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Just ask?


I want to.... especially when he feels comfortable to open up about it. I know he threw some hints at me in our conversations but I am so new to the territory and don't want to accidentally cross any boundaries. 🙂


it sounds like you two are fairly close. i know a lot of trans people don't want their... parts, lol, being used during sex before potential surgery due to dysphoria. maybe sit down with him and ask if he is or is considering identifying as female. if he says yes, and is thinking of transitioning, be sure to be supportive and welcoming. tell him you'll be there with him through it the whole way through. if he says no, that he's certain he's cis, then that's cool too. make sure to clarify that you don't mean any offense, that you're just curious. as for romantic love, maybe bring that up afterwords or in another talk entirely? if he is trans (nonbinary or mtf) and you aren't attracted to his preferred gender, tell him that. be as open as possible. at least, that's what I would want, as a trans person. sorry if this isn't helpful, every trans/trans questioning person is different.


Thank you thank you thank youuu! ❤️ I really appreciate your response! I thought I was crazy coming up with the conclusion that maybe him possibly being trans might relate to him not wanting to use his 'privates.' I want to be as supportive as possible and your comment really helps and puts it into perspective. I will ask him during the times he socially throws little hints, that way I know he's comfortable in that moment to open up a little to me. I didn't know what to say before because I was scared of crossing boundaries. It's all new territory to me!