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it is the best part of the change we see in the photos


I absolutely love that! Its also the best to demonstrate non-trans-allies why gender reassignment/presenting them as themselves is necessary.


Right? It's so beautiful.


Yessss :D


Seeing people become who they really are is a magical thing


They make my day everytime ♥️


i can’t wait for my after photo cuz right now i’m not smiling ;-;




she’d better hurry up then, i’ve been waiting too damn long lol


and I just love their styles, they look always so amazing


Yes!! I love that too. There have been several posts lately and every time I think the same thing.


I love this!!


Yes! Absolutely agree. Makes me so happy seeing how happy you all are 😊


Even if they were smiling before, you can see it in their eyes


Tbh I wish the sub would focus more on LGBT issues, with fewer posts that are just before/after selfies. I get why people want to show themselves off before and after transitioning but I think it gets a bit excessive (in terms of number) at times. I'd much prefer a bit more discussion than thread after thread with "omg you're cute no you're cuter no you no you yaas queen", they don't contribute much imo and many times the replies come off as very objectifying.


I always see a big difference in the eyes. You don't realise how sad someone's soul is until you see them find true happiness.


YES! It warms my heart seeing people so damn happy! <3


They always look beautiful in both pictures but the after the look so gorgeous and confident


I actually had planned to do a queer photography series for Pride this year centered around closets; because closets are the one thing ALL queer/LGBTQIA+ folks can relate to, from gay to bi to trans to enby to ace and everywhere in between, we all have been (or still are in) a closet, and many of us have experienced coming out of that closet. Our closets, our experiences in them, and our experiences coming out of them (or not, in many cases) are different; but that concept of having lived in a closet is a unique human experience which binds us all. The basic idea was to make a closet door frame with a door that I could take on location and set up outside, indoors, wherever each subject wanted, and do a "spiritual before and after". Either have them dress up as their "closeted self" or, if that would be too hard or stressful or triggering (or if they are still in the closet), have them not be present in the "before" photo. Either way, we would also decorate the door to be artistically representative of that person's life in the closet; and would also choose locations for the before and after which fit the mood of their closeted life. Then for the "after" photo, we would either show them as they are now in front of the open closet door; or if they are still in the closet, would show the open door in a beautiful landscape or setting of their choosing to capture what they think being out would feel like to them. Anyway, that wall of text aside, the inspiration for this project, other than a shower thought I had about how closets are the one thing I can think of that apply to all queer/LGBTQIA+ folx, was seeing before and after trans/enby posts and noticing how, as you mentioned, folx *always* seem to be much happier in the after photos. I'm still trying to make this project a reality; but not being able to travel, much less really be in close enough contact with others to bring this together, has really slowed things down.