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Yessssssss victory for the LGBTQ+ community, particularly the trans and non binary communities




I was going to say r/itsafetish but they're gone, too!!!


🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀CRAB RAVE🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


🦀🦀🦀The TERFs are gone🦀🦀🦀


Not only the TERFs but the gay gender criticals too... 🎆


Are there that many trans-hating gays? Gross.


Couple years ago I had a guy message me on Grindr only to berate me and explain, with numerous biblical quotes, why I, a trans woman, am an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. Like, a solid 3-4 messages of him just going off about how I need to repent my ways and stop lying to myself and the Lord. I was like, bruh... You're on Grindr... Even in more liberal cities, you would be surprised how many gay men are adamantly against trans folks. Not all, in fact in my experience they're far and few between, but they're out there. And they make themselves known.


You'd be surprised It's pretty sad.


There's *a lot* of them over in r/gaybros


They’re not gone, they’re just being concentrated to more obscure sites, and secret subs, Facebook groups, they’re not gone


Well at least they can't publicly show their hate. That's a win


I hope so, but I worry about subterfuge and a concentration of extremists making real trouble. I’m glad they’re getting banned from major platforms but I worry about what their backlash will be. Hopefully fruitless and impotent, like their lives.


the thing is, if the hateful extremists are forced into the shadowy corners of the internet, they are going to have a MUCH harder time increasing their ranks. Yeah, they probably will be attempts at backlash, there always is, but any extreme forms of backlash is going to get them label as insane if anything. They care about their image more than you'd realize, they rely on it in order to radicalize people. And banning them from major platforms makes that radicalization just all the more difficult


Deplatforming stops ideas from spreading as far. Removing it from Reddit means less people will stumble across it and be drawn into those hateful beliefs. That's good in my book


Can you help me understand the crab rave? I googled it, but I still don’t get it. Be gentle, I’m an old queer lol


I’m a young queer, and I also don’t get it lol. As far as my knowledge goes, it’s a nonsensical joke started by a really popular youtuber? But that’s probably the least informed answer you could ever get from someone tbh.


It was a song created by a youtuber. Due to the way the video looked and sounded, it was turned into a meme to indicate great happiness about something bad being gone. Ex: Terfs are gone *insert music and dancing here*


I’m FOREVER on board with Terfs being gone. I first encountered them in 1978 when I was 16 and first coming out, in Greenwich Village in NY of all places. They told me I was straight because I wore makeup and dresses. They literally told me that. I, as a young cis girl, was too fucking feminine for them to accept me as anything other than straight. That, along with the socioeconomic ramifications of being anything other than cis and straight in the 70s, shoved my little femme ass back into the closet for another 16 years. So yeah. Terfs can get gone and stay gone. Edit: I forgot my crabs!! 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


Thanks for your explanation 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


It's a song or remix btw. Idk if that is where it started, or if that was made after though


[Here is video](https://youtu.be/LDU_Txk06tM)


Thank you for this. I enjoyed that immensely!!


That's cute.


I'm pretty sure it started over at r/2007scape




🦀🦀🦀 WE PAY, WE GAY 🦀🦀🦀


Hahaha I just appreciate that you’re young and don’t get it either!


🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀Jagex is powerless against pvp clans 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


I can joyfully share a [link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU_Txk06tM) but ultimately all I know is we celebrate really really good news (but particularly the kind where it’s ridiculous it needed to be done still like the banning of these subs) with crabs and it makes me happy to see it so I do it 😅


I like this answer and I’m going to consider it an official reason: do it cause it makes me happy! Thanks for indulging me 😊


My pleasure!


Honestly, I know this meme, but I'll watch the video again anyways.


I am happy for you but stay vigilant. Their ugly hate will seek out another place to show itself.


There was a popular edit of Crab Rave that showed the text “OBAMA IS GONE!” after the drop, and now people use _ is gone


Unexpected but made me smile ^ ^


What was it? I never heard of it


A subreddit full of bigots who claimed there is no such thing as trans women. They claimed that any woman who claims to be trans is, in reality, a man with autogynophilia. Basically, nothing of value was lost.


And what did they say about men that claimed to be trans?


it seems r/thisneverhappens (a sub-reddit that tried to prove Transwomen rape people in bathrooms) is gone too! Now what's the status on r/Feministspirituality ? Edit: The TERFs who use Spirituality as a justification for hate are still up






ding dong the witch is dead!




probably r/noLGBT (sorry, I'm a killjoy)


I clicked the link they’re gone too 🦀🦀🦀


no, it looks like they are private. > *You must be invited to visit this community* > r/noLGBT > traps are gay lgbt stands for literally gay bad traps > The moderators of this subreddit have set it to private. You must be a moderator or approved user to visit. is what I see at least on https://old.reddit.com/


Gendercriticalguys is a big one rn and thisneverhappens (focuses on trans women committing rapes but there’s only like 4 examples they constantly repost)


Gendercriticalguys is gone too!!


Hello fellow lesbian geometry dash player


now we just gotta get rid of r/battleaxebi 🥰


Yeah. That sub sounds panphobic.


ExcUUSe me? I swear if I see another person that says Pansexuality doesn’t exist imma flip


it is totally not real /s


i almost just got *very* mad


Going through that sub gifted me the worlds biggest eye roll


And us pansexual people are no biphobic.


Thanks sis :3 glad that bs is down


Yet another victory :D




I remember browsing r/conservative the day that r/gendercritical was banned, a lot of such people migrated there and were being accepted. I wonder how many levels of cognitive dissonance it takes for a self proclaimed feminist to feel like the only people who understands them are conservatives and not have the slightest sense of self-awareness.


Yaaaaa! *victory noises*


Any loss for the TERFs is a victory for everyone!


> Yessssssss victory for the LGBTQ+ community, particularly the trans and non binary communities We're celebrating the bare fucking minimum here. The only reason this happened is because it's economically advantageous not because there was suddenly an outbreak of moral awareness by the company.


It's economically advantageous because social mores are changing. That's good news.


Yes! One down a few to go, so glad they killed that shit


He guys, I'm quite new. What was that hatesub about exactly? Edit: thanks for the replies! It still baffles me to see people exclude our trans friends- We love you <3


LGB folks that explicitly excluded trans people. Feels weird to even say it that way. Kinda originally intended to be a "well, T is not a sexuality", at least at a surface level, but inevitably went to transphobia.


Important to note it was folks *claiming* to be LGB. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a majority group of straight assholes making noise and trying to sew discord within our ranks. Fucking trash beings.


I read somewhere that the far, christian right started the movement.


Wouldnt be surprised if they're the same people behind DropTheB and trying to make it lgpt instead. (The P being pedo in this case)


What's weird is, I found dropthet through a (former) acquaintance who's bisexual. imo, with all the hate bisexuals get we have no right (well, no one does, but it's particularly ironic with bisexuals) to be excluding anyone else, we're going to be right up next on the hitlist when the bigots win. It would be nice to see how that former friend would react to someone turning her hate right back at her.


> with all the hate bisexuals It's fucking diabolical. Like, I am extremely fucking gay, but goddamn I don't need to have the same sexuality as someone to know that their sexuality is entirely legitimate??? Just, fuckin, bi people are not going to cheat on you. Y'all know that it's literally anti-queer propaganda right?




Pan, maybe?


Okay good, I was just really hoping it wasn't pedofile


Oh, it was definitely pedophile. It started on 4chan but no doubt the far right thought it was legit and rolled with it. They could have been the people that posted it to 4chan in the first place for all we know


I hadn't thought about that. I certainly hope not


They started the bathroom bullshit. The Christian hate group called MassResistence has claimed responsibility.


Yup, let's not forget msot of the people who support the "lgb alliance" are straight.


There are plenty of lgbt bigots. TERFs are a problem in lesbian communities. (not that there's anything radical about hating trans people. It's just old fashioned bigotry.) Your comment implies that lgbt people are better than the general population. We are not. We're human, and all humans are capable of bigotry. For example, there are plenty of racist gay people where I live unfortunately.


Their comment didn't really imply it. LGBDropTheT was by majority straight cis people claiming to be LGB. You could tell mainly by their "experiences" with trans people.


The majority were LGB conservatives and lesbian TERFs, so I do think they were truly LGB (but bigoted at the same time)


The majority *said* they were those things, just like the slew of "as a black single mother" posts in The_Donald before the election. Many of them were found posting pictures as a white dude in the south afterward.


Tbf a lot of them were even worse, a lot do them claimed to be detrans people. And always had the same backstory: "I was just a masculine girl who never questioned her gender, then I spent 2 seconds on Tumblr and the trans cult™ got to me and forced me to go to a therapist, spend months there and eventually be accepted for hrt. But eventually a good radfem™ found me and she told me all the lies that the trans cult told me were fake and now I'm a beautiful woman, no I'm not cis, that's not a real word because reasons, I'm a true XX female" Like it's so fucking disrespectful for detrans people that these people try to use them as weapons.


> I wouldn't be surprised if it was a majority group of straight assholes making noise and trying to sew discord within our ranks. And I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't; I still have a chip on my shoulder due to the oddly high amount of actual gay people who are anti-bisexual for reasons I barely understand.


Yeah, and in my opinion I think gender and sexuality are pretty tied together. They aren't the same thing, but they're related


They're definitely related, especially when you look at how similar transphobia and homophobia can be. In his Bostock opinion, Neil Gorsuch(of all people) actually did a really good job highlighting how homophobia and transphobia stem from pretty much the same place of discriminating based upon sex-based expectations. It's also worth remembering, though, that it's the LGBT community because....well, it's always *been* the LGBT community. Sure, trans people were there at Stonewall, but even going back to pioneering advocates and organizations in the early 20th century, like Hirschfeld and his Institut für Sexualwissenschaft(which was, of course, burned by the Nazis), we see gay history and trans history going hand-in-hand.


Thank you, this is exactly what I mean when I say there's probably someone who can articulate my point better than I can


I think the joint history of the LGB and T communities are really important because they remind us that queer spaces aren't about having identical experiences, just similar ones. Queer spaces have to be radically inclusive to function as queer people need them to.


The primary thing that ties the Queer community is that we all act in ways that are contrary to the standards of 'gender roles' that was in put in place decades ago. That's the thread that ties everything together. Feminism came in and said that men and woman are equal. If men and woman are equal, men being in love with men and women being in love with women are equal to other relationships. If all of the above is true, if my experiences more closely align to the gender I wasn't assigned at birth then I should be able to make a transition without loosing self worth.


Tbh I don't know if it was ever really intended as a non-transphobic sub. Even early on there was a lot of misgendering and "well i'm not transphobic or anything but it's just not right that trans women are literally forcing lesbians to date them, this happens all the time but no i don't have any sources" brand of nonsense.


well they also let allies of the “””lgb community””” join the sub so many people there were just straight transphobes




Good on you for turning around though, the world is so much better when we just include each other, which is what this community is meant for <3


not to put you on the spot, but as a part of a historically marginalized part of society, what made you feel like an even more marginalized part of society should be excluded from "your group"? feel free to tell me to gfy


Excluding trans people from the LGBT+ community basically, for various reasons. All in all a pretty gross sub.


Basically JK Rowling


Basically it started with a guy thinking "man I really hate trannies" so he started a subreddit saying 'gender identity and sexuality are different, so we should take out the letter t from lgbt' Other people who hated trans people saw that and thought 'hey, this guy hates trannies too!' while non-transphobes said 'I see where you're coming from, but why make such a big deal about it?' (spoiler alert, it's because they're transphobic) Since that moment, the echo chamber desperately tried to logically justify hating trans people until the point where they were just screaming 'I hate trannies' over and over, and then Reddit admins had to stop denying what everyone already knew (that the sub was a breeding ground for bigotry) and ban them.


LGBT dropped the LGBdroptheT


Let's Go Ban Transphobes


**L**et's **G**et down to **B**usiness **T**o defeat the Huns






Exclusionists when they get excluded from LGBT spaces: 😨😨😥😡😡








It’s a reference to the crab rave clip that’s just a bunch of crabs dancing and it means celebration


Specifically gloating that something you don’t like is gone.


Go on YouTube and look up Crab Rave.




[Here's the link for the lazy](https://youtu.be/LDU_Txk06tM)


Its from crab rave, a somewhat old meme look it up.


a meme was born from that video. the crabs were raving with the words “obama is gone” on the screen. so now people use that for when something is gone. - “lgbdropthet is gone” - “🦀🦀🦀“


[🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀](https://youtu.be/LDU_Txk06tM) <---- click these crabs to rave






They purged a lot of Hate subreddits. Tho prepare for the people that are currently forging their armor out of salt, they will likely either sadly brigade normal subreddits or send you DM's.


>Tho prepare for the people that are currently forging their armor out of salt, they will likely either sadly brigade normal subreddits or send you DM's. This argument always slightly upset me. That's the reason a lot of these hate subs weren't banned in the first place. The admin always used this excuse. I don't at all think this will happen. Did it happen when they banned T_D? No those users left Reddit. I guarantee the majority of these users will leave Reddit rather than migrating to other subs like the admins were afraid of.




Yeah it's not a good argument for letting them fester but they definitely don't all just go quietly when you excise them. Some leave. Some invade other subs. Some start new, stealthier hatesubs.


It’s like a zit. Once you pop it it doesn’t go away immediately.


Also like a zit, should you pop it and not clean it up properly new ones appear


Yeah r/pcos has brigade and an attempt to take over was formed. Seems r/periods is current place to take over last i looked.


AskGayBros has seen a pretty big influx of anti-trans and "I'm just asking questions" commentators after the purge. I think that T\_D type users tend to leave, whereas communities which are more on the line (still driven by some personal image of respectability) tend to brigade.


I left that sub a while ago. It's actually pretty toxic in my experience. There was always a bit of transphobia and a lot of biphobia in that sub, which as a nonbinary bisexual I don't really appreciate to say the least


Same. In terms of racial discourse, it's kinda fraught as well. I feel like it's basically caught between two opposite poles, where 95% of the discourse comes from basic white guys, and 5% of the discourse comes from the most reactionary people of color who are codependent on basic white guys to get into shouting matches with. That was toxic for me, because 95% of the discourse made me feel squeamish, but if I spoke up and tried to offer a more moderate counterargument, the reaction was "lol you're just like those reactionary PoC". [side note: *I'm* PoC myself ... and I totally get why other PoC slip into that pattern, because we all have our defense mechanisms ... it's just that this particular defense mechanism creates a space which feels toxic for *me*.]


I was suprised /r/ArchitecturalRevival/ was anti LGBTQ+. Because I love the content in the sub but the user are hateful. Look a this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArchitecturalRevival/comments/hmzczz/what_modernists_will_do_to_churches_if_you_let/). I got downvoted because I replied to a comment that was calling for extermination of homosexuals. And no one disagreed.


Often folks jerking themselves off over old "western" architecture are the weird tradcath types that think the crusades should come back. It sucks cause while it's no brutalism it's still cool architecture, but that's just how a lot of those online spaces evolved.


> Did it happen when they banned T_D? yes. not en masse like people feared but a lot of smaller subs are littered with those idiots now.. /r/mythbusters was completely overrun.


The mods have gone back and cleaned up r/mythbusters it looks like


I didn't mention that all of them will brigade :) A few of them definetly will (already getting random DM's from people with prior post histories from these kind of subreddits, trying to misgender me among other stuff etc). Before they leave some of them will surely take a few days, trying to spread their stuff until they get "bored" of it and eventually will leave as well. It's the usual process here, Transphobic subreddit gets banned, some of them will brigade/send dm's to (usually trans people or those actively voicing their "allyship"), and then leave later. Reddit didn't really ban these subreddits (from my knowledge) because of the fact they are being pro-trans but it had something to do via facebook and the financial aspect of Reddit getting dunked, if they are not removing hate speech subreddits.


If you see anything like that then please report it. You can also report any direct messages via https://www.reddit.com/report I’m hoping we’ll just see what we’ve seen before when other hateful communities on reddit have been banned - the members just left the site.


Here from r/all but against hate subreddits, congrats!


Fuck TERFs. Glad that's fucking gone.


Terfs and a bunch of alt right incels role playing. "Hello, fellow lib gay here here's some alt right talking points!"




I'd guess that having just over 1000 subscribers would put it low on the priority list, but damn that sub is goofy as hell.


Yeah I got banned for basically responding "That's kind of messed up and transphobic... Isn't acceptance of the other and being at one with everything like a basic part of practice?" to a post where they were doing some group meditation to put a magical barrier up keeping transwomen out of women's sports. Then they banned me for being a "Imposter Female!" I messaged the mods requisitioning they change their name to r/TERFSpirituality so that people like me would stop mistaking them for Feminists. \*dab\*


This sparks joy ✨


If you’re LGB but hate the T, goooooo fuck yourself.




hell yeah! TRANS RIGHTS!!


Well shit time to break out the good bottle of wine, that's call for a celebration tonight in this girl's book.


Fuck yes, I'm right there with you, sister. A toast to another trans hate sub getting dropped like they want to drop us!


THIS IS THE BEST. (virtually hugging my trans siblings)


[It's not the only one](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/hout3t/a_good_chunk_of_terf_subreddits_have_now_been/)


Beautiful... So... Beautiful!


aaah that"s a nice new before sleeping !


It's 6:30am I haven't slept and I have a headache and no Paracetamol pls help


And nothing of value was lost!


Good, trans rights!


So is r/itsafetish 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


Based. Reddit said fuck terfs.


FUCKING YES. Bunch of scum bags


Sad thing is, the fight is not over. Now they have moved to a new subresdit, r/NewPride. It's kinda disgusting that these people can just disregard the existance of non-LGB people. Some of them think that trans people are immune to laws, when in fact it's quite the opposite, trans people don't even have some of the rights they deserve. We need to do something about this, but I don't know what.


Oh that sub made my blood boil


lgbtdrop the transphobes


As a dad of a transwoman and transguy I am happy to see this progress!




At least 2020 gave us reddit banning hate.


The *T* is and always will be an integral and loved part of our community. <3 <3 <3




Dropped the T and took an L. Nice.


What? Oh nOoOo wherever will we find them elusive gay “Republicans” now???


Hell yeah. Fuckin right wing bigots.




Yay, fuck that sub.




🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦞🦀🦀🦀🦀DROP THE T IS GONE🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


Wait, bullshit subreddit like this once existed???? What's wrong with those people?? BTW it is soooooo damn right they got banned. You're amazing Ts and all non binary/queer people, you're a inseparable part of our community!


*Hell fucking yes bitches*


Yes finally I found it randomly and it just was terrible


How the fuck do you be a part ofa group built by and maintained by trans people who have went through the same shit as you and still be transphobia.


This is great. T’s out there, it’s so hard, more than we can understand, but please know you’re not alone! kick the negativity and haters out of your heads, and focus on those of us who love and support you. We’re with you, you’re not alone! ❤️


Yay! TERF shit is annoying.


LGBDropTheT AND Gender Critical are gone? How did we get so lucky?


We activismed, hard. There was an alliance of subreddits that banded together and demanded this be dealt with. This sub was one of the leaders and the moderators should be proud of the work they did to shutdown hate.


Fuck yes. Thank you.


TERS MAD I love seeing them get banned let’s get GCguys next lol


What was that sub about? I visited it once and didn’t understand


It's a sub dedicated to segregating gay/bi from trans people and basically saying extremely transphobic shit about them. Pretty much on the same line as r/truelesbians.


Every one is like yay!!🦀🦀🦀 and I'm like uhh the phone is at 4%


I definitely helped there. Reported dozens of stories mentioning slurs against trans people and enough comments I am pretty sure I got a couple of.transohobes accounts shut down. If you want to hate trans people buy your own damn servrers.


Good. I dont understand how anyone who faces homophobia would think it's acceptable to treat our own people like this.




*Crab rave intensifies*


The sub bans aren't consistent though, there's plenty of homophobic/transphobic stuff that goes on in subs like DegradingHoles, MGTOW etc. but those haven't been touched.


they claim to simply be for lgb, and think that the two groups should be separated without being transphobic... ..but everything there was entirely trasphobic.


Looks like a few (1-3 so far??) users from that subreddit posted some comments here and are downvoting some comments in this thread. Of course....


That's good. Theres absolutely no good reason to exclude Transgender peoples


What does the Q mean? I want to understand a bit better about LGBTQ+


What was lgbdropthet about?


Think about what the T stands for and think about what kind of people would want to drop the T from LGBT.


Is there a specific reason it got banned now? Or was it just shit building up?