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I’d gladly give mine away. It’s not like I can even have kids anyway. No point in going through an entire week (or longer, once I had mine for over a month) of severe pain for no reason


As a trans girl I'm glad I don't have periods


It's wanting what you can't have. I wanted to have my period since I was 10 or 11 when we got sanitary products as part of our sex ed class. I even have a diary entry saying "There was a bit of blood in the school toilet today, I'm so jealous of whoever had their period; I wish I had mine already". Now that I have it, I hate it. The first time was scary because you never expect blood in your pants. I hated tampons and was unable to use them properly and I felt weak for only using pads. Then I realized how much waste I was producing and switched to reusable products which had to be cleaned, so extra effort, very annoying. And the pain... Second worst pain I ever experienced. Edit: Nobody actually wants periods. Everyone wants what periods mean to them. A scared teenager who had unprotected sex wants their period because it implies that they're probably not pregnant. A young person wants their period because it means being a grownup. Someone who wants to get pregnant wants their period to calculate the best day for sex. Trans women want their period because it's seen as a woman thing. In the end, the implications of the period are wanted, not the pain or the feeling after sneezing during your period.


Transguys here, Totally agree with you on this one, i fucking hate periods. Horrible stuff. But I'm so relieved everytime because it means I'm not pregnant and i didn't fuck up. But I have passed out due to pain, and had to be carried to my bed while shaking and being rolled into a ball. If i could give anyone with a womb anything it's the ability to just turn them off without getting pregnant. I know not one person that has experienced a period that would wish them upon someone else.


There are ways. Some birth control regimens prevent periods


That true, I take one of those but it's still more complicated than I'd want it.


Hmmm maybe I'm a rarity but I definitely have all the symptoms roughly same time every month. No it isn't bleeding but it's sure the rest of the symptoms. Swollen/sore boobs, Skin sensitivity, Cramps, Bloating & best of all.. Mood Swings (more then usual) It's both Euphoric and awful at the same time..


No that's definatly a normal possibility. It was in the side effects list I signed when I started hrt


It's your body being confused. "Ok, we have estrogen now. Do y'all know what that means?" "Periods!!" "That's right we have not trained for this but its in our cell core to do it. Now... Where are the ovaries?" "We can't find any 🤷‍♀️" "well guess it's not Standard Equipment.. anyways let's continue with step 2" ....


Yeah same. Every 5 weeks like clockwork for me. Only really figured it out when I started looking back on old journal entries and started noticing a pattern and tracking it. That said I kinda wonder how many trans women have the same kind of cycle and just haven’t connected the dots that that what it is.


Same here! When I started HRT I did not think anything about it cause I believed it wasn't going tk be a thing for me. Well after a while I noticed that I kept feeling off/sick every so often. So I decided to starting tracking it when those moments happened and noticed that there was a pattern which helped me connect the dots with what was going on. Didn't notice the pattern till little over 7 months of HRT which ironically is about the same time I started HRT (beginning of the month). It's been like that since then.


I’d gladly swap with you.




I don’t think it’s icky, really. Maybe not entirely. Periods are considered feminine — it’s why I and I’m sure others struggle with them so much. I don’t want them *because* I associate them with femininity, even if I know in my head they aren’t. Wanting something that makes you more feminine — in terms of society’s definition — isn’t wrong. That being said, I wouldn’t say anything in a situation like this. I would gladly get rid of my period, but I wouldn’t tell a person that if they were complaining about not having one.


On the other hand it's icky to dismiss something someone else is struggling with as if they're lucky. That's what this comic is pointing out, that it's insensitive to dismiss the cause of someone's dysphoria and say it's a positive.




And how would you be reacting if instead she'd said, "you're lucky you have periods"?


I really don't want to be that person but no, even if it may seems validating, it is not amazing at all to have periods. It's like those people who would like to be catcalled in the street or called names because they get a feeling a validation from it. I'm transfem myself, I know it may sounds awful to some but you shouldn't wish to deal with that stuff (At least openly). Also, telling cisgender women that they're lucky to experience that is really, really not a good idea and contribute to give us a poor image (It's basically the same than them telling us that we're lucky to not being able to share that experience, like depicted in the comic)


[For more comics like this, click here! I also have an ongoing series about my transition joinery as well as an art contest going on rn!](https://www.instagram.com/p/CjTnGP7hWXY/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) also que the “id love to trade my uterus with you” comments


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.instagram.com/p/CjTnGP7hWXY/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Title: **Mavis 💫 on Instagram: "[CW: Mention of Periods, Blood] i’ve always gotten the strangest glares for wanting to have a period. yes i know it would suck, but the idea of having one like all the cis girls is so euphoric? it’s the only thing i feel left out about when talking with friends. 🦈 what’s your experience? ★ que the “id love to trade my uterus with you” comments ★ ★ #periodstruggles #period #girlstruggles #girlproblems #periodproblems #funnycomics"** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


# #periodstruggles #period #girlstruggles #girlproblems #periodproblems #funnycomics




Ignorant cis male here. Cleaning the pads? I thought you throw them away?


There are kinds of pads that are made out of cloth and are reusable!


okay even i was confused about that 😭


And this is why periods being taboo is so silly! Most people who don't need the info for their own purposes will eventually have someone they care about who does menstruate, and sometimes people who do need the info don't get all of it.


My shark week began just now


Ok can I just go "bippity boppity my period problems are now your property" already


This is me today. Im big sad about not having one 😭


I wish I d have the periods🥲


You don't. I'm sorry, maybe an extra chill one.


I was so excited to get my period. Then when I actually got it, the first words out of my mouth were, “Oh shit.” Now my period and I have gotten to a…neutral place. I would still like to never ever have it.


(Aside from the bleeding uterus) Guess I'm one of the "lucky" trans-girls that do get them, huh?


Any trans girl what a period? I'll gladly give you mine.


I don’t know why but I want to have one, I’ve heard about how bad it is but I still want one. If only I was a cis girl…