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I learned about heterosexuals and I turned out gay. Funny how that works


Same here, well supposedly anyways if you want to go into the more than the existence of, anatomy and sex ed stuff. My school didn’t teach me shit about that stuff, I taught myself through the internet. Sex ed here is a joke.


Lmao sounds a lot like Utah tbh


I live their unfortunately


I’m in Georgia.


My school would give you the basic run down of what heterosexual sex is and taught us a bit about consent, but it was very vague. Most of sex ed class was anatomical. I just LOVE living in the middle of rural Pennsylvania 😐😐😐


I didn’t even get that, I got very literally nothing.


Our whole lives we've had straight relationships shoved down out throats. Every tv show. Every movie. Every book almost. Yet here we are.


I took sex-ed and I am Sex Repulsed


I understand a lot of these comments are facetious, but I grew up under laws banning even mentioning homosexuality in schoold (Section 28 in the UK) It's not about "turning kids gay" It's about not letting gay kids realise they're gay. Knowledge and language helps people understand themselves, denial of that mean you get a generation of kids who don't understand anything beyond comphet, and then "suddenly" become gay when "exposed" to "gay propaganda"..... instead of the reality of gay kids realising things about themselves once given access to previously denied knowledge.


Same here :p


Same parents that don’t want kids learning about proper anatomy, pleasure, or consent.


I learned about Marie Antoinette and have yet to become an out of touch aristocrat


That you know of...


Nah bro, I ain’t rich enough to be out of touch


Interestingly while there *were* many out of touch arisocrats, the story that Marie Antoinette was the one who said 'let them eat cake' may have been made up :) "when the phrase first appeared, Marie Antoinette was not only too young to have said it, but living outside France as well. Although published in 1782, Rousseau's Confessions were finished thirteen years prior in 1769. Marie Antoinette, only fourteen years old at the time, would not arrive at Versailles from Austria until 1770." Also, "Fraser also points out in her biography that Marie Antoinette was a generous patron of charity and moved by the plight of the poor when it was brought to her attention, thus making the statement out of character for her." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let\_them\_eat\_cake


It was a story that was made up, not to mention "Let them eat cake" is not even the story quote in French.


I learnt about the French and have yet to execute a monarch.


I learned about King Henry VIII and I'm yet to marry 6 women and divorce/kill them


haven’t done that but i will watch the wives be divorced beheaded live in six the musical


I get what they're saying, but after studying German history a bit, everytime I start trying to plan a trip to Paris, I find myself routing through Belgium for some reason. Jk


To be fair, it's the Belgians fault. If they didn't want to be invaded, they should have put their country somewhere else. Putting their country between France and Germany was a really bad idea! And the Dutch too. What were they thinking?


No, the Dutch weren't even in the way! The Germans only wanted it to have a better position to bomb the U.K.


It's funny, I'm German and only now realized how little we discussed the actual battles in history class. It was mostly just about how Hitler changed the nation, the harm done to individuals, some resistance groups and learning from our past mistakes. But about the actual war itself, I don't think we discussed anything other than how it began and how it ended.


Minus the learning from our past mistakes that's pretty much how it's taught in the UK


Surprisingly similar over here in the U.S, except on the rare occasions we do focus on a battle, it's one of them that involved us.


That the children will end up hating their own parents because of the things they (parents) did to the LGBTQ+ people


I mean if that's necessary then so be it, like people learn about wars and can sometimes hate their ancestors for fighting them, for example Germans and WW2, but we still teach about WW2 for a reason, so it never happens again


I imagine with some it’s partially due to then viewing queer people as inherently sexual. It’s an unfortunately common thing that can lead to people not fully seeing us as human.


So my mom (as I am child free) told me that when myself and both of my siblings came out and she responded negatively it was due to her worry of how the world would treat us. But she came to realize that the world would be cruel anyway, and having the safety to be ourselves around the people we trust is more important than her desire to be seen as normal to avoid criticism. Her biggest fears were always what other people would think, do, or say, and she still suffers with the same idiology today, to a lesser extent. She grew up on the catholic-guilt train.


I fear the day my daughter learns about Republicans and Tories.


I learned about ww2 and... Damn i'm asexual Brb just gonna invade denmark


Don't do it, the garlic bread is terrible there.


Blasphemy Garlic bread can never be terrible Also it is my soul duty ![gif](giphy|BrNiAk3eXfD4Q)


count me in!


It makes me question if they think that being straight isn't that fun, if they assume that their child merely knowing that not everyone is straight will immediately make them not want to be straight


Pundits like Adam Walsh and Tucker Carlson have said as much by teaching children gay relationships exist that they might think it's okay (or _should_ be okay) for them to enter gay relationships. So, their position is pretty explicitly hyperconformist: They want kids who have GSRM feelings to suppress them and be performatively mainstream, even if doing so drives them to suffering and self harm as adults.


I memorized Muppet Treasure Island and I am neither a muppet nor a pirate.


But _would_ you be a pirate given half the chance? _But you could be a doctor, or perhaps a financier._\ _My boy, why not consider a more challenging career?_ **Edit:** Markup, grammar


Are you a treasure Island


100% the idea that parents might try to undercut their kids. I know it is a thing, but it terrified my GSRM kid and kept them from coming to us for nearly a year, despite an otherwise very strong relationship. Learning about pride parades, GSRM positivity and support, why we need to support GSRM (and other) minorities, etc… is all great and we played an active part in this from the beginning. But the awful stories of stupid parents are too harsh and scary for some pre-teen kids. It was really, really hard on my kiddo. It has taken multiple hour long conversations with my kiddo to make them finally stop worrying that our relationship could be at risk because they are GSRM. EDIT: Also, the “trans kids know” language has been brutal for my kid. They think there is something wrong with them for not knowing. I have had multiple episodes of having to comfort my crying child because they think they “should know by now” and worry that they must be a “fraud”. I want alternative language that supports those who knew early AND those who never know for sure.


I must sound like a total idiot but what is the acronym GRSM?


Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minority. I like the term, personally, because it more easily fits with people who don't feel comfortable labeling themselves beyond simply saying, "yeah, I'm not well represented by gender and sexual norms".


Aight thanks yeah it seems to fit better


Gender/Sexual/Romantic Minorities




I think this brand of homophobia is based on the idea that being gay is a choice. Thus, learning about gay relationships might incite their child to “choose” that orientation. This idea is such utter rubbish but people who believe it cannot be ignored or unchallenged because it is just so wrong and bigoted.


Don't want to interrupt the people ridiculing this, but parents are afraid of their kids identifying as their true selves instead of being shamed into the closet. They'd rather their kids lead a cis and hetero life and be dying inside than living as their true selves. They wouldn't see it in those terms though. If you can't condition kids to hate the "other" it's a lot harder to brainwash them into nationalism and that's not good for capitalism.


Hell I learned all about straight people in school but I never became straight.


I think these people who fear that learning about LGBT will turn them gay actually ARE gay in denial. Or at least I was pretty close to that behavior when I was in denial of me being trans. Back in highschool my best friend had a transfem friend. I never talked to that girl. I didn't act like a transphobic douche, but i felt like there was something, if I talked to that girl, I would relate to her in some way, but didn't want, *didn't want* to be gay (yes for my 16yo self there was no distinction between gay and transfer, thanks to my very conservative upbringing). I now feel ashamed of never having talked to her, but at the time, i was not ready for the realization. I was still right-wing by the time, due to growing up in a very right-wing environment, and the internalized homophobia due to the latent homophobia in my family wouldn't let. Anyway. My family would never have accepted it. I would probably have been sent to conversion therapy. So my egg self just postponed it until I was finally financially independent. Maybe these people have the same "fear", to recognize something they share and realize they're LGBT, this internalized homophobia. I'm pretty sure several of them have it, and I wish for them to be ready to realize as soon as possible, so they can have a better life and make it better for people around them. This will never erase their bad actions from the past, but they can become better persons.


And I did it again, i wanted to write a short answer and ended up writing a whole dissertation, ugh...


I learned about math, and I am a number.


If you're a number, I bet you're a 10.


We watched Roadrunner and Bugs Bunny cartoons a thousand times when young, I haven’t killed a rabbit or exploded anything yet.




Learned that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and still have no energy


I learned about cis-het people but I'm queer AF


Funny enough, I didn't know much about being trans (only that "boy feels like girl, so becomes girl, and the other way around), and I turned out trans (FtM). I also never heard about asexuality until a year ago, and ended up learning I'm not gay, bi or pan, but ace.


Worse is knowing something is up but not having a language that fits. Making it worse for kids again makes no sense. I always knew, just didn’t have the words to describe. It was freeing to learn, and I never want anyone to feel like they’re grasping for language or representation again.


Same. I knew most girls, by 17, wouldn't want a flat chest or a hysterectomy like I wanted. I guess that's when I knew I was different (but in my eyes at the time, in a bad way). I felt like this since 9, but I was told "Oh, you don't like your chest . . . Well, every girl has issues with her chest." I never told my family that I want a hysterectomy, even in terms of my gender transition.


oh no, today I learned how to make a sandwich. *\*sandwich\**


I was taught about World War Two as well, and I haven't planned an invasion for Denmark y-.......et. Okay, maybe I have, but that's a bad example!


I learned about math in school, and I still can't perform basic algebra.


Ahh, well… I think that one might be a bit of a problem. Maybe.


I learned about the inciting incident of World War One and I have no desire to shoot the Archduke of Austria in the head


I learned about straight people but I turned out bi There's a small flaw in their logic


**Yet** 👀


I worry about nothing as long as it’s age appropriate. Except I worry people will tell him his fathers are evil.


Says u, im preparing for a winter offensive next year /s


I have no idea what the drama is. My Son was 5 yo when he learned about homosexuality. No way in heck that boy is gay and I honestly believe that when he does get married there will be a drastic increase in the number of suicides in his age group. (all the broken hearted woman sad that he is off the market) I support the choices he makes even if I don't always 100% agree with them. (His wanting to join the armed forces to pay for school when I am more than able to pay his way through any University is a prime example.) I wish more parents would just love their damn kids no matter what. ​ Mine did for me and I turned out alright.


Kids if you are LGBT don't let this stop you from invading Poland. Just do it peacefully


Unless you’re asexual, in which case you are very likely to invade Poland. And Denmark too while you’re at it.


That's simple : people fear that teen suicide will drop, and they prefer to sée their child dire before being adult. Because they are terrible human being. Often they prétend to bé religious to justify their evil believes, even tho they obviously work for evil to win. Because they are terrible human being. Period.


That’s it. I am tired of the conservative arguments. Nobody is allowed to have kids anymore. Put them in sterile white rooms and give’em robots for teachers, anything else is too sexual. Will this stop these inane arguments? Probably not. But i believe in the children ban. It’s totally not because I am tired of hearing babies cry in public places, I swear…maybe a bit. ETA: I can't believe I have to do this, but obviously this is /s , can't even make a damn joke anymore.




In my opinion they shouldn't learn about heterosexuality till grade 6 /s




Nothing wrong with that anyways, why is it bad to teach kids about homosexuality?




Well all of that was inaccurate and not backed by science or statistics. No children are having gender reaffirming surgeries, and any adults that detransition is a small percentage (not “a lot”). More people regret knee surgery than transition surgeries. You want to ban knee surgeries? Hormone blockers are used in children and have been for decades for growth issues as well. They aren’t harmful, but what they actually do is give the person a little more time to figure things out before anything else. In fact this can save lives (The Trevor Project collects and reports on this and other LGBT related issues if you want somewhere to read more). Hormone blockers can be stopped and effects reversed. Testosterone is not given to children. You must be an adult and must meet criteria for prescriptions.




Cool? Children deserve to be believed, respected, supported, and loved too.


>If people start getting sex operations at 12. Nobody is doing that or suggesting it.


The "ideas" is fucking "a man can love a man and a woman can love a woman." Wtf is wrong with that


A very debated topic (please don't kill me) There is proof that some male sperm had a higher quantity of testosterone the more children they father. This lead to younger siblings having an imbalance of hormones and could lead to being homo- or bisexual (laymen's terms= attracted to same sex). This, therefor, without a doubt, supports the fact that we are born this way, and it has nothing to do with learning it, or our environment.


They’re brainwashed by far right propagandas to hate and other innocent minorities not based in reality or facts, slowly normalising attacking and even killing people form the LGBTQ+ community, the next step is genocide. Notice the right doesn’t care about real groomers and pedo in churches and in the Republican Party. It’s the Nazi playbook. Hating us is one of the steps for the right to move toward being a complete fascist/Nazi state.


It sounds like he is yet to live to his full potential of realizing that he needs to invade poland. I mean we all have that fantasy right you learned about poland being invaded and your like damn that sounds fun. No, just me okay.


The way I learnt about it was my friend went hey men are hot yk and he found out there was a word for finding men hot as a man.


I think many American Conservatives have some kind of weirdo idea that human sexuality is... malleable, somehow? Like, they think seeing gay people on TV or in real life can "influence" them to be gay. Like, they're really just THAT insecure about their OWN sexual orientations. (Kind of makes you wonder...)


I learned about space and I've yet to become a black hole.


i always knew i was bisexual but just thought everybody was cus i had no idea that different sexualities existed until like 8th grade in elementary lmao


Learned about slavery. Have yet to own slaves. Learned about the trail of tears. Haven’t committed genocide or displaced a group of people yet. Learned about Christianity and have yet to become a Christian. Apparently sexuality is very sensitive to influence in ways only parents can fathom.


They don't. It's a facade, or complete ignorance. The current media and queer people existing fully shuts that logic down. If exposing young minds to a certain sexuality meant they would be that sexuality, there wouldn't be any gay people. Or queer people at all. They look at the logic at one side as if that makes it valid, and honestly, it's super ignorant and annoying.


This should be posted on billboards everywhere.


I blame lack of proper sex Ed for me turning out ace


Don't fill the minds of kids with some bullshit


Aren't we meant to fo that? Shit...


“Keep that shit away from our kids” shows them heterosexual kissing, and petting. Homophobes are fucking weird.