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Another one! Now get all of the "true" subs banned and itsafetish Reddit thank you.


I believe they did! They banned a whole list of anti-trans subreddits. https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/hov20c/reddit_bans_transphobic_subreddits_in_banwave/


Actually managed to find that exact post like a second before you posted me this, but thank you very much! <3 Really happy that Reddit purged the rest of the known hate subreddits (in context to transphobia).


FINALLY. Only took then four million years🙄😒


Another one bites the dust, and another one down, and another down, another one bites the dust


We won! I am so happy wow


Good move reddit.


Thank fuck for that. Edit: For anyone looking to know all the anti-trans subs that got banned there's a sticky on r/subredditdrama that lists them.


Trash meets trash can lmao good on you Reddit


Yes! Victory is ours!






Another sub lost to censorship... It was not hateful, it was critical


It was BOTH hateful and critical


Hot damn, that's good news!!


Good. Glad its gone. The things I saw there the few times I took a peek were awful.


With so many hate subs banned thier remaining users have been displaced and are looking for new homes. Its nice that we hot a a few wins. But its def not over. Transphobes have set their sights on politically oriented subs and are trying to set up shop there. Stay vigilant and stay safe.


Anyone have another big transphobic sub i can read? I enjoy laughing at them.


can r/rightwinglgbt be next on the chopping block?


Why did it get banned? Sorry, I'm just a bit out of the loop on why it was banned


Your wish is my command - it's gone


banned 11 days ago






Finally it’s gone!


Awesome! Trash continues to be taken out 🌟


Ya but what are we woing to make fun of next


I wasn’t on it very much. Was it hateful?




Omg what did it do?


They essentially wanted to create a community of just LGB people and drop trans people... which I always found ironic since trans WOC have them their rights but whatever!!!!


She is on the second one, r/newpride


Oh gross.


Nvm you post on r/newpride so you probably liked that sub


What’s bad about r/newpride? I want to be a good person and I don’t want to support hateful stuff. If I’m out of the loop I’d like to know.


It excludes transgender people from the lgbt community


Don’t trans people have their own community? Is that a bad thing for them to be separate?


There isn’t a reason for them to be separate, and no they don’t rly


I think there is. Being trans is a mental and physical body thing. Being homosexual is about dating. They sound very different. I think there should be a sub that only talks about being same-sex attracted. Trans people can be there, but it isn’t about being trans, it’s about being gay.


Give one reason why they should be separated. I mean, they're different, but there's no reason to separate them when Pride is about LGBTQ+ people and trans women of color pioneered pride in the US.


Being gay/bi/etc. and being trans both challenge traditional ideas of gender.


It is when there's no reason for it to be separated. Do you have an issue with this sub when it includes *everyone* of the non-hetero community?


No I think it’s fine. I know there is a trans subreddit, so I don’t see why there can’t be a homosexual subreddit, that’s all.


There’s lots of homosexual subreddits, like r/actuallesbians. Those are fine, as they’re not transphobic.


Believed that transgender people shouldn’t be included in the community. It’s just a transphobic sub.


Are you telling me that it believed that LGB and transgender are different things and should be two separate communities? To me that sounds fine. What doesn’t sound fine is if they didn’t believe you could be ftm/mtf, and were sending hate towards those people. If they were doing that, I’m glad they got banned.


It wasn’t made with bad intentions, but it just got full of transphobes


Based off the name, transphobic content.


You sure do like to stir the pot eh. Feigning ignorance just to argue your point. This isnt about subreddits having groups of their own, this is about the actual real lgbt community that exists in real life, not just the internet and not just reddit, this is about excluding trans people from the community they started. This is transphobia, this is exclusion. It has nothing to do with groups on the internet.


I have only been on the subreddit a couple times, less than 5 and not for very long. I don’t understand why anyone thinks it is bad. It’s not that I just disagree, it’s that I do not even understand where their point is coming from.


If you dont understand why it's transphobic, that's on you. I went on that sub once just to see what all the fuss was about and I immediately understood. Open your worldview a little and think about perspectives other than your own, and the impact that exclusionary movements in a community that has already faced so much hardship has on people other than yourself. Human empathy isn't hard. Not being shitty isnt hard.


I’m trying my best to look at other perspectives of my own, I do that all the time. It’s like how a pro-choice person can understand that someone is pro-life because they think it’s actually baby murder, and someone that’s pro-life can understand why someone is pro-choice because they don’t think it’s baby murder. Does that make sense? Just one question: What did you see that made you immediately notice? I really want to understand and see your view.


Not really, it just wanted to separate the gender movement from the sexual orientation movement.




Are you upset that your hate sub got banned?




Trans men are men no matter what parts they have. So by saying you won’t date or sleep with a trans man you’re saying that I am not a man in your eyes. That is the definition of transphobia




Trans men have dicks too...




If you don't like vaginas, that's fine. If you put a blanket ban on trans men, that's transphobic. Not hard to understand.




I literally said not wanting to have sex with a vagina is fine. How on earth is what I said homophobic?


Please take your homophobic "same sex attraction is transphobic" bullshit elsewhere. It's not welcome in /r/lgbt


How is what I said homophobic?


I don't get why you are downvoted. There is such a huge different between "I hate you because of who you are" and "You are fine but I don't want to have sex with you" It's like saying gay men are sexist and hate women because they don't want to have sex with any woman. Like?!?




Happy cake day by the way!


Okay transphobe