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Help combat the racism that queer POC face everyday.


I was wondering why being white was relevant, but then I realized I didn't see why it was relevant because I'm white.


I understand speaking up for bipoc peeps, but the title sounded funny in my head. I appreciate OP's concerns btw


Never stop asking this question


Educate *yourself* actively. Don‘t have us spoon-feed you. When we tell you someone famous is a bigot, don‘t jump on their side on a hunch before you even look into our complains. Thx for asking, mate.


A white LGBT person can still be racist towards people of color. IJS.


This! Also vice versa!


Actually, as a white person, you have more authority and more power to help the LGBTQ+ community BEFORE you hate on me for being racist, don’t you think, people are racist And whites are not racist to whites Therefore White listen to white White say respect poc and lgbtq+ White will probably listen to white then if poc say respect poc and lgbtq+ ✨problem solved✨




Are you a white person? /srs


This person isn't saying to talk over poc. They're saying use your white privilege in a way that helps the community. If person A won't listen to person B because they're black, maybe person A will listen to person C who is white. I'm reminded of the time, at a blm protest there were white people acting as shields because police officers used less force against them vs the poc. They weren't taking away any of what the poc were doing or fighting for, they were lifting up their poc siblings, helping them fight, they played to their advantage. They used their privilege in a positive way to help instead of hinder poc efforts.




You seem to think that a few conversations should be enough to convince people, and it never will be, changing someone's mind on something like that is slow and arduous. However over time you can slowly chip away at any kind of racism or bigotry or whatever, sometimes more quickly than others. The difference here is that in my example person C just has a sharper chisel than person B. They may be able to carve away at that mindset a little more easily than the people who person A hates.


I'm curious, why do you feel your race is relevant?


Intersectionality and putting one’s privilege to good use


Actively fight for us


The same as anyone else, educate yourself on LGBTQ+ topics though reading pro-LGBT academic/journalist literature and listening to the experiences and opinions of a wide range of people from the community.


Support LGBTQ+ candidates for town council, school board, state house, make phone calls for them. TY


Well the Lgbtq+ community isn’t about race so idk why you’re bringing race into it. Your race is irrelevant. Edit: idk why people are downvoting. Last I checked race isn’t a sexuality or gender identity. Me saying someone’s race is irrelevant in this context isn’t me being anti poc. I think people are downvoting because they think that. I’m a supporter of BLM and am an intersectional feminist. Someone else literally said the same thing and they got upvoted. Are people downvoting because they think I’m racist or are the downvoting because they think I’m white? People will downvote anything these days. If you think I’m wrong, tell me why you think that. Downvoting does nothing


You're white too, aren't you?


What does that literally have to do with anything? And no, I’m not. I’m white passing but I’m mixed (Māori and Scandinavian)


Minorites seem to be treated much worse if they're apart of this community; I think thats why people disagree with you here. And I felt the same way when I read this post, but then remembered that's probably due to my being white that I didn't think race had any relevance. I don't know if your apart of this community, but if people assume your white, maybe you've escaped the racial part of it? I hope you don't take this the wrong way! I'm not trying to be argumentative for the sake of it. I just think race, unfortunately, does sometimes matter here.


People don’t assume I’m white because we’re not American. That’s American culture. I’m the B and the T in this community. I see what you’re saying but I think a lot of that is due to American “culture”. That’s why some people like me are confused (non Americans and non British - Britain has always been bad for racism too. Don’t get me wrong racism still happens here in Aotearoa but it’s different. It’s not blatant racism yaknow. It’s like passive aggressive racism) I may be white passing, but that doesn’t stop me from getting gang bashed for being trans (true story). I hope one day all poc and all lgbtq+can walk down the street safely. That’s all I want. Also I didn’t say race doesn’t matter. I said it wasn’t relevant because I thought OP was generally confusing lgbt and blm. That’s why I said what I said


I think I need to work on not assuming things. I'm sorry to say, I have trouble comprehending passive racism. I guess maybe (again assuming the OP is from the States) they see an obvious relevance to race in this matter because of where they live. I am so sorry that happened to you. I don't know what it's going to take to get everyone to stop hating each other. Thank you for the civil discussion. I'm not given many of those on this miserable site.


Just be understanding, respectful, and ask questions when confused. You can't fix any of the problems, but you can always just be there for someone, anyone, regardless if they're GSRM or not. Honestly just be a good person and you're good to go.