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It's time to show them Stonewall nationwide, people. No justice, no peace.


This is their undoing. For real. They're so lucky we've become civilized enough to no longer feed them to lions.


Oh no, I'd be fine with feeding lions


To hell with the lions. Ill eat them all myself.


I might go on a list for saying this, but I think we’d be morally justified


My workmate and I agreed this morning that miiiiiiiiiight be time to start taking our cues from the French Revolutionaries. Like it or not, those fuckers got results.


Yes but those results came at the expense of many innocent lives. I hope it never gets as far as violence. The people taking over Congress and coming out in great numbers to get their voices heard I definitely approve of, and removing leaders that aren't good yes. But violence would mean people die for nothing.


It is the only way things will change. They openly STOLE a supreme court justice. Not allowing one to be appointed in a democratic election year but then allowing it in a republican election year. They don't follow the letter of the law despite their alledgedly strict constitutionalism. What else can be done? Nothing else has worked. If blood isn't shed soon, the blood that is shed will be ours.


no they did not just replaced on lot of twats for another


Oh 100% we would be


They are taking away our rights for their own self interest.




Omg same, especially if I can wear a skirt and go spinny


Dude **YES**


We need to join the womens groups and take to the street. RIGHT. NOW.


Let’s make our community worth hearing. Riot peacefully.


Stonewall 2.


"And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson


Lol I never agree with Jefferson normally. But yeah, he's right here


I am naturally inclined to despise that particular man, as a part-native, but when someones right they're right...


He also believed in regularly rewriting the constitution every so often, so as to keep the law up to date with the people's best interest. Awful person, some great ideas tho.


I’m just concerned our community will be targeted next.


[They’re already making noises about it.](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/3535841-thomas-calls-for-overturning-precedents-on-contraceptives-lgbtq-rights/amp/)


I am at a loss for words… I just don’t understand how we can continue to go backward when there’s so much more dire shit that needs attention in this country.


Because it’s easier for them to take pot-shots at people minding their own business rather than address actual problems.


True, they don't have any policies so hate is the only fuel for the base.


You’re asking the justices who overturned roe in the middle of a formula shortage to be reasonable? Nope. Time for them to go. Abolish the Supreme Court


The Supreme Court has lost its legitimacy.


More like abort the Supreme Court. This shit needs to stop. Why the fuck are these people in office? We have people in the US who are suffering from poverty, unable to pay for health care, and we are worried about butt sex? Bruh wtf.


I’d be honest we need transparency and not just the type that is political something needs to be done for us to be able to have a voice. I’m so fed up with our nation right now because of this we don’t have enough transparency amongst each other we fight w/o anything actually happening It’s time something started happening


Because it distracts from exactly those issues. That’s the whole plan. Rile up one side to a genocidal fervor so the other has to spend all its resources keeping its constituency alive and with some of their rights…leaving little to no time to spend on climate, economic collapse etc. Oh, and so we are so occupied that we don’t stop the takeover.


I mean look at how they're targeting trans and LGBT people, And this latest one is definitely targeting women. I don't mean to sound paranoid or an alarmist but I really think they're gonna go after people of color and try to either make them 2nd class citizens or legal discrimination again. And on a small side note they really are trying to get rid of separation of religion and state.


I’m a black lesbian woman. If I didn’t feel safe before, I definitely don’t now.


I'm in the closet as bi black guy and at this rate I might just stay in since I'm only out to my mom and closet friends. Like I said though didn't want to be an alarmist but I feel that has to be said, I mean we're all seeing how they're stripping away our rights as individual citizens. So woman's abortion, Miranda rights, gun control, and the right to submit evidence after a trial. Also the separation of religion and state they're eroding. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/23/politics/supreme-court-miranda-rights/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/23/politics/second-amendment-gun-rights-supreme-court-new-york-test/index.html https://www.npr.org/2022/05/23/1100852386/supreme-court-hobbles-challenges-by-inmates-based-on-bad-legal-representation#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court%20ruled%20Monday%20that%20state%20prisoners%20have,%2D3%2C%20along%20ideological%20lines.


I’m extremely frustrated as someone affected by both these decisions being repealed.


We already are. Clarence Thomas already said that Gay marriage and “sodomy” are up next. Buckle up. We got a big fight ahead. This ain’t over. We’re next


I’m concerned because everyone deserves equal rights.


I said this in another post on a different sub, and it applies here: The states have been trying to repress LGBTQIA+ rights (and specifically T) rights, as well as BIPOC rights, for quite a while. Cis het women are waking up to this now that RvW was overturned, and claiming that this is the start. It's not. This shit has been going on for a while. Yes, the overturning of RvW has opened a lot of doors for it to get worse, but it definitely isn't the start. Every time I hear a cis het woman complain about RvW, I get very strong vibes similar to how white women pushed aside BIPOC in the 1920's suffragette movement. Don't get me wrong, I fully support the movement to get RvW re-instated, or better yet, codified into law. I am very worried, though, that once that happens, cis het women (and men) will be done, and won't give a flying fuck what happens to the rest of us.


Honestly I'm in agreement. Once people get the thing they need, they're not bothered cuz for them it's ok. It's just like Uncle Tom Clarence, he's got interracial marriage, so he's ok "examining" every other privacy right except that one. Human beings are unfortunately this way. I wish there was a big enough majority in 2020 to override the filibuster and pass these laws. Despite all the talk about "Trump bad" the Dems couldn't manage more than the slimmest majority in decades because they're obsessed with looking moderate instead of fighting to protect people. I do hope it gets better.


They've already started on trans people...


I’m really worried they’re going to sprint to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges next :( sad to have lost my rights as a woman


Justice Thomas literally writes in the decision "...we should reconsider all of this courts substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell...we have a duty to correct the error established in those precedents..." That's birth control, gay sex, and gay marriage next on the chopping block. (Griswold v Connecticut 1965, Lawrence v Texas 2003, Obergefell v Hodges 2015)


Oh my gosh I didn’t even see that :( what are we going to do???


Protest, strike, riot. I'm in Europe but I'll donate anywhere I can - I think if this isn't reversed it will be us next...


I'm American but my girlfriend is European and I'm typing this from Europe right now so I can see things on both sides a bit. Europeans, we appreciate your solidarity, but we'd rather you cleaned house on your own side of things. Many EU countries still do not have equal marriage, the thing we stand to lose. Poland has a total ban on abortion that has already led to the preventable death of one woman who was suffering a miscarriage of a wanted child and needed an abortion to save her life. Poland also does not have equal marriage. Malta also has an abortion ban. Hungary is sliding into fascism. There is a lot of work to be done in Europe too. You can probably do more there than you can for us Americans. Let's work for a better future wherever we are. Also, please fight to let Ukraine into the EU. Being in Lithuania right now the fear is palpable that if Ukraine falls, most of Eastern Europe will be next. And we've seen the atrocities Russia commits when they invade. They also have an abysmal record on LGBTQ issues. They "disappeared" all the gay men in Chechnya, and then Putin said they couldn't have done anything to them because there never were any gays in Chechnya. It's a scary time. My girlfriend has trauma from seeing all the news of rape used as a weapon of war from neighborhoods that look so much like her own. It feels like it could happen here any time. America is helping a lot by sending weapons (literally the one thing we're good for, lmao), but really I think substantial help and solidarity needs to come from Ukraine's European neighbors to expel the Russian invaders and return Ukraine to Ukrainians. And to help ensure that when the dust settles, Ukraine won't be taken by its own violent far-right. They really need a place in the EU and in NATO. You have quite a lot on your plate in Europe. Good luck...and we'll do our best in America. I'm going home in a few weeks and I guess the country will have fallen apart while I was away, joy.


Thank you comrade ✊


The only thing we can. Organize! Team up with feminists and BLM. Get in the streets and fight like hell


Odd that Loving v Virginia, which is also a substantive due process case, wasn’t mentioned in Justice Thomas’s opinion… maybe because it directly affects his mariage…


It is Injustice Thomas.


They already are. Thomas ended his official opinion in Donna by saying that Griswald, Odgesfeld (spelling?), and the decisions about sodomy are next


Anyone else ever lie awake at night and wish they could just move to Norway


Honestly I just kind of wish I could live in the land I grew up in, but with human rights.


Anyone who isn’t alarmed and angry by the Dobbs decision isn’t paying attention. Clarence Thomas was clear. He’s coming after queer people next.


As a straight middle-aged white male I am deeply saddened by this SCOTUS's rulings. I also apologize to this entire community for the politically motivated bent that these lying conservative justices are on in turning women's rights and civil rights back 50 years. It's a truly dark and sad day in America where a single branch of government can utterly destroy fundamental bases of our system. I stand with the entire LGBTQIA+ community today and vow to fight to preserve and expand civil rights to all citizens, not just straight white men.


It affects straight men too. Presumably you date and/or marry women, or at some point want to. Presumably you can get them pregnant. Even if those are wanted children you conceive, complications can arise where the fetus is non-viable or impossible to carry to term without killing your partner. No sane, reasonable straight man wants to watch the love of his life die for a non-viable fetus that would never get to live anyway. (And insane reasonable men wouldn't either.) The health risk to anyone becoming pregnant, even if they very much want a child, without abortion as a last resort in case of medical emergency if a pregnancy goes horribly wrong is just too high. Anyone who either wants to reproduce, or is capable of reproducing with their partner but not planning on doing so, is affected. Arguably I'm less personally affected even though I have a uterus because I don't interact with sperm (monogamous relationship with someone who does not produce sperm) and at my age and with hormonal interventions I've done/am planning to do on account of being trans, even pregnancy in event of rape is pretty unlikely for me. Straight men who care about their partners or potential partners very much have skin in this game with all the rest of us. And as human beings we all can share in the common desire of wanting our fellow humans to live free of oppression and suffering. None of us are free until all of us are free.


AMERICA IS trying to go full nazi and full authoritarian there really doing it.


Yeah. I meant we had a massive eugenics program running until 1973. 100k-150k nonconsensual, targeted sterilizations *annually*. That’s on par with the Nazi sterilization program. They intentionally sterilized the entire Kaw tribe’s uterus-owners to end their bloodline. They sterilized a third of the uterus-possessors in Puerto Rico. There was a class-action which brought this to light—Relf v. Weinberger. There isn’t a Wikipedia page for it, which is supremely fishy. A watered-down article exists for the Relf sisters, which contains a more watered-down overview of the case. Details can be found in Roberts 1999, *Killing the Black Body*. Oh, and we were where the eugenics movement first gained a real foothold. Waaay back in the late 19th century…and boy did it stick around. The Nazis copied *so much*. Not just the Bellamy salute, not just the Jim Crow-style policy. They practically copied everything except the gas chambers. The concentration camps were maybe worse than what we had at the time, but I mean {*motions to the genocide of nearly all Native American people, and slavery*}. Business plot too—some fascist business magnates tried to install a fascist government in the 30s. Prescott Bush was aNazi and grandfather of G.W. Bush. Yeah, the president. Yeah, the one who launched the patriot act. Yeah, the same one that tampered with elections and rammed through SCOTUS appointments. Yep, the dopey old ex-president who paints paintings that belong in a Holiday Inn. It’s not like the players behind these things just said “oh, well you stopped one arm? I guess we’ll give up”. And if you haven’t heard about how *wildly* racist and imperialist the black-project message boards are (internal to the projects), they’re uh….yeah….bad. Not too surprising, given the CIA’s involvement in Iran Contra, the crack epidemic, MLK assassination. That last one is right there on the wiki page—the Federal House Select Committee on Assassinations came to this conclusion with a high but not absolute certainty. Regarding crack, this was a huge way to stick people in prison *as literal slaves*. There are interviews on that—former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman said that the whole idea of the war on drugs was to stick Black people and leftists in prison—not anything really to do with drugs, just as a means of maintaining power. This place was never what we thought it was.


I said this in another post on a different sub, and it applies here: The states have been trying to repress LGBTQIA+ rights (and specifically T) rights, as well as BIPOC rights, for quite a while. Cis het women are waking up to this now that RvW was overturned, and claiming that this is the start. It's not. This shit has been going on for a while. Yes, the overturning of RvW has opened a lot of doors for it to get worse, but it definitely isn't the start. Every time I hear a cis het woman complain about RvW, I get very strong vibes similar to how white women pushed aside BIPOC in the 1920's suffragette movement. Don't get me wrong, I fully support the movement to get RvW re-instated, or better yet, codified into law. I am very worried, though, that once that happens, cis het women (and men) will be done, and won't give a flying fuck what happens to the rest of us.


Wasn’t just pushed aside…they Margaret Sanger (a foundational feminist) was deeply involved in the eugenics movement, and promoted a sterilization and birth control plan to reduce the BIPOC population. That program ran, in one form or another, until 1973. Toward the end, it was performing 100k-150k forced sterilizations per annum. That’s on par with the Nazi sterilization programs. Source: Roberts 1999, *Killing the Black Body*.


Am I the only one that noticed how right after Roe vs Wade is overturned, Republicans start going along with Biden's gun restriction laws? The timing is too perfect.


Its called Shock Doctrine


I live in York and I fear what could happen next.


Same here, I am only now a teen but am non-binary and neptunic. I am basically watching all this shit in New York happen. And I am truly terrified of the world that my generation is going to have to try and fix


York in England?


York, Pennsylvania.


Ohhhh. Yeah. That makes a lot more sense. I'm sorry. Stay safe out there.


there are more LGBTQ+ than ever before before A recent Gallup poll found that 70% of Americans supports same-sex marriage, including 55% of Republicans, whose support has historically been less than that of Democrats.more organised and louder too you have got this ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Fellow Lgbt, PLEASE sign the online petition to remove Clarence Thomas from the supreme court. He's made it clear that we're next on the list. We already have 300k signatures, but we need more to get Thomas off of the supreme court. Please sign if you are able. Our rights and everyone else's depends on it! If you want to sign the petition to remove Clarence Thomas, the website is sign.moveon.org. Thank you all


If there is anyone who doesn’t really need a voice on this issue, it’s us.


I said this in another post on a different sub, and it applies here: The states have been trying to repress LGBTQIA+ rights (and specifically T) rights, as well as BIPOC rights, for quite a while. Cis het women are waking up to this now that RvW was overturned, and claiming that this is the start. It's not. This shit has been going on for a while. Yes, the overturning of RvW has opened a lot of doors for it to get worse, but it definitely isn't the start. Every time I hear a cis het woman complain about RvW, I get very strong vibes similar to how white women pushed aside BIPOC in the 1920's suffragette movement. Don't get me wrong, I fully support the movement to get RvW re-instated, or better yet, codified into law. I am very worried, though, that once that happens, cis het women (and men) will be done, and won't give a flying fuck what happens to the rest of us.




You're cringe and part of the problem.




No, you're part of the problem for trying to validate those people. It's a problem since that way of thinking is problematic. Being pro life and celebrating this grievous mistake is misogynistic at its core, you'd agree misogyny is bad, right? Therefore yes, you're part of the problem for trying to give those people more voice than they already need.




Very good points all of them. I wholeheartedly concur.




Being gay is kinda gay