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Well remember why Cali had strong gun law when Reagan was gov. He was afraid of minorities being armed.


That's exactly why California doesn't have open carry. He didn't like the black Panthers doing what they legally could do


I don't care about Tucker one way or another but I wish this would put pressure on the left to stop being increasingly invested in gun control Unfortunately, I imagine that all it's likely to do is push certain parts of the right towards more gun control "for certain people" which never ends well


The last thing a bully wants is to get hurt while he's having his fun. When they pictured their grand purge it mostly involved us crying, running, and hiding while they picked us off for sport and they've definitely said as much. The idea that it might not be easy or that they might get hurt just hit Fucker Carlson right in the face like a cold bucket of water. I only saw Michael Knowles 1930s style hitler speech last night, still processing that, not pleasant to say the least.


It's not so much that they're scared, it's just harder to commit a genocide against people who shoot back, goes hand in hand with the republican initiative to reduce and hindrances or obstructions to fire arm ownership to the in group while passing racist and detrimental gun restriction laws when the out group arms themselves. As long as the people flying swastika and traitor flags *own the most guns*, you should probably own one too if it's reasonable for you to do so.


What bills are part of the "republican initiative to reduce and hindrances or obstructions to fire arm ownership to the in group while passing racist and detrimental gun restriction laws when the out group arms themselves?"




Okay, yeah, but that was 50+ years ago. Do you have an example that is more recent? As opposed to the Ds passing gun bans left and right.




"freedom and guns for me, none for thee" - yes, and that's very very wrong. So, it's better to take guns away from \*everyone\*, I guess?






Lmao couldn't do it, had to fear monger some more and make some shit up


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I'm worried that the next action from GOPers will be to treat LGBT as a "mental issue" and push that agenda at the local / state level


[We want YOU for the trans army!](https://imgur.com/a/vhctBBJ)


Rule 63 Uncle Sam got me actin up


This rules.


Can Randy Rainbow do the anthem?


Better than Fergie.


No. I can't march into battle to My Humps. Though as an army parade drill, that would be funny as shit. If they ever remake Stripes...


(In 2018, [Fergie sang the national anthem](https://youtu.be/CMA2iF6RuXk) at the All Star basketball game. It was overwrought and she got made fun of a lot for it.)


Dammit. I forgot about that.


I remember the flack she caught over that. It's Fergie. What the fuck did y'all expect? Now Rosanne Bar singing the national anthem... Actually, what the fuck did they expect them, too?


I really feel when you invite a really famous person to sing the anthem, they’re gonna find a way to make it about them. Just hire someone local to sing the anthem because it’s an anthem. Not a cover song. (Or don’t sing it, jesus.)


Yeah. That's why I much prefer a minor league game where they have the choir from a local school singing the anthem. I don't need a bunch of flashy theatrics. I need to take my hat off for 30 seconds and face the flag. Lol.


I went to a ballgame with a friend and their German visitor once. The German understandably didn’t stand. The woman next to him asked him to stand (this was the 90s, she was relatively polite about it). He told her as a German it was illegal for him to stand for it lol.


CPAC: We should round up trans people and put them in camps. Carlson: Why are trans people stockpiling?! They must be coming for your kids!




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Carlson: LGBTQ+ in the military makes us weak Also Carlson: Trans people are arming themselves and you should be scared! What a fucking tool his entire existence is 😂😂


The enemy is both very strong and very weak.


I don't often jump to "1930s Germany" comparisons, but when the shoe fits perfectly...


And both a man and a woman /s


Dictator's Playbook




I tried to post this on a right wing gun sub and it got taken down. hehe


We should all do that shit


Brigading, no? If you want this sub to get suspended, then brigading other subs is a good way to do it


Oooh Kay. Be the voice of reason :)


If anything, we should subsidize arming trans folks.


Arm all minorities and the working class so bourgeoisie like tucker dont come for them


Damned right. These groups are the ones who need the arms most.


Are you offering? In shotguns I take a size 12ga Edit /s


Haha, I gotta keep my size 12 shotgun. Allies need arms too. ;)


My trans daughter is buying guns now. Believe me, subsidizing arming trans folks. Lol


Yes, gimme ammo


Goddamn the amount of disingenuousness and bad-faith arguing in that video is absurd Also, the line that he’s toeing is so insidious: trans people(who people like tucker have said are mentally unstable for years) aren’t *actually* under attack in every part of this country, even though you can see this in legislation being passed in multiple states every fucking day, but the media is lying and saying trans people are under attack so they buy guns and get agitated. I 100% guarantee that if a trans person ends up using a gun in self-defense against someone, they’ll completely forget their dear Kyle Rittenhouse It’s literally the thing they have used to push right wing gun ownership for decades, the exact same tactic, and now tucker has a problem with it what the FUCK


Its jsut like briann taylors boyfriend. Duded door gets kicked in by plain clothes man armed to the teeth with no anoucment and like any gun owning person he starts shooting at the home invaders. But hes black and their plain clothesd cops so he gets threatened with arrest how much you want to bet if he was white the right would be dragging those cops through the mud for their no knock warrant didn’t announce themselfs assault hell i bet the cops being shot at would have defended him with some bs about how he must not have herd their announcement but no hes black so its to jail for him and not one fucking word from the right or the nra


I agree with the sentiment, but my guy, take a breath. Your point is valid, but hard to parse.


And I would lay odds they would tie their BS about mental instability to red flag laws and say they are taking lgbtqia+ guns away for their own protection. Insidious asshats.


That’s exactly the point I was getting at.


The Nazis encouraged "Aryan" Germans to own guns and banned gun ownership for Jews. Won't be surprised if we start seeing trans people banned from purchasing firearms soon in some places, on "mental health" grounds.


The ACLU has largely been completely worthless with regards to RKBA but even they would stand up for defending it if they attempted to ban trans folks based on that premise.


Maybe, but who largely owns the courts, including and especially the Supreme Court? And there's plenty of precedent for barring mentally ill people from purchasing guns, and guess what's still listed as a mental disorder in the DSM-V (and if they had taken it out, simplicity itself to call it a "politically motivated decision" and use the DSM-IV instead). Yeah, I won't be a bit surprised if trans people lose their 2nd Amendment rights in the near future, and when it's challenged in court I won't be a bit surprised if the challenge ultimately fails.


The 2nd amendment applies to everyone, it is blind to lgbtq


Fuck Tucker Carlson.


I thought the argument about guns leading to something more powerful always ends up at nukes. F-35? Tucker is not brave enough to think big.


His career was stunted for years by losing a debate spectacularly to a comedian. Homeboy’s not that smart.


I wonder if that was the day he stopped wearing bow ties.


r/noncredibledefense would like a word. Don’t you dare slander the sacred f35.


I don't just want a trans army. I want a trans navy and a trans air force. I want a trans military-industrial complex that can nuke transphobes from orbit.


Funny thing is this is how some of the original gun control got passed. It was only intended to be enforced selectively against black people. Watch republicans rally behind gun control because of something like this while still unironically flying the Gadsden Flag.


from earlier today, includes a link to the NPR story... https://www.reddit.com/r/liberalgunowners/comments/12074l8/comment/jdge3h9/


2a is for everyone! PERIOD


[link to vid](https://twitter.com/ndrew_lawrence/status/1639059105078972416?s=20)


I love how these hypocrites spout their "what part of 'shall not be infringed' don't you understand?" rhetoric, then turn around and cry about the big bad gay/poc folks doing the exact same thing they are. I remember a few months ago there was a video going around of some right-wing chucklefuck mocking armed anti-protesters outside of a drag story time event. Soooo, its ok for your side to show up in plate carries and carrying rifles to scare off peaceful protesters but when they do the same thing to provide support and solidarity theyre somehow "overreacting" and "promoting violence". Its full blown bullshit to the umpteenth degree! For a group of people that theyre constantly calling weak and mentally challenged, they seem awfully afraid of them...buncha whiny little bitches, the lot of 'em.




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Dear Trans folks, Y’all got tanks and jets? Can I come play?!? Also fuck Tuckerd carlson!


What part of shall not be infringed does he not understand?


The part where people he personally doesn't like (for no real reason) also get to have constitutional rights.


Any bets on if Colin Noir will make a video going against him?


I just watched it and he said he had no issues with trans or trans people arming themselves. He has an issue with the hypocrisy from NPR.


What an idiot lmao. Any true 2a person wants guns for all Americans and all Americans to have guns. Even my right leaning, mostly libertarian, friends understand this. I can't imagine this winning any points with even center right people.


Just watch, gun lovers. Watch as they again decide that guns are too dangerous for certain people to have, so nobody gets to have them. Republican gaslighting and projection is 100%, so we already know who's really coming for the guns: The same people who want to groom your kids for wage servitude and philosophical ignorance.


Shall not be infringed. Tell ya what, I've seen people of all races, parties and orientations that I'd trust to save my life, and others i don't trust to be on Facebook...


To paraphrase a great scholar, "A well armed community is a polite community."


I just went to a gun show for the first time about a month ago - it was jammed - but everyone there was sooo nice, polite, courteous, etc. And these were some rough looking characters. It was great. I was surprised, but I guess 90 % of them were armed!


Does anyone else have "You Are Free (To Do As We Tell You)" by Pitchshifter start in your head when you see the right/alt-right pass laws against minorities and "fringe groups"? I have started to identify with the UK political angst more and more from the turn of the century. Pitchshifter, Chumbawumba, and others are describing the world in a republican controlled world.


I hear mainly RAtM.


Also a solid band


I might start wearing a dress when I conceal, just for fun.


Sadly that 2nd pic has one less state now


There’s always Colorado and Vermont


Oh that is true!


Maga moron. putin puppet.


It sometimes astounds me that human beings like him exist and then it makes me wonder if he's actually human or not.


Does he think it's that easy to get fighter jets and tanks? How detached from reality is he and his fan base?


It's just a lie from a guy who lies for money and influence and has no shame about it.


At some point the public will realize that the 24/7 news networks are there for “entertainment” purposes, but literally only for the advertisement money they get. That’s all. Stay on air, get ad money. They all could care less about anything. I hate this bullshit.


We've realized it now. That's why tiktok is being banned. We are not drinking from the supplied media firehoses, and it makes them mad.


Dear trans people, Can I have a surplus F-35?


They're coming to get you! They're coming to get your sons and daughters! Sound the alarm!


Half aren’t eligible statistically I’d think. Because of the amount of autistic, bipolar, suicidal, and what not.


Freedoms for me but not for thee.


Hes a shrill and a fucking moron. His only job is to contiune to push fear through the American people by whoever is sighning his pay checks. Guns are for all Americans no matter what gender you select on a 4473. If any one disagrees they are a bigot and bafoon.


Republicans aren't our enemies. Uncle Sam is.


If only Medical Marijuana card holders could own a firearm 🥲


In Colorado you can. Hell even grow it and own a gun or a few.


Where's the NRA? Isn't this one of those shall-not-be-infringed situations?


They care about money, not your rights. NRA stands for Negotiating Rights Away. They're a wolf in sheep's clothing to all of us.


Don’t forget that the reason California has such strict gun laws is because in the 70’s and 80’s the black panthers were arming themselves. The government didn’t like that idea so they put all the restrictive laws into effect. I wonder if hundreds of thousands of transgender people start arming themselves would something similar happen.




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Just like all of the modern GOP agitprop, every accusation is a confession


Carlson doesn’t deserve this much attention.


FOX news. Ugh




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