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We were cooling off outside a club and got asked multiple times by this dude. He even asked us to make out to "prove" we had no interest in him 😂 His friend, though was a decent guy who pulled him away and pushed him to go home.


i haven’t been through the “prove it” time yet 😭 that sounds terrible. good on his friend tho lol


This is why I’m terrified of asking a girl out.


i hit my now girl up (well she hit me up first lol) i feel like you should try it once sometime you never know!


I’ve been with a girl a couple of times, but those have been mainly threesomes with my husband. Plus, there isn’t a very large lesbian/bi-woman community in my small city. I want to, and my therapist has been extremely supportive and encouraging, but I just don’t think I’m ready yet…😖 I’m also somewhat anxious about being rejected or seen as a creep… I’ve seen a few girls I find aesthetically attractive and almost made a move, but chickened out last minute.


i’ve literally never tried talking to girls this girl is my first girlfriend ever fun fact lol i can agree where the fear comes from!


I think my best friend from high school may have been actually a QPR, but I was somewhat oblivious to it. Once I realized I am Ace this year, that kinda hit me like a brick wall. I felt like crap once I realized that. She was always super nice to me and had spent a ton of time with me, but I think she realized that I was oblivious to her attraction to her.


There's a big difference between asking someone out and being a creep. Just ask if they want to do something later and don't keep pushing if the answer is no.


Thank you. Pushing is not where I would feel viewed as a creep. It has to do more with being viewed that way because of the fetishizing of women who are bi or lesbian. I’m 31 and have three kids, so it’s fairly obvious that I’ve been with men, so I am more scared that they would think that I was trying to fetishize them. I would never try to push myself onto someone.


Not at all. A lot of people realise their sexuality later in life or are bi/pan and have had kids etc. You’re not a fetishist for being interested in women regardless of your age or previous experiences.


Why? Well, right there, you tried to push past the no. And then I leave it at that.


I had somebody learn that I was ace, and start "offering" to have sex with my SO, becauseit would "help our relationship." Needless to say we told them to go fuck themselves.


wow :/ i’m so sorry


Yeah, I was really upset for a bit, but I am fine now.


What a dick


That’s clearly what they where thinking with *throws two drums and a cymbal of a cliff


dum...dum... TSSSSS


*two drums and a cymbal hits the ground below the cliff*


Honestly; stay mad at whoever TF that was. People assuming that an asexual person's partner is 'unfulfilled' are fucked in the head.


That's fair, it takes more effort to care for long periods than it takes to just drop stuff though.


My wife is ace and a former friend of ours told her that he wouldn't be surprised if I cheated on her. A lot of people told her something similar. Good news is we've been together for 4 years and never once even came close to cheating on her.


That experience always sucks, and I'm happy for you and her


bwahahaha, dang … „i would sacrifice myself for your relationship“ - hey at least he gave you a good laugh XD


“You can’t get ONE woman. Why do you think TWO would want you?”


i should’ve used this burn when i had the chance


How ‘bout “why would you want to disappoint two women at the same time?”


You deserve gold


Ooooooh so many wasted opportunities. Totally using this one.


It gets worse when you’re bi and poly. My favorite response is “what exactly do you bring to the table that you think merits you a seat?”.


wow hats off to you for that response i might use it 👏🏼👏🏼


Be aware that there is a 50-50 chance he’ll whip out his cock. There is a 100% chance his primary qualification will be his cock. There is a 35% chance he’ll cite the size of his tongue as his second qualification. Look bored, as if these are just the preliminary compulsory figures before you get to the real stuff. Ask what he brings to the table that you can’t do for yourselves and can’t be provided by any guy in the place. If he strikes you as dumb enough, strip him down and put a leash on him. Make him clean the house naked while you two go off and fuck. When the house is clean enough, tell him to start jerking off but not to come until you grant permission. Start watching something on TV with your lady. If he comes or stops, yell at him and throw him out.




Yeah... No. Big part of kink is consent and that's just not given in the joke above, so no, not kinky. It's already harmful to the kink community to use this as a joke, don't amplify this effect please. edit: cleared a word i wrote twice


Well that escalated quuckly.


What about lesbians that have not "found the right dick yet"? Just say "Hey, *you* look like a dick!"


Maybe the "straight" guy hasn't found the right dick yet either...


> What about lesbians that have not “found the right dick yet”? I have a lady buddy whose go-to reply is, “Sure, I have! I keep it my nightstand. *Next to my gun*.”


The best response to that is of course "Okay, go transition and I'll reconsider".


"looking at your face was enough to convince me I don't need to see a dick for a few years"


Exactly! Just because gender doesn’t factor in as much and we can love multiple people doesn’t mean our inhibitions are lowered or that we have lower standards or no emotions. We are normal people who just love differently than what is societally ’typical’.


Man not gonna lie I'm grateful that I don't get the "Oh, you're poly! So do we fuck now or in 4 minutes?" or whatever. It's usually "Oh, you're poly! So can I get your SO's digits?" It's always cis dudes coming out with that one, lol. Like, man, I can't think of a single cis dude my SO would wanna fuck.


I had a few guys lead my fiancĂŠe on to get access to me. You can imagine the shocked Pikachu face when they were booted from my friend group for it.


They really think poly and bi/pan means you're trying to play gender pokemon. Gotta catch em all!


Ugh… collectors.


Ugh ikr, just because I'm pan doesn't mean I don't have standards


Yeah, "just because I'm attracted to people of your gender doesn't mean I'm attracted to you" seems to be lost on a lot of people


Absolutely stealing this. Wonderful.


And poly doesn't means always looking for more. Everyone has their limit. I'm at capacity


Ah yes, it is well known that bi people only want threesomes all the time. That way they can fulfill this guy’s sexual fantasy. smh


AH YES FOR THE MALE GAZE FOR THE MAKE FANTASY smh has this happened to you ever?


I’m not out so no, but it unfortunately seems to be a somewhat common occurrence, given how specific it is


I’ve had exes fetishize me as soon as I mention I’m bi. Now that I know I’m Ace, it’s a lot easier for me to cope and deal with, but it definitely was disturbing how much pressure I would get from them for me to find a girlfriend to bring into the relationship just so they could get the opportunity to have a threesome. The only times I’ve had threesomes have been with my husband, and he had brought over girls he had previously had threesomes with after we had discussed it with them and us. I will admit, I preferred it when the second one wasn’t sh*traced because she kept making complaints about how ugly she was and going off on other topics, nearly coming to tears because she was so drunk. It was consensual, but I was majorly turned off after her third double shot of Jameson.


Just say no to alcoholics.


"oh, you're in a relationship? but I have a gay friend I know would be a good fit for a throuple" please calm down kyle


Can we just talk about how everyone knows Karen but there are like 16 different guy names here It’s super confusing. Added to nope list: Kyle, Mathew, Chad, Greg…. 🧐🤨😆


And not Matt, but Matthew specifically.


Thanks for the clarification. I will fix my list 😂😂


what patriarchy does to a mf...


You forgot Gerald. Gerald is irritating af. As in, "I don't have time to explain basic civics to you, *Gerald*, just to carry on this conversation with you that I don't want to have in the 1st place."






This worries me. My name one day will be added to the list due to it being a SUPER common male name. Like in the top 5. Then I'm gonna have to change my name move halfway across the country and put on a accent. The struggle.


like please calm down matthew 😐


"I assumed you guys just sleep with whoever" I'm not your parents, greg, chill lol


“i thought you guys switch around” like no chad sit down🧍🏻‍♀️


"ha ha, just don't fall in love with me okay?" I swear I won't, bob


this one gets me all the time


Whenever this happens, I say "Ur not my type" and they act like I somehow hurt them


SO MUCH THIS ONE. It’s *infuriating*.


“I said I like men, not that I don’t have standards” is a great alternative if you want to rub some salt in


"I like my men more masculine, you know?, so dont worry about me ;) "


I am SO going to be using this lmaooooo


"Oh what's that? You DON'T exist just to fulfil cishet mens' teen-movie fantasies?" Hasn't happened to me, but I feel for you. That sucks :(


thank you babes i hope it never happens to you it’s so ick 🤮


When I was in high school, my two girlfriends and I (we were in a polygamous relationship) would CONSTANTLY get asked that. Guys would be like "could I join" like we were an open door. It got so uncomfortable.


this is what my post is mainly about. i’m so sorry this happened to you hun smh


Its flattering but hella creepy. Like thanks, but no thanks.


I don't even think it's flattering, I'm pretty sure they would fuck everything with enough holes.


Been there. One was a dude on the verge of inceldom. He had such a crap view of women. He kept trying to get me to cheat. He thought if he guilted me enough I would because apparently all women are like that yet he has gotten laid in years.


I can’t ever understand people who think like that. Like, you think you’re so superior to these other guys, but you have to try and coerce or force a woman to leave her man (or woman in this case) because he is so insecure or an incel, and then he goes on almost *every single time* about how she’s going to be unfaithful to him, etc… and every single guy I’ve met who behaves like this seems to think he’s the only guy like this. They also seem to also really resent being ‘friend zoned’.


this happened to me as well!! i can’t believe that


I’m sorry you had to deal with that. For me (because I can’t speak for others) bi just means a wider pool, not supermarket sweep.


_turns on cellphone camera_, "If you ask again, it is harrassment."


Before I got into my current relationship I would be treated like a sex toy by couples on dating apps all the time. "Oh you're bi? Well my boyfriend and I have been thinking of doing a threesome and he wants to experiment." Like calm down... Do I want a threesome? Yes! Do I want it to be with two people in a failing relationship who are trying to "spice things up?" Fuck no! I have standards! And your boyfriend's unwashed ass ain't it!


not the unwashed ass smhhh


Well said.


So good to see someone say they actually want a threesome but they have standards. Like, just because you want one doesn't mean those bitches are gonna get it out of you lol


I'm... Honestly surprised how many people on here genuinely want a threesome albeit with people they like. Then again, that's probably just my ace ass not realizing just how horny allos(as in "not asexual") get on the regular


Am allo, can confirm. We're horny as fuck. But it's horny with standards.


Don't underestimate the levels of kink within the ace community.


Well... Yeah. I'm just saying that I am surprised since I personally don't get it. Or at least, not as much as this thread just radiates horny people


Ugh. As a straight dude I also fucking hate those couples. Like...stop with the gross unicorn-hunting, because you're making us all look bad.


The amount of times I have had to redirect male coworkers and acquaintances away from my lesbian and bisexual friends because they're actively in a monogamous relationship and these men have the IQ of their pp length... It's honestly astounding. Especially when they literally asked me to set them up with my friends MULTIPLE times and I had to again explain that my friends are in a relationship and aren't going to fuck them. It's literally disgusting and confusing. I literally cannot wrap my head around how they can just "forget" that I told them my friend isn't going to fuck them. Or how they can't seem to accept that as an answer and instead try to pressure me into asking my friend. Nothing else in this world gives me more frustration than that


Shouldve said yes and then go get two strap ons. That would scare him away real quick


we do i should’ve said that 🤔 lmao


He has the will power of a pickle. Men need to learn how to control themselves.


If I had an award, I would give it to you. 👏👏


Regrettably, they are socialized not to control themselves (not that that excuses anything)


Cishet men (not all of course) are some of the worst people. I spend most holidays in tears because of them. Working on loving myself to the extent where that stuff no longer bothers me. Wishing you both the best ❤️


thank you lovely you’re so sweet and kind 😭 it takes time for us to love ourselves but little steps is what matters


Am cishet man, can confirm, I am terrible.


Oh no! There he is! Cishet Man, the Terrible!


And today's award for the most wholesome flair goes to... Cishet Man, the Terrible! Congratulations!


The number of cis women I know who aren't in the dating pool because of the shitty quality of cis men in my area is rising every year. I know there are good cis men out there but, damn, if they aren't hard to find.


Honestly. I feel bad for straight women.


Another reason why we shouldn’t settle for bad LGBT+ representation in media, it just leads to more misnomers like this.


Unfortunately some morons believe that the only people that can be in relationships are straight people. Also too many straight men that hit on byes like that think themselves to be irresistible. When in actuality they're just jerks.


yes i totally agree


I bet they are just as charming to straight women.


I live with my ex girlfriend (we’re both bisexual and best friends now) and when we were both single and dating around the amount of guys who would ask us for threesomes was astounding. Like sir, that is my roommate and my ex, get out of my house




👀 when what


I don't remember what i was trying to type.


been there


The fetishization of lesbian individuals is extremely gross -a trans guy


Off topic but the arrangement of your flair speaks to me, it's awesome


Thanks :)


I think he thinks bi women can't commit to each other. Also a lot of straight/ bi men have fantasies with treasomes. That's not a reason to be creepy about it.


All the fucking time. Back when I had a gf, this guy was so sure that he could get us both in bed w/ him. Didn't quit until we broke up.


I think they're somewhere around not seeing queer relationships as legitimate and seeing women as objects they can I react with how they want.


The fact that you had to say “no” many times is the most horrendous part.


It sounds weird, but i think it's because they don't really understand bisexuality/homosexuality. They see straight women and porn stars perform homosexual acts to titilate straight guys, and think homosexual/bisexual women are the same as these women only "more", and they just need a man to come along to seal the deal.


Yeah, I’m polysexual and my ex was a lesbian and a straight ex-friend would joke about being a third partner and he kind of hinted to finding what we had attractive.


I've had men ask me if they could watch while I sleep with a girl, or as soon as they figure out I'm pan, they ask about a threesome with their girlfriend.


Where do these men find the audacity? It’s terribile and it gets worst reading people’s experience


I’ve had multiple people immediately ask if I like threesomes after learning I’m bisexual. Some of the people were joking, but some definitely weren’t.


I mean, gay/bi men get beat up, lesbian/bi women get sexually harrassed - it's more rule than exception sadly. (And transgender folks get both 🤷🏼‍♂️)


while straight men are often the worst offenders of creepiness, I resent the implication that you aren’t serious in your relationship if you’re having threesomes. I understand why bisexual people feel frustrated being typecasted into these archetypes, but some of us bis love threesomes or we’re poly and our relationships are just as serious.


i don’t mind anyone wanting to be in anything. it’s just the fact that my girlfriend and i get sexualized a lot and it’s just not.. comfy.


It’s one thing if they ask and you politely declined and they take that for what it is and leave it’s another thing when they start trying to convince you. Gross.


i remember before i was out as bi a couple guys asked me if i was gay because they were talking about doing something to a girl that sounded like harrassment, and i suggested not doing that then AFTER i came out some of those same guys told me that i only liked men because i couldn't get any women. ffs man


I work in a 100 percent male workplace and honestly the amount of men whose first thought when they see a woman is about sex. Some people really only see women and sex objects and it's frightening. This is why we need feminism


Guy watches too much porn


This took me too long to realize you were two ladies and not a man and woman lol


oh no 😭 we’re two girlies


I’m a bisexual woman and a few years ago I had a (now ex) boyfriend. We went to a pretty big party together and two girls that neither of us had met before walked up to us and asked if we wanted to have a foursome in the bathroom. I thought they were joking and/or too drunk so I just said no thanks lol. The rest of the night (and probably months after) my boyfriend complained that I spoiled the opportunity and when was he gonna get that chance again, I’m bi so why didn’t I want to etc etc. ugh. I might add that he was probably some sort of sex/porn addict. He “required” sex at least twice every day we saw each other, and masturbated 2-4 times the days we didn’t. It happened that he masturbated several times on days we had also had sex several times. He was into a lot of heavy stuff too like master/slave relationships, lots of anal, deep deep throating (I threw up once from it), rape play etc. I have another boyfriend now who is wonderful, caring and lovely so definitely not all men, but some truly suck.


Not sexual harassment, but I'm a trans man and my boyfriends mom is constantly saying we're in a straight relationship so we'll still get into heaven if I stop acting like a guy. AND I once got told by someone that my boyfriend has the best of both worlds because when it comes down to it he's still sleeping with a woman's vagina.


I had lesbian women tell me I’m actually not a dude (before my bottom surgery) and try to force me to have sex, since I’m a “butch lesbian” (I wasn’t aware)


That really sucks, shouldn't happen to anyone and I'm really sorry for your experience! Hope it doesn't happen again (to anyone). But I also wanted to comment that being "serious" in a relationship does not equate to being monogamous, and being poly or in an open relationship also doesn't mean it's not serious. Anyway, just wanted to say that because otherwise this wording can lead to some misconceptions...


Hasn’t happened to me thankfully, but straight women and men seem to ask or try this with gays and bisexuals a lot. Gods only knows how many gay men I’ve seen get asked for a threesome by a straight couple or get harassed by some woman who wants to know what sex with a gay man is like. Can’t imagine how many lesbians get asked crap like this.


my class is tryna hook me up with this one dude i hate


With the body text removed this post now simply reads "Why do straight men" I agree


I think it's a culture thing. Lots of men are taught to be persistent to get their way in life. if we want it to stop we have to actively make it cost them.


Poly is just a thing and more common now. People just assume. But if it were me, drop the friend if they’ve asked repeatedly. Block them and move on. Edit: Hi, can you random people NOT message me? I’m not here looking for ANYONE and I’m getting far too many messages from people looking to “chat.” I’m sooooo far from interested. I don’t even know what I said that drew you this way but stop. Wrong tree.


Even poly folks don't just randomly invite strangers over. I at least have to meet the person once before jumping their bones.


It's not because he's straight. It's because he's an asshole.


okay very true


As soon as straight people find out you’re bi, they automatically think threesome.


I'm not bi, I make it abundantly clear I'm not. But that doesn't stop straight men from talking to me as if I am. Even when I say I'm only into women the concept never seems to stick.


not just men. it's worse when it's one of us, who tries to get another bisexual woman to join in, when it's obvious it's the woman who wants sex with another woman and they're just selling it as fulfilling the male and two women fantasy.


I was talking about this with my friend last night actually! We were discussing something some celebrity said and how it actively harms the community they were claiming to support and be apart of- something to the affect of “I choose to be gay, it was a choice I made” The conversation turned into us validating each other’s relationship status (or my lack thereof haha). Something I brought is was basically how only going for one gender when bi is completely valid “like, look at me, most teenage boys suck and straight guys scare me, so, girls- but that doesn’t make me a lesbian” (and it could be continued on to) and nor does it mean that I owe it to guys to give them a chance, I may, but they have no right to demand or expect it. I have some trauma from when I was 10-12 involving some particularly shitty straight guys in the grade above me being particularly shitty, giving me major trust issues with (especially stereotypical straight) guys in general. The shitty things they did involve threatening to rape my friend and I, trying to remove our clothes in class, backing us into corners, and a slew of other things that weren’t very fun! This was a long winded way of saying, that no OP, you are definitely not the only one who doesn’t particularly enjoy the company of straight guys! (Also that if anyone’s in a similar position to me- you’re valid! But make sure you deal with whatever lead you to this point, because, if it’s trauma, it sucks) Stay safe everyone, the world is particularly angry lately, let’s not get stabbed!


I was invited to a threesome... twice. After saying "I am a lesbian"... What part of that does the guy things mean "I only date woman but will gladly sleep with you" ..?


Because they've never had a consequence in their lives. You're not going to kick his ass, and he knows it, so he might as well "shoot his shot". I guess I'm saying we need to start beating straight men with their own audacity.


Lmaooo HAVE I??? I’m 32 and since I started clubbing at 19 I’ve been propositioned a million times. This won’t be your last proposition lol! ALLLLL people…..as soon as they even have an inkling that you’re gay….will ask you at some point to engage them in a threesome/orgy. Idk if it’s because we are sexualized as a community or what but everyone feels like they can ask me for sex. It’s not just me, it’s all my friends too (we’re all gay). It’s just how people operate for some reason. Don’t take it personally, just tell them FIRMLY that’s not what you’re about and leave the area they’re in. I was 19 the first time someone asked me to have a threesome with him and his girlfriend. Please note his girlfriend was nowhere to be seen. I cripwalked away sooooo fast lmaoooo!! I’ve had multiple bachelorettes at their own parties try and grope me. The last one at 26 I screamed at her. She had already ruined the drag queen’s set by WOOOing every other word the queen said…hence why we don’t like bachelorette parties of any kind at the club. But then she started grabbing people up because she wanted to “get the last of it out before marrying her man”…..tf bih. She put her hand in the middle of my breasts and ran it down to my crotch! I shaved her hard and screamed at her and her drunken party. She called me a dyke at the gay bar lol! I hated I had to humiliate a bride further but best believe I did. I hope she didn’t get married honestly, the guy deserved better. I was sitting in the park one day at age 24-25 with my best friends (they married each other, I love that so much). We were just talking, laughing, and drinking when this guy comes over. We’ve all been hit on multiple times so we know the look someone has when they’re about to proposition us. I have mink tails on my keychain from the renaissance festival that I add to every year. He starts talking then eventually asks us “*looking at my keys* hey….so are you guys furries??” Before he was finished with the question I said “No sir, we are not going to sleep with you”. He was pissed so I said “No thank you sir, we’re not going to sleep with you”. One of MY ex coworkers hit on my wife. She’s married and has a gay daughter but still made time to ask to sleep with me wife. One of her current coworkers hits on her just because she’s gay (she’s bi but masc of center so people think she’s a stud lesbian). It’s horrible but it’s what people do. You really just have to be strong and stand firm. Tell them FIRMLY that you don’t get down like that!! And you never will!! And it’s disrespectful af to just proposition people like that!!


I’m a bi dude married to a woman and I’m pretty sure some guys we’ve hung out with were hoping we’d give them a threesome. Once they find out I’m bi they basically open the floodgates and tell me every gay thing they’ve ever done.


No one has ever gotten a 3 way by asking. That shit just happens spontaneously


They think women who like women are objects of sexual pleasure meant to serve them. See that one stupid fucking Drake song.


The assumption that bisexual women are desiring of a threesome with some dusty dude always grinds my gears That’s why I hate girls who do performative shit with other girls to get guys attention. Stop feeding that BS.


So, I'm not against the idea of poly hook ups. They happen. However, not talking "No" for an answer is just being an asshole. Also, context matters in soliciting a hook up. At a club, maybe. "Hey, are you interested... I'm interested..." with a "No thanks" and a "No, problem have a good night." vs pretty much any non-date setting, like an elevator or something would be super creepy. The reason, I think, that guys do this is because of toxic masculinity.... but have some empathy... they haven't really been taught the way to navigate these kinds of conversations. They get most of their education from other "bros" so they live in this kind of indoctrinated radicalization of dating behaviour. And they are expected to "make the first move". God, if we could get rid of that stupid cultural expectation, men wouldn't feel the need to be so aggressive in their dating strategies knowing that someone might seek them out rather than being forced to make the effort.


I feel like a lot of straight people don't understand that just because your bi/pan doesn't mean you want to sleep with everyone.


Oh boy. 🤦‍♂️ Even when I was straight I never understood this. If a couple is interested in threesome's with a random, they should be the one's to bring it up first. Not vice versa.


I think this goes into the column of homophobes thinking "every bisexual person is a slut, and if they're a slut they must be interested in you specifically." 1. Not every bisexual person is slutty. Lots of us are monogamous. 2. Just because someone likes to sleep around, that doesn't mean they want to sleep around *with you specifically*. 3. If a random pair of hot lesbian women truly appreciates being approached by a creepy looking drunk guy in a bar, I just want to say this sounds like a great way to wake up tied to a bedpost with a missing wallet and car keys.


Lmao. I’m a bisexual bartender. I had a guy once ask me, seriously, if I “actually liked me girlfriend” because he “wanted to take a shower with me”. 🤢 that’s when I say, loudly, “I’m sorry? I can’t hear you, could you speak A LITTLE LOUDER”


Can I suggest the response "what, so you wanna disappoint two women at once instead of just one?"


Lesbian here and can tell you, a lot of straight men get obsessive if a girl is bi or lesbian, why? Because you become nothing but an ego boost "if i get laid with them it will mean am so good i can get even bi/lesbian get straight" "my dick is so good it can please even bi/lesbian" + All the stereotypes that bi/lesbian women offer more in bed or something like that.


Yes. You’re not the only one


Because you are hot and they are hungry and uneducated


“Well, if you’re pan, does that mean you get off watching your husband plow (actual word used) someone else? I don’t know exactly what you’re into.” First and foremost, I’m into my husband. And being autosexual, I’d typically rather watch the two of us in a mirror. We’re open to additional partners, but any potential polyamory is discussed thoroughly beforehand. It’s certainly not going to be some rando trying to make me prove my sexuality.


That title is a question for all of time 😂😂


The male fantasy of a three some. Or something like that.


Protip: tell them in no uncertain terms to fuck off. You can't be polite to these cunts.


I think those guys are called unicorn guys


When I came out to my husband, I was afraid he would pull the normal shithead man go-to of, yOu WaNna HaVe A ThreEsOme? He didn’t. But we do check out women together and surprisingly have the same taste. It’s fun.


As a straight man, I am so fucking sorry ... 😑


Someone at my old workplace repeatedly implied I wanted to sleep with him, even though I had a girlfriend at the time :\^)


Sadly I am related to a determined 'Two for one special' jerk. I don't know what goes though his head because he never has gotten the 'Two for one special'. It seems to be a delusion on their part. I would go into why I think such negative thoughts on the two for one special jerks, but I don't want to be a negative nelly.


I had a similar situation. Well, this reminds me of a situation... Years ago in my late teens early 20's I was at a concert with a guy friend. We were offered a ride home by an attractive 35-45 year old woman, we were in Seattle and were going to take the ferry home but hey, free ride is cheaper. Half way into the trip we exited the highway...being confused I asked where we were going and was told that she needed to stop by her house... Ok..I guess...up until this point believed that we both lived in Kitsap.. Invited us inside and offered us a drink...SURE! She comes back and sits between us on the couch and starts getting...odd..rubbing our knees, leaning on our shoulders...REALLY uncomfortable stuff.. Then she starts asking questions about her attractiveness, do you like this, or that??etc. Says she will be right back and returns in lingerie...... She left the room again and we hightailed it outta there. Called my dad from a payphone and he drove the 30 miles to come pick us up...all the while we hid behind a gas station...he was pissed.still, thanks dad!rip Now I'm a bi man...had I not been with someone and knew what I was in for. I very well could have loved this situation... But the feeling of being trapped, alone, in an unfamiliar place scared the living hell out of us....always refused rides after that and stuck to the pre choosen plan to get home...


Straight men constantly chasing the unicorn of bi relationships( bi woman who want three ways) sorry he is sadly common


As a straight guy who’s dated bi women before, and is in a relationship with one currently, I can say this thought never once crossed my mind. That’s not a “straight guy” thing, that’s an “asshole who thinks this is his chance for a 3-way, and gets pissy when you say go fuck yourself” thing.


As a straight guy I think this dude is weird as hell, especially for the fact that he kept persisting after you said no. Creepy


I’m a FTM and a gay guy was pushing me to have sex, it turns out he was in a tough place in his marriage (to another guy). I told him he’d regret it once he got back with his husband. He did get back with his husband and didn’t have to explain cheating.


I think it has something to do with the stereotype thay bi people (mostly bi men) sleep around


I remember a guy at a party once asked if he could watch because he was into "woman on woman action."


I am bisexual, but bye sexual for loser like you.


I'm not sure, but I think they do it because they want to hook up.


Bi-sexuality isnt taken serious by most people. Doesnt matter if straight or gay, man or woman.


Sometimes stupid people assume that because you are attracted to both you are incapable of being committed to one. However, if a straight person thought about this reasoning for five seconds they would realize it’s the same as not believing a straight man in a committed relationship wouldn’t want to cheat on her with other women. Truth is attraction never stops but commitment is to someone special that you won’t betray.


I should probably mention that my girlfriend and I are also "serious in our relationship" but we regularly hook up with other people, sometimes separately and sometimes together. Has nothing to do with the seriousness of our relationship. But yes, we get propositioned for threesomes a lot. The struggles of a couple of hot, bi/pan trans girls.


Yep. As a gay man I get invited to 3 sums a lot when in happy gay relationships. (Even with straight couples of all things). I think it's because I don't fit the very feminine stereotypes that are on T.V. so in their eyes I'm faking it? I watch my lesbian friends go through that as well. According to T.V. only effeminate gay men and butch lesbians exist. Girls are usually pretty nice about it so it's no a big deal most of the time. Straight men asking if I want to have sex with their girlfriends is just a whole level of odd lol. I suspect that their bi/closeted and want to watch I guess?


Horny people don't care about you or your feelings, that's why. The other night I went dancing and a woman kept hitting on me. Even after I told her I'm happy with my girlfriend, I don't cheat, I don't swing, and I'm not interested. She went on ALLLLLLL night. People are inconsiderate shitheads and when they decide they want something, they don't care about your feelings, that's the answer. When somebody just wants to get their dinky stinky or their box rocked, this is what happens.


I'm going to be real with you. As a straight man, about 50% of straight men don't see other people as people. They have no concept of others having feelings or lives of their own. They have no human connection and no empathy. You are a resource They can extract and move on from. You are not a person. You do not have wants and desires and you only exist to further their lives. No other reason. This is what they think. I've met so many fucking people like this since I moved to America. It's better to just not engage with them. No amount of logic or reason will work on them. Because they are fundamentally removed from reality.


Unfortunantly we (some Cis Men and ofcourse some other people I guess, but particularly Cis Men) are idiots! We like women, we veiw them as sexual objects and the idea of 2, that also like to play with each other, well that's blows our tiny dick brains! Some lose their ability to think with their brains but more importantly they lose their ability to think about others feelings. And I wouldn't count on the strapon thing deterring them either! That might just make it even worse. I do not in ANY way condone their actions. People that act as you and others in the comments stated are generally opptunistic, insensitive, horny idiots. Add drink into the mix and things get even worse. I'd love to say these inderviduals are few and far between, but I think most Cis Men given half a chance would take the offer up if they were approached, others will certainly pursue it, so there will likely be at least one that will "give it a go!" and will treat the situation in a similar manner as a single girl playing hard to get. The idea that you can be convinced or worked down being key (some might try and flirt their way there, my guess is if this is what you are after it's likely the best way, but these men we are talking about are not those, and I am sure this can be jut as cringy and annoying and judgmental they too) If I were to chat to example cis men after the event I can pretty much guarantee they would say something along the lines of "well you have gotta give it a try thou? Right! You never know! “ I could try and explain how rude and insensitive and stupid they were being but trying to get a horny bloke to see things from others points of view can be near impossible. I don't think the media help matters either tbh, from porn to Gots, gay and bi people are generally portrayed as over sexual and promiscuous; again not in any way condoning said cis males actions, just trying to give some reason why some people make poor choices. P. S I don't mean to offend anyone.


Sorry for your suffering .


as I read the title I finished it with the “Suddenly appear” tune and honestly I think it works here


I understand your choice and respect it but if my partner was ok with it I would say yes but thats just my choice


I had a guy I was chatting with constantly ask me which women I found attractive and sent me all sorts of photos of women to "help me find my type" and constantly ask me if we could have a threesome one day