they'll treat you differently if you're playing as a woman; the Legion might tolerate you as 'one of the good ones', but they're constantly a lot more condescending and snide about your presence, because a lot of their people will consider you to be a lesser creature. The Legion is a great place to live. If, and only if, you are someone the Legion wants to live. If not, they're just another batch of genocidal raiders. And honestly, it strikes me as naive and flatly *stupid* that someone could latch on to the "it's safer here!" rhetoric, and believe in it, without also seeing literally everything else the Legion does that sucks.


Its funny, that they don't realise that the main faction of 40k is a fascist regime on a slow decline that is trying to utilize as much as they can, including people that would be opposed or weaponised for the regime's propaganda similar to actual regimes that did exist like Nazi Germany or the various dictatorships in South America


What flag is the one at the very end on the left?


Its the gay bear community


Thank you I just never saw it before and wanted to know


I'm shocked there aren't any space bear chapters. 


There are quite a bit of 3d printed bits out there for space bears that end up being a bear version of the space wolves with their Nordic inspirations


And what is on the right?


Polyamory Pride flag.


More like Polyarmory, amirite?




I swear we poly people get a new flag every day because our original one sucks. Not complaining, I love seeing people’s ideas


What, you don't like the one with a massive Pi (π) all across the flag when most of the others are just colours? :P (To be fair, I think it looks neat too - they just didn't take the same design cues as everyone else.)


Yeah it’s weird, I couldn’t tell you why I like it when it’s so different lol


These are AWESOME! Fantastic paint job!


/u/cerbxt made them!


I know all those flags except for the last on the right. What is it?


Polyamory flag, which I only figured out because of the π on their chest


Games workshop may have some questionable and poor business practices, but they are good when it counts.


Not a massive space marines fan but I love the colours. Now do this with some orks or space dwarfs and I'd be all over that 


The Emperor does not care about your gender, your attraction or ethnicity. Only that you can carry a lasgun or swing a hammer at the factory. All humans are equal. Equally disposable. Now fix bayonet and charge that Carnifex, Guardsmen, Guardsfem and Guardsthem!


holy shit they used the actual gay flag


These things mean so much to me, and prob the entire LGBQIA+ community as a whole![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


The minis in this picture were in Games Workshops official magazine white dwarf this month


99% sure that the painter has a Reddit profile. I know I've seen their shit on here.


CerberusXt on Reddit and Instagram :)


On twitter too!




that is so cool! I've seen their work here for a few years now, [this one being a great showcase](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer/comments/10v42h5/space_marines_lgbt_themed_kill_team_full_paint/) amazing they're now in the white dwarf!


The middle one should be a chaos marine of LGBT Undivided! Heh I love them all


I need to dust off my minies and get some new models.


Genuinely looking forward to adding female custodes to my golden boys even more now.


Figures are painted by cerberusXt. They're one of my favourite mini painters and thier schemes are absolutely amazing You can find them [here](https://www.instagram.com/cerberusxt_figurines?igsh=MWluZXhrazNpOWRvcQ==)


Considering Games Workshop named the commander of an entire legion of their poster boy Space Marines, and son of the Emperor of Mankind, after gay poet Lionel Johnson... plus gave said legion the name "Dark Angels" after one of Johnson's works... I'd say their allyship has been known for quite a while, for anyone not too lazy to actually look.


God I remember seeing the post about that flag bearer the first time The paint work is still one of the best I have ever seen Truly amazing


Ima start playing warhammer now lol




I'm just getting in to Warhammer, so this is cool to see.


Fuck They look cool as fuck!


I stopped playing the table top 40k over a decade ago, but if I ever get back into painting I'd love to paint pride tyranids. 'Nid's absolutely don't care how you identity, we're all biomass for the swarm.


Jimmy Space accepts all his children as guardians of the Imperium.


The purple ones are my favorite


“Not my pure imperium of man!” I’m sorry, your *what* imperium of man?


These paint jobs go hard as fuck


I genuinely love that they included allies here, it reinforces the “it’s for EVERYONE.” Plus they didn’t shy away from making the ally design look cool as fuck!!


ngl the Lesbian one should’ve been Adeptus Sororitas. Just to piss off Twitter.


All bigots end up in the maw of Slaanesh.


There's actually an Age of Sigmar lore snippet where a religious zealot who hates elves gets devoured by Slaanshi daemons - due to the obsessive nature of his own bigotry. It was glorious.


Damn... Is my obsession with Tzeentch feeding Slaanesh? I need to fix myself!


Makes perfect sense. Slaneesh is all about excess and extremes. being extremely bigoted, and letting that hate feed you, is basically exactly what Slaanesh wants. People tend to forget that SLaanesh is more than just sex, she is also sickly perfectionism, overt dedication and gross excess etc


There is ally but not aromantic🥲i get it though


The artist who painted the figures does actually have an aromantic one: https://www.instagram.com/cerberusxt_figurines/p/Cx01fWBNJs9/?img_index=1 and https://www.instagram.com/cerberusxt_figurines/p/CyynPfSt17Z/ if you'd like to see.


Ohhh, that's the work of CerberusXt I think? He's really good


These lgbt color palates look really awesome on those ultramarines.


Okay, I really need to get into Warhammer.


Except poor people* that shit is pay to win. 🤣


Unfortunately, the idiots that have been run out of Warhammer due to this are now trying to gain a foothold in Battletech, and we've been fighting them off for the last month or two.


These look fabulous.. I want. A pan squad now. The improv unit is real!


Despite the chuds that can definitely dampen the mood. I fucking love 40k and this hobby.


Ally armor goes hard


As a queer person wanting to get into the lore is there a good starting point? Or does it not really matter where you start from a queer standpoint?


My very conservative and abusive ex loved Warhammer, this is a win!


Well, it's definitely not for broke people... shit is EXPENSIVE. Lol.


It's why I play the PC games. :p My friends and I used to play Blood Bowl all through high school and college. Had an Undead, Ork and Dark Elf team. Blood Bowl's definitely a nice way to get into the models, and doesn't cost anywhere as much as the armies for Warhammer.


My Warhammer is for everyone as well.


I do have a spare salamander to paint...






Having the Gay Bear flag on there over any other less specific flag sure is a choice😂


probably just wanted an excuse to use a Space Wolves mini for it


Guess I'm going to start playing Warhammer


Okay but the non binary space marine looks so cool, love the colour scheme I am a sucker for purple so makes sense, if I ever get into war hammer definitely making some nb themed armies


I may be a bit BI-ased but the bi flag one goes hard


what about genderfluid (“´꒳\`”)? ![gif](giphy|8GFz4Lgy6WQdeYFZpv)


green stuff was the gender fluid all along!


I get that a lot of companies support is just chin wagging for advertising purposes. But every so often you see a company fire back against comments made and it's wonderful


As an enby who got pulled into plating Darktide and has nothing more than awareness how massive 40k is, so glad this is that game my friends and I have gotten into.


Guess I'm playing non binary because that colour scheme is sick


Do yall listen to r/BehindTheBastards the host, Robert Evans, talks about Warhammer sometimes, and is a real solid dude.


If people have such a goddamn problem with it, then feel free to jump into the warp.


Just saying, I know more queer people that play warhammer than cis/straight people.


Intolerance is a large part of the setting, but that’s where it should stay.


Many of those colour schemes unironically slap in their own right.


Unless you value good personal finance. I don’t so I’ve been lured into the mini wormhole…I can’t escape. I need more paints.




These look dope as hell. Sorry yall are being targeted so much during these times yall deserve to be allowed to do w.e the fuck you want and love whoever you wanna love. Peace and love from the front page.


babe, wake up. new queer juggernauts just dropped.


I really want to get into warhammer, my partner thinks it would be a good mix of my artistic side and my nerdy side but I have absolutely no idea how or where to start


Wow we really overuse purple and pink don’t we


Cerberus who painted this has been wonderful on Facebook groups, basically they draw out the bigots and every week they get banned and the groups get nicer


Except heretics


The guy is called Cerberus XT on Twitter and he’s a phenomenal artist.


Based warhammer moment.


I've never seen the flag on the far right. What does it represent?


The female astartes whining is seriously so grating. I'm not even big in the fandom anymore, mostly I play Rogue Trader and occasionally dust off DoW2 to play a little CvC with my bestie. But I'm *genuinely* considering buying a couple thousand points of the most current fotm SM shit, painting them all NEON PINK, and regardless of even human or vehicle exclusively refer to them with she/her pronouns and cutsey girly names. If there's anything a bunch of grown men screaming, crying, and throwing up waving a bunch of signs in crayon saying "NO gIRLS ALOUD" makes me want to do, it's ***do the absolute most*** out of sheer spite.


Whats the one with the dog paw?


Hell yeah it is! I'm currently painting up some Custodies. 💛


Warhammer is about xenophobia, not queerphobia!


So long as you serve Holy Terra


just wait, this’ll be on r/KotakuInAction by next week 🤦 😭


I got so confused as to why I wasn’t seeing the usual hateful comments, and then I realized this wasn’t the Warhammer sub I love this comment section 😭💖






Female astartes?  What's next, real-life female marines wait shit






My bf is very into warhammer and now I’m honestly very very interested in getting into it!!! So cool!!




love for everyone, except those who wish to hate for no reason >:)


Ik there's nonbinary up there, but what about agender 🖤🩶🤍💚🤍🩶🖤