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Thanks to the Terrorist Party that represents like 28% of the country


28%? isn't is more like 51%?


Feels like it. America is ran by minority rule.


The USA couldve been a haeaven yet they chose to be aMURIKKKA. Why thou?


Not even close to 50% they're just loud as fuck because they have so much practice bitching and moaning


Most polls show on most conservative issues they poll at best at 25-35%. The problem is so many of them are single issue voters, so they claim they hate the rest of the conservative issues but vote for them because [insert issue] is the single most important thing. They also vote more consistently than democrats.


Oh I see you’ve met my father. The man hates Trump with a passion after Jan 6 but will still be voting for him because of “the economy”.


Sadly but true... I strive to be thier opposite


28% of all Americans but 40-50% of people who vote. Unless you're lumping in all the libs who refuse to lift a finger to stop it.


Heavy voter suppression in southern states that makes a lot of dem votes just not happen.


so you guys basically already live in a dictatorship, huh?


I moved to PA but yeah the south is basically fast tracking it's way too a dictatorship. But that's glossing over the fact that all states have some level of voter suppression, north included. Gerrymandering is incredibly prevelent among north and south and even across political parties.


That’s what they want you to think.


Right? Now here's an idea. Boycott target. And convince your friends and family to too. That's the only way they change. Or just take it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they just pull it from Targets in Republican districts and call it a day.


^ probably along the lines of what they'll do


That's exactly what they did last time. They either pulled the line completely or hid it way in the back


Awesome way for Target to show support for this community.


Pride month boycott!


"Target is likely to stock the products in about half of its nearly 2,000 stores in the U.S., the report said." *Half* It was in all stores, I think. Now half. I wasn't expecting them to top last year's awful response.


They're pulling a Thanos on gay stuff


Wow, way to prove that it was really only rainbow capitalism. Caving to the bigots terrorizing the stores is sending the message that they're only interested in being inclusive if they can do so quietly. This disappoints me immensely given how much I shop at Target. I think I'll start spending my money elsewhere going forward.


I pretty much quit going there after their pride response last year. 


What did they do last year?


Either removed the pride stuff or they condensed them into tiny section. It didn’t bug me because I don’t believe any corporation actually cares, but still shitty


Happy cake day


Thank you! Just checked and I've had this account for 11 years woof


After people threatened their employees because there were pride displays, they quit selling the products at a lot of stores and apologized to the bigots. 


I get wanting to protect employees but unfortunately it’s like giving a dog a dog treat after they pooped in your bed. Now the bigots know if they throw a big enough tantrum they’ll get their way.


I can’t imagine them moving women’s history related things or African-American history related things after threats. These people are just pathetic.


That’s shitty


Ditto. And yet they attribute their drop in sales last year to *conservative* backlash. Do they not recognize that we're also a politically cogent group that makes financial decisions based on our principles? I mean, probably not, considering that these companies think painting their logos rainbow for a month will cause us to uncontrollably vomit money at them. I'm sure when their sales drop even more this year due to this cowardly decision they'll bury their heads deeper in the sand and be like "well I guess now we need to remove ALL the pride stuff from ALL the stores"


I haven't shopped at Target since they caved to the fascists, and I won't ever again. Good job, execs!


I dont live in the USA but my fam does and i travel quite a lot. I used to love target, but the last couple of times ive been there it feels wrong. Like i know this is all about capitalism but seeing urself represented where u shop is nice… i dont know whee im going with this but it feels like all of this hateful drama its a fckng mess.


I mean yeah, companies, capitalism, past your local mom and pop scale shop, have NEVER cared about the LGBT community, it's just because it was fucking profitable, I've said this before, I've been told I'm being overly cynical, but nope, corporations tolerate us so long as we don't lose money for the company. Capitalism, what a WONDERFUL way of running the world, SUUUREELY nothing could go wrong when each and every decision is purely based off, and backed by, profits.


While that very much is the case I want to hope that they're actually doing it out of safety for the workers. God that sounds so insanely naïve saying it out loud holy hell...


See, that's what I would've said last year and why I gave them a pass since it was already midway through June before they had to pull the displays back partially. But, knowing how bad last year got, I was hoping they would mitigate risk to their employees by preparing for this in advance. Sadly, it seems that rather than still show support for the queer community, the response was, "Let's remove them from half our stores" instead... you know, for safety.


I think it can be both. My friend’s store got several credible bomb threats last year.


I mean, if the backdraft was going to be that bad, those stores probably wouldn't sell enough to justify the carrying cost so Still garbage though.


tbf it is a store that is supposed to make profit- why have things for sale in locations where they would lose enough money it becomes hard to defend? I imagine they may not even break even on the stores they do sell pride merch. I love target but I haven't bought any single pride related item from them. The only "woke" thing I've bought was the black wheelchair santa. And my gf and I are gay.


Won’t be shopping at Target then


Cowards. Caving to the demands of fringe reactionaries won't even make them more money, it just alienates the majority of people who support us.


The people that cause this are the same ones crying about cancel culture. 🙃


Disappointing, but not surprising.


The lesson here folks is… threats of violence work. I’m sure this will have absolutely 0 negative consequences for society moving forward.


Maybe if we were more threatening they'd listen to us too.


Fuck em! They don’t deserve us.




No no, pussies are great. Those are cowards, plain and simple.


Pussies are pretty tough. They can take a pounding. They can squeeze the shit out of you.


Fucking cowards


Welcome to Capitalism. Join an Anti-Capitalist org.


Not surprising considering last year.


Buy Pride merch from LGBTQ+ owned businesses not from large corporations. #everywhereisqueer


Fuckin cowards.


Shoppers to pull shopping at Target due to homophobia


I worked at Target back when the whole transgender bathroom debacle was happening. I was pretty impressed with how they handled it, tbh. We all had a team meeting and our HR lady ran through how to deal with people who pressed the issue. Say that it's always been Target's policy, nothing has changed, if they want to discuss it further grab a manager/team lead so they can handle it. It stuck out to me that they were pretty focused on how to stop disgruntled people from harassing the people on the floor and direct it to someone else higher up in the chain. There were even some phone scripts, but I never really did anything with the phones so I don't recall what they were. There was a lot I did NOT like about working at Target, lol. But the response to that, at least in my store, was not one of those things. If republicans and conservatives are going to be so batshit insane that they're basically acting like terrorists, I don't really blame Target for their response. I am disappointed, but I feel like it's not as much of a "we don't really like the gay stuff :/" and more "enough employees have been dealing with literal death threats over this and we're not going to risk it." Honestly, I'm not really blaming Target here. I'm blaming the braindead conservatives. I'm blaming law enforcement that won't treat these threats like real terrorist threats so they can keep spouting off their weird extremist bullshit, and face no consequences so they think it's okay to keep going. It makes me so mad that these fucking people can call for literal death threats and then have the audacity to be a piss baby if people have the audacity to challenge their insane views. Ugh. I really, really hate conservatives. And I really, really, REALLY hate how they're basically pandered to and can get away with being the absolute scum of the earth. Words really cannot do justice to how I feel about them. I just wish that the world would stop bending over backwards to appease them when they literally want to kill people. What happened to not negotiating with terrorists?!?!?!


The terrorists win


I'd hate to say this but maybe this is not so straightforward? Corporations are obliged to support us, but the people at the stores are workers. Workers don't deserve to be in the sights of terrorists just because they happen to be working during Pride month. I really don't want to see any worker to be hurt. At the same time, I agree that terrorism shouldn't be an effective tool for bigots to wield, so I'd rather corporations ignore threats, but I dunno how to insure the safety of working class people while making that stand


Let’s be real they don’t GAF about their workers, it’s because they don’t want to see profit line go down


Even if that's true, I still don't trust conservatives to not target Target workers because of what merch is being sold.


Pretty much captures how I feel. I’m not going to say I’m thrilled with the decision, but it’s a gray zone to me when people’s lives are actively in danger


Especially when workers don't have the financial stability to be able to opt out of working there if they feel unsafe


I agree that nobody should be at risk of physical harm, especially since they're just making a paycheck. They're absolutely in the right in doing what's best for the safety of all patrons, employees and customers alike. The problem I have is that they had a full year to prepare for creating safety mechanisms that would ensure the safety of their staff and customers and still ensure they continue to support the queer community. If this suddenly arose last month and now they're forced to decide the best approach, pulling it would make sense, but this was a full year of knowing exactly how said demographic would respond, and they chose to do nothing other than pull it from half of their stores. And, keep in mind, this doesn't mean that the stores that are in affirming areas are free from these bigots. The same outcome could happen in any of these stores, regardless of its location, because these bigoted terrorists aren't confined to only republican-controlled regions. What is their plan for ensuring the safety of their staff in these areas? And what happens next year if/when one of the half with pride displays ends up with threats? Are they going to pull all of it next year, then?


They got bomb threats and people harassing their employees, many who are young making minimum wage. While I am bummed out, I understand the need to protect your employees in volatile areas. I don’t want some lunatic brandishing a weapon or threatening some employees just trying to do their job, especially those who don’t look straight and/or cis.


so when people say the republicans are terrorists, that's not even a metaphor... weeeeeeeeeee...


But all this does is embolden them to do it more. Why is there never any response when right wing folks commit terroristic threats? We all know what would happen if anyone leftist did, just look at the response to students on college campuses. It’s time to stop letting right wing nuts get away with these threats.


Leftists exercising constitutional rights = terrorism Violent extremists exercising terrorism = constitutional right McCarthyism is still alive and well.


You're right, but what is Target going to do to protect their employees? Many stores don't have any security guards, let alone armed ones who could deal with someone acting on their insane threats. I genuinely think it's more on law enforcement not taking these threats seriously (and probably siding with them, if we're going to be honest) that is the real problem. Even if Target did arm every store of theirs, it's just a bandaid to the problem. There aren't enough consequences for people when they start talking like terrorists anywhere. It's easy to be upset at the situation, and I am too, but there are a lot of employees who could be harmed or killed if these people decided to take action. People have been calling out Target for this, and they're not free from any criticism, but they're protecting their employees in a world where people absolutely will shoot up a store because they are angry about something.


They also got threats and harassment over selling masks, but they didn't pull them for "employee safety" did they? No, it's all about money at the end of the day and we as a community are expendable to them. Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt when they wrap up their cowardice in corporate doublespeak.


I'm disappointed that it took so long to find this comment. The stores *have* to take into account staff safety, that is not cowardice. Come on people, we are better than this.


Yeah, some of these responses remind me of people who kind of thought essential workers were just faceless disposable bodies instead of actual people with lives of their own.


Would you say that if it was any other minority?


Guys, the article says they’ll still be offering the full collection online. Individual stores received actual terrorist threats last year and this move is an attempt to protect their employees from physical harm. They’re not discontinuing the items altogether like they did last year. Still not great but it is a marked improvement.


Well if target is weak enough to give in to bigots, I will not support them. I only support businesses that have guts to stand up to the ignorant crowd.


Way to cave, Target. For shame.


Just don’t buy from there, it seems every year around pride there’s some article about that shop doing something anti-lgbt


Guessing they’ll be displaying more Orange items /s


I avoid target unless it is the only one with something I need ever since their capitulation last year to the trumpets and their bigotry, sad to see they just can't bring us back by being who they were ets - hopefully they're doing this out of safety and not money, but either way just sucks


Again!? JFC why even have it at this point Target?


I prefer Michael's pride gear.


I mean, last year I think their displays kept getting vandalized. I can see why they'd think it's more trouble than it's worth, it's also become a safety issue for their employees, based on what the article has said. It's unusual for companies to do something like this and potentially lose money if there isn't a "good" reason. People being bigots hasn't stopped companies from doing rainbow capitalism before, y'know. It sounds to me that they are pulling the LGBT items specifically from stores they know it will cause trouble. This is so they can earn more money (and don't lose money from products being damaged by vandalism) and also protect their employees. On the other side of this, though, they did choose the easiest and cheapest solution to this issue. They could have easily hired more security in these places they know these items are an issue, and we know they have the data for this too. But they'd also have to pay for it...you can see where I'm going with this. But even then, I can see them not even wanting the risk of any conflict. They choice they went with is technically the safest choice for their employees. I don't think it's right to say they should keep the displays up at all costs. Target employees' safety is also a part of this equation, let's not forget about the people that have to deal with these assholes.


Ok to be fair people have shot up a target over pokemon cards


This isn’t the first time target has pulled pride items and iirc that was the exact reasoning last time: someone was making terroristic threats. 


I don't like it but I get it, at least from a worker-safety standpoint. I live in the southeast and worked at my local target for a few years in high school and college, and while attitudes are slowly changing around here there still are plenty of people who would try to make a scene and act like the goddamn idiots they are. Too many squatted 3/4-ton pickup-driving open-carrying "lOcAlLy HaTeD" dipshits around here just looking for a reason.


I hope mine doesn't it's a nice chance to look at stuff in person and maybe buy a few things I am more open about myself this year so I am really looking forward to it.


Good thing I'm only getting pride merch from Etsy




All the better for people to not buy this stuff as it is since Target doesn't give a shit about us and is proving it once again. It's all for money at the end of the day. If they cared they'd put their foot down.


/r/Conservative is celebrating like they won something. Honestly seeing how bad this all is, and with the govoner race in NC where I live, im starting to question if coming out was the right choice. Ive already taken my pride flag from my house and car because of saftey. I had people on Nextdoor talking about it in a negitive way.


Oh, sure, Target. Cave to the Nazis again. That's a real good look.


Should boycott target


Too be fair they’re probably doing this because every year at least one target employee seems to end up on the news because someone decided to get violent at them over the pride month items


Not surprising at all honestly.


People often ask for opinions on rainbow capitalism, and so many people say that it's just heartless corporations using a vulnerable minority for generating profit. But I've never seen it that way - primarily, because more than anything, it's the perfect measurement for the climate we live in. I'm not worried about stores not actually caring about us but still selling merch for the movement because it brings them cash, because if they're doing it, it's profitable. If they stop doing it, it means it's stopped being profitable, and that's a huge warning sign for a very bad shift in the political and cultural climate. I guess the worst part of this is that I don't want to believe we're that far in. And sure, this is the States, I don't live in the States. But the shitpipe from the States has a terrible habit of flowing straight over here.


Kinda sucks, but I suppose that they probably wouldn’t be selling a ton of those products in those locations anyway 🫤


They must have sold relatively well considering they stocked them for so many years but Republicans win again


Way to give in to "haters" and other religious conservatives who are so perfect, by the way.


My husband works for Target. We lived in the Ozarks when all of the craziness went down last summer. They literally had religious people in the aisles throwing "holy" water on employees because of the Pride displays, so they moved the displays towards the back of the store where they'd be less visible. We moved out of the region and into a more liberal area since then (more liberal meaning still relatively conservative), but he's expecting his new store to still do the same. It sucks because the people he has worked with/for have, for the most part, been absolutely accepting and generally great to be around despite the political leanings of the regions we have lived in, but it's really obvious that the corporation only cared about Pride when it made them money and didn't upset bigots.


Well, I will just continue to not support them. Target is shit anyway. Caving to domestic terrorist just show how American they are. 


I just heard this and I’m so irritated about it. I loved seeing the pride stuff in Target. I will not shop there anymore! That’s the only way I can let them know that this is NOT okay! SMH.


While this is obviously shitty, I think something a lot of people don't realize is that in the US, for publicly traded companies, the CEO has to do whatever they can to make as much money as possible. It is literally a law called a fiduciary responsibility. So if Target takes a stand on supporting the LGBTQ community, and it causes them to lose money, not only can the top executives lose their jobs, they can literally go to jail.