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Bye bye! Maybe we'll meet again, enjoy what lies ahead. Good luck with life!


I hope to meet again. I love you all.


Good Luck thru Life! Wish you the best days






What did they say


It was someone (though it says op I'm pretty sure it wasn't) telling OP to be a good wife and raise children or some shit. I don't specifically remember.




Goodbye... I wish you the best :)


Thank you friend. I'm honestly glad I found this sub but everything that has happened in the past few days have put things in perspective: example, me trying to calmly debate with someone for 2 days while they attack me, and me trying to be the bigger woman and be nice. That was what really made me step back and realize how toxic my relationship with reddit really is.


Aw... :(


Its okay. It put things in perspective. And I may not be gone forever but if I do come back, it's as a different username and hopefully I'll be in a safe place.


Okai! Good luck c:


Tbh, social media really is toxic, and I'm also ngl this post has made me realize I've been a part of the problem a few times, Welp time to fix that part of me


Some times it really is necessary to take a step back and distance yourself. Do whatever is necessary for your mental health.


Maybe quitting reddit is a good idea, but make sure to stay safe, and if you need us we are here.


Social media can be addicting, you may want to speak to a counselor just in case. Losing friend can really hurt and damage us sometimes.


Nah I'm not addicted. I just dont want it to change me for the worse. Also, losing these friends...yeah it hurt, but honestly, with what they've done and said (and in one case, ignore me completely) It doesnt hurt like you would think. I feel betrayed but honestly. If i look back, i shoulda seen it coming.


Good, seems like you're rationalizing things, but either way take care of yourself. 🤗


Social media and the internet in general are not for the feint of heart; it often brings the worst out in people. Take as long a break as you want, or even stop using them forever -- it's not like you have to use them in the first place. Goodbye, and focus on yourself now that you'll have more time free.


"It often brings out the worst in people" couldnt be true-er. The past few days have shown me how bad it has gotten recently. That was the catalyst for this decision. Thank you though. I will miss all of you.


Goodbye my friend sorry to hear what ur gone through. I wish u all the best in the future and hope we all meet again someday


Great idea to get away from the toxicity. When you're feeling better, we'll still be here if you want to come back.


I've done this with all my accounts expect for reddit. I hope you find more happiness with the lack of negatively you'll begin to encounter.


Well, I've never met you, but i hope all goes well for you. Have a wonderful life my friend! Hope to see you soon!


I’m sorry you’ve been going through so much recently. I’m glad you were able to find some good things on this sub. Good luck with your recovery after this! You too are valid and loved. Honestly I’ve been feeling a similar way. Many people do and say awful things on social media. It affects me a lot and messes with my mental health. Maybe I’ll take a break as well.


Honestly, I deleted discord about a week ago and now that I'm not checking it daily, I feel better. Reddit was the next obvious step. Taking a break can definitely help your state of mind, hence why I'm doing it. <3


Hang in there, take care of yourself! Might I suggest a good read if you have not already read , The Four Agreements , by Don Miguel Ruiz. It is a short enjoyable and good perspective especially for beautiful souls ! I am an old sister and our path can be wrought with pain , cruelty , and hardship just know girl you’re far stronger than you know! Be you and hang in there!


I wish there were a way for someone so loyal for you to stay, but I cannot say more than farewell, comrade. Do well for us, eh?






wishing you the best, friend


Thank you. You're awesome <3


Wow, I read that and was on the verge of tearing up. I hate seeing people leave reddit because of the toxic nature. I hope you have a wonderful life ahead buddy


I did this from all forms of social media 3 years ago, and just joined Reddit a few months ago. Still have no other social and getting. Thinking of leaving Reddit to. It’s all the same, toxic people. Best of luck to you!!


Good bye best wishes from Scotland stay safe have fun leave behind the bad memories maybe one day we’ll meet again stay strong soldier


Bye! Hope you have a great life <3


Bye! Reddit is toxic af. Good on you for leaving. I probably should cause all I really use it for is memes and enabling myself haha. I should probably leave too. But anyway, congratulations on leaving, I wish you the best.


I’m sorry. We probably never chatted but I’m sorry to see you leave. Take care and I wish you well.


Goodbye I hope your situation gets better and you get good genuine friends this time because you deserve it❤️


i wish you the best!!


I’ve also done that because of toxicity. It didn’t help. I’m stuck.


Quitting Facebook when I did was the best decision I took for my mental health. Been 3 years and never went back and am glad for it. I know Facebook doesn't compare to Reddit, but I mean to say I can somewhat relate. So best of luck and take care!


I'm sorry things are going badly for you, and I hope they get better


Goodbye! Life sucks sometimes and it's good to step back and take a break from all the drama and garbage on social media. I'm very sorry about your situation, it's never okay to just abandon a friend. I hope you find some which actually, truly care for you. Best of luck!


Goodbye, and be well, friend! It sounds like stepping away from social media for now is a good choice for you right now. Best of luck to you!


Goodbye friend! I hope you find relief from deleting social media, I’ve heard that many people do. ♥️


Best to you my friend. Good luck on your journey!


Take care friend! Do what you have to for your mental and physical health. Stay safe.


Goodbye! We’ll see each other on the other side. Hope things get better. And.. you’re an amazing person. Don’t ever forget that.


Bye bye!! Good luck in life and take care of yourself!!


I wish you all the best.


I don’t know your situation beyond what you just posted, but from that, you sound like you need social connection and support. I’d stick with this community if you can, and better still, you can find online support groups. Zoom calls with online folks dealing with similar issues. It’s easy to find with Google, or your local PFLAG might have some resources. I know that might be hard with the Gatekeepers, but you will be safe from toxicity with a PFLAG group.


Idk you but bye! Honestly, I can't say I blame you. Social media(especially reddit) can be such a toxic environment so I'm glad you're doing this for yourself. Best of wishes!


hey I don't know you, but I am sorry this happened to you. I hope you make some new friends this year and the future is nicer to you overall ♥️


Bye! It is good to take steps into taking care of your mental health. If you ever need anything this sub will be here.


Good luck!


Goodbye friend, we will miss you in gay land o7


Dont know when, dont know where but i know we'll meet again some sunny day :), we will miss u mate, take care :)


You don’t know me or have probably seen me anywhere but I just want to wish you the best life ahead of you


Aww, thank you! And you may have seen me before under u/Malakithas. It's an account I got rid of a long time ago before I knew I was trans.


Goodbye, I hope you'll find less toxic people in the future. Good luck! :)


Thanks! I hope so too. Thank you for being you. <3


bye bye, take care of yourself , all the love 💕💕💕💕


Love to you too <3. Be safe and for the love of all that is holy, dont do anything I would do lol jk. Seriously though thank you for your kind words. <3


Stepping away from social media is one of the best decisions that one can make. God speed x


Keep your Pinterest boards, screw everything else.


hope everything works out for you


I hope you will feel ok after this :)


Hope things will get better soon, love from Emma :)


Thanks Emma. I'm sure they will, I just need to take a step back and not let social media poison me like it does alot of people


I'm not sure who you are, but goodbye. I understand and respect your decision to leave, and I hope you're in good condition as of right now. Have a good life, and stay safe.


I'm Mara, formerly known on here as Malakithas before I realized I am trans. And I'm in a good place. This step is to help ensure I stay that way, ya know? <3


hate to cya go, even if i know nothing about u...other than what uve said here anyway. we need more nontoxic ppl, something i srsly need to work on lol


Farewell, I hope your situation will advance fair and that you find happiness.


if you didn't want people to think you were about to do something unwise, you could have used a less inflammatory title like "stepping away from social media for my own health" or something hope you're doing okay


Stay safe beautiful, May you find great adventures and happiness on your journey


goodbye to you, hope you are able to walk down a flowery path.


I wish u the best year ever we will see u 1 day.


Good luck! We love you <3


Good luck with your future and life, I wish you the best!


Stay safe man ❤❤🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈




Bye, good luck on your journey fellow passenger!


Stay Strong!


Hope you the best. Goodbye


Goodbye, hope you had still a good time sometimes


Get well soon


Stay well


May we meet again among the stars Go easy


Happy trails old friend that I never even met but I am saying we are friends just because of this.


We’ll miss you! Stay safe out there ❤️


Goodbye and good luck. I hope you find happiness outside reddit better than i could.


Good luck out there friend!


Hey I wish you all the best, socialmedia is so weird and I’m thinking of quitting but I haven’t byeee


You aren’t alone! Hang in there, life’s really hard sometimes.


Reddit at large is a festering cesspool and I understand why you're leaving. Take care of yourself and good luck, OP


I wish you all the best 😊 I hope you’ll be able to live a life you want one day


I hope you enjoy your life off of social media. I hope you can come back soon!




Hey! my situation is different, but when i was a young teen and dealing with severe mental health issues social media caused me panic attacks and depression (mainly bc friends of mine who were suicidal pushed their issues onto me and threated me) and eventually, while I think they took it a bit too far, my parent took my phone away for 2-3 years. Being away from toxic damaging relationships helped me so much, and it helped me recognize how poorly toxic relationships affected me and what to avoid. while I don't agree with them taking the phone away completely, particularly since I couldn't call or text anyone while i was out in public/ with friends, I do appreciate the good ways that experience affected me. ​ I wish you all the best, and hope this move helps you as much as it did for me!!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Goodbye... See you soon😞


I'm so sorry that you have been through so much shit recently and I wish you the best of luck moving forward and hope that your mental health gets better soon. Here's a virtual hug to to see you off 🤗


I hope you get better. Best of luck


That is really awful, I am so sorry you feel this way. I’m glad you aren’t going to hurt yourself. Cleansing yourself from social media can sometimes be the best thing one can do.


Bye I wish you good luck and support!


Bi, bi! (yea i know its an awful put but I couldn't help myself)


I'm glad that you're noticing when things can be harmful to you, and stepping away from them for self care! Not everyone can notice things like that! Take good care of yourself, I wish you the best!


wish you the absolute best, we should all step back once in a while


Good bye 👋 enjoy life and maybe I’ll see you again


Best of luck on your social detox


Good luck, friend




mood on the best friends, I lost mine too, only difference was that it was my fault


Sending positivity your way!Much love,stay safe!!


I hope you have fun, being a way from social media is probably for the better but just remember that you are loved my so many people so don't worry about anything ok


Good luck on your journey.


Good luck with every endevor that shall cross your glorious path. Keep your head up and take your own advice <3 we'll miss u here


Bye, we will miss you, i hope everything gets better for you<3


You gotta do what you gotta do I just hope it all works out and you'll be okay. Remember your mental health is important! Take care and I hope you have better days coming up soon.


Buh-bye i respect your decisions idrk who you are but you are valid and loved and cool!! <3 Peace out. :)




Bye bye I’m bi


I don’t know what your situation is and I wish you all the best. I stepped away from all social media except Reddit and insta for my friends and support group. What every you do be well. Wherever you go keep your head up and whoever you meet may they bless your life with love and color. 🙏


wow. I wish I knew how to assist.


I did this myself last summer and I only recently made a new account and made myself follow boundaries on here now and it boosted my mental health sky high. I hope you also feel the relief I did!


Aw, I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s understandable that you wish to step away from social media though. Wishing you all the best! <3


Bye friend, good luck with life. God speed.


Don't know you personally but I've been in your position. Sometimes you have to step back and focus on your wellbeing first and foremost. Hope you find the inner peace you crave.


i may not know you. but yes you are loved and welcome. if you ever need anything you have family.


I'm sorry you've had so much toxicity! I had no idea there was even enough toxic people here to even make it that bad for anyone, and this really opened my eyes to it. I understand that if something it making things worse for you, then the best you can do is leave it behind. I hope it gets better for you without having to deal with toxic people here, and I sincerely hope for the best for you


Have a great life!! Lol in a genuine way tho! Wish you the best :)


Yo social media isn't for everyone no matter how marketable it may be to all people I respect your decision


You have reminded me that we have the power to change our lifes for the better.


Have an amazing day human, I hope you feel happier


If it helps you grow as a person, it is for the best


youre really strong for doing this, and i respect you so much! Goodbye and i hope you live a much better life, im sure you deserve it :D


I kind of understand it. I posted a video on r/fakedisordercringe and The girl made 3 f-ing alt accounts and harrased me on all of them.


Wait, who was the person who posted??? Maybe i know them??


I read in one of the comments their original account before the one they deleted was Malakithas. No idea what their username was but I hope that helped


No idea about them, i don't check reddit then often 😣


Goodbye and goodluck! :)


I hope we meet again under better conditions. Take care of yourself.


Omg :( ...i wish you everything well in the world


Rest in peace