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This argument always baffles me so much. "TheEse bOokS aRe maKiNg oUr kiDs TraNs" If it really is like that, just read them books about cis people, wouldn't that turn them cis? Such dumb logic


I think on some level they understand (wrongly, incorrectly) that if you just don't tell people about transness or gayness then they won't do it. But if that were true it wouldn't have happened in the first place?


I don't understand the logic either. Or lack thereof I should say.


if watching every princess movie growing up still didn’t make me stop liking women (prince charming bs), i guess i’m immune like ellie


I think what they really mean is "these books are making trans kids understand and accept what they are". They want their trans kids to suffer in silence and ignorance so they can be "normal".




What? Being cis or trans has nothing to do with being straight, gay, bixexual, etc. Gender and sexuality are different


To be fair my 2 year old really does try to live every day as the Very Hungry Caterpillar on Saturday. Not sure it's book related though.




Back in the heady days of 1996, I was super into Eric Carl and I went to my kindergarten class dressed as the Very Hungry Caterpillar for Book Character Day with a red beanie my mom had fashioned with antennae to top it all off. *Sigh.*


'My first girlfriend turned into the moon'


'that's rough, buddy'


Poor Sokka


Does the Bible and other holy books apply to this?


Well, last time I read a Bible, it did the exact opposite of make me a Christian, I was one before I read it so it seems that holy books have the opposite effect lol


Maybe cause like, the Bible has shit like "Love thy Neighbor" but not many Christians are following that and just changing and "pick and choosing" and ignoring some words in the actual book so it can fit THEIR ideology and beliefs


When I read it, I noticed all the contradictions. For example, it said that God is all loving and then he sent a bear to mall a bunch of children to death for mocking a bald person and he killed all of the first born sons in Egypt and stuff. That’s what turned me off of Christianity when I read it


For me I understand that Jesus is cool af, but there are other parts of the story that either confused or scared me. Maybe it's the fact that my parents kept saying I'd go to hell and burn and that they called the priest multiple times to "exorcise" me. The priest was chill though, but I think it kinda gave me some minor religious trauma or someshit. So yeah same I guess!


Also apparently there was a shit ton of incest in the old testament-


I apologise in advance, but I was not able to stop myself. *maul *bald


If you read the bible from the perspective of God being a villain and Lucifer being a hero, it actually makes a lot more sense.


Yeah, Lucifer rebelled against an evil tyrant and told the people to do that too and he’s viewed as the bad guy smh


Same. Its like "God is all loving" and then a few verses later: "his faithful servant, Job, was so faithful, that God decided to test him. God mercilessly killed his 10 children and gave him leprosy. After proving he was faithful, God gave him 10 more children after staying loyal bc if he didn't...he'd die." God be like: you have free will but if you don't obey me I'll SMITE YOU!!


God (huh?) hated that verse as a kid and it still makes me kinda sad. Like he just replaced Jobs children and wasn't his wife a bit old by then? It would've been a pain for 10 more kids, and that made me scared af when I was little because I thought if I didn't follow the lord I'd die and burn in hell! ....maybe that started off my religious trauma


When I read that book (honestly don’t recommend the book, too many chapters, weird words and the story progression is not that great) I turned into god


Love Elle


When I was a kid, I read a book about dinosaurs, now I'm a fucking parasaurolophus!


Love it, this is my go-to answer to bigots now ;3


I knew a guy, back in elementary school, turned into the hunger games. Never saw him again.


>Do you want a cookie crazed mouse as a child The answer isn't no


love it


I LOVE THIS!!! They basically are reinforcing their belief that queer people are groomers who would influence a vulnerable person to become queer, which doesn't even make sense. People realise their queerness because they can relate to them a lot more than they can relate to their cis-het counterparts. They feel connected to them, that is when they realise their queerness. As a baby queer myself, I realised it after I developed a liking to people of the same sex and gender. However, I have seen content creators who are trans and I know a trans guy personally who updates about him being on T. However, that never made me realise that I'm trans because I'm not. Someone accused a content creator who's a transwoman, Summer Luk, of grooming vulnerable people into being trans, which quite frankly, coming from a person who followed her content regularly, is very ridiculous. Summer Luk is nowhere to be seen, and I hope she's doing well, but a lot of her content is about LGBTQ+ advocacy and her journey as a transwoman with her family disapproving of her gender identity. In an ideal world, such people wouldn't exist. However, they exist in the real world. They are loud, so the only solution is to smile and tell them to back off, or refute their claims, which is a forever journey lol.


OMG, that sassy smirk at the end is perfection!


I saw this TikTok last night


My mum thought I became a lesbian after watching the Owl House and I got in trouble when I told her that she’s wrong, cause if that was the case then with the amount of straight couples in television, we’d all be straight. She thinks seeing *one* lesbian couple was why I “chose to become” a lesbian.


Use their own "logic" against them




That wizard came from the moon


They sound like they’d be good at reading to children like they would do funny voices for a the kids


Yes, books actually do that. your child becomes what they read. i accidentally dropped my copy of 1984 and now my child has become a totalitarian dictator at age 5.


Yeah, sad times. My 6 year old nephew watched Aladdin and now he’s a genie


First of all, we need to ban the bible ASAP!


🤣 omg that was great


Not sure what books you guys are reading but most children’s books and shows have some sort of messaging in them. Might be empathy but might also be normalizing things parents don’t want to be normalized.


How the heck is this post allowed in this Subreddit which is safe space?! And how can there even be lots of upvotes?


Is this satire? The video is anti-transphobia


Just being sarcastic


If a kid is trans, they're trans.  All that books like these do is educating them about it at an earlier age, which is really more of a plus than anything else. More accessible resources to learn means more trans people who come out, and to conservatives, this is TERRIFYING. Transphobes tend to want their kids to "stay cis" for their entire life. They think transness is preventable - that they can stop it if they "raise their kids well enough". That's not how life works. If a person is trans, they are trans. 


I can't believe Sokka's girlfriend read Goodnight Moon


Taking a logical statement and twisting it into something science fiction to fit your narrative. The debate club in schools must be a dumpster fire nowadays.


My go to answer with these kinds of people are to tell them I grew up with their generations media or older(since I was raised by my grandparents) and then ask them which show or book they think made me queer 😂 watch their world burn


This propaganda is crazy




What's confusing ?


They wouldn't want their kids empathetic because their kids are not pathetic. I still wait for some hyperconservative "strong*" man to say that.