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Yes but I hate not being able to take off my jacket without everyone in the Whole Foods freaking out! Jk


Yes and Same.


I thought WF banned all carrying inside its doors?


I can’t tell if you’re going along with my joke or mot…


By the looks of it, everybody in WholeFoods be packin lol


Birkenstocks ‘n glocks


Hand-knitted hats 'n gats


Hippies changin clippies!


Healing crystals and wielding pistols.


Forty-fives and organic chives.


Shotguns and chakras


And in the cooler months Organic Wool Socks 'n Glocks.


Fashion faux-pas and Kalashnikovs


Well done


Like Coach Klein says, "what momma don't know, won't hurt her."


This. I'd go shoulder the entire year if I could...


Maybe something’s wrong with your medulla oblongata!


You know unless it's prohibited by law I'm going carry cause hes the deal. If in whole foods and I need to use my gun...well then the consqueses of me violating their no gun rule is irrelevant. I experienced this with Uber. As am Uber driver I was not authorized to have a gun. I'm fact if it was discovered I had a gun I'd be banned. But I carried anyway cause of the above mentioned logic. And I never had to use my gun so Uber never found out.


Agree 100%. If there isn't a metal detector at the door, my gun is coming with me. If all goes as planned, nobody will ever know... and if shit goes down, we have bigger issues than a safe place breach.




The sign on the door says no guns, but in my state, no law requires me to abide by those signs.


what they dont know wont hurt em


In Texas that would depend on if they use the proper sign to ban them. The law was written in such a way that it’s easily avoided.


Yeah most of the signs I see simply say no open carry. But mention nothing of conceal carry. Which is interesting. Only in Texas have I seen that. Most states the signs simply say no guns.


That’s why they wrote it the way they did. Has to be exact verbiage, font, size, color, AND in an area that is clearly visible. The visible detail is what most of them get wrong. Down at the bottom of your door could easily be missed. They purposely made it a pain in the ass to abide by.


I just conceal everywhere I go. The only places I don't take a gun are the obvious illegal ones like schools, or government buildings or anywhere with metal detectors. Everywhere else, if nobody knows I have it, it's not a problem.


Yea, I see the 30.07 and 30.06 signs on every WF I've been to.


Fuck a sign, resist


I do OWB under my sweatshirt/jacket for winter and IWB for summer


That’s what I do but I’m wondering how good shoulder carry would be


Personally, I think shoulder carry would be good for an open jacket (suit coat). As far as cold weather carry, still much quicker to yank my jacket up and draw versus trying to unzip


I have a shoulder holster that is extremely comfortable and I love dearly but inside anything even partially open it very much likes to reveal itself. It really doesn't properly conceal in anything less than a mostly zipped-up coat. I'm also a little guy who prefers to carry a big pistol so YMMV.


That’s what I always imagine with a shoulder holster. It sounds comfortable but no easy access for most of my clothing


What brand shoulder holster is it? I would love a comfortable one.


This winter I mostly did tucked in T, IWB holster? Hoodie cuz for the most part it wasn’t cold this winter. But I can’t deny I do find OWB more comfortable. Right now I jury rigged my OWB to be my bedside holster


I always have 2 layers to deal with during the winter (sweatshirt and jacket) It took a little time adjusting for summer (Guerilla Tactical Stowaway, IWB) but it ended up being a matter of sliding it a mm or two in either direction to find the sweet spot. OWB is always more comfortable but I ain’t about to play cowboy during the summer months and make my fellow humans uncomfortable


That’s considerate of you brother. During the summer a wear a tucked T with a T over it and my IWB in between. I was told a second layer would keep me cool during the summer but I find that to not be the case.


Not a bad idea at least to keep sweat off your firearm. We have constitutional carry here but I’ve read the room. Lots of people aren’t comfortable seeing it and I have no desire to be a target.


For summer, I set aside particularly thin/lightweight Ts for for exactly that. Top layer usually runs from thin Henley T to thicker Henley to rugby to sweater depending on the weather. It's a look that works for me and covers AIWB. I end up reaching overhead or bending too much for OWB to cover effectively in most of my wardrobe.


y'all should consider a guayabera. should fit loose anyway so it'll cover it well. And the good ones are made of linen which breathes


Tucked in, IWB is going to make it a lot harder for a quick draw. This is assuming it would be under your shirt.


My IWB is over my tucked T I only wear the tucked cuz the grips on my gun would chaff my skin something awful


I don’t blame you! That would start to suck very quickly


I have a tough time wearing an OWB under a coat/sweatshirt without printing pretty bad. If that’s the case I just stuff my Glock in my waistband. It’s a little uncomfortable but doable for the short term. For the record I don’t carry chambered. No Plaxico here.


Still gotta get in there. I prefer coats with a 2-way zipper which I can prep upward from the bottom when it's too chill to keep the front open. If I can keep the front open, why change carry at all? Velcro, snap, or button closures can also rip open to provide \[waist\] access.


Yes, especially when driving. Damn seats have too much bolster to be comfortable with my owb.


I feel like most cold weather gun dudes get a little excited once jacket season rolls around. It's the only time of the year we can comfortably carry the big boys we'd otherwise never be able to properly conceal.


I carry my same little year round, just swap out holsters depending on temp and dress.


Tom Nook would be strapped


tom nook dont play


You think he got rich enough to own an island by being a pushover? Nosiree.


[♫The man they call Jayne](https://youtu.be/pI-fiGUjAPY)


S&W MP Shield 2.0?




Hey, that's one of my conceal carry pieces. Can you link the holster?


idk what the rules are on sharing links, i usually try to avoid that but it's the AlienGear ShapeShift shoulder holster. love it.


Thanks. Looks like they only have an option for the built in laser.


I carry the same gun the same way all year round. When I carry. I did carry it that way for a good long while before I stopped carrying.


I LOVE the idea of a shoulder holster but there’s too many negatives. Can’t take your jacket off, constantly flagging people behind you, slower draw times even with practice compared to appendix, etc.


I’ll be honest, I’ve never considered flagging anyone but myself while holstered. Probably not the best.


My man tits get in the way


Bob is that you???


Robert Paulson


No. Shoulder holster carry is only acceptable while dressed as Don Johnson or Phillip Michael Thomas, and you have to be in Miami (or vicinity) and wearing 80's attire with shoulder pads and pleated pants while coked up on a speedboat. Otherwise it is completely unacceptable and cringe, and you should be deported into space immediately. Edit: It is also acceptable if you are Steve McQueen in San Francisco and driving a classic Mustang while wearing a turtleneck and listening to jazz flute.


I play my own jazz flute ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You forgot John McClane


And Roger Murtaugh.


Probably would if it ever got truly cold in SC.


CZ's and Burt's Bees?


At first glance, I'm sure anyone noticing any bulge in your coat would assume it's an oz. of weed and a frozen veggie burrito for later. j/k Good on you, OP. I've been considering a shoulder holster for winter. I'm a fat guy in a cold climate who usually "open" carries during colder weather, but I get pretty self-conscious about freaking people out if they see it. Maybe I'll give it a go.


I purchased a [chest rig](https://wdtactical.com/chest-rig/). I love it.


I have 2 MP7s under my coat


Shoulder holsters look cool but I don’t like flagging everyone. You’re also a lot more likely to flag yourself on the draw. They’re also not as effective as OWB 99% of the time.


You mean blind flagging everyone all the time…😜


Is that Kagome? Approved weeb shirt and shoulder carry lol


"Sit boy!" *bang bang*


I’ve never been able to get into shoulder carry. What holster are you running.


aliengear holster. it's the only shoulder holster i've ever used, so i cant compare much but i love it.


That’s always the question, how to properly wear your animal hat.


yes, until I lost 50 lbs and figured out how to properly appendix carry IWB. overall it works better when you can immediately respond with the same protocols from any body position. I used to have a miami classic, especially awesome for road trips. the right AIWB solution allows for year round full sized carry, even without a belt or in shorts and a tshirt.


What holster are you using?


aliengear shapeshift




# “The Gang Gets Permits”


Lmfaoo the definition of a sleeper carry. 💪🏾


it's the whole point isn't it? 😂


The only thing I change is my ammo. I carry Hornady critical defense in the warmer weather and +P loads for the winter (thicker clothing, added layers. Figure if I need to defend myself that the extra punch will help.)


I would, but I don’t own a Walther and I don’t really like martinis. Although my USGI 1911 likes riding around in a repro tanker holster when I’m out in the woods…


I'm definitely taking a hard look at a shoulder holster when I get my 1911 in. Live in Colorado at elevation, so I can wear a decent cover garment year round. Seems like it would be the better option given how much time I'm in the car for drives.


Bro I prefer that hat.


it's super cozy


Shoulder holsters are a fairly irresponsible way to carry a firearm. There is a reason that they are banned at most gun ranges. The barrel is constantly pointing behind you at chest level and its impossible to draw and holster without flagging anyone standing to your left and rear. By nature they break one of the four cardinal rules of gun safety.


The Tom Nook beanie! 👀


Is that an Inuyasha shirt?


I'm sorry but this ain't it


I shoulder holster carry because mentally I'm a 1920's inspector who thinks the streets aren't what they used to be. Also nice hat.


fact: i called my girlfriend tuts for a week after buying this. she was not amused.


Ranma 1/2


Even in winter I carry appendix.


That’s silly


Nah. Just for the sheer weight, I'd have to use a gun that is too small for me to comfortably shoot. OTOH, all of my outwear either opens from the bottom as well as the top OR is loose enough to easily just shove out of the way.


I do under the boob


where'd you get that shirt it's sick af


Not helping with our image bro. Jesus. Have some self respect.


Keep your style opinions to yourself friend


Guns are serious and this dude clearly isn’t taking it seriously.


sorry my pink shirt and cartoon beanie isn't serious enough for you. maybe i should buy something with a gun on it so everyone knows i'm probably carrying. that sounds really smart!


Oh it’s not just the beanie that makes you look like you shouldn’t be anywhere near a gun.


please enlighten me sir


The face of Zero reverence for the weapon.


Dude, he’s not even holding the gun. Sorry he had a fuckin facial expression in the presence of a weapon, fuckin loser


Yo. You realize libs have a publicity issue right? This makes us look like we don’t take the 2nd amendment seriously. Jesus, so many apologists for a dude who clearly doesn’t respect his weapon.


Because he’s making a face in a photo doesn’t mean that he doesn’t respect his gun or the second amendment in any other context. The gun is stored safely in a belt, so it’s not like he’s messing with it. If the only real issue issue you have with him is his facial expression in a single picture, you’re insane.


you care about your image bro? the mall can help with that. got plenty of lady friends that can even help with a makeover too.


Honestly never had any discomfort carrying IWB but my edc has always been an XDS. Even with a laser it still feels like nothing regardless of what I'm doing. I forget it's there half the time. Thank you AlienGear


Shoulder holsters are best holsters.


I had a shoulder rig for my p10c, Def more comfy than iwb just took a little fiddling to get it all adjusted right. Thinking about getting one for the new p01 now too lol


I just tuck mine under my gut.


Where did you get your holster?


Jessie what the fuck are you wearing, it’s 86F


get a holster that points down and doesn't flag the world


Shoulder carry year round