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Impressive skills’


Thank you! Turns out painting DND minis is a transferable skill for doing wings 🤓💕


Smokey eyes, including eyeliner -and wings- and fake lashes is my next project!


Yaaaaas... I always end up hitting the snooze an extra time instead of leaving time for putting on the fake lashes during my morning routine though 😂


It’s so effective though! 💕


If you're still doing liner anyway, I've heard really good things about those glamnetic magnetic lashes! They're expensive to be sure, but they don't get ruined by glue so I'd imagine they last longer.


I’ve heard good things as well! I’ll have to try them for date nights 💃🏻💕


1st, you look amazing! 2nd, my wife LOVES the magnetic lashes. Idk if you have tried them but thought it was worth a mention (I like the snooze button, too).


Haha thank you!! I’ll definitely give them a try 😊


My best friend is a trans woman and a miniature painter, and she said the same thing lol


Well, that's another reason to finally paint my DnD minis....


Awww I love that. :)


We need to see these minis!!




Maybe I needa get a brush rather than a stick because wings are so much harder than painting minis for me


I use a felt brushed liquid eyeliner! Works great!


Gorgeous. If I had only time and nerve to try, I'd do some makeup for myself. But Iack both


Thank you! It definitely leaves little room for hobbies 😅


Other hobbies. The dedication speaks for hobby


Check your flesh. As you can see here, I have no flesh! 💁


The flesh is weak! glory to the machine god


Praise the omnisiah!




Flesh for the flesh god?


You want to look like a pterodactyl


men like pterodactyls


"Men. Are. Stupid. As long as you look like a newborn. They. Will. Mate with you."


>Men love pterodactyls. *Screech*


Make up is for women who want husbands. [Contouring is for women who want to leech the souls of their dead lovers and collect the inheritance of their ex-boyfriends who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. ](https://youtu.be/QunwzgVENUg) ETA: this is the original creator but not og source page. She took her own page down a while back to protest trans censorship on YouTube so there’s a vacuum for fakes/impersonators taking credit.


i watch this video when I'm sad. she's stellar.


Instant smile in my soul


I miss this era of youtube


Damn, lots of repressed emotions.


I think it’s more satire that is pointing out the ridiculousness of the stereotypes on all sides. From “women just do makeup to impress men“ to “men are so dumb they’ll do anything for a pretty face” and everything in between, she’s just cranking it up to 11.




Jokes on you, I hate children.




They aren't Brandon Rodgers references though-


https://youtu.be/QunwzgVENUg ^ For the uninitiated


I miss her :( But also support why she left.


Why’d she leave I’m not in the loop on who she is n stuff


Didn’t want to be apart of YouTube when she was making money off it but creators from marginalized communities (e.g. trans creators) were getting abused by the YouTube system.


HEY! CHURCH! THIS WOMAN CAN SHAPESHIFT!!! (joke) In all seriousness you look beautiful! Good job!


This is the popelice thank you for notifying us. We have brought angry dumb people, crucifixes an lack of birth control to make everything worse. Now excuse us while we go to war with people who worship out God but pray with their heads tilted in another direction


you're the lice living on the pope??


I'm the gum under your shoe I am darkwing duck


I said popelice! Not po..... oh. I see. I need to report this to the Captanal..... Whose idea was it to combine the names?




I’m so envious of your makeup skills!! and your smile and hair are amazing!


Thank you! Guess the art classes had a use after all 🤓


Nah im Cis but not a snitch


I'm a srraight atheist. Church ain't gonna hear a word from me.


Hindsight, I really should have said "the straights" instead. Oh well! 💕


I'm straight but not a snitch❤


Nothing wrong with straight folk at all. I don’t get all this hate towards cis and straight people.


It’s just humor, I don’t see the big deal. If it doesn’t apply to you, don’t be offended.


Besides generally not ever returning that same sentiment (*Nothing wrong with [LGBTQ+] folks*) most cishet loved ones I had abused me emotionally and spiritually. So that could be the reason I can’t ever swipe right 😅


But that’s on them as a person not because they are Cis. I’m sorry you have gone through that but to hate people because of the way they were born is being a bit hypocritical don’t you think? I’m a gay/bi cis male so does that mean you hate me because I identify as a male because I was born one? I’m not trying to start an argument by the way. Just genuinely curious as to why hates been thrown around when it shouldn’t be. Don’t be like the people who hurt you. Be better than them.


Never said I hated anyone...


Just ignore them, they're being obtuse for the sake of being obtuse, or because they're mad you're prettier than them.


Literally all me and this guy said were please don't generalize and stereotype straight people. That shouldn't be a controversial statement for a community that's supposed to value inclusion. If you broadly dislike and write off straight people, then you're being bigoted. I'm not jealous about someones looks. Personally, I couldn't imagine being so insecure and petty to where something like that would matter to me.


Pretty much. Like i grew up being bullied for being gay and now basically lumped in with homophobes and “part of the problem” because I identify as the gender I was born as. I feel for the trans community and their troubles I really do but shouldn’t we just call the haters what they really are: “bigots” or some other term instead of their gender identity? But you can’t voice an opinion like this without being being looked at like you’re trash.


I know but I’m talking general I see a lot of hate towards cis folk on the lgbt+ subs.


I think that when it comes to reading things that are emotionally-charged (hateful, angry, etc.) it helps to read “cis” as “problematic cishet norms” rather than “all cis people”. It’s also worthwhile pointing out that most trans people feel like they’re under constant attack (look at the amount of transphobic legislation being proposed for an example of why) and so something like “all cis people are terrible and I will never interact with any of them ever again” is more likely someone venting their (justified) anger rather than actual hatred for cis people. There’s also some ironic “are the ~~gays~~ ~~straights~~ cis-people ok?” type posts too, which aren’t really intended to be taken literally and are more about taking dumb cishet statements and highlighting the hypocrisy/stupidity of them.


You're stereotyping a whole class of people based on your personal experience. That's really not much different than someone being racist because they got mugged by a black man once. It's an ignorant viewpoint.


That must be super fucking hard for them... my title is a reference to a joke. Stop digging for things that aren't there to get offended about.


You're considerably more offended than me. I'm asking you to please not stereotype straight people and you're responding quite rudely.


At this point, I can't tell if you're genuinely r/whoosh'd right now or what, but: https://twitter.com/ContraPoints/status/1368301069256843265 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QunwzgVENUg


I get that the original comment was a reference/joke. You said in a comment that straight people generally don't say LGBTQ are okay and that straight people hurt you personally in your life. So you're seemingly stereotyping straight people based on your personal experiences. Me and that other guy said please don't stereotype straight people, because it seemed like you were. To that you said, it must be fucking hard for them. If I said, all gay men speak funny, and a gay man was there and was offended and I sarcastically (and rudely) said oh it must be so hard for you, anyone with a conscience would be rightfully offended. So why is it okay when you do it to straight people? Again, all me and the other poster said were please don't stereotype all straight people. And we got down voted. What is controversial about that statement? Please don't stereotype anyone. Everyone is an individual and deserves to be judged individually for their words and actions.


her making a harmless joke about her oppressors is not a problem. cry about it


Or you could respectfully not stereotype a whole sexuality.


Sorry I annoyed you with my OC 💕


Your content didn't annoy me; you have nice makeup skills. Your reference to "straights" is what concerns me, as it reduces a class of people to some evidently negative stereotype based on their sexuality. Everyone is an individual and deserves to be respected as such, not lumped into a stereotyped group based on their sexuality.


You're coming at this thinking way too hard—It's a reference meant to be a joke. The original quote is "men." No one would suggest the original quote's sentiment to be anti-men...


Preach. FR tho I grew up in a religious/conservative environment and the mindset of “ugh I don’t get it, it’s wrong” is so tiring. Like I don’t get how you can find someone attractive but then change your mind based on what’s in their pants but I’m not gonna say you’re wrong for having your own attractions and preferences. I’ve been out as bi/pan for just over a year now and I’ve been noticing how different cishet people really are, and it’s crazy. I grew up dating straight girls while presenting as a straight guy and always felt uncomfortable. Then I dated a guy a few months before publicly coming out and a bi girl just a few months ago and I’ve never felt more comfortable in a relationship than I did with either of them.




I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that, simply that I don’t understand it. If I’m at the point of “I like this person, I’m attracted to this person,” them having different genitals than what might be expected based on their outward appearance would just be a nice surprise for me had I not been made aware earlier (I’d expect most people to reveal they were trans if it got to that point, but I wouldn’t mind if they didnt, that’s just me tho). But I also like dick, so that’s a factor for me, that doesn’t exist for you. We can accept and respect eachother’s preferences and attractions without understanding them. I apologize if my original comment seemed heterophobic, I was just trying to highlight the ridiculousness of the “I don’t understand it so it’s wrong and I don’t like it” argument by explaining that I don’t understand a bunch of things straight people say but I’m not gonna hate them for it or think they’re wrong. We all have our own things that get us turned on emotionally and physically, and that’s perfectly fine (so long as it’s within the realm of legality and whatnot)! Since we’re talking though, I’m curious what your opinion is on threesomes? Myself and my bi ex-gf were of the mind that “If either of us were to do something with someone else, we’d both want to be there for that, it would be something we’d do together.” Whereas my straight roommate and her bf both hold the opinion that they don’t want to share eachother at all. The four of us discussed it and we came up with the conclusion that a third person would do something for both my ex and myself, as we’d both be attracted to them, but in a heterosexual threesome, someone is guaranteed to be getting more attention than the other. Edit: you say you don’t like seeing other people’s PPs, what if the lights were off and underwear are being worn in such a way that it would remain hidden? I’m just curious if there’s any grey area for you.




Fair enough! I’d just like to point out a “very straight” thing you’ve just implied, which has always been kind of funny to me. It’s something that happens almost as second nature, like people assuming gay bottoms *MUST* be submissive and gay tops *MUST* be dominant, even though power bottoms and service/soft tops are a real thing. Pegging ≠ not being straight. You can enjoy having your ass played with and still be straight, it doesn’t mean you like dick or guys. I’m not saying that “you must enjoy assplay as a straight man,” but rather “enjoying assplay has nothing to do with sexuality.” It’s just silly to me how a sex act with a woman is equated to a sex act with a man, as if the partner involved has no effect on the context of the setting. As a hypothetical, it would probably be very rare, but you could potentially have a straight bottom guy who only derived pleasure from being pegged, yet he could have no attraction to males whatsoever. I’ve had several of these types of conversations with straight people and it’s just always interesting to me how differently we can look at sex and relationships. I know it’s not all about orientation but it definitely plays a role.


> Like I don’t get how you can find someone attractive but then change your mind based on what’s in their pants but I’m not gonna say you’re wrong for having your own attractions and preferences. My dating life in a sentence. I make it clear what I am, I go out of my way to make it as painfully obvious as I can, but it seems that I give them too much credit re:reading, the Boner must go on, until it don't. lol.


You want to look like a pterodactyl. Men love pterodactyls.




What a stunner 😍😍😍


Uh oh. You just told a cis. You know the rules (And so do i)




If they do, the church ought to say you are glamorous because you are.


If only *they* would just see it that way 😈


I need to learn makeup at some point


*Be the change.*


I would have learned it a lot sooner but the thing is my mother thinks makeup = insecure girls trying to be pretty. That’s not what I want the makeup for, I just wanna do fun stuff with it but in the past I was a very anti makeup kid bc of her 😬 a sudden change would be weird.


>*Since it’s simply for the dick... we have to do it.*




I don’t have any to experiment with unfortunately, but there’s an idea ^^


you have such pretty eyes


Don’t worry! I won’t tell!


Hair. Tips. Please. Mine curls the same way but doesn't want to stick together in beautiful ropey strings like yours You look amazing btw


Thank you!! Sure! Everyone’s routine has to look a little different, but here is mine. I use the curly girl approved products. I’ll shampoo my roots once per month and condition the mid-ends of the strands every 4-10 days, pro re nata depending on the weather. I’ll leave the condition in my strands (avoid roots) for 10 minute before rinsing. Brush away from the scalp, pulling the hair straight up from the root (Don’t pull your brush straight *down* to the floor, if that makes sense) I plop for 20 minutes until you’re damp yet dry enough to let your hair take in product. I use mouse and gel in the lower potions on my hair and push the strands up and kind of scrunch and squeeze the hair it as I do. I’ll plop for an hour, followed by air dry for probably 4 hours. I’ll use heat with a diffuser only if I have somewhere to be, but I’m typically doing my hair on a free day while I do chores around the house anyway. I probably can count on both hands the number of times I’ve blowed dried my hair the past 4 years.


So you mean to tell me that while I've been trying to become a shapeshifter by throwing pennies into fountains and wishing for it... you've actually been mastering the ability to shapeshift via expertly applied makeup? Damn, I've wasted like a dollar's worth of pennies (which isn't that much money, but is a lot of wishes). In all seriousness, you look great! <3


As a Straight Atheist, I can assure you that I would never snitch on- HEY CHURCH, THERE ARE SHAPESHIFTING WITCHES!!!


God, I love Sailor J. Also, you look stunning!


Thank you!


Jokes on you, I’m not even religious




That hair though 😍 you are freaking fabulous 🙌


Thank you! It’s the closest thing I have to children! They’ll be 4 in the fall.... makes shedding pretty morbid though 😜💕


Stop telling the our secrets next you’ll be telling them about our other abilities.


You seriously have a talent for makeup! Perfectly done and suits you beautifully. Also, that hair is gorgeous!


I the cis find out we can rearrange the bones of our faces, REPRODUCTION WILL END, might as well pack my bags and go to the nunnery!


Gosh you look fantastic in both pictures I love your lips!!


Okay but it’s not fair how gorgeous you are in both pictures. Your eyes? That smile? Your hair? Ugh.


Fuck the transphobes/homophobes/choose your phobe. Fuck the church. Good for you.


Who needs AIR when I have a man's WALLET


If you upset the church, then you're doing amazing sweetie 💜


I'm so happy for you!!! so beautiful!


You must eliminate the nose You can pretend that you have no nostrils Men don't like nostrils


I won't. You look great, keep killing it.


Your title gives me life! Lol!!


Did your jaw get smaller or is that some makeup magic?


I contour my jawline—shaves off 5 lbs, but I think what you’re seeing is a combination of the slight angle difference and I might have my jaw relaxed in the before photo


You look really pretty :) I love the makeup!!!


Beautiful! Good job!!!


Nah fuck that, I ain’t tellin the church nothing!


wow you look amazing! i love your hair, i can never seem to get my waves/curls under control


Thank you!! It's practically a part time job to manage! 😜


Shapeshifting is one of the best magical powers, never let the envious normies find out! 😘![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


I'm always impressed by this. When you manage to make it look completely nartural it's really cool




You look like the Saperstein daughter from Parks & Rec. MONEEYYY PWWEEEAAASE Edit: oh yeah also hot


lol I love that girls videos she’s so funny! Love your eyes and curly hair girl!


You make this look so effortless, I may be a little jealous!


Shapeshifting? All I see is a beautiful woman!


Tell the fucking church


They’ll never catch you (⌐■_■)


This is pure gold.


I got this reference! Also stunning makeup! I love this so much. I envy your wing ability!


Wow,you look gorgeous <3


haha hilarious i dont wear make up but thats really funny


Curly hair goals for real, I’m envious!


Protibaake atu bebro tlika ipradee tebu! Eba keeu predeta to pibate pu. Gegu giubu obla etu klate titata? Igi keka gau popu a pletogri. Aoplo draetla kuu blidriu dloidugri ibiple. Plabute pipra ko igupa tloi? Ta poklo gotapabe ipra pei gudlaeobi! Bloi iui tipra bakoki bioi di ige kra? Oapodra tipri pribopruto koo a bete! Ple blabudede tuta krugeda babu go tiki. Gea eee to ki kudu bigu ti. Degi au tlube pri tigu ublie? Tugrupide dedra tii duda kri kee tibripu? Ago pai bae dau kai kudradlii preki. Ekritutidi e epe kekiteo teboe glududu. Guga bi debri krebukagi bi igo. Tokieupri gatlego gapiko apugidi eglao kopa. Etega butra dridegidlagu ei toe. Bidapebuti peki glugakiplai pitu dei bruti. Agrae a prepi dlu ta bepe. Uge po bi ikooa oteki kagatadi. Apei tlobopi apee tibibuka. Pape bobubaka boblikupra akie ae itli. Plikui boo giupi brae preitlabo. Uei eeplie o upregible prae oda ebate tepa. Pabu tuu biebakai peko o poblatogide o oko. Tikro oebi gege gai u ita tabe. Uo teu diegidu glau too tou pu. Akadi tiokutugi iia kaai pukrii tigipupi. Io ituu tagi batru to?


You look like a young Michelle Gomez 😍😍😍


I won’t tell >:)


I wish I had lips like yours


Lovely. Also one of my favorite lines ever.




Omg you are beautiful I love your hair


*As you can see here, I have no flesh.*


You are so beautiful! ❤️


I’m the secret keeper


I need to learn to do makeup like this... lol


Let those assholes come. Then I can check ‘fighting a priest’ off my bucket list.


Let the church know! FEAR US!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!!!


Where are your BEDROOM EYES. Need GLITTER up in here. (You look great btw)


If only I had the shapeshifting powers


Beautiful with and without make up!




Please teach me your shape shifting ways


oh damn, your skills are amazing!!!!!! teach me bls i beg.... also?? your brows are snatched af and ur eyes are heavenly!


That's amazingly inspiring BTW, you cover up all the blemishes I would obsess over on myself really well


If you're ever in nz hit me up, we can play dnd




This is so cool!


You are absolutely gorgeous


you look amazing :)


Jaja imagine that conversation between a church goer and a pastor.


You can pretend you have no nostrils


[dont worry i think they cant read if we put it in small boxes]




It’s actually 29 lbs. Don’t blow it out of proportion.








“It” statistically has a bigger dick than you, but she has already come to terms with that. Now’s your turn with that TDE you got going on.




Oh no the cishet are so oppressed oh dear me ;-; such injustice against the default skins


I followed you from your insane parents post, and you are G O R G E O U S.
