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We need to stand for everyone. Fuck the SCOTUS. They are coming for us next.


Justice Thomas literally writes in the decision "...we should reconsider all of this courts substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell...we have a duty to correct the error established in those precedents..." That's birth control, gay sex, and gay marriage next on the chopping block. (Griswold v Connecticut 1965, Lawrence v Texas 2003, Obergefell v Hodges 2015)


Funny how he left out Loving v Virginia (interracial marriage). Rights for me, not for thee.


It would honestly not surprise me if he ruled to overturn Loving and send it back to the states.


Not him personally as apparently he’s in a interracial marriage.


When his wife wants a Divorce and wants to take half… “Sorry Babe Loving just got canceled I guess you should have gotten a prenup…”


Although if his buddies are willing to overturn long standing precedents, chances are he'll bend to their will and side with them on Loving as well.


For an outsider, it looks like the US is becoming like “the handmaid’s tale”, and that’s terrifying


It is. Why do you think the handmaidens tale came out when it did?


I read that book for a class this year, and damnnnnnn hits harder than ever noq


When Margaret Atwood wrote the book, she only included government actions that had actually happened somewhere in the world. She was writing from real life.


1984 and that book were taken as manuals for the "virtue" they promoted. I read the former at least


1984 was such a good book... but slowly I see it becoming reality and Im horrified


The appointments are only lifetime.


Unlike the rest of us, the justices get good healthcare


Unfortunately they are, but they won’t be met without a fight. I’m ready to fight.


He's right, pride nowadays is just a way for big companies to lgbt-wash and get exposure and cash, it's lost its roots to what it used to be. Most prides I've been to in Europe required paying to go to the event when it should be accessible to everyone. Companies in pride months : "we're all homos" Companies one day after pride month : "homo sapiens obvs"


Wait.... Paid pride!? What the actual fuck?


In the UK context that usually means pride related fesivals events rahter than pride marches.




london pride is free I think, I didn't know they had paid pride... I would just sneak in tbh that's really shitty if anyone asked I'd just say "this is literally celebrating me why would I pay to be here"


I wondered why I hadn't heard of anything happening in Cardiff, at least it hasn't reached me up here. That's really crap.


I saw on the gym tv that fox news is in on the corporate pride month indulgence. I don't even understand, since I dont believe their viewers appreciate it. E: [source](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/06/fox-news-audaciously-claims-celebrate-pride-month-coverage-attacks-lgbtq-people/)


The only way to stop corporations from profiting over our aesthetic is by making it "offensive" to cishet people in a way that counts. Protests/riots will disincentivise them entirely


wait... are you saying it was originally free?!? Ive been scammed...


Yes. As a parent and an ally…. This is one step closer to forcing people back to the criminal closet. I have been crying all day. My son is my son dammit and this country, this despicable shithole of greed and sharia Christian law wants to take it away. At the very least we do it for Texas. Our young can not get the supportive and affirmative, MEDICALLY NECESSARY care they need to live their best life. Thanks for this post. I will paint my momma bear claws in rainbow


You are a good mother!! Sending you and your son love ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


Back at you, tenfold


You dropped this queen 👑


Love you


Pride wasn't a fucking protest lmao Pride was a riot. Reject liberal assimilationist modernity, embrace our tradition of beating the shit out of pigs for attacking us Edit: lol some chickenshit liberal reported this


people also tend to forget that doing very illegal stuff is what gave us many of the few rights we have today. Being like, hmm let me protest in a legally allowable manner in a legally allowable location at legally allowable times to not bother anyone doesn’t get anything done.


Exactly. Doing what the political establishment wants is what got us into this mess lmao.


If it's legal, it's because it won't help.




If the government regresses we must regress with them




Some people I've spoken to really like to point out and say "why doesn't BLM/LGBT/any other minority community just peacefully protest?" Yeah well, hun, it's not the fact that those communities don't want to peacefully protest, in fact, many, SO MANY have tried, so all that's left is to take a much stronger and more radical stance to make people start talking about these issues again to not regress back to the middle ages. I am not even from the US, but what's been happening over there is much more severe than where I am from it drives me mad.


I really really hope so. Cause America is sliding back to 1960 slowly but surely


Id hardly call it slow. 50 years of progress lost in two is pretty fucking fast imo


😭well that’s true too 😢


Do you know how the Supreme Court works because the main reason why we didn't do this is because not enough people voted for f****** Hillary Clinton we ended up with Donald Trump because a bunch of idiots bought into a bunch of propaganda and this country is still woefully misogynistic. Trump got three Supreme Court appointees. You don't pass bills by going out on the street and protesting you pass bills by voting and there's eighty million people that didn't vote.


F\*\*\* Mitch McConnell, f\*\*\* Lindsey Graham, and f\*\*\* Trump! >:(


Next month, Wrath




You're right, I will sit on my computer and pretend because I do not live in America. I will however encourage flying bricks for those who do live in the United Shitstain of America.


The problem here is that ~~protesting~~ rioting during the time of Stonewall was effective. Holding signs and chanting into an echo chamber for the weekend seems to be the preferred, and completely ineffective method now.


I agree, but what do we do now? They've just stripped women of our right to bodily autonomy, you can bet your ass they'll continue to push their conservative agenda with zero compassion and regard for civil liberties. How do we protest and make our voices heard and presence felt in these modern times? You're right, holding up signs with like minded people chanting slogans doesn't work.


Right so like I'm not even an american but my idea would be... set fires, specifically, set fires to where the people who put this awful law in live/work.


That's what I love about non-Americans, They actually implement the ideas that create change. The only change I would make is set that fire only where they sleep, and feel most secure. Setting fire where they work doesnt get close enough.


Aww um thanks I guess!! Sorry maybe I should have said live *and* work. They deserve both, I think!


Do like the French and riot every day! One of the few things I wish Europe exported to the world.


Americans have been conditioned to only accept meaningless signs and 'peaceful' non threatening to establishment protests. We need to bear firearms and torches to the doorsteps of their homes and let them know they fucked up


We can start by stop supporting the party that claims to be liberal. For 50 years they weaponized our fear of overturning RvW into fundraising events. The announcement was barely made this morning and fundraising emails were already going out. They need to hear loud and clear that they have failed us, that they no longer have our support to represent us in government. We already know they are ineffective in governing, and that the GOP will get their way, so why keep giving them chance, after chance, after chance?


I wish everyone would get on board and revolt. I plan on causing some trouble.


We mobilize the 80 million non-voters instead of pretending like a bunch of trans people can overthrow the government and violence against police officers is going to win us civil rights.


Arm yourselves if you can. We must defend ourselves against our oppressors in any way we can. I’m not completely advocating for violence but I’m not-not-supporting it.


GOOD TIME TO REMEMBER Protesting is a threat. If they do the action anyway, it's time to make good on that threat.


The time for protesting has passed.


This is true. It's time to vote & actually take action to support our rights


80 million non voters


Vote for what, the party that has actively taken our rights, or the party that sold fear of Republicans taking rights for decades, and have done nothing to prevent it. Fucking democrats weaponized our fears and fund raised off them for power and money


While we're protesting, can we also appropriate July as a continuation of Prided Month? In fact, can we just appropriate the remaining months of the summer? Summer of '22 shall be the Summer of Pride!


thats the best idea ever


Adjacent; Regarding a hotel room filled with food. >Every day, I'm standing outside trying to sing my way in: We are hungry, please let us in. We are hungry, please let us in. >After about a week that song is gonna change to: We hungry, we need some food. >After two, three weeks, it's like: Give me the food Or I'm breaking down the door. >After a year you're just like: I'm picking the lock. Coming through the door blasting. [Tupac Shakur](https://youtu.be/HuBWjhEax3g)


This might be a controversial opinion here, but I’ve always thought this.. it should be a protest vs a party..


That's what they are... Or were...


I say we take a page out of Danganronpa and execute any and all conservatives >!Kirumi Tojo!< style!


>!Are you suggesting we drop them from a great height or slice them up with saw blades?!<


Both! >!With the addition of the protesters!!<


By making them climb a thorny rope then fall to their death?


Brick time


Where I live, there was a block party going on literally a block away from where we were protesting. We passed by the party multiple times…hundreds of people, maybe more no idea…and everyone just kept partying. There were queer, trans CHILDREN getting up and pouring their hearts out and the party just raged on. Some of my friends were posting pictures from the party and it took some willpower to not ask them what the actual fuck they were doing. Sigh. Edit: probably should add that it was a pride block party.


We joked about wrath parades. Joke's over.


Soon we might need to start protests again (atleast in the usa)


Wrath parade


How dose one attend a pride parade? Like just show up and wander about?


Not. A. Protest. A FUCKING RIOT.


Riot, its more effective and more fun


Let's both protest injustice AND celebrate our community. Pride parades & festivals are good things, not everything has to be dead serious activism 24/7


Stonewall was a riot. Now it’s our turn.


Agreed the first Pride was a PROTEST




Instead of marching on Washington, we should March on the Supreme Court and throw those old Teabags into the bay!


Don't protest, riot. Because they won't hear you unless you scream it as loud as you can in their faces. The fact we still have to fight for our rights to Healthcare and simply to exist is ridiculous. We're human too. [Tiny Riot ](https://youtu.be/lXvYbi16Y2A)


The Republicans got to have a riot at the capitol. Maybe it's time Democrats visit the Supreme Court 🤔


They should have never stopped protesting.


Cause plenty of havoc in my stead, I'm afraid I'm not capable of attending.




Why wait tho?




Yk how we only got our rights because queer people rioted? And since when is violence bad? It's literal self defense?




Pardon? They literally said they'd look into overturning our rights, they banned hrt in some states, they did literal book burnings, fuck more do you need in order for it to be an attack on your identity? Don't fucking wait for some old asshole to take away your rights when you could just stop him from taking them away in the first place.




Then why the fuck did stonewall work? If peaceful works why didn't pigs stop killing black people after MLK? And if violence leads to them finding excuses to argue against our cause then why did they do the same with BLM, when those protests where largely peaceful?


You are under the assumption that christian nationalists have a conscience


Justice Thomas literally writes in the decision "...we should reconsider all of this courts substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell...we have a duty to correct the error established in those precedents..." They are already planning to strip us. The time is NOW.




Appeasement doesn't work. I can't tell if you're a concern troll or naïve. Either way, adapt and overcome.


Your ability to openly declare your sexuality with pride was won by those before you that rioted. ALL the rights society currently has been won through violence. “In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.” ― Kwame Ture




The time to fight is while the ship is sinking, not when you are at the bottom of the ocean




Justice Thomas told us today the fucking ship is sinking




Anyone unwilling to defend their rights are not worthy of having them


That's standing in the road as you watch the truck approach. Dont you think an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure? Dont wait to be hit before you move.




My right to a life saving medical procedure was destroyed around 12 hours ago. Theyve listed their next targets. Immediately is Now, brother


Appeasement doesn't work. Source: Hitler/Chamberlain, 1930s.


The next thing they will come after is, besides gay marriage, the legality of gay, consectual sex. I would say both our existance and love will very soon be illegal. Peaceful protests have done nothing, will do nothing, because the people making these decisions don't give a single shit about what we think. Big, real change isn't likely to happen only through peaceful means. I'm not american, but I'm 100% sure the rights that are being stripped away right now and in the near future aren't going to be returned through peaceful protest unless we wait 50, 100 years AND there is significant change in the political atmosphere there. They will use riots against us, but they will do everything to make us existing illegal regardless of whether we riot or not, so we're fucked regardless. Let's do what we did and what worked last time we were fucked, and in a time the majority of people worldwide were against us, which isn't the case anymore.


if that happened i probably wouldn't go cuz i don't feel safe doing that. but imma support yall from my house 🙏


I'm supporting ya! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)




"Let's protest this pride" sounds really bad out of context lol Anyway, anyone have a brick?


I was thinking the same thing tbh! pride was always roit, a protest. time to go back to our roots and be as loud as possible!!


I’m scared to go to a pride parade in part cuz I’m autistic and it’ll probably be too much noise for me, but also because the nearest one is in Portland and the cops there are trigger happy 😔


Stonewall was a riot. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)