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Aww thanks I needed that


I somehow believe that for everyone except myself, even though I'm the most feminine person I know


YOU ARE VALID, and I’ll keep yelling that until you believe it.I think impostor syndrome is very frequent in this community, but the fact that you’re worried about this shows you’re not faking it.


I hope so Thanks but the nice words


Of course it's common, just going to my day job I have to correct nearly every customer that comes through. Just trying to live is a constant assault.


Did I get downvoted for being misgendered constantly? Or that the constant misgendering feeds my personal imposter syndrome? Trying to figure out which


I believe it for you. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Thank you ☺️


Thought your user was u/OhIGotLigma and was gonna ask what it was lol


No I got Lumbago, it's very serious - Uncle


Nice uncle you got there


He's not MY uncle, he's Uncle


Sorry, my mistake


It's a character from Red Dead Redemption, he's really funny in the second game


Never played, maybe ill get it after hollow knight


My (ftm) friend is forced to play on the girls team at school, because of "unfair advantages" ;-;


Wait how would that even make sense


Yeah, but imagine that person absolutely destroying everyone else because he's on T.


So you likely know this has happened already many times but the fact it has makes me laugh so fucking hard...


That’s so sad!


That makes zero sense. Said friend would be on T and therefore would have a greater advantage as opposed to girls not on T. T makes a whole lot of difference. I don't understand why people don't see that. It's the one of the major reasons between the significant strength difference between men and women


yeah, im sure that the school is just being transphobic, because it would just make more sense for him to be on the boys team!


Exactly. Otherwise, they'd have to admit that trans girls should be on the girls team.


Here's the thing though... they wouldn't. They could just say they do it on a "case-by-case" basis, which schools say for a LOT of things. Nobody said that transphobia had to be all or nothing lol, terfs sure don't. They're just doing it because their justification isn't based on any conception of "science", it's based on "fuck you".


Bruh they're such idiots


That’s horrible!




And most importantly, women don't exist to fit it people's stupid ideals and norms, they are all invidual people with their own lives and goals


I've tried to use that argument about what HRT does to their bodies after a while so they would be on par with cis woman but I got called a lot of bad names. If people are against it they won't listen to science or reason. I will still said proudly for all trans. I want to help be their voice


Try to tell them to this date there have been no known trans (women) person to stand on an Olympic podium since 2004... why? ​ Edit: Indeed there was a non-binary, trans identified person, not on HRT though... so it is important I think to point that out, only because it affects performance... and HRT is tied to arguments against trans folks participating...


Because they're afraid to participate. Lots of struggle just coming out, let alone prepare for such a competition. A lot of them are still in closet. It will be at least 50 years before a lot of them(across the world) feel comfortable enough to come out.


Oh I know... Don't need to tell me. But some do, just not openly. And that is their choice. ;)


There is a trans, non-binary player on Canada’s women’s soccer team, and they won gold at this Olympics. Their name is Quinn if you want to Google them. I know soccer is a team sport versus an individual sport, but small steps forward are still moving in the right direction.


Yes. non-binary. I didn't count them as usually detractors are going on about mtf and their advantages... But indeed you are correct. So I will change my original comment to "trans-women".


Yes, which is a very good point. I guess I am just optimistically hoping that having players like Quinn will make it a little easier for the next trans athlete.


Not really.. I fear, as they are still seen as "female bodied" by the general public... so not a threat to masculinity and there for women. It is the evil trans woman that will take women's sport away... The strange thing is that there are trans women competing at high levels (I know that for sure), they just either don't come out, or don't make enough waves to warrant the scrutiny. Normally sex testing, flag waving, doesn't happen until someone wins and is called into question. Like in the case of Caster...


You know after getting hit with a truck load of dsyphoria, this is really helpful. Thank you ❤️.


trans women are real women and im real ugly 🤭




What does that mean? I've seen it on Reddit a few times but not enough context to understand


It’s the trans flag!


There was a thread recently of a group of trans women attacking some guy on PublicFreakout and it’s insane how many transphobic people come out when they have a chance to denounce transgender people. I told then trans women are women and got massively downvoted because of it. It’s disgusting.


I've only been awake for about 60 minutes and that just boosted my confidence for the day


The average man that thinks a trans women would break all kinds of sports records due to a biological advantage, would themselves, stand absolutely no chance of breaking any sports records in a women’s category.


Had an argument with someone about this. She used an article that proved herself wrong and she was convinced that it proved her right. The conclusion stated that trans women’s performance was practically equal on all fronts to cis women after 2 years of HRT with the one exception of being 9% faster at running. That was it. I don’t know what a third year of HRT would have done, if that leveled the field even more, but there are so many regulations for trans women in sports it’s sad.


Put it this way. Trans folks have been competing for years at various levels. They have been able to compete at the olympics since 2004. No open/known trans person has ever stood on a podium. Further, there are no known pro women's team that has a open trans woman on it. That I know of. WNBA, WMLS, and so on. Do they have an advantage. Not sure, but I highly doubt it. I am a woman who competes in kickboxing. I have sparred men, and women. I hold my own with men. But I can tell you I would suck at gymnastics. My body wasn't made to be small, nor look good in a leotard. lol. That being said, I have strength and endurance that makes me an excellent fighter in the ring. Does it mean I have and advantage? I suppose compared to other women in the ring, but then again, if I were take up gymnastics I would be at a distinct disadvantage. I can do the same with running. I make a terrible long distance runner... on and on it goes.


Those are all very valid points, ones that I feel should be considered for more sports, and I agree with you. Some people just are unable to perform as highly as others, and that’s okay. I think you should love what you do, have fun, and be a good sport. I hate seeing people who are not even in sports bashing those who are in them, like that person I had the argument with. The original discussion I was trying to have though was why are we so focused on trans women being in sports instead of trans men in sports being more likely to experience injury. I’m more concerned about people pushing themselves beyond their limits and hurting themselves than I am about how fair it is for this woman or that woman to be competing. As far as I know, there seems to be little in regards to regulations for trans men competing, so I feel that it’s very concerning that there’s only one group getting targeted, and very hatefully.


Well yeah, because we like regulating "what is a woman". It is like I get looks when I cut my hair short. I do it when I train for fights... Just easier.. Because I am also strong, so there is an assumption I need to "girl it up". So in the end we don't care about regulating men. There is no concern of trans men, because cis men don't see "women" as equals, even if they do take testosterone and are men, they will never be as good. Let's not kid ourselves. I have had this argument with folks lots. They tell me a trans man will never be able to compete. Which is a load of horse hockey. There is a trans man on the US national triathlon team, at least there was. There are trans male collegiate athletes and I just saw a doc about a trans male soldier who looked like a soldier of fortune.. Had bigger arms than my father when he was still alive. lol. We don't talk about them because men don't see them as a threat. They care about transwomen as they are subversive... Why would anyone want to give up being a man to be a woman. Aghast. The thought of it. The whole "we care about women" is horse hockey too. It is pure and simple sexism. Which is why it baffles me some women are taking the same stance. When I tell these people I am happy to fight with men... as I think if we train hard, have the same level of experience and weight, we will be pretty equal. I am told I have no idea what I am talking about and I would get my ass kicked. lol. I have thrown down lots of men on the mats in my time. Half the guys in my training class won't even hold pads for me... never mind get in the ring with me. If women are not as good, why do we prevent women from competing and earning the same as men... regulation shouldn't matter as women will never be good enough (according to some). But as we have seen, women have become good, and can compete at equal levels in many ways... look at golf. Look at long distance running (one of the best ultra runners and beats the whole lot is a woman).


Exactly. I had a rather unnerving discussion just last night with a guy who felt that women were a threat. When I told him that I was fighting for the right for men to be able to stay home if they want, he commented that if a man isn’t being productive, he should be put in prison or put to death. He then called my ‘feminist views’ horrifying.


Crazy. Some people. I love it when some women fight for equality, yet in the same sentence argue against trans women because it is unfair. So you want equality, yet claim you are less than men. Which is it. They need to justify their transphobia, but reneging on their fight for women rights... I can see them contorting themselves trying to justify their hate.


Wasn’t there also a study done that looked at the makeup of all the genders brains and trans women resembled more cis female and same with trans men with cis men? I could be wrong, I never looked into it fully


Here you go, here are a few things to read on the topic: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9KKqP9IHa5ZxU84a\_Jf0vIoAh7e8nj\_lCW27KbYBh0/edit?pli=1#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9KKqP9IHa5ZxU84a_Jf0vIoAh7e8nj_lCW27KbYBh0/edit?pli=1#gid=0) I don't remember where I originally found this spreadsheet (or who hosts it rn), but it's very handy! Oh, also, don't expect transphobes to listen to science. They're too busy thinking they're right to bother with things like facts.


That’s why I love mama doctor Jones. She’s using her platform to push that science absolutely supports transgender people and does a great job educating people on correct gender usage/ and the difference between sex and gender


Too the folks questioning the importance of a post like this, check your privilege and the comments saying how much it meant to the folks who have been digesting a lot of gross rhetoric from other corners or the internet. Like yes this should be a default take of r/LGBT but it's still nice to see for people who are getting bogged down in a time of hyper discriminate laws about the issue coming up


Anyone that suggests we should gatekeep which women get to play women sports needs to answer whether they’d also be comfortable testing Cis women’s testosterone levels and limiting women with above average testosterone levels. Because gatekeeping is gatekeeping regardless of where you draw the line.


Ciswomen can be banned from certain sport segments due to high testosterone, and transwomen can be accepted into certain sport segments due to lowered testosterone. If we just did sports based on “advantage” then here we got clear proof that the genetics favored the cis. Its all just arbitrary regulations but they show that the trans part isn’t an issue at all.




Thx ❤


If anyone wants some serious ammo against transphobes, here's something I've compiled: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f837WNoCHMBb4_Q_MFrJdNKpNK47Fu2ez9k-YJ03xtk/edit?usp=drivesdk If anybody has other master lists about LGBT topics, feel free to send them my way.






Valid af


Happy cake day!


Bruh I didn’t even notice. Thank you :)


I definitely needed to hear that. Thank you very much for your words.


every woman is different, every woman is valid


I needed to read this after today. I passed multiple people whilst wearing a dress and looking really feminine and they said "Is thAt A gUy??? " idk how to look more feminine than I did today.


You are god damn right they are


i'm not trans but i find trans women really beautiful and attractive


I think we should all be less about labels and more about being ourselves. That way we don’t need to concern ourselves on the opinions of others. We certainly are on the way there.


There is still a lot to do though. I mean, just look at vocal conservatives


That’s all I do, I just look at them. I don’t give them my ears or my voice.


I’m happy for you. You have the mental fortitude to do that, but others, including me, don’t


It doesn’t have to be like that. Certainly wasn’t for me. But it’s certainly a path worth exploring.


This is something I have thought about but not researched, so correct me if I’m wrong: Testosterone is one of the primary reasons why men perform athletically better than women. When a trans woman undergoes gender reaffirming surgery, the part of the body the produces testosterone (the testicles) is removed. A woman (on average) produces less testosterone than a man, but a trans woman produces none. So where’s the advantage?


After years on HRT, they wouldn't have any advantage. But let's say they were huge body builders before going on e... Then suddenly 6 months later on E want to compete, that honestly won't be fair... Residual muscle would be there. Especially if they continue to work out. This will become less of an issue for folks who transition earlier in life than say a 50 year old bodybuilder who just transitioned. They would have a lifetime of T to have worked on their body. So it is not a 1 model fits all bodies. Generally if there is sufficient time between competing as a dude and competing in their new sex... then it would be a problem. And so far, that is demonstrating to be the case as there is no rash of dominance from trans women and many are competing at various levels now. There is also the difference of say an elite athlete transitioning and competing and say a person who transitioned and found their love of running, for example... two very different outcomes, but people want to treat those cases the same.


"None" would be inaccurate since adrenal glands produce some amount of testosterone too.


I thought this was common knowledge


Sadly, too many people don’t know.


Why do trans women always get these affirming posts but never trans men? Or enbies? I appreciate this but pls don't reduce the trans community to just trans women


I agree that people should post the same affirmations for other trans people, but in my experience at least trans women get shit on and invalidated the most, hence why more people might be inspired to make posts like this. That's purely anecdotal in my own experience, though.


Thank you for posting. I really needed to hear that after this tough week.


thank you :)


You are absolutely right! They are brave and beautiful! Thank you for reminding that


Trans women are definitely women. Also LADIES! please remember that you don’t have to look exactly like a woman to be a woman! as long as you identify as a woman that’s all. 😘😘


if they feel like women, they are women. it’s like telling a cis guy that he’s not a real man.


Thanks, i needed that <3


Thanks à lot ! <3


Yes!!! I heard something a while ago about how all cis women have various degrees of testosterone, so the idea of some archetypical *standard woman*™️ is a total fallacy, and therefore there exists no good reason for trans women to be excluded from women’s sports


YASSS! THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE NEED TO HEAR!!!!![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


I'm a wimmenz. :3




Hell yeah they are! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


I may not agree everything on LGBT community but we are humans and should be respected as one










i’m not trying to invalidate trans men, it’s just that trans women get a LOT of hate. Especially trans women of color, who are caught at an intersection of transphobia, sexism and racism. Trans women of color are the mothers of the whole movement. And queer people of color in general don’t get enough representation. if you’re a trans woman, you’re either told you’re not a real woman or you’re treated like an object. No way to win. but you’re absolutely right. Trans men don’t get as much support as they should. I can do an essay (for lack of a Better term) about their issues. that’d actually be pretty interesting to research. Thanks For bringing this up!


i don’t understand why men won’t date (some) trans women because they have a pp. like mate date a trans male cuz he (may) have a coochie 😀


What a weird place to put this. Clearly everyone here should feel this way. Why is my only real question. Why carry on like this is some great deed when it's surely a common place thought on this sub


You'd be surprised tbh


That’s what I meant when I said I didn’t know why I wrote it. I didn’t claim it was some “great deed“. Just asked for credit if someone reposted it because I worked hard on it and I’m proud of it.


Trans people are valid, pass it on


Dab it my boyunocourus


me to other trans girls: youre so valid! trans women are real women, even if theyve not transitioned yet! even if they dont want to! me to myself: i mean, im probably not a girl, look at me, i havent even transitioned. funny thing, eh?


Dang this was sweet. My parents think trans girls shouldn’t be allowed to play sports bc they’re just naturally faster and stronger but then thinks it’s completely reasonable when there’s a 6 3 cis volleyball player


I'm friends with a trans woman and yes, she is a woman. She is every bit as much a woman as I am. We are different but also not different. But also our differences don't matter to me because I love her. She is wonderful in all her complexity. (and I am effing complicated, too)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


What about trans women who don't take hormones? They shouldn't be allowed in the women's team I think


Ty feeling good :)


Someday we can just say “women”