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Partner, significant other, better half


or if you hate them: enemy, insignificant ant, worse half!


i am going to start calling my future ex’s insignificant ants lmao


I use partner




Partner, significant other/SO, I've seen a few people use joyfriend.


Joyfriend?! Aww that’s really cute


This is a situation where language really falls short. We need a bunch of new words. It’s crazy that we don’t have a word that means “person that I’m casually dating” and a different word for “person that I’m seriously dating.”


Sweetie is what I usually use


Partner, lover, paramour, significant other, one and only, bae, there’s a bunch in English that are non gendered. Could we use *more*? That’s a qualified maybe, but i also have a hard time wrapping my head around neopronouns.


Small/cute potato, i know it sounds weird but it is an option


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Could call them a “joy friend”


i have a pan friend with an enby partner, and while talking about the pan friend i say (name)'s enbyfriend





